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    How To Support Your Partner When They Want To Start A Business

    By Citizens Journal Staffers

    Today, it’s easier than ever for ambitious entrepreneurs to dive into the process of starting their own business. New models like dropshipping and print on demand selling have opened the door for endless online sales. Additionally, the web makes it quick and simple for anyone to launch a store, start selling a service, or find new ways to monetize their skills.


    While becoming a business owner might not be your personal dream, you may find that your spouse or partner has always wanted to branch out on their own. While you can’t necessarily handle all the challenges of starting a business on your partner’s behalf, you can provide them with extra support when it comes to making their dream a reality. Here are some tips to ensure you can help your other half accomplish their goals.

    Help Them Research Opportunities

    In some cases, your spouse or partner might already have a great idea for a business they’ve been thinking about for some time. However, some who want to start a company of their own will first need to invest significant time and effort into discovering potential opportunities. Sit down with your other half and ask them what kind of things they’re interested in.

    What industries do they want to get involved with? What are their skills and hobbies, and what kind of business do they want to run? You can make a list of ideas for potential ventures, and together start researching the viability of each option. Make sure you evaluate the current state of the market, the earning opportunities for each idea, and how much competition is already out there. This will help you to differentiate valuable, and lucrative ideas, from business ventures which could be a waste of time.

    Invest in Their Education

    While today’s entrepreneurs don’t necessarily need to get a specific business degree before they can start building their new venture, a strong education in the right industry can be extremely useful. Whether your partner is thinking of selling technology online or offering consulting services to major brands, they’ll be able to accomplish a lot more with the right guidance and instruction. Unfortunately, investing in an education can be a time-consuming and expensive process.

    With that in mind, it’s worth planning together, how you’re going to manage the educational journey. Figure out what kind of tuition and courses your partner can pursue while still maintaining their current job or dealing with their everyday schedule. If your partner is struggling to apply for a student loan with the best terms, then you could consider boosting their chances of being accepted for the right details by becoming a cosigner. As an Earnest student loan cosigner, you can reduce some of the risk associated with lending your partner money, so they can get the cash they need for their education.

    Be Honest, But Gentle

    When your partner starts exploring business ideas, the first thing you’ll want to do is make them feel supported and respected. You might be tempted to encourage every idea they have and hold your tongue if you have any negative thoughts. However, the chances are your partner would much rather have your honest insights, than discover you were just telling them what they wanted to hear.

    If you think your partner needs to consider something more carefully, or you have questions about their ideas, then communicate with them. Share your honest opinions and insights but remind your partner that they ultimately need to be the one who makes the decision on what to do next. Just remember, being honest doesn’t necessarily mean being harsh. Try to be political about what you say, or you could end up in an argument with your other half.

    Communicate Regularly

    Honest and open communication is crucial in any relationship. It’s particularly important when your partner is going to be starting a new business. You’ll need to discuss things like finances, funding, and even opportunities regularly, to ensure you’re both on the same page. Open communication will ensure you don’t feel left out of the loop when your partner makes decisions without you. Just because you’re not a co-owner in the business doesn’t mean you can’t get involved. Ask your partner to share their business plan with you. Encourage them to talk with you about opportunities as they arise and make decisions that will affect your financial future together.


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