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    Getting Frank: Mike Lindell’s new social-media site debuts this week

    WND, biden, gay sex, monkeypox

    Joe KovacsBy Joe Kovacs   WND News Center

    ‘Americans are craving news and information that is not filtered’

    PALM BEACH, Florida – Mike Lindell’s new social-media site called “Frank” is set to debut this week, according to the inventor of MyPillow and supporter of former President Donald Trump.

    Last Tuesday, Lindell said on Gab, another free-speech site: “Coming next week … a social media platform like no other!”

    As of Sunday evening, the site was displaying a “coming soon” page, with a message stating:

    “Free speech is one of the hallmarks of our Constitutional Republic, as enshrined in the Bill of Rights. It is no coincidence that nations that have free speech also have a free enterprise system and freedom of religion.

    “Inversely, nations that deny free speech tread upon the free enterprise system and freedom of religion. Americans want to remain free. Americans are craving news and information that is not filtered through the radical worldview of today’s liberal media intelligentsia, or deep state actors.

    “Frank, the voice of free speech, will be the platform for Americans who want to defend life, liberty, and all the freedoms that have marked America as the longest running Constitutional Republic in the history of the world. On this platform you will find a home where you can post videos, livestream television, distribute news and information, and find community and fellowship with likeminded Americans.

    “Frank will be a home for major influencers, to micro influencers, to average Americans wanting to share in the constitutional right of freedom of speech and freedom of expression. We hope you will join our community and let freedom ring.”

    It also includes a link to LindellTV, where the pillow entrepreneur has videos maintaining his claim there is scientific proof that the 2020 presidential election was illegally stolen from President Trump.

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    Charisma News reported one aspect of Lindell’s Frank platform will be dedicated to investigation regarding the 2020 race.

    “We have hired the best investigators and resources and are working hard to backtrack the various aspects of the election,” Lindell said.

    “When we get through this, we will see the greatest revival in history that will restore our beloved America, and this is why we have hope. … Buckle up, chin up and get ready. And do all you can from where you are, beginning with prayer efforts where you live. Let’s all start believing God for what He is doing and be proactive in standing for the Lord Jesus Christ!”

    Frank will have plenty of competition in the marketplace of sites rebelling from left-leaning Big Tech sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Among right-leaning, free-speech sites that have emerged in recent years are Gab, Parler,, and

    And, as WND reported last month, Trump himself, one of the most prolific users of social media in American history, will soon be launching his own social platform, according to one his representatives.

    “I do think that we’re going to see President Trump returning to social media in probably about two or three months here, with his own platform,” Trump senior adviser Jason Miller told Fox News’ “#MediaBuzz.”

    “And this is something that I think will be the hottest ticket in social media, it’s going to completely redefine the game, and everybody is going to be waiting and watching to see what exactly President Trump does.”

    Learn astonishing Bible truth on a higher level than ever before with the Holy Spirit-filled books by Joe Kovacs

    Follow Joe on Twitter @JoeKovacsNews

    This story was originally published by the WND News Center

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    Lynda O'Shea
    Lynda O'Shea
    3 years ago

    With so many good people being kicked off other platforms, it will be great to find them over here at frank. Congratulations Mike Lindell. Well done.

    Dotty Pringle
    Dotty Pringle
    3 years ago

    Thank you for more options!

    Here is my experience locally, so I welcome a new platform for our area as well.

    Bullies and Censorship on Nextdoor….Hurt Local Charities!

    The alternative world of Nextdoor.

    It’s Mission: Where neighbors support local businesses and get updates from public agencies…..not so much anymore tho.

    Where else can people make up stories about who they are, claim false credentials and ruin other neighbors, then vote locally to remove residents from their own community all based on libel, false names and a personal agenda that is all for their own benefit? You can have it all in the Oxnard Beach Areas Nextdoor website.

    The libel suits will be coming because of the irresponsible words/actions and the destruction of some of our neighbors and our Small Businesses’ great reputations. Three or four shouldn’t be allowed to falsify and just out of hatred, for the purpose of ruining people or their businesses or local charity theatre events. What could be positive and used to help in these hard times is being abused by some. This is NOT what Nextdoor was created for per their funding companies.

    Nextdoor Website is meant to bring neighbors and community together and to help each other, but what is practiced in the Beach Areas is something very dastardly. They have rogue Leads/Reviewers who now use this to ostracize innocent people from their own communities. Some are actually jealous judges and juries, all based on false misinformation being placed by certain website Leads to destroy local small businesses/fundraisers, volunteers and prevent them from holding community charities. It continues to happen here thru certain neighbors who have dubbed themselves psychological judges (not credible at all and not vetted) of Oxnard Beach Area Neighborhood Residents. Taking advantage of those whom they dislike or a business that some want to see fail. We have a local real estate (Lead) company joining in on ruining businesses and people too by posting misinformation about our area, it’s residents and deals that some are not privy to. Privileges that others don’t have and running businesses out of business! •Look at Oxnard’s new taxes too!

    Corporate Nextdoor has rules/guidelines yet a few local L/R do not respect and have formed their own coups. Rumors and evidence is circulating of bribery and favors now, connections to local elections and dirty deeds from Leads campaigning for them, sending private messages or deleting voters posts. You are punished for not voting for their choice.

    We have all experienced some form of disrespect on this website but the racists remarks that are left up in posts or the false claims of someone doing something illegal can take on its own energy when some have a personal vendetta. This is how Nextdoor is being used and especially since elections, some have just taken it upon themselves to DELETE any info they personally do not agree with.

    Yes, some Leads and Reviewers will tell you they cannot but here are all their EXTRAS, sent to me by Nextdoor Corporate….
    •They can vote to REMOVE posts at local level.
    •They can adjust neighborhood boundaries.
    •They are to contact you prior to removing posts to work things out.
    •They are to be fair and unbiased.
    •They are to use their real names.
    •They are NOT BACKROUND checked or VETTED so can say they have creditials but no proof.
    •Criminals have been located on Nextdoor encouraged to join by Leads. Some are Leads and Reviewers.

    What has occurred is that this website is being used as revenge on some small businesses and those that have helped them. We (Oxnard Local Artists) did a community art fundraiser to help Elite Theatre and Fisherman’s Wharf small businesses and now a few leads have decided that this was a commercial event, with absolutely no evidence of this, completely made up. We have our proof, posted it and yet it was deleted! Censorship!!
    Personally, I was removed for One Year for us holding a charity, one year. I am not going back on Nextdoor because they are destroying businesses and trying to hurt neighbors now.

    My question to the public is why? Why can some petty people commit to destroy our beach area via a Nextdoor website? It is not contributing to any neighborhood goodness and is very divisive. The egoes are getting incredible! It would be best to clean house and get some new Leads/Reviewers.

    It’s the local level that has its issues and now it’s time to purge those negative Leads/Reviewers out of this “helpful website” if they are just there to destroy ours/your neighbors and post misinformation to trip new neighbors up. Manners are not improving.

    Please don’t take my word for it, just share your experiences too. We need to turn this around to make it fair and equitable for all residents in Oxnard Beach Areas and beyond. Something can be done. Please write to Citiz and Nextdoor Corporate too, about your experiences in the Beach Areas or other Lead/Reviewer complaints.

    This behavior now bleeds over into public meetings or events where one Lead in particular lives to yell at events and call people names, that is not necessary or is it neighborly (the PCYC Auction). Maybe some Psych Evals should be done on Leads/Reviewers? Some are extremely aggressive and scary in public, and this behavior shows up on Nextdoor too. They really need to Vett these people to make sure they are well and not aggressively depressed
    and acting out of Grandiosity.

    My elder client was on Nextdoor for a while but now she’s off for fear of the verbal elder abuse she was experiencing by some and a lead. It’s an issue with leads abusing Veterans also. It’s an encouraged mob mentality. It’s unwarranted and all done by assumption and then, the Leads (in meetings with other community members that are on website) state rumors only they have fueled and continue to defame those they personally dislike, all based on lies and misplaced egos on their part.

    We need each other more than ever and there must be some kind of community connections that are fair and unbiased, we are not in junior high school anymore. A platform that truly is for the greater good of our loved hometown and it’s long time residents too.

    Dotty Pringle
    CI Harbor Research
    Oxnard Local Artists

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