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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    HR1: This Act may be cited as the “For the People Act of 2021 but Look Closer

    by Naomi Fisher

    *Editor’s note, this is part two of a series.

    If you go to the Government website you will see that the bill is set up into divisions. What I’m writing about today is Sec. 2, Division A — Voter Registration Modernization.

    Actual paragraphs and clauses referred to are at bottom of article with a link to the bill.

    Below are the numbered sections dealing with internet registration:

    “PART 1—PROMOTING INTERNET REGISTRATION. Sec. 1001. Requiring availability of internet for voter registration. Sec. 1002. Use of internet to update registration information” (Too many numbers to list follow )

    Good Heavens! It’s frightening that the way this is being presented the Senate will pass it.

    It’s even more freighting Congress is considering internet registration. What happened to the furor? All the ballot fraud in Biden’s election? The concern over foreign tampering with the election? The fact hackers have made it into banks, large corporations, even the Pentagon!?

    Are the backers of this HRI travesty brain dead? Oh, excuse me. Biden is President therefore none of the Dems outcry of supposed election tampering is now a valid threat. Their previous accusations no longer matter. They shouted all their lies, pointed all their fingers, and in doing so corrupted a great number of our populations’ beliefs. Yet all of a sudden, for some reason, the internet is now secure and our greatest benefit to living in the U.S., our right to vote for the candidate of our choice can safely be done — electronically!

    Want a nightmare?  In Sec. 6A. INTERNET REGISTRATION. c) Signature Requirements.—

    This section states that if you have a signature on file with a State agency, including the DMV, and that agency is required to provide voter registration then you “CONSENT” to the transfer of your electronic signature! YOUR SIGNATURE! On the internet. I wonder who is going to broadcast that your signature is no longer your private property. Is whatever “State agency” going to warn the uninformed? Is the DMV? Because by the time the Registrar of Voters knows about you it’s too late. Your signature is out there for all the world to see. To use.

    It goes on to say that States shall take,”…security measures to prevent to the greatest extent practicable”. I really like that “greatest extent practicable”. Don’t you agree  that guarantees internet voting safe from ballot fraud?

    In this day and age, knowing that I.D. theft and hackers getting into our email is so rampant I can only say, “They have got to be kidding.” Let’s face it. Hackers today are smart and accomplished. Today there are even scams using private phone numbers. Several times when I missed a call I have tried calling those unknown numbers back only to reach a private home, in two instances a charity, who knew nothing about the phone call made to me. And Congress is only able to ensure they will “prevent to the greatest extent practicable”? That is not enough.

    Until the internet becomes safe, not just saf-er, but safe, my signature is not going out there. And neither should yours.

    This bill also mandates that States generate  computer lists containing our voter registration information and be MADE PUBLIC.

    (For clarity — in this article I’m concentrating on the electronic registration and Congressional control over elections because this bill does continue on to allow us to vote in person or by mail. But given what I’ve read so far, I wonder how long those options will be available? And if Congress removes our right to vote in person or by mail than we who refuse to register online are playing right into the Dem’s hands. We will have no voice, no say in an election.)

    Let’s go back to what I quoted last week: “The Supreme Court has affirmed that the substantive scope of the Elections Clause is broad…Congress has plenary and paramount jurisdiction over the whole subject of Congressional elections…”

    That statement, “whole subject”, was in the middle of a paragraph stating Congress would control the time, place and manner of “Congressional elections”. But as we’ve witnessed so many times in the past some Congressperson/politician will take a particular phrase out of context and use it as gospel. In this case, the above statement stands alone. The paragraph contents before it are very clear, as are the paragraphs after. That stand alone sentence was not needed to clarify a point. I believe it was purposely buried in that section for just one purpose:

    If this bill passes Congress will have paramount jurisdiction over Congressional elections — AND require the signatures of those who sign up electronically — AND require public listing of our voter registration information.

    Congressional elections are not just Congressional elections. The last time I voted for a Congressperson it was on the Federal ballot for President of these United States. Could this Bill eventually be construed so Congress controls Presidential elections?

    Whether it does or not, as it reads right now, whoever wrote this bill is affecting a complete takeover of our elections.

    Please, people: Call, write, text your Federal Senators again and again. Don’t insist or say please. In legal matters that’s like saying, “If you don’t mind?” No, when it’s important you must DEMAND!

    DEMAND the Senators vote NO on this Bill.

    DEMAND the removal of Internet online registration and blanket mail voting.

    DEMAND amendments that  I.D. is mandatory for voter registration.

    DEMAND that absentee ballots are the only legal mail in ballots.

    DEMAND that a full research and development be studied nationwide for internet online registration and the findings be published publicly as to issues, problems, concerns and positives and how, in the end, this will affect people being able to register safely and as themselves and not a “deep fake”.

    This is dire. This bill has ALREADY PASSED THE HOUSE. We need to be heard NOW!

    Below is the HR I Bill on — website, link:
    Actual quotes from the bill:
    Sec. A, Part 1: “(A) In the case of an individual who has a signature on file with a State agency, including the State motor vehicle authority, that is required to provide voter registration services under this Act or any other law, the individual consents to the transfer of that electronic signature.

    Sec. 1002 USE OF INTERNET TO UPDATE COMPUTER REGISTRATION, under “(A)…the updated name, address, email address will be added to a public computerized list.

    Part 2, Sec. 1011 “…all states shall be required to update their voter registration lists with electronic and internet capability..

    “B) If subparagraph (A) does not apply, the individual submits with the application an electronic copy of the individual’s handwritten signature through electronic means.

    “Still under Signature Requirements in Sec. “(f) Protection Of Security Of Information, In meeting the requirements of this section, the State shall establish appropriate technological security measures to prevent to the greatest extent practicable any unauthorized access to information provided by individuals using the services made available under subsection (a).”

    If there is time before the Senate votes on this Bill , I shall continue to send in articles to this paper explaining what else I have uncovered.

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

    Naomi Fisher is a resident of Ventura County

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    Mark Savalla
    Mark Savalla
    3 years ago

    HR1 is part of the Communist plot to destroy the USA.

    No Comment
    No Comment
    3 years ago

    Thank you for informing us all of this absurd attempt to ensure voter fraud occurs if it hasn’t already. We need to be more concerned about politicians circumventing our rights to privacy in order to further their political agendas. We should knock this down for the simple fact it seeks to force our compliance through an act almost everyone performs and which is completely unrelated to voting and that is to get a driver’s license. Our signature is
    mandatory to receive our license. Nowhere does it state we must agree to make our signature available online nor does it state we authorize our personal, identifying information (such as address and phone number) be made public. This bill is trying to sneak this in behind our backs. They are are violating us, our rights and our privacy. We are guilty of allowing everything we do not want to happen. We must take action to stop it. We have allowed too many rights to be stripped from us already. You will care when you have to suffer the consequences of non action. Let’s not have to be sorry and fix something that hasn’t happened yet. We have been sufficiently warned.

    3 years ago

    I have used the absentee ballot at 5 different addresses in 2 counties, with 2 different names and received appropriate ballots each time. I am aware of 4 deceased voters who did not receive their ballots in the mail after their deaths. Apparently if the county or state supports an accurate voting system it can be done. The states and counties that are complaining now only have themselves to blame. Put your money where your mouth is.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Sally

    I know 2 widows who continue to receive ballots for their dead husbands. Ventura Country did not remove them from voter records, even though both men died at Community Memorial in Ventura and should have had death certificates.One widow bragged to me that “we both voted.”

    100% mail in ballots is a terrible idea, because voter rolls are poorly maintained and the vote by mail system is more subject to abuse.

    When I did precinct walking for multiple candidates, I sometimes saw up to 6 surnames at single family houses. When I asked for these people, I was told that some had moved or nobody even heard of them. The voting system is now in crisis and needs moves to buttress support, not throw further suspicion upon it. California didn’t even have a statewide voter roll until recent years. They got a federal waiver every tear until then.

    3 years ago

    California has had online voter registration since 2012. A total of 42 states have had online registration dating back to 2002.

    Michael A....
    Michael A....
    3 years ago

    Nancy Pelosi is a crazy, demented danger to America.

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