Sunday, July 14, 2024
67.1 F

    Watch live Tuesday at 8 p.m. ET – “Common Core: The Government’s Classroom”













    Confused by all the talk about the Common Core in education? You’re not alone. Join FRC live Tuesday evening via webcast as experts and leaders come together to discuss the coming overhaul in testing and curriculum that is part of the Common Core State Standards Initiative. The entire program will be available to view free online at

    Program guests include:
    • Host Tony Perkins, President, Family Research Council
    • Co-Host Sarah Perry, Senior Fellow, Family Research Council
    • Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-La.)
    • Rep. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.)
    • Dr. Sandra Stotsky, Professor, University of Arkansas
    • Jane Robbins, Esq., American Principles Project
    • Dr. Neal McCluskey, CATO Institute
    • Will Estrada, Esq., Home School Legal Defense Association
    Please don’t miss what our guests have to say about these educational standards and learn how you can reverse Common Core state-by-state.
    We want to hear from you! Please send your questions to [email protected], or Tweet them to @frcdc, using the hashtag #ccquestions. We’ll answer as many of your questions as possible during the webcast.
    Watch live Tuesday at 8 p.m. ET – “Common Core: The Government’s Classroom”
    Your friends at Family Research Council
    P.S. Please forward this special event to friends, family and fellow church members, and post to your favorite social networks.



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