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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    GA Poll Worker Confesses UNDER OATH That 10 to 20 THOUSAND Biden Absentee Ballots They Counted Were FAKE

    Suzi Voyles, the poll manager for Fulton County, Georgia, discovered a disturbingly peculiar pattern of regularity in the markings for Joseph R. Biden when she looked through a big stack of mail-in ballots in November.

    The absentee ballots all had flawlessly filled-in ovals for Biden, with the exception that each of the darkening bubbles had an identical white space inside it in the shape of a tiny crescent, indicating they’d been inscribed with toner ink rather than a pen or pencil.

    She also noticed that all of the ballots were printed on different stock paper than the others she handled during a statewide hand recount of the razor-thin Nov. 3 presidential election, which added to her suspicions. None of the mail-in ballots had been folded or wrinkled, as she had seen in the past with ballots that had been removed from envelopes.

    In other words, the Biden votes appeared to be replicated by a copying machine.

    “They were all strangely pristine,” Voyles said, adding that she’d never seen anything like it in her 20 years of election monitoring in Fulton County, which encompasses much of Atlanta.

    She wasn’t on her alone. At least three other poll workers saw the same thing in stacks of Biden absentee votes handled by the county, and they’ve joined Voyles in stating under oath that they seemed to be forged.

    Now, election watchdogs have used their affidavits to persuade a state judge to unseal all of the 147,000 mail-in ballots counted in Fulton, allowing for a more thorough examination of the questionable Biden ballots for proof of fraud. They say that tens of thousands of votes could have been fabricated in a race that Biden won by just 12,000 votes thanks to a late surge of mail-in ballots tabulated after election observers were escorted out of Atlanta’s State Farm Arena.

    Garland Favorito, the lead petitioner in the action and a certified poll watcher who runs, one of the state’s leading champions for election integrity, said, “We have what is almost certainly major absentee-ballot fraud in Fulton County involving 10,000 to 20,000 probably false ballots.”

    He stated that the questionable votes are still in the custody of election officials and are not visible to the public.

    “We have confirmed that there are five pallets of shrink-wrapped ballots in a county warehouse,” Favorito said in an interview with RealClearInvestigations.

    He and other petitioners were told to meet at the warehouse on May 28 to work out the details of the absentee ballot inspection. The county, however, filed a flurry of requests to dismiss the case the day before the planned meeting, effectively postponing the inspection indefinitely.

    “We will be in court on June 21 to resolve these motions,” Favorito added, describing them as yet another “roadblock” thrown in their path by the county.

    He anticipates that discussions over the inspection’s logistics will begin after the Fourth of July vacation.

    Superior Court Judge Brian Amero issued an order on May 21 requesting that officials protect the warehouse 24 hours a day, seven days a week until an inspection date can be determined. After sheriff’s officers left their post for a few of hours, a security breach was detected barely eight days later.

    Favorito stated, “The front door was found unlocked and wide open in violation of the court order.”

    County officials confirmed that a motion-detection alarm was triggered Saturday, May 29, shortly after the deputies drove away from the building in their patrol cars around 4 p.m. But they said a locked room where the ballots are kept “was never breached or compromised.”

    Favorito isn’t convinced, and his lawyer is attempting to collect video footage from security cameras in the building.

    “How do we know for certain there was no tampering with the ballots?” asked Favorito, who said he did not vote for Trump.

    News of the security lapse caught the attention of former President Trump, who has claimed his loss to Biden was marred by fraud. In a statement, he implied election officials in the Democratic-controlled county are trying to hide evidence of fraud.

    “They are afraid of what might be found,” he asserted.

    Trump is also keeping a close eye on Arizona’s current election audit, which is another Republican state that went blue in 2020. If evidence of voter fraud is discovered in these key swing states, it could confirm Republicans’ suspicions that the election was “stolen” from Trump and the 74 million who voted for him — a belief shared by 61 percent of Republicans in a recent poll — as well as provide proof of voter fraud that Democrats and the mainstream media have long denied.

    The cases may provide an incentive for other battleground states to take steps to strengthen election security and combat fraud, such as drafting legislation restricting the use of contentious mail-in drop boxes and requiring signature verification on such ballots. In the November general election in Georgia, just a small number of mail-in ballots were rejected due to invalid signatures, despite the fact that thousands had been dismissed due to signature difficulties in the primary election.

    Georgia recently approved a law reducing, but not eliminating, drop boxes, which sparked national protests alleging voter “suppression.” Under pressure from Democratic groups, the state installed them for the first time in 2020, arguing that officials needed to make voting simpler for minorities who didn’t trust the mail and were afraid of going to the polls following the COVID scare.

    In the future, the 38 drop boxes Fulton dispersed throughout the county during the November election will be reduced to eight. The boxes were generally uncontrolled and unmanaged, being positioned outside, open 24 hours a day, and accepting ballots until the evening of Election Day, resulting in reports of ballot stuffing and duplicate voting. However, they must now be placed inside election offices or early voting facilities, and they must only be open during the hours that early voting is allowed. Additionally, the new regulation mandates that ballots be printed on special security paper.

    Voting by mail was previously restricted to voters who had specific and well-documented reasons for not attending the polls. However, in the midst of the election and in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Democrats in critical swing states fought to loosen the laws.

    Voter mistake and fraud are more likely with mail-in or drop-off ballots. According to recent surveys, one out of every 20 mailed ballots is rejected in a typical election. During the 2020 Democratic primaries alone, almost 534,000 mail-in ballots were rejected.

    Despite this, both Republican and Democratic officials in Georgia claim they have uncovered no solid proof of widespread election fraud. The claims of fraud leveled by Favorito’s group have been dismissed by Democrats and many major news sources as “conspiracy theories.”

    Robb Pitts, the Democratic chairman of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners, stated, “This is nothing more than a circus put on by those who promote the ‘big lie’” that Trump won the election. “Where does it all come to an end?” The votes have been counted and the results are in. The results of the elections have been certified. It’s finished.”

    Pitts effectively controls the county elections board through Mary Carole Cooney, a Democratic appointee. They are in charge of safeguarding the pallets of disputed Biden mail-in ballots in the county warehouse awaiting review.

    But Judge Amero, who federal elections records show is a Democratic donor, felt compelled to unseal the ballots for a forensics review after reading the sworn affidavits submitted by election monitors. Here are key witnesses in the case:

    • Suzi Voyles, a veteran Fulton poll manager who audited the Nov. 14 recount at Georgia World Congress Center, testified she examined several stacks of ballots of about 100 ballots each from a cardboard box marked “Box No. 5 — Absentee — Batch Numbers 28-36.” She said these ballots “came from the ballot [drop] boxes that had been placed throughout Fulton County.”

    “Most of the ballots had already been handled; they had been written on by people, and the edges were worn. They showed obvious use,” she wrote in her Nov. 17 affidavit. “However, one batch stood out. It was pristine. There was a difference in the texture of the paper,” and these mail-in ballots hadn’t been folded even though they ostensibly had been removed from envelopes.

    All but three of the 110 ballots in the “State Farm Arena” bundle — which had been labeled “identical ballots” — were marked for Biden.

    The identically marked ovals next to Biden’s name were the most “alarming peculiarity.”

    “The bubble next to ‘Joseph R. Biden’ had a slight white eclipse in the bubble in every ballot,” she added, leading her to assume the 107 Biden ballots were “copied” from a single ballot.

    At the State Farm Arena in Atlanta on election night, Voyles thought that “additional absentee ballots had been added [for Biden] in a fraudulent manner.”

    In an RCI interview, Voyles claimed the void she and other auditors saw in the exact same location of the oval filled in on 107 ballots for Biden was “alarming to us.” “Each and every bubble was identical. In 20 years of election watching, I had never seen anything like it.”

    “We were told not to worry about it,” she added, when she and other recount workers raised concerns with local election officials. “They appeared unconcerned about the [ballot integrity].”

    The Fulton County Department of Elections removed Voyles as a poll manager after she blew the whistle in affidavits and state election hearings.

    She told RCI, “I got the boot for speaking the truth.”

    • Robin Hall, a certified Fulton County recount observer, also testified she witnessed a number of boxes of absentee ballots marked “100% for Biden” that appeared to be “perfectly filled out as if they were pre-printed with the presidential candidate selected.” She stated: “They did not look like a person had filled this out at home.  All of them looked alike.”
    • Judy Aube also worked at the World Congress Center on Nov. 14 where she observed the same thing: “suspicious batches” of mail-in ballots for Biden whose markings appeared identical, as if they had been duplicated by a machine and not filled out by a voter at home.
    • Barbara Hartman, another election official auditor, also doubted the authenticity of absentee ballots she handled that she said were never folded, as would normally be the case for ballots returned in an envelope by mail or dropped in a box. “The absentee ballots looked as though they had just come from a fresh stack,” she swore in her affidavit. “I could not observe any creases in the ballots and [it] did not seem like they were folded and put into envelopes or mailed out.”  Also, “The majority of the mail-in ballots that I reviewed contained suspicious black perfectly bubbled markings for Biden,” Hartman stated, adding that “they looked as if they were stamped.”

    Other than possible fraud, the veteran poll watchers found no credible explanation for the discrepancies.

    Election officials, on the other hand, have explained why the mail-in votes reviewed in the stacks had no folds or creases. When ballots are too damaged to be passed through one of the scanning machines during tabulation, they are said to be copied onto other paper. Postal workers may tear or crumple sent ballots during delivery, or poll workers may tear or crumple them when opening and removing them from envelopes, preventing the machines from reading them.

    However, Favorito believes that the hundreds, if not thousands, of allegedly duplicate absentee ballots for Biden could be linked to spikes in Biden votes he saw late on election night in Fulton County after election officials cleared monitors from State Farm Arena and began pulling cases full of ballots out from under tables and scanning them.

    “There’s always the possibility it was an inside job,” said Favorito, a lifelong IT worker who has spent the last two decades advocating for Georgia election integrity.

    On Nov. 3, Fulton County elections officials notified monitors that the State Farm tabulation center would be shut down before midnight, only to continue counting late into the night when no one was looking.

    “Election workers don’t bring ballots in after the supervisor has postponed processing until the morning, hide them under a table, and then bring them out for scanning and tabulation after the supervisor tells [monitors] they are done scanning for the evening and they go home,” Favorito explained.

    “After scanning was completed, an election line feed revealed an unprecedented vote spike that helped Biden win the election,” he continued. In fact, “an election line feed showed a 100,000-plus vote spike for Biden just over a half hour after workers scanned the potentially fraudulent ballots.”

    “How did they get those ballots, and why did they treat them so suspiciously?” Favorito had inquired.

    The county elections supervisor, according to Voyles, who oversaw the secret scanning of the cases full of ballots also helps oversee the warehouse where the questionable ballots are kept.

    Fulton County did not respond to phone calls or emails.

    Similar Anomalies, Other Counties

    Other Georgia counties, not only Fulton, have the possibility for fraudulent ballots, according to Favorito.

    In fact, two Democrat poll workers in nearby DeKalb and Cobb counties, where Democrats also dominate the voting process, blew the whistle on identical irregularities they saw.

    Carlos E. Silva, for example, stated in an affidavit dated Nov. 17 that he saw a similar “perfect black bubble” among absentee ballots for Biden during the DeKalb County recount. He also said he “observed absentee ballots being reviewed with the same perfect bubble that I had seen the night before in DeKalb” while watching the Cobb County recount. All of these votes were identical in appearance: they were all for Biden and had the same immaculate bubble.”

    “There were thousands of [mail-in] ballots that just had the perfect bubble marked for Biden and no other markings in the rest of the ballot,” Silva, a registered Democrat, added.

    Mayra Romera, a registered Democrat, said that she noted “hundreds of these ballots seemed impeccable, with no folds or creases” while watching the Cobb County recount. The bubble picks were flawless… and all of them happened to be for Biden.”

    The New York Times described Favorito as a “known conspiracy theorist” and suggested he was a 9/11 truther in a recent article dismissing charges of fraud in Georgia and Arizona. It cited a 2002 book he published “questioning the origins of the September 11, 2001 attacks” as evidence.

    “My book did not propose any theories on what happened on 9/11,” Favorito said when asked about it. I make no reference of “explosives” installed in the World Trade Center, as some truthers have falsely claimed.

    He questioned the Bush family’s commercial ties to the bin Laden family and other affluent Saudis, claiming that the war on terror benefited the Bushes. He also chastised the Bush administration for allegedly “obstructing” FBI investigations into the terrorist attacks.

    Favorito declares himself to be a “constitutionalist,” not a Republican or a Trump fan.

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    Michael Z.
    Michael Z.
    10 months ago

    $400,000,000.00 That’s 400 MILLION DOLLARS for our illiterate Democrats friends. That’s the amount Zuckerberg of Facebook fame, passed out to election officials and left-wing activists to alter the election to favor sleepy Joe Biden. Joe Biden, the candidate his keepers rarely let out of his basement to campaign. Yeah, that idiot with his open borders the sloppy exit from Afghanistan, and the idiocy that happened in Lahaina Hawaii. That idiot. Thanks Zuck. Thanks, idiot voters.

    Truth Social
    Truth Social
    10 months ago
    Reply to  Michael Z.

    Why are you such a gullible sap?

    10 months ago

    This is why Trump will never have his day in court. The prosecution hopes to extort and break the witnesses by having them roll on him so he is essentially tried in the court of public opinion. Mail in ballots with no folds in them!!! Those that turn a blind eye to that fact should be ashamed of themselves . Voter integrity is paramount here.

    Roy Maines
    Roy Maines
    1 year ago

    This confirms a lot of what we all suspected. The 2020 election wreaks of fraud.

    3 years ago

    This opinion piece is WAY outdated. The affidavit was filed Nov 17, 2020 (yes, last year) by Lyin’ Lin Wood.

    Since Citizens Opinion isn’t living up to its aspirations of providing Real News for Ventura County I’ll try to help out. Federal judge heard both sides of the allegations and dismissed the case. And if you actually read the content of Suzi’s affidavit you’ll see she never “confessed” to anything and never made the claim that any counted ballots were “fake.”

    Just more spin by a cheap blog that Citizens Opinion decided to scrape and re-publish.

    10 months ago
    Reply to  Jesse

    She said that ‘one batch stood out’ because the paper was different, they weren’t folded, and the markings were all the same. This article didn’t even cover the rest of what she said about all the voting devices being tampered with, no chain of custody. Anyone that does even a little investigating of the election in the swing states can see that there was enough election fraud to steal it from President Trump.

    10 months ago
    Reply to  bbj

    Yeah, then let’s see the evidence in court you lying piece of shit.

    DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    DON’T TREAD ON ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LET’S GO BRANDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    bbj gives bjs
    bbj gives bjs
    10 months ago
    Reply to  bbj

    Yeah? Then post your evidence here or show it in court, bitch. Otherwise just STFU with your continuing lies.

    7 months ago
    Reply to  bbj

    Investigators spoke with Susan Voyles, an auditor during the hand count. She said she saw a batch of “pristine” absentee ballots that appeared to have been marked by a computer rather than by hand and weren’t creased as they would have been if they had been put in envelopes.
    Investigators examined the ballots in the batches and box identified by Voyles, but all had been creased and none appeared to have been marked by a computer. Voyles then told investigators she may have been mistaken and gave them another box number. Investigators determined the box-batch combination she cited didn’t exist.
    Voyles told investigators she reported the suspicious-looking absentee ballots to a county election official at the time, but no officials recalled speaking to her about suspicious-looking ballots.

    10 months ago
    Reply to  Jesse

    Jesse, why are you such a loser ?

    10 months ago
    Reply to  Tommy

    Oops, I made a mistake. I meant to say…

    Jesse, why am I such a loser?

    I want to be a winner like you but my guy tRump keeps making me a LOSER

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