Monday, September 2, 2024
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    Thousand Oaks: Futurist Joel Kotkin to Kick-off City’s 2064 Visioning Program on March 26


    decease Arial, viagra 100mg Sans-Serif; font-size: small;”>As part of the continuing celebration of our 50-year anniversary, the City of Thousand Oaks proudly announces the kick-off event to the “Thousand Oaks 2064? visioning program. Joel Kotkin, Futurist and author of “The Next Hundred Million: America in 2050,” will speak Wednesday, March 26 at 7pm, at the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza. Seating will be limited to the first 400 attendees, so please arrive early.

    An internationally-recognized authority on global, economic, political and social trends, Kotkin will discuss the future of Southern California and what cities like Thousand Oaks could be like in 2064. The lecture is free to the public and will be broadcasted via TOTV and streamed live on the City’s website at

    The event is part of the City’s larger “2064 Visioning Program” which includes a series of community discussions starting in April and continuing through October of 2014.  The selected areas of focus include: Environment, Infrastructure, Economy, Municipal Services, and Civic & Community. Each of these five topics will be spearheaded by a City Councilmember.

    These meetings begin on April 2 at various locations throughout the community. Residents can learn more about the keynote speaker and 2064 Visioning Program by visiting


    1. I’m thrilled about this. I use Kotkin’s work in my University curriculum and read everything of his that I can get my hands on. He’s brilliant. Will be there!


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