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    United States Socialist Republic book by HG Goerner

    Friday rallies opposing the sexual indoctrination of CA schools

    (Tustin, Calif.,)—Parents with Informed Parents of California (IPOC) will gather at their respective County Board of Education buildings on May 17th between 11am and 1pm to protest the sexualization of their children in CA public schools. Under the guise of sex education, comprehensive sexuality education is being taught in public schools, and they have overreached, even teaching gender fluid theory as young as pre-kindergarten. The grassroots organization says tens of thousands of kids are expected to sit out in solidarity.

    California’s implementation of the California Healthy Youth Act (AB 329) is a model for organizations that push comprehensive sex education nationwide and they intend to use this agenda to promote social change. They are using our kids and our tax dollars to undermine families, parental authority, cultural values and the very principles this nation was founded upon. IPOC Founder Stephanie Yates comments, “We will not tolerate the State’s overt attempts to push their extreme and damaging agenda.”

    IPOC has been exposing the content of the CA Health Education Framework through its website;, Facebook group, and other social networks. Yates claims CSE, along with the newly approved Framework, will guide classroom teaching standards and textbook content for a decade or more. Sexx Ed Sit Out participants are taking this opportunity to draw state and national attention to their fight, and the abusive overreach of the State’s sexualized agenda.

    Organizations supporting IPOC include:

    Pacific Justice Institute, California Family Council, Church United Salt & Light Council, Eagle Forum of California, Frederick Douglass Foundation, Concerned Women for America—CA Chapter,    Protect Our Kids Coalition

    Evidence documents here. Informed Parents of California founder Stephanie Yates says, “Our passion for protecting our children will be heard on May 17th with one united voice. We will not allow our kids to be sexualized in the classroom and our parental rights stripped. We will not allow our children’s hearts and minds to be stolen and used for political social experiments and radical activist agendas. We will stop at nothing to protect our kids.” SeXXXed in CA

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