Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    Guest Commentary | Don’t get jabbed



    by Al X

    If you are one of the reported fifty-three million people in this country who have already taken one of the coronavirus “vaccinations” (yes, I used quotes) do not read this article, just move along. Why have you clicked on this post anyway? Out of some sense of morbid curiosity or to perhaps reinforce your own smug superiority and ill-informed beliefs about those loony covid vaccine conspiracy theorists? This writing is not for you. You have already failed, miserably. If you have taken the (not Nestea) plunges, you neglected to do any independent research or critical thinking about the experimental gene therapy you allowed to be injected into your body. Was Dolly Parton the clincher for you? Maybe you even celebrated this abysmal achievement? So it will be an awfully arduous process for you to learn something about this topic now, a task you have clearly demonstrated a flabbergasting fortress of impenetrable ignorance toward, unless perchance there is a nagging notion percolating in the back of your thick skull that just maybe you’ve done something dreadfully wrong. The chances of that happening (you actually thinking) are probably slim and none – and Slim left town for Florida.

    Basically you got played, choosing to be an utter moron or cockeyed altruist, and odds are now unfortunately high that you’ve put your future good health and even life at extreme risk, with no turning back. You allowed panic TV to win the day, convinced that a purported virus with a 99% recovery rate for all age groups except the very elderly sufficiently warranted you getting inoculated with a rushed through experimental witches’ brew that somehow ($$$) gained emergency use authorization from the FDA. Why would you want to investigate the injections now, oh gullible guinea pig? You are a slave to the snake oil hucksters in the government, on television and in our Big Pharma sponsored healthcare system. You might as well nail up pictures of Bill Gates and Saint Anthony on your bedroom wall. They roped you in, sucker. Good luck, we’ll pray for you. Yes, many of you we still love, but unfortunately zombie sheeple cultists are dangerously uninformed propagandized poltroons who are putting the rest of us at increasingly stark odds against an oncoming tyrannical biotech assault that isn’t confined to some dystopian novel. Have you read anything about what the governments in Israel or Indonesia are doing regarding forced inoculations and vaccination “passports?” I didn’t think so. Previews of what is coming here if we don’t put a stop to this madness.

    If you have taken the jabs, please stop reading this. Go listen to Dr. Sanjay Gupta patting you on the back for doing your civic duty and helping to save humankind. Don Lemon will say that you did good, as he sneers at people choosing not to get vaccinated and hints of their connections to domestic terrorism.

    Keep those mask(s) on and make sure you give me a wide berth when I’m coming your way. I might try to breathe some commonsense into what remains of your oxygen depleted brain.

    WAIT! In spite of everything I just wrote, please read a little longer. Yes, I’ve gotten after concoction recipients a little hard – you deserve scorn for what you’ve done. But even some of Jim Jones’s cult members in Guyana woke the hell up at the last minute and escaped the forced suicides / murders (via forced ingestion of poisoned Kool-Aid or gunshot) at the compound that resulted in 900 deaths. There is still time for you to come around. If you won’t study the issues at least listen to the people who’ve done the deep dive research and understand the demented agenda in the works. We easily have the numbers to rally together and shove this great reset onto the back pages of a demonic strategy manifesto never to be realized. Join the people who want to save humanity, not cull and enslave it.

    I’d also like to address you who are still sitting on the fence. Although I’m fairly astonished that at this point in time anyone could still be stuck in the middle of the vaccination debate, I have advice for you hesitant ones: Stay right there on the fence. It’s magnitudes safer than subjecting yourself to the Moderna, Pfizer or hot out of the cauldron Johnson & Johnson “vaccinations.”

    The following are some easily verifiable points that you’ll never hear on the panic box from Dr. Jha.

    Understand these shots afford the victim—er recipient absolutely no immunity or guarantees of negating COVID-19 spread to someone else. Thus, they do not fit the accepted definition of a vaccination. All they’re reputed to do is keep an infected person from developing severe symptoms and keep them out of the hospital. This is never presented on the mainstream news.

    Might vitamin D and C, zinc, Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and other cheap, already in use therapies accomplish that? You’ll never hear anything positive about them from America’s favorite cover gramps. No, he is all about getting vaccinations and you living in fear. Haven’t we had enough of Fauci’s equivocations?

    They are experimental therapies. The FDA has granted emergency use authorization, not signed off or certified them as ultimately safe and effective. I listen for the experimental word to be used on mass media news reports and never hear it. It normally takes 5-10 years for a vaccination to go through a highly regimented testing process. Does that make the risk involved with never before released mRNA (Moderna and Pfizer) therapies worth it?

    Do the shot givers know anything about the Nuremburg Code? Do you?

    So why the big rush to vaccinate? Doesn’t it make you suspect that there is at least the possibility of an alternative agenda other than being presented, even a nefarious one? Don’t the constantly shifting goalposts about when society can “open up” cause you to question the trust factor of government, media and health officials? Are the leaders who have done this to our country and economy actually looking out for our wellbeing by forcing such draconian unprecedented measures upon our society? Look around and talk to people. Our country is hurting.

    Big Pharma has been guaranteed total immunity from any and all adverse outcomes brought about from these “vaccinations.” Wow, they aren’t on the hook for one red cent when people suffer tragic consequences. including death after getting jabbed. And that is happening, especially to older people. The news is out there, not hard to find. But it won’t be on World News Tonight or CNN – ever.

    Doesn’t it strike you as totally out of balance that all dissenting “vaccination” voices are being silenced, debunked and removed from social and Big Tech platforms? So many experts in virology and other medical fields have serious problems with the experimental therapies yet are branded and smeared as conspiracy theory kooks before they ever get a fair hearing in mainstream media. Look up some of these people on your own and give the other side a chance:  Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Judy Mikovitz, Dr. Del Bigtree, Dr. Simone Gold, Dr. Vernon Coleman, Dr. Delores Cahill, Dr. Carrie Majeb among countless others. Of course these doctors would risk their careers and professional reputations by making crap up just to piss off Big Pharma and get deplatformed from Big Tech. Make sure you don’t just Google their names, read how horrible they are on a Wikipedia page and tell yourself you did due diligence. That’s as far as the puppet masters want you to go.

    This coronavirus hysteria is not going to disappear anytime soon because people get the shots. Count on the looming new strain reign of terror to keep uninformed citizens locked in fear (and their houses). Tweaked formulations to counter new strains will ensure sleeves are constantly being rolled up.

    In reference to Johnson & Johnson, why in thunderin’ tarnation would you trust a company that knew for decades it’s talc products were contaminated with asbestos and causing cancer but still kept them on the market? In addition, states are ordering J&J to shell out millions to people adversely affected by aggressive marketing, unjustified mass production and prescription of opioids, leading to addictions and deaths. Of course J&J learned their lessons and have changed their evil ways, right? If you think so, climb back onto the turnip truck.

    There doesn’t have to be a one size fits all approach as far as vaccination attitudes go. You can be all-in for any number of the roughly 72 vaccinations your child will now receive from infancy through high school and still be dead set against these hurried, experimental therapies. Your life may depend on prudence and doing some homework.

    Turn off the television. Do some research and critical thinking.

    Take off the mask, at the very least outside. Take some deep breaths. Get some sunshine.

    Hug someone, even a stranger. We need hugs more than ever.

    Go to church. Come to the light!

    Pour the corona Kool-Aid down the drain. You are smarter than that.


    A1 X lives somewhere in Ventura County

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

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    3 years ago

    And now the insurance companies won’t pay out if you die from it… I wonder if you can even go on long term disability if you get nailed by ALS with this thing? And did you hear about the CEO from Pfizer? He couldn’t go to Israel because he *didn’t take his own vax”…

    3 years ago

    A study out of Israel shows that people under the age of 65 are 260x more likely to die from the vaccine than Covid. But hey who’s counting?

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Phil

    A study? Document it please

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Sally

    “A study”? That’s just the point, genius. It’s an EXPERIMENTAL medication, not even a real vaccine. There aren’t enough “studies” to back it up yet.

    Doug P
    Doug P
    3 years ago

    My wife thinks I anonymously wrote this article as I have been telling everyone that will listen to not take the jab. As a former medical device CEO I understand what it means to demonstrate to the FDA the something is safe and effective enough to be awarded an FDA clearance. The media has purposely fooled the population in to believing that EUA equals FDA clearance.

    Rob McGhie
    Rob McGhie
    3 years ago

    Nut case conspiracy theorists.

    Doug P
    Doug P
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Rob McGhie

    There have been numerous missteps in the history of vaccines (Cutter, SV40). You are certainly free to take this experimental vaccine. It’s ironic though how the “my body, my choice” crowd wants to force this vaccine on everyone. The point of the article is that everyone should evaluate their own risk profile based on their age, condition, etc. and make their own decision.

    Sheryl Hamlin
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Rob McGhie

    This was approved by WHO and US recently yet deformed many babies born to mothers who had taken the medicine.


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