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    Here’s What To Know About The Second Impeachment Hearing

    daily caller

    Mary Margaret Olohan |Social Issues Reporter


    The second round of impeachment hearings drew criticism from President Donald Trump as House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff repeatedly cut off Republican representatives.

    Schiff clashed with Republican New York Rep. Elise Stefanik and Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan as he cut the Republican representatives off throughout the hearing.

    “Will the chairman continue to prohibit witnesses from answering Republican questions as you’ve done in closed hearings and as you did?” Stefanik asked early on.

    “The gentlewoman will suspend,” Schiff said when Republican California Rep. Devin Nunes tried to yield time to Stefanik. (RELATED: Trump: Republicans Are Being Denied ‘Due Process’ In Impeachment Proceedings)

    “What is the interruption for this time? It is our time,” Stefanik asked on another occasion, to which Schiff said that only Nunes or Counsel Steve Castor could ask questions according to House rules. But Nunes fought back, saying any committee member should be able to ask questions since the time was allotted for questions from Republicans.

    “We control the time, its been customary of this committee that whoever controls the time can yield to whoever they wish. If we have members of Congress that have a few questions, it seems appropriate that we be able to let Ms. Stefanik ask her question,” Nunes said.

    Schiff repeatedly rebuffed Jordan’s attempts for a point of order as well, to the point where Jordan mumbled in exasperation, “holy cow.”

    Jordan and Schiff clashed again when Schiff warned Jordan he was running out of time to question Yovanovitch.

    “Mr. Jordan, I have indulged you with extra time, but my indulgence is wearing out,” Schiff warned.

    “Our indulgence wore out with you a long time ago, Mr. Chairman,” Jordan told Schiff. “I’ll tell you that.”

    President Donald Trump also weighed in on the hearings through a press conference where he said Republicans were being denied due process during the hearings.

    “Nobody’s ever had such horrible due process. There was no due process. I think it’s considered a joke all over Washington, and all over the world,” Trump said in the Roosevelt Room on Friday. “The Republicans are given no due process whatsoever. We’re not allowed to do anything. It’s a disgrace what’s happening. But you know what? The American public understands it. And that’s why the poll numbers are so good and that’s why other things are so good.”

    Politicians and pundits then accused the president of tampering with witnesses by tweeting about the matter, and Schiff read one of these tweets aloud to former Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch.



    Follow Mary Margaret on Twitter.

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    Anthony W. van Leeuwen
    Anthony W. van Leeuwen
    4 years ago

    It does not matter if the hearing is in the House of Representatives or in the Senate, due process should always be giving to the opposing party and to the person being investigated.

    You cannot have an unbiased, non-partisan investigation otherwise.

    Vic Volpe
    Vic Volpe
    4 years ago

    Mary Margaret, if Republicans want to talk about Joe Biden and his son, or anything else that the Democrats are blocking them from bringing up in the Democratic controlled House, they can go over to Mitch in the Senate where the Republicans have control and initiate their own investigating committee, like was done during the Watergate days when the House and Senae held concurrent hearings, and then they can ask all the questions they want. Otherwise, their efforts in the House are just to impede a proper investigation is the misconduct of President Trump.

    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    4 years ago
    Reply to  Vic Volpe

    Maybe Schiff should be called in to The Senate, if The House decides for impeachment, as a material witness.

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