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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    Happy UN-Mother’s Day | I Want NO Part In It!

    by Deborah Baber Savalla
    I am stepmother to six women. I do not have biological children but still am considered a “mother”. And I am that.
    I was a parental figure in my first set of four stepdaughters’ lives and continue to love and cherish them as they do me even though I divorced their father ten years ago. I am a friend to my two stepdaughters from my second marriage. And gratefully, I am grandmother to ten grandchildren ranging in age from 24 down to 5.
    Hillary Clinton famously said “It takes a village…” to raise a child. In past eras a pregnant woman was said “to be with child”. It was never remarked that, “she is with fetus” or “she is heavy with a cell clump” or “she is expecting something that’s not viable yet”.
    I am sitting poolside at a modest Best Western hotel in San Diego as I write this. I am listening to the delightful sounds of a “dark-skinned” mother and her four “dark-skinned” children play the delightful and memory-invoking water game of Marco Polo. And I wonder…

    What did these children look like at three weeks in the womb? What features did they have at 20 weeks inside their mother’s body? How dark was their skin at the moment of birth?” 

    I also wonder what each of these four children would look like had they been aborted at three or 20 weeks or shortly after birth as doctor-turned Democrat Virginia Governor Ralph Nordham, “…generously promises… an infant that survives an abortion (to) be “kept comfortable” amid final gasps without attempts at resuscitation…” or “Alabama Democratic state rep. John Rogers accept[ing] abortion with a shrug: “you kill them now or you kill them later.” 

    With each of these questions, I also wonder about those who advocate abortion and those who are in the business of actively finding fetuses to destroy, cell clumps to kill, and seeking work evacuating the unviable.

    Just this past week a judge in Kentucky, a conservative state when it comes to allowing for abortions, overruled a 2018 law passed by a Republican majority legislature and signed into law by a Republican governor “…which required women seeking an abortion at or beyond 15 weeks of pregnancy to first undergo a “fetal demise” injection, was “unconstitutional.”. If one reads the statement  about the judge’s ruling written by ACLU attorney Alexa Kolbi-Molinas, “…the judge’s ruling ‘affirms that health, not politics, will guide important medical decisions about pregnancy.’” The implicit notion is that being “pregnant” is “unhealthy” thus leading to the apolitical, health-inspired choice to abort the baby.

    In our state where California Democrats control the state’s legislature and governor’s office, it is easy to imagine this state passing abortion on demand from conception right up to and including the killing of born babies. To all those politicians and people who would support such grotesque, gruesome, and perverted legislation I say, 

    Happy Un-Mother’s Day. I want no part in it and will fight against you and this murderous, so-called “healthy” choice abortion-centric agenda. Health has nothing to do with it. It is pure power-politics for progressive Democrats seeking to control every aspect of a person’s life from womb, to cradle, to grave.”

    Deborah Baber Savalla: I am a former New York City book publishing executive with over 20 years of experience. I believe in moral clarity because it leads naturally to personal responsibility which WILL RESULT in small governments. I am honored to be the President of the Channel Islands Republican Women Federated (CIRWF) and privileged to work for Citizens Journal. I write columns and editorials for the Journal as a private citizen and not as staff or as President of CIRWF. I strive to be scrupulous when identifying my work as a private citizen versus that of a reporter or Journal contributor. The views expressed as a private individual are mine alone and are not necessarily that of Citizens Journal nor that of CIRWF.

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    Joan Lopez
    Joan Lopez
    5 years ago

    Deborah – Excellent article about abortion – it is killing a baby – in the womb or after birth! The healthy choice agenda pushed by the progressive Democrats must be stopped. The numbers of Pro-Life Supporters are growing. Conservatives are supporting a new movement: #SexStrike (Make Abstinance Great Again)!

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