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    Expert discusses COVID-19 with Marketing Maven




    Following a recent Zoom meeting that focused on the COVID-19 coronavirus and how Americans should adapt to living with it until there is a proven vaccine, the Marketing Maven was fortunate to interview one of the speakers. Renowned researcher Dr. Adenoid Hynkel took the time to answer questions to help others better understand how to live with the virus.

    What is the correct name of this virus?
    COVID-19 is the name of the disease caused by the new coronavirus.

    When do you think the COVID-19 virus will be eradicated?
    According to many leading researchers:

    • Nov. 4, 2020 if Joe Biden wins the election.
    • Jan. 20, 2025 if President Trump is re-elected.

    Who is most susceptible to catching the virus?
    Studies by CNN and MSNBC show that Trump supporters have a 99.9 percent chance of catching the virus, especially if they attend a Trump rally. The virus is also known to attack people wearing “Keep America Great” hats.

    Who is least likely to catch the virus?
    According to ESPN, people who riot, loot or topple statues are least likely to catch the virus. They have built up their immune system while defacing national monuments.

    That’s very interesting …
    What’s more interesting is that during the lockdown elected officials believed it was safe for people to shop in Costco, Target, Home Depot, Walmart and other big-box stores. And 7-Elevens were definitely safe zones. However, if those same folks went into department or gun stores or to church, they would get the virus.

    What should people do to protect themselves from getting the virus?

    • Always carry a tape measure to be sure you are standing 6 feet away from people. If you are standing 5’11”, the virus can reach you and you will DIE!!!
    • Wear a mask that is made in China, the source of the virus and the country that spread it around the world. Special callout to California Gov. Gavin Newsom who bought $990 million worth of masks from a Chinese manufacturer. Obviously, there are no American manufacturers making masks.
    • Although the survival rate for people who get the virus is 98+ percent, be sure to avoid enjoying life or else you will DIE!!!

    Should we follow whatever Dr. Anthony Fauci tells us to do since he has served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984?
    Not sure.
    Definitely yes.
    Positively no.
    Depends if he is on CNN, MSNBC or Fox News.

    But isn’t Dr. Fauci considered an expert on the COVID-19 virus?
    You can decide for yourself if the doctor, who is friends with Bill Gates, should be listened to without questioning what he says. As the virus was reaching America, here are Dr. Fauci’s statements:

    February 8:
    ‘Danger of getting coronavirus now is just minusculely low.’February 29:
    Dr. Anthony Fauci was on the Today Show and said there is NO NEED for the public to change their behavior over concern for Coronavirus.

    March 9:
    Dr. Fauci recommends taking a cruise, telling Forbes magazine that if you’re healthy, cruise ships are safe.

    Do you think the media is offering balanced reporting on the pandemic?
    Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden said that 120 MILLION AMERICANS died from the virus – that’s almost half the country! Surely, the media offered in-depth analysis following that comment. Or perhaps the liberal media were running documentaries about dementia.

    Masks are mandatory in certain cities and states, but some people still won’t wear them. What do you suggest?
    Be respectful when telling them that without a mask they are going to DIE!!! If that approach doesn’t work, threaten to call the police. Of course, that assumes your police department hasn’t been defunded by rioters who want to destroy the United States.

    What kind of masks should people wear to best protect themselves?
    A recent Washington Post/MSNBC study found that Americans who wear a Joe Biden mask have a 99.9 percent of not getting the virus. Those wearing a Donald Trump mask will catch the virus.

    If people need to get out of their house, where is the safest place to go?
    A Joe Biden rally. With so few attendees, people can stand 30 feet apart while listening to Biden talk about his hairy legs and Corn Pop. Biden can also repeat his comment that 150 million

    <span> <span style=font family helvetica arial sans serif font size 12pt>Hilda Zaruba courtesy of Robin Itzler<span>

    Americans have been killed by guns since 2007.

    That doesn’t leave many Americans, does it?
    If you take Joe Biden’s 120 million dying from the coronavirus and 150 million dying from gunshots, it only leaves about 60 million Americans. According to Joe Biden, the United States would have the same population today that we had in 1890.

    Why are there COVID-19 deaths?
    Sadly, more than 126,000 Americans have succumbed to the coronavirus as of June 30, 2020. Some had underlying health issues while others were healthy before they came down with the virus. And thousands of elderly Americans were murdered when Democrat governors forced vulnerable long-term care homes to take COVID-19 patients even though it was already known that the elderly were extremely susceptible to getting the virus.

    Can we trust the official COVID-19 number of deaths?
    To simplify record-keeping during this very stressful time, the Centers for Dominate Control (aka CDC) recommends that EVERY death be recorded as COVID-19. From a woman dying in childbirth to a teenager dying in a shark attack to an elderly man dying in an automobile accident they are all listed as COVID-19 deaths. Of course, if Joe Biden wins the presidential election, this record-keeping rule will immediately be changed on Jan. 20, 2021.

    Was the lockdown necessary?
    Many experts believe that had there been a Democrat administration, a total lockdown of the U.S. economy would never have been suggested or implemented. Many steps taken during reopenings would have been instituted at the start of the pandemic in the United States. For instance, wearing masks, wearing gloves, social distancing, plexiglass separations, etc.

    However, since the virus offered the Democratic Party an outstanding opportunity to destroy the Trump Economy, Deep State bureaucrats made decisions based on “orange man bad.”

    Thank you for your time. Do you have any closing thoughts?
    Americans will get through this ordeal as we have with other challenges that our nation has faced. I would be glad to talk to you more, but I am on a CNN panel discussion with John Bolton, Anthony Scaramucci and Omarosa Manigault and then have a meeting to discuss my new book deal.


    As most readers have already concluded, there is no Dr. Adenoid Hynkel. That name is taken from the Fuhrer-like character in Charlie Chaplin’s acclaimed 1940 classic film The Great Dictator. Dictator Hynkel was the leader of the Nami Party of the Double Cross and controlled every facet of life in fictional Tomania.

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

    Robin Itzler: Columnist, speaker and author, Robin Itzler has been involved in marketing and communications for more than 35 years. Her Marketing and More columns in the Orange County Breeze often blend marketing, politics and motivation to offer unique perspectives about topical headline issues.

    Currently, she is on the executive board of the California Federation of Republican Women with responsibility for the organization’s quarterly newsletter that is read by 10,000+ members. Robin also handles publicity for several Republican Women Federated local clubs as well as the City of Orange Hearing Loss Association of America chapter.
    A former NASD licensed securities representative, Robin once served as president of the Animal Assistance League of Orange County. She and her husband Larry own Royal Care Pet Sitting, serving pet parents throughout northwest Orange County. Having originated “Market My Words” for Pet Sitters International World magazine, Robin remained a regular contributor for several years. As the former editor in chief of Toastmasters International Founders’ District, Robin’s articles and newsletters were read by members in 180+ clubs.
    Although legally deaf, the former New Yorker Robin has one word for anyone who doubts her abilities: Fuggedaboutit!

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    David Puu
    David Puu
    4 years ago

    Brightened up my day. Thanks for publishing this.

    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    4 years ago

    Every person that has friends or family that are intent on defeating President Trump need to read this article. It will determine if they have a sense of humor.

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