Monday, July 15, 2024
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    The U.S. Civil Rights Commission Schedules a Hearing to Investigate California’s Electoral Process and Voter Disenfranchisement


    The Hearing will take place on August 28, 2015 from 10:30am – 5:00pm

    The topic of the hearing is an examination of California’s compliance (or lack thereof) with federal election law, especially HAVA, regarding the establishment of a statewide voter registration database, procedures pertaining to duplicate and/or deceased persons voting, the process for provisional voting and election official training.

    The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights is an independent, bipartisan agency established by Congress directed to study and collect information relating to denial of the right to vote because of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin.

    The Commission has established advisory committees in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia to report and advise the Commission on issues in their states that are within the Commission’s jurisdiction.

    EIP and the citizens of California have an amazing opportunity to provide the committee with factual research depicting the true state of California’s electoral process. Every story is valuable to complete the picture that must be painted about the plight of California voters.

    We invite all EIP volunteers and all citizens to participate.
    NOW is the time to make your voice heard!

    The meeting will be held at the Los Angeles Central Library.
    • Date: August 28, 2015
    • Location: 730 W. 5th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90071
    • The doors open at 10:00 a.m.
    • Testimony begins at 10:30 a.m.
    • The formal portion of the hearing will include the testimony of several elected officials, EIP Board members and other professionals.
    • Time for public comment will follow.
    We hope to see you there!
    The committee must see real people if they are to be persuaded to take action.

    Important Information:

    1. The meeting is open to the public and may be filmed.

    2. People other than those specifically invited to testify may come and speak directly to the Committee.

    3. Citizens – you now have the opportunity to tell your story!!!

    The committee must see that real people are being impacted by the chaos and corruption.

    If you, or someone you know, have been impacted by the chaos in the California election process, or witnessed an Election Day issue that had the potential to jeopardize the integrity of the election or any single vote, you have 3 ways to tell your story:
    1. Come to the hearing and tell your story in person.
    2. Write out your story and mail it by US Post to:
    U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Western Regional Office
    300 North Los Angeles St., Suite 2010, Los Angeles, CA 90012
    3. Email your story and/or comments to Angelica Trevino at [email protected].
    4. If you mail or email a testimony to the committee, please send a copy to Linda Paine. This will allow us to verify that the committee has received everyone’s submissions.
    • By US Post – 27943 Seco Canyon Road, #521, Santa Clarita, CA 91354
    • By email – [email protected]
    We are anticipating a capacity+ crowd, so arrive early if you plan to testify. Those of you who cannot get into the hearing room, or who don’t want to testify but want to tell your story, can help by being outside of the Library with signs describing how you have been disenfranchised, such as:

    1. Party Affiliation changed without my knowledge
    2. Re-registered vote by mail without my knowledge
    3. Person registered at my residence that I don’t know
    4. Forced to vote by mail even though I live in a city
    5. My polling place was locked with no instruction on where to vote
    6. Someone voted in my name at my polling place before I arrived to vote

    **Please Note:This is not a protest or a demonstration.

    The Library will not hold everyone so we want to give people an opportunity to tell their story through the words on a sign. Be respectful in what you write so that the FACTS are heard and not rhetoric or anger.

    Regarding your sign:
    • Design it to be informational. We want to tell the story through the signs.
    • Reflect what happened to you.
    • There is the potential for the media to be there. They may ask you about your sign. Please be prepared to share your story in a clear and concise way.
    Please send this information to everyone in your distribution list.
    Consider helping us get the word out though social media!


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