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    Krishnamurti Annual May Gathering 2014


    May Gathering 2014 carousel

    Annual May Gathering 2014
    Saturday, May 10 to Sunday, May 11, 2014

    Krishnamurti Educational Center
    1070 McAndrew Rd. (Map)
    Ojai, California

    We invite you to our Annual Gathering, May 10th and 11th, 2014, taking place at the Krishnamurti Educational Center (KEC) in Ojai. Friends both local and from around the world come to listen to speakers, participate in discussions and dialogues, attend workshops, and simply hang out with friends old and new. The event will take place at the KEC campus, Krishnamurti’s former home.

    Free Event: No reservation necessary.

    Lunch: Online pre-purchase $10.  Purchase at the event: $15.

    Live Streaming: Watch here on the day of the event.


    The Theme: Unconditioning

    In his work, author, educator and philosopher J. Krishnamurti emphasized the necessity to educate the whole human being, and not just the intellect, as a crucial element in the consideration of educational structures, especially given the highly specialized nature of contemporary society. He describes unconditioning as follows: “So that is our main issue: a mind that has been so heavily conditioned for so many centuries, whether it is possible to uncondition itself and not fall into another conditioning; and therefore be free, capable, intensely alive, anew, fresh so that it can meet any problem. As I said, that’s the only question we have to face, and as human beings we have to find the answer.”


    ScheduleThe main part of the program takes place on Saturday and Sunday, with lunch provided both days on the KEC campus. The gathering will begin each day with a Krishnamurti audio outside on the lawn at 8:30AM.  Each day ends at approximately 5PM.

    See tentative schedule below.  Check back soon for full program descriptions.


    Saturday May 10
    8:30 – 9:30 AM
    PTR West Lawn Krishnamurti audio *
    10:00 – 10:20 AM PTR West Lawn Hello / Welcome
    with Jaap Sluijter (KFA Executive Director)
    10:30 AM – 12:05 PM
       concurrent events
    Pine Cottage
    Why am I Conditioned and What Do I Do? *
    with Satish Inamdar
    PTR East Lawn Story Telling
    with Derek Hook
    Gallery (Archive bldg.) Think on These Things *
    with Amanda Lezra
    12:15 – 1:30 PM PTR West Lawn Lunch (with live music) – purchase here
    followed by reflection time, gallery time
    1:40 – 3:15 PM
       concurrent events
    Pine Cottage Unconditioning and the School *
    with Siddhartha Menon
    PTR East Lawn Dialogue
    with S.P. Kandaswamy
    Gallery (Archive bldg.) Unconditioning the Mind – Soft Machine Project Workshop
    with Mike Saijo
    3:25 – 5:00 PM
       concurrent events
    Pine Cottage Conditioning Through Education *
    with Gopal Krishnamurthy
    PTR East Lawn Program TBD
    Gallery (Archive bldg.) J. Krishnamurti – Man and the Message *
    with Mark Lee
    Sunday May 11
    8:30 – 9:30 AM
    PTR West Lawn Krishnamurti audio *
    10:00 – 10:20 AM PTR West Lawn Hello / Welcome
    with Jaap Sluijter (KFA Executive Director)
    10:30 AM – 12:05 PM
       concurrent events
    Pine Cottage Cooperation as Unconditioning *
    with Raji Swaminathan
    PTR East Lawn KFA Intern Student Presentations
    with Cory Fisher, Mita Prakash, Jake Arveson, Gustavo Andrade & William O’Farrill
    Gallery (Archive bldg.) Krishnamurti and the Ojai Valley *
    with Craig Walker
    12:15 – 1:30 PM PTR West Lawn Lunch (with live music) – purchase here
    followed by reflection time, gallery time
    1:40 – 3:15 PM
       concurrent events
    Pine Cottage Panel Discussion *
    with Oak Grove School Teachers
    PTR East Lawn Dialogue – To See Oneself as One Is
    with Eric Hassett
    Gallery (Archive bldg.) Mindful Learning with College Freshmen *
    with Francis Steen
    3:25 – 5:00 PM
       concurrent events
    Pine Cottage What is Meant by Freedom from Conditioning? *
    with P. Krishna
    PTR East Lawn Writing Workshop – Accessing the Moment
    with Kelley O’Mara
    Gallery (Archive bldg.) New Book Launch / Audio Book Preview *


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