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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    If Dems Really Believed Trump Is An Insurrectionist …

    Democrats claim that January 6 was an insurrection that was caused by Donald Trump, which should disqualify him from running for president, according to the 14th Amendment.

    Let’s examine that claim:

    An insurrection is an attempt to overthrow the existing government to take control of it.

    Hmmm. So what exactly is the existing U.S. government? A legislature made up of a House and a Senate, a judicial system run by the United States Supreme Court and an executive branch run by the president, including all the agencies and U.S. military … several million people.

    So a successful insurrection would have to overthrow Congress, SCOTUS and all the U.S. agencies, including the military. How can anyone claim that the riots on Jan. 6, 2021, were an attempt to do that? How? How can they claim that the thousand people who entered the Capitol building January 6 were overthrowing the United States government?

    Yes, the J6 riot was an attempt to reverse an election for the position of president, but nothing more than that. How can anyone claim that it was an attempt to overthrow all three branches, again, including the military? And then replace them with what?

    On January 6, Donald Trump hosted a rally, an assembly, which presented a petition for a redress for grievances, just as allowed in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Trump used his freedom of speech to explain why he thought that Biden “won” the election due to election fraud – words protected by the First Amendment.

    Democrats accused Trump of causing an armed insurrection. Nancy Pelosi personally stated that Trump caused an “armed insurrection” on January 6 as she authorized the vote to impeach Trump without a House hearing, which would have allowed Trump lawyers to defend him. The Senate found Trump to be not guilty of the charges made by Democrats. If the Senate had found Trump to be guilty, then Democrats could claim that he was convicted by due process. But that was not the case. The Senate found Trump, by due process, to be “not guilty.”

    Since then, Democrats have used the civil courts instead of criminal courts to try to remove Trump from election ballots, citing the 14th Amendment. Civil court cases can be decided by biased judges without the due process of conviction by a jury. These civil cases are the epitome of dishonesty. No jury, and placed via judge shopping.

    If Democrats believe that Trump caused an insurrection on January 6, which, if true, should disqualify Trump from possibly being elected president, then they need to pursue a criminal case that uses due process with a jury of peers to prove their accusation, not civil courts where solo Democrat judges can make such decisions. But they know that their accusation is false, just like their prior accusations against Trump, such as the Russia hoax and Steele Dossier, so they use the civil courts with Democrat judges to do their dirty work.


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    Chipotle Charlie
    Chipotle Charlie
    7 months ago

    Released tapes of this “insurrection” prove that it was NOT anything more than a mildly boisterous shouting match. The only violence committed that day was by law enforcement and embedded Federal agents. The embedded agents were there to make it look like an insurrection, but it was not. That fellow, Ray Epps went on national tv and lied about what he was saying that day. He was a plant. There is a man, still in prison, who knows what Epps really was saying that day. Why is he still in prison? To keep him quiet apparently. Your Swamp at work. Voters need to wake up. Luckily for us, Trump is leading in current polls. Pundits are now saying the only option for Democrats is to “eliminate” Trump. Yes, the word “eliminate” was used by Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman to stop Trump. That’s all the Democrats have left. All the other schemes have failed. “Eliminate” is a pretty strong word. Do you want your federal government in the business of political elimination as it was 60 years ago when President Kennedy was “eliminated” by Federal Swamp Creatures? Think about it.

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