Thursday, July 11, 2024
62.3 F

    “What Nullification Can’t Do” – By Nick Hankoff, Tenth Amendment Center


    Event Announcement

           Nick Hankoff for the Tenth Amendment Center – Thursday, July 16

                          “What Nullification Can’t Do” 
                             To include Privacy & Marriage issues, and GOP Establishment. 


    This is one of our FAVORITE GROUPS — returning by popular demand! 

    The Tenth Amendment Center is the nation’s leading source 
    for Constitutional education and Nullification activism. 

    Come learn what the Father of the Constitution, James Madison, said about States’ Rights. 

    Since 2006, the Tenth Amendment Center (TAC) has been showing people their true 
    political power and how to win with it. Their approach has earned them scorn from 
    Rachel Maddow and others, but TAC continues to grow. 

    Evidence of how effective the Tenth Amendment Center is:

    Support Grows for States to Ignore the Federal Courts 
        A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 33% of Likely 
    U.S. Voters now believe that
     states should have the right to ignore federal court 
     if their elected officials disagree with them. That’s up nine points from 24% 
    when we first asked this question in February. 
     Just over half (52%) disagree, down 
    from 58% in the earlier survey.  Fifteen percent (15%) are undecided

    Nick Hankoff is on the Outreach Team 
    of the Tenth Amendment Center
    News Editor for, and 
    chair of the L.A. County Republican Liberty Caucus. 

    Q & A to follow his presentation. 

    Please calendar this event NOW — This will be your last notice!                     

     Your friends and family are always welcome!

      Look for our American flag outside Suite 16 

                  Please- R S V P so we’re sure to have enough chairs!!!

    Date:  Thurs., July 16
    Time 6:45  p.m. Social time — 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. – Program
    Place:  2697 Lavery Court, Suite 16 (Calvary Chapel),
     Newbury Park  – look for American flag standing outside

    Map to Calvary Chapel 


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