Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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    Political discussion Aug. 11 in Thousand Oaks; Media Bashing; Obama and Gangs, Hillary’s America

    Political discussion Aug. 11 in Thousand Oaks; Media Bashing; Obama and Gangs, Hillary’s America

    I show … how the Democrats were the party of
    slavery, and how the slave-owner mentality continues
    to shape the policies of Democratic leaders today.

                    — Dinesh D’Souza – Hillary’s America

    We invite you to join us ……………………………………………………. PLEASE  R S V P ! ! !

    ThursdayAug. 11, 6:45-9:00 PM to be in our 

    Discuss-4-ACTION Group.

    Join us for an exhilarating political discussion!
    Meet like-minded patriots and make new friends!

    Geoff will lead the discussion of the following topics :

    1 – Republican & Democrat Conventions — what happened of interest/concern to you?
    What followed them that interested/concerned you?

     Evan McMullin, Independent candidate for President — how will he affect Nov. election?

    See linked article below.

    2 – Media bashing of Donald Trump, but giving Hillary a pass — is it orchestrated?  Or coincidental?
    Did bashing begin as a result of Bilderberg meeting in June?
    See list of attendees — http://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/bilderberg-2016/

    See linked article below.

    3 – Stealing America:  What My Experience with Criminal Gangs Taught Me About Obama, Hillary, and the Democratic             Party — latest book by Dinesh D’Souza
    Contains much more important information than the film based on it — e.g., “politics of envy”

    4 –  Films:
    Hillary’s America” — playing only through Thursday at Janss Marketplace!!! —http://www.fandango.com/regaljanssmarketplace9_aaxvn/theaterpage
    Clinton Cash” — still viewable for free online at https://youtu.be/OP6dc_n-oo0
                    and http://www.breitbart.com/clinton-cash-movie/

    5  Is another topic important to you?  If so, come and suggest it to the group!


    Please bring any information you have which will provide facts and insight
    into any of the above topics.

    Also, please bring a NOTEPAD to jot down info you’ll want to look up in more detail later.




    Regarding Issue #1 above …..  (Democratic Convention)

    From Dave C.

    An Open Letter to Mr. Khizr Khan — http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2016/08/01/open-letter-to-mr-khizr-khan.html


    Regarding Issue #2 above ….. (Media giving Hillary a pass)

    … When politics is more important than justice and national security, this nation is in deep trouble. That Clinton was able to avoid indictment for a crime for which others have been convicted is evidence that her political clout carries a lot of weightThat the DNC conspired to rig the nomination in favor of Clinton is evidence that those in positions of political power want her in the race.

    While that may well serve their interests, it most certainly does not serve the interests of America.

    Enrire article here — http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/crime/item/23789-nsa-has-hillarys-emails-fbi-can-get-them


    Please bring any information you have to provide facts and insight into
    any of the above topics.

    Also please bring a NOTEPAD to jot down info to look up in more detail later.

    We hope you will join us for a lively Discussion!
    Usually 18-25 people attend.

    Everyone has an opportunity to speak!
    Or you can listen and learn — whatever you choose.

    Your friends and family are always welcome!

    RSVP —  Please let us know you’re coming so we’re sure
    to have enough chairs set up.

    Date:  Thurs., Aug. 11
    Time:  6:45  p.m. Social time —–  Meeting time – 7:00 – 9:00 

    Place:  Calvary Chapel, 2697 Lavery Court, Suite 9 — Newbury Park

    (Please look for our American flag & TOTP sign so you won’t disturb another group.)

    Address:  2697 Lavery Ct., Suite 9, Newbury Park (Calvary Chapel)
    Map to 2697 Lavery Ct.



    From Bill O.

    Kudlow: Donald Trump Is the middle-class growth candidate

    Middle-income wage-earners should not be fooled by Hillary Clinton’s tax-the-rich rhetoric




    From Nick Q.


    See how V.P. Candidate Pence responds to 11-year-old who puts him on the spot  –— http://cbs4indy.com/2016/08/04/video-boy-11-stumps-mike-pence-with-tough-donald-trump-question/



    Coming next week . . .

            Thurs., Aug. 18 — Speaker to be announced soon

    We look forward to seeing you . . .                  


    Thurs.Aug. 11:  Discuss-4-ACTION — discuss Police, Globalism, Double Standards

    Thurs., Aug. 18:  Speaker tba soon

    Thurs., Sept.8:  Discuss-4-ACTION — topics tba soon
    Thurs., Sept. 15:  Speaker tba soon


    805-262-2477 – please leave a message

    All that is needed for the forces of evil to succeed is for enough good men to remain silent.
                  — Edmund Burke —

    Liberty, once lost, is lost forever. — John Adams, July 7, 1775

    If you’d like to un-subscribe, let me know: [email protected]


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