Saturday, July 20, 2024
86.1 F

    Ventura County Astronomical Society’s Next Star Party – July 20, 2019

    Ventura County Astronomical Society’s Next Star Party – July 20, 2019
    Contrasted against the stark, crater-marked lunar surface, the Earth is seen rising above the moon on Dec. 24, 1968. As Apollo 8 orbited the moon, Earth is 240,000 miles away. The sunset terminator is seen crossing Africa. Credits: NASA/Bill Anders

    Ventura County Astronomical Society




    The Next Star Party is on Saturday, July 20th so mark your calendars now.  

    This is our big event for the year: the VCAS annual Open House from 8 to 11 pm.

    Our theme is:

    Celebrating 50 years since Americans Walked on the Moon

    What we need [open to all, not just members]:

    1 – Telescopes

    2 – Apollo Memorabilia

         Did you work on project Apollo

         Do you want to share, in front of a live audience what you remember as Neil Armstrong stepped on the lunar surface

    3 – Audio and video recordings of the first lunar voyage

    And More.

    Please contact me as soon as possible if you have anything you want to contribute, I’ll need a lot of time to coordinate 🙂







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