Thursday, July 11, 2024
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    Local Author to Discuss ‘How to Drought-Proof California’ at Camarillo Sunrise Rotary


    Mohammed A. Hasan

    advice arial,sans-serif;”>The owner and principal engineer of Hasan Consultants in Ventura, Mohammed A. Hasan, will discuss his book, “Drought is Not a Four-Letter Word,” at a meeting of Camarillo Sunrise Rotary at 7 a.m., Tuesday, Nov. 10, at Spanish Hills Country Club, 999 Crestview Ave., Camarillo. Guests are welcome; the cost of breakfast is $15 per person. Advance reservation is necessary and may be made by calling either 218-5574 or 388-5349.

    This informative book on water is written without complex terminology and bureaucratic jargon for an eighth grader to understand it. The subtitle of the book is, “A citizen’s guide to new water”. It asks general public to be familiar with what is going on, which eventually empowers them to take action by participating in decisions and in policy making. The book is available at

    Drought front cover 1“There is a water crisis in California, and with the current drought and the strong possibility of climate change impacting our weather patterns, it’s time to reimagine solutions for solving this crisis.” Hasan says in the book. “This book offers a brief synopsis of the problem and how humans have contributed greatly to our water shortages. But beyond doomsday thinking, there are technological solutions that can solve the water shortage and help people feel empowered to participate in these solutions. From crisis to action, citizens, engineers, scientists, water managers, policy makers, politicians, everyone can participate by using some of these ideas to solve California’s water shortage problem.” he explains.

    Hasan Consultants is a civil and environmental engineering firm based in Ventura. Hasan holds dual M.S. degrees from the University of Iowa. He’s a licensed professional engineer in California and a fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers. He’s also a leadership fellow of the American Public Works Association and a distinguished life member of the American Water Works Association. He taught water Science at Ventura College. Hasan is a co-founder of the startup company PODenergy, Inc. He has helped develop theories for the reduction of carbon dioxide and the reversal of climate change via ocean afforestation. He is a Rotary Paul Harris fellow. Hasan lives in Ventura, California, with his wife, JoAnn.

    Hasan was interviewed by Mercury Broadcasting at Dr. Bunny Vreeland’s show for his book; here’s the link:


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