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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    Larry Elder Rallies Crowd for Recall in Thousand Oaks

    by Chris Bailey

    September 6, 2021, Ventura County California

    In sweltering heat on the parking lot of the Thousand Oaks Mall, Larry Elder ran the table with his speech that stirred the crowd.  Elder outlined his reasons for running for Governor, and revived the possibilities new conservative leadership can make California a great place to live and prosper in once again.

    Larry Elder at the Thousand Oaks Mall Rally September 6 2021 photo by James Lacey

    Dave Rubin was the lead-in to Larry Elder’s speech at the Recall Newsom rally. He said, “Everyone is sweating here, I’m in a sport coat, but nobody is sweating like Gavin Newsom.”

    Scott Baio stumped as well to get the vote out, urging the crowd of over 3000 to get their friends out between now and Election day to prove “this isn’t a Republican Recall, but a California Recall!” 

    Actor Scott Baio Photo by James Lacey

    Larry Elder pressed his case that the State is still governable with the right leadership. He pledged to push school choice for parents who want to improve their children’s education. He said, “Gavin kids go to private schools. He doesn’t care.” Our hopes and dreams were shut down while he exempted his own. 

    Larry reflected on his father, who said, “I never got a job from a poor person” and he will promote business and growth so it isn’t negative to be successful. Mr. Elder pointed to the myth of the BLM movement, and pledged to support Passive Policing where law enforcement anticipates problems before they fester into major crime. The recall candidate also clarified with a swipe at CNN that he isn’t a Climate Change Denier, he’s a Climate Change Alarmist Denier. Bad management is what we can control, and good leadership will put “forever forest fire seasons” behind us. 

    Larry Elder told the crowd that he has gotten vaccinated. His choice. He understands people can feel uncomfortable with a vaccine created under an EAU, Emergency Use Authorization. “That is an individual’s right to decide.” The statement got a huge roar from the crowd.

    Larry Elder Rally Thousand Oaks September 6 2021 Photo T Hardy

    Elder swiped at the Los Angeles Times for labeling him the New Blackface of White Supremacy.

    He has always voted Republican, and has done so because conservatism and individual Liberty has always made its home in the Republican Party. 

    “CRT and reparations are not the answer to the problems of California. As Martin Luther King Jr said, we should be judged by our character. If the only attack the Left has against me is that I am Black and Conservative, I have earned that with honor.”

    Larry Elder has challenged Californians to put him in charge, and bring California back from divisive, partisan politics. Racism is no longer a main component of American society, and Mr Elder will not govern by pretending that it is.

    The rally was organized by local business owner, Beverly Wurts.

    Larry Elder Rally September 6 2021 Photo Patty Ross

    Chris Bailey is a reporter-at-large of citizensjournal.us, a business owner, military veteran and longtime resident of Camarillo

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    2 years ago

    Our next Governor

    2 years ago

    Square coverage which is refreshing.
    Further, it’s amazing that this large FREEDOM BOMB landed in T.O. on Labor Day and CJ is the only one who bothered to timely cover it. Exactly zero incidents, sans a couple of heat exhaustion cases, from this group who LYIN’ LINDA labeled extremists! Nothing but positivity and well-wishes for change. I swear I didn’t even hear an F-word all day. Totally family-friendly, encouraging, and promising! Make California Golden Again

    Mike Smith
    Mike Smith
    2 years ago

    “this isn’t a Republican Recall, but a California Recall!”

    Precisely accurate.
    And for good reason!
    The bitterly divided California Republican Party (which is NOT helping Larry Elder unseat Gavin Newsom) cannot lead ants to a chocolate cake.
    Want Larry Elder as CA Governor? It’s entirely on you. http://www.electelder.com

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Mike Smith
    shelly storey
    shelly storey
    2 years ago

    I pray to God Larry Elder defeats the loser-that-doesn’t-govern governor that we have now. I have followed Larry Elder since his first days on radio and his first books and was so very impressed with his intelligence, his wit, his strength and his views. I hope he defeats Newsom and gets us back on track. And if that happens, perhaps there will be a trickle-down effect – out with Garcetti, Gascon and all the other progressives who have destroyed this wonderful state.

    Last edited 2 years ago by shelly storey
    George Pattone
    George Pattone
    2 years ago

    Larry said it himself :
    VOTE YES to recall Governor DippityDoo
    VOTE IN PERSON starting next Saturday to avoid mail-in malfeasance via “adjudicated” mail-in Domnioned ballots…
    Watch them process your ballot to make sure it’s run “clean”…

    George Pattone
    George Pattone
    2 years ago

    Great turnout (especially considering the heat), great message and great to see as many Californians of all ages & ethnicities out to support Larry Elder and a host of several other candidates for LOCAL office…
    Especially good to see so many signups to recall Linda Parks, who turned out to be a one topic Supervisor, that being SOAR related… She turned out to be a huge disappointment on the Covid plandemic and government overreach…

    BruceBoyer candidate for Ventura Countysheriff
    BruceBoyer candidate for Ventura Countysheriff
    2 years ago
    Reply to  George Pattone

    As a “local candidate” I was informed that per the Larry Elder people that no other candidates for any office were to be welcomed, recognized or invited to speak. I was part of the original event organizing effort and that is what ‘we” were told by the Elder people”. ‘Organizers” chose to do a ‘Larry Elder only event” and shove the local candidate-supporters of the recall out of the way. Not everyone plays well together or as a team. This is a pat of why one side is getting beaten.

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