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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    Guest Commentary | Voter Suppression Must Be Stopped



    By Professor Arthur Blaustein

    In Congress and state legislatures across the country, Republicans are attempting to get voter suppression laws passed.

    This is unfair as throughout our history we have always moved forward to make our elections and society more inclusive, not exclusive.

    The justification for the Republicans passing voter suppression legislation on the state level are based on two lies being perpetrated by Donald Trump and Fox News. They are: that Trump won the election and that there was massive fraud. Both are blatantly false and have no substantiation.

    This is unconstitutional as it is discriminatory…What’s next: suppressing the vote by targeting the working class, gays, Catholics, people who do not own homes, those who listen to NPR?

    It is un-American as people all over the world have  envied and respected America as the beacon of democracy and as a model nation. And in the past we have fought wars overseas and have intervened in other countries to promote democracy.

    On Jan. 6th an angry and armed mob, incited by Donald Trump, and Senators Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz attacked the Capitol, beat, and killed police officers and were intent on assassinating the Vice President and the Speaker of the House. They wanted, illegally and by mob rule, to prevent the certification of a free and fair election, held on a level playing field, for the presidency. Fortunately, they failed.

    Now, Republicans are trying to pass laws to make elections unfree, unfair and on an unlevel playing field. You know, I know and anyone over the age of 12 knows that Republicans are targeting blacks, Latinos and the poor because they tend to vote Democratic. And they know that it has nothing to do with election fraud or irregularities. 

    Instead, it is plain, simple and obvious that it has everything to do with the fact that it is becoming more difficult for them to win elections… Period. Perhaps, if they would look inward, instead of scheming and lying about what they are attempting, they might find  that if they put forth more humane and just policies they might do better. Now there’s a novel concept for a Party that has been playing the “race card” and exploiting division for 50 years.

    Finally, we are a multi-ethnic, multicultural society, living under the rule of law; and no self-appointed particular group (funded dark money) should be allowed to pass laws giving themselves special superior privileges over all other groups.

    People must put pressure on their House members and Senators to support new federal legislation – the John Lewis Voting Rights Act that has been introduced in both Houses.

    What the Republicans are trying to do is unconstitutional, undemocratic, unfair and un-American.

    They must be stopped!

    Professor Arthur Blaustein is a resident of Berkeley, California

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    James Ross
    James Ross
    3 years ago

    Hey CJ, I’m fine with you posting leftists. Just make sure they use facts, not lies: Trump did not encourage violence on Jan 6 (there’s video) and Cruz & Hawley were effectively silent, planning to hop on the procedural train with Pence. The only confirmed death from the Jan 6 event was a rioter, every other death was health related and only 1 was an officer (I don’t see how you can include 2 suicides).
    And if he wants to compare us to other countries, almost every other nation requires some form of ID: India has managed to get them to people in villages without electricity, surely we can do the same. He makes false claims of targeting minorities (it’s not), of whom a large percentage support ID requirements. If he’s worried about dark money, start with the Dems: they started outspending Republicans this way in 2018.

    Citizen Reporter
    3 years ago
    Reply to  James Ross

    Mr. Ross- thanks for the needed clarifications. We permit varying opinions in Citizens Journal, even if we disagree, even if it’s wrong. Then, we let our intelligent readers judge for themselves.

    Kay McKin
    Kay McKin
    3 years ago

    1 star… because I could not show a zero. This man needs to stop reading the New York Times and turn off NPR.
    Oh, and Berkeley… I had to laugh when I read the profile. They must put something in the water in
    The East Bay.

    Last edited 3 years ago by Kay McKin
    Michael A....
    Michael A....
    3 years ago

    Yes and HR 1 was drawn up to ensure voting would NOT favor the Democrat Party. In my head I hear Frank Zappa singing “professor are you kidding?!”

    Last edited 3 years ago by Michael A....
    C. Collier
    C. Collier
    3 years ago

    Ahhhh, Berkeley. That alone speaks volumes. The goal is not to suppress voting by those who are lawfully enfranchised to do so. The goal is to prevent voting by non-citizens and multiple votes per person. Voter ID laws greatly aid in this.

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