Saturday, July 20, 2024
63.5 F

    Meet Your Candidates Series: Chris Mitchum – May 5, Justin Fareed – May 8


    Meet Your Candidates Series:
    Chris Mitchum – May 5
    Justin Fareed – May 8


    ” I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power.”  

    – Thomas Jefferson, 1820


    Meet Your Candidate for Congress


    This is your chance to spend a full evening with one candidate.  You can hear what they have to say and ask questions in a solo environment.  Let’s get beyond the sound bites and get up close and personal with both of these candidates.  


    Chris Mitchum


    What:    Meet candidate Chris Mitchum

    When:   Monday, May 5

    Time:     5:30 mingle, 6:00 Program

    Where:  Cody’s Cafe – Turnpike Shopping Center


    Join us at 5:30 for no-host bar and dinner.  Order off the menu (separate checks provided).  Please RSVP.  Call 805-967-7520 or email here. Specify the Chris Mitchum event. If you are able, please consider dropping $5 in the jar to help support our ongoing effort. 


    Justin Fareed


    What:    Meet candidate Justin Fareed

    When:   Thursday, May 8

    Time:     5:30 mingle, 6:00 Program

    Where:  Cody’s Cafe – Turnpike Shopping Center


    Same details as above.  Please RSVP.  Call 805-967-7520 or email here. Specify the Justin Fareed event. 



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