Thursday, July 11, 2024
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    How the Ghost of Berkeley in the 60s Still Haunts America

    How the Ghost of Berkeley in the 60s  Still Haunts America

    Event Announcement

    If you had asked me 30 years ago why I was a liberal Democrat, I would have answered, “I am genuinely and sincerely concerned about the plight of the poor, of minorities, of the blacks, of the Hispanics, of Women and gays, and of the environment. So naturally I’m a liberal Democrat!”
    But if you ask me why I am what I am today, I will say, “I am genuinely and sincerely concerned about the plight of the poor, of minorities, of the blacks, of the Hispanics, of Women and gays, and of the environment. So naturally I’m a conservative libertarian constitutional Republican!” This is because, after years of defending my liberal positions, of gathering facts and statistics and logical arguments to prove my liberal points correct, I came to the conclusion that liberal policies do not lead to the outcomes that they say they want.
    For example, minimum wage laws do not help the poor, of any color. They just make it illegal for people with insufficient education and training to get their first job and most crucially, their foundational work experience. But the education system is dominated by the leaders of the teacher’s unions (not the teachers — the union bosses). The unions are holding millions of poor and minority children hostage in failing schools, with no choice of anywhere else to go.
    High taxes on rich people do not help the poor. People who earn high incomes are the ones who create jobs for you and me. I have held dozens of jobs in my career, but I never got one from a poor person. If not for people wealthier than me, I would have starved to death. Yet liberals have convinced their dependents that success is grounds not for admiration and gratitude, but for grievance.
    Gun control does not help poor and vulnerable people who are not criminals. Ask any black person who lived through the KKK period of the South whether they think gun control was good for them. Ask the law-abiding victims of a home invasion robbery and murder whether they think gun control would have prevented their assailants from victimizing them. Houston and Chicago have very similar demographics, same numbers of whites, blacks and Hispanics. In Chicago you can’t get a gun legally anywhere. In Houston there is a legal gun shop on every corner. Which city has the lower murder rate? The one where law abiding citizens have not been disarmed.
    Government-controlled health care makes health care more expensive, harder to get, and retards medical progress and innovation.
    And so on and on: liberal policies do not produce the outcomes that liberals claim.
    But it gets worse. The Democrat Party today would be better described as il-liberal, which is to say, radical-left socialist. Because it is one thing to be well-intentioned but mistaken; but it is quite another to be fully aware that the policies you advocate will have nothing like the outcomes that you sell them on, but to persist in pursuing them because doing so increases your power over the society, at the expense of Liberty, prosperity, peace and the Constitution. That describes the leadership of the Democratic Party today and its cheerleaders in the media and academia. The radical Leftists of the sixties having taken over the party and repudiated the tax-cutting anti-communism of John F. Kennedy, the conservative integrationism of Martin Luther King, Jr., the social conservatism of Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan and the strong foreign policy and defense posture of Senator Joseph Lieberman, the Democratic Party has metastasized into a destructive force against the American civilization.
    We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting Saturday September 26 at 11:30 AM at the 94th Aero Squadron restaurant, 16320 Raymer Avenue, Van Nuys CA 91406, for among other things, an in-depth discussion of how the radicalism of the sixties infects our society to this day, the better to do battle against it.
    Howard Hyde
    President, Southern California Republican Women and Men


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