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    Pro-Life Event on Thursday, August 27th at Oxnard New Life Community Church


    History Makers and Ventura County Pregnancy Center Sponsor Pro-Life Event on Thursday, August 27th at Oxnard New Life Community Church


    GruberSethDavidSeth David Gruber

    Life Training Institute Speaker

    OXNARD—Seth David Gruber of Life Training Institute will be the guest speaker at the History Makers International and Ventura County Pregnancy Center sponsored pro-life “Lights in the City” free event hosted byOxnard New Life Community Church, 1251 N. Rice Avenue, Thursday, August 27thstarting at 6:30 p.m. in Room 5.

    Gruber, a 2014 graduate from Westmont College, founded his campus Right To Life club and is dedicated to the cause of engaging the culture on the abortion issue.  At Westmont, Gruber interned at The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform and organized and funded an abortion debate between Scott Klusendorf, founder and president of Life Training Institute and Nadine Strossen, former president of the American Civil Liberties Union from 1991-2008.

    The Life Training Institute was founded in 2004 to challenge and equip pro-life advocates to persuasively defend their views in the public square.  Gruber will give a presentation called “The Case for Life:  Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture.”

    According to Life Training Institute, the presentation will address three key questions:

    1. Who is the unborn?
    2. Why is human life valuable?
    3. What is our responsibility?

    The objectives of Gruber’s presentation are to “clarify the moral logic surrounding issues like abortion and embryonic stem cell research” while making a “persuasive case for the prolife view using science and philosophy” and challenging Christians “to courageously stand for the lives of the unborn.”

    Also speaking at the At The City Gates event is Michael Hernandez, founder of History Makers International and coordinator of the “Lights in the City” campaign as well as Mary Ann Ambroselli, Executive Director of the Ventura County Pregnancy Center, who will give her testimony and share about the local pro-life movement.

    “We wish to engage Ventura County Christians in the fight to defund Planned Parenthood,” said Michael Hernandez, “removing the use of tax dollars to pay for abortions especially in the aftermath of videos released by the Irvine Center for Medical Progress that show the harvesting of aborted babies organs.”


    VCPregancyCtrAt The City Gates is a grassroots citizens’ movement sponsored by History Makers International (a community benefit non-profit corporation serving communities in Ventura County):

    • Praying for reformation and revival;
    • Engaging the culture from a Judeo-Christian worldview;
    • Taking Biblical action that impacts local communities; and
    • Oversees “Lights in the City” campaign.

    Attendees on Thursday, August 27th pro-life meeting will select a sphere from which they wish to engage:

    • Government
    • Family
    • Media
    • Education
    • Business
    • Religion
    • Celebration (Entertainment)

    Other spheres include:

    • Health
    • Culture
    • Technology
    • Sports
    • Freedom (Military/Law Enforcement/First Responders)

    At The City Gates “Lights in the City” campaign based on the “call to gatekeepers” (1 Chronicles 9, 23, 26) and the “call to rebuild the walls” (Nehemiah) is a campaign that is challenging Christians to engage a  societal sphere representing Jesus Christ and in effect becoming “Lights in the City” (taken from Philippians 2:15-16) “…Shine as the lights in the world, holding fast the word of life…”  Other key scriptures include Psalm 24:7,9 and 1 Peter 2:9.

    At The City Gates also hosts Prayer Walks on Second Saturdays from 10-11 a.m.  The next Prayer Walk will be held Saturday, September 12th at St. John’s Regional Medical Center in Oxnard, 1600 N. Rose Avenue.  The theme is “Praying for the Sick.”


    Editor’s Note:  Those wishing to contact Michael Hernandez, a co-founder of the Citizens Journal and a former daily newspaper religion and news editor can email [email protected] or call (818) 263-9881 to RSVP for events or to share about “engaging culture” or “fighting for religious freedom.”

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