Thursday, July 11, 2024
74 F

    Stop the Mountains Takeovers: Congressman Schiff Eyes Government Acquisition


    RimofValleySchiffEvent Announcement

    (See poster invitation url link at the end of this email).  Meeting Wednesday, January 22, Congressman Adam Schiff Public Meeting Re: Pacific Rim Mountains/Emerald Necklace.

    Hello everyone,

    Have you heard of the EMERALD NECKLACE?  It is the plan of the government to own all mountain lands, and control the surrounding property, whether public or private, in Southern California.  Control by eminent domain, by strict regulation, and by outright transferring authority to unelected bureaucratic groups and organizations.  This is a written plan, complete with overlays, etc.  But, this is not the only plan, there are other plans, and they all dovetail into the same result: government/bureaucratic control.

    The government has perfected the act of presenting programs that sound magnanimous but have a hidden agenda with a very different objective.   That is an accurate description of the takeover of Southern California’s mountains. Administration and control of the mountains will be turned over to a “private” conservancy, much like the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy which reports to NO ONE, has no FINANCIAL ACCOUNTIBILITY, has the power to implement taxation, levy fines and expand its reach.  The Santa Monica Conservancy is not confined to the “mountains”, even parks in the center of the city, are under its control.  Do we, the people, really want another unaccountable entity governing our mountains, our watershed, our private property?

    Our freedom, our liberty are quickly eroding – I say NO MORE.   And I am saying to Congressman Adam Schiff, NO, NO,  You and Congressman Judy Chu cannot steal our mountains, our land, our water from us.   For that reason, I am attending the public meeting Congressman Adam Schiff is holding on the take over of the Pacific Rim Mountains, and stealthy including the San Gabriel Mountains.  (see flyer below)

    I invite all of you to join with us in our trek to La Canada Wednesday night to speak out against this land grab.  Come, learn first hand what they want to do, and even if you just stand, or join in voice in a loud NO…it is doing something.  If you are moved to speak, please do.  If you don’t know exactly what is going on, know it is the way they want it, but keep in mind, it is their responsibility to keep the PEOPLE informed, not for the people to scratch out information that is not easily attained.

    If anyone is interested in going, call me at (626) 224-1169, or email me at [email protected].  We will do our best to carpool.  I must hear from you by Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. to facilitate a carpool.

    Thank you my friends, no matter how small the action, action drives action.  Please click on this link and read more about our Mountains being targeted for takeover.

    Carolyn Gonzales


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