Thursday, July 18, 2024
62.2 F

    Moorpark’s Community Passover Seders

    when: Friday, site April 3, 2015 – Saturday, April 4, 2015
    7:00 pm Friday, 7:15 pm Saturday
    where: Chabad Jewish Center, 4219 Tierra Rejada (Vons Shopping Center)
    what: The Chabad Moorpark Jewish Center will be holding two community Passover Seders on Friday, April 3 at 7:00 pm and Satursday, April 4 at 7:15 pm.
    The Seders are family oriented, with games and Kabbalistic interpretations sprinkled throughout the evening. Attendants will enjoy the traditional 12-step seder replete with hand-made Shmura matza, four cups of wine, charoset, bitter herbs, and gourmet dinner. Our Family-style seating with round tables allows you to enjoy your family while participating in an “authentic” Seder. The cost is ONLY $25.00 an adult and $18.00 per child. RESERVATIONS should be made by March 30th. Reserve your space at SPACE IS LIMITED! For more information please call 805-807-8684.



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