Thursday, July 11, 2024
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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    GOP Senator Pushes ‘Green Energy’ – Who’s Buttering His Bread?

    I heard an amusingly bad reelection radio commercial for U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., which states he’s “100% on board for green renewable energy.” The nonprofit Clean Energy states Tillis has “changed his position on the issue … conced[ing] that climate change is real.” In June 2023, the North Carolina GOP censured Tillis for other non-conservative stands.

    So, Thom drank AOC’s Kool-Aid on green energy. Is he concerned about all the melting decorative “ice castles” of the Plains, Midwest and Northeast because of record heat? Is Frosty the Snowman melting?

    Some say, “This is serious.” Really? Ice houses will continue melting in 2024, and 2025, but then will start freezing again. According to the National Weather Service, we’re in an 11-year cycle of the sun where solar flares are increasing with as many as 100 per month, causing the aurora borealis to be seen this year down into the southern hemisphere. This is also causing the largest solar flares in six years, affecting radio communications with airplanes.

    But, after 2025 everything will reverse. It might start reversing at the end of 2023. People know this, but Democrats want to use their regular playbook of “never let[ting] a crisis go to waste.”

    One article stated, “No group of people exploits an event like Democrats do.” Even AOC’s chief of staff stated, the Green New Deal “wasn’t originally a climate thing at all,” but we “think of it as how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing … moving the U.S. economy entirely away from fossil fuels within 10 years, while simultaneously providing federal jobs and health care” while advancing “social, economic, racial, regional and gender-based justice and equality … and public ownership.” The Green New Deal is simply a Marxist-Leninist plan to destroy the U.S. economy, and transform America into a full-fledged socialist nation costing $93 trillion in new government spending over the next decade. The entire GDP of the U.S. was only $25 trillion in 2022.

    Do you know how much $1 trillion is? With a trillion dollars you can make 1 million people millionaires, or 1,000 people billionaires. It is an insane amount of money to even consider spending, especially when it doesn’t exist. This is deficit spending. Another example: 1 million seconds is about 11 days, 1 billion seconds is about 31.5 years, but 1 trillion seconds is 31,710 years.

    Also, think about it. If the New Green Deal is not about the climate, but about retooling America, why would you want to do that? Well, let’s see, there’s money, then there’s money, and then there’s money.

    These ridiculous amounts of money are like the Democrats having a barbeque, for they throw on the pork. Isn’t that right, AOC? She put $1 million in a Democrat-led 50,000-page House bill to refurbish an outdoor basketball court in her district. (This was in December 2022 with a Democrat majority in the House and Senate.)

    A 50,000-page bill right before Christmas … I am sure everyone read it. Also, this bill contains $1.5 million for a carbon-neutral bird sanctuary, $1 million for solar panels on low-income California housing, a quarter million to give Teslas to people in the projects, a half million for charging stations, $3 million for a California playground, $7 million for an inclusive and equitable park, $5 million for Wi-Fi in the park, $1 million for grass and trees in the parking lot, etc.

    As the people get paid, the pockets get padded, so all the politicians who come to Washington broke, leave millionaires, owning islands next to Epstein’s island. Well, actually in this case, according to Snopes and Fact Check, Joe Biden doesn’t own the island, but his brother James owns property on Water Island near Epstein’s island. The problem is there are ridiculous amounts of money being thrown around with a callous disregard for the future of America, as long as everyone involved gets to live like kings and queens, right now. This must be stopped.

    Returning to the 11-year cycle of the sun, while the sun is 865,000 miles from the Earth, its core is 29,000,000 degrees F. That is hot. The sun has an approximately 11-year solar cycle where sunspots increase and decrease. “We are now well into the 24th cycle.” Research “shows evidence that Earth’s climate is sensitive to very weak changes in the sun’s energy output over times of 10s and 100s of years. Times of maximum sunspot activity are associated with a very slight increase in the energy output of the sun.”

    There was a time period from about 1645 to 1715 that the sun went through a period of near zero sunspot activity. This time period is called the “Maunder Minimum.” “The ‘Little Ice Age’ occurred over parts of Earth during the Maunder Minimum.” It is true that other things happened during that time like “a multi-decade episode of large volcanic eruptions,” but it is also true and “certain that the solar energy output does have an affect on Earth’s climate,” at least according to the National Weather Service.

    So, people fretting about climate change and gluing themselves to artwork because of an impossible to measure 1.5-degree Celsius temperature increase, being called “the most existential threat to the planet,” causing America and European countries to be deceived into spending trillions of deficit dollars, destroying economies, destroying industries and destroying energy grids … is insane. We are on an 11-year cycle of the sun, about to reach the peak and reverse to cooling again. Democrats better kick it in gear, for it’s going to start to get colder, but then they will say, “See, we fixed it!” Here, my wife said, “and that just [ticks] me off!”

    If you don’t understand why Sen. Tillis’ green-energy reelection commercial is amusingly bad, it is because I have not told you who funded the ad. While Tillis supports trillions in deficit spending for green energy, his’ commercial is funded by “Americans for a Balanced Budget.” Is their name, or the partnership, an oxymoron?


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    Big Tim
    Big Tim
    6 months ago

    Climate- Hunga Tonga


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