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    United States Socialist Republic book by HG Goerner

    Letter to the US HHS Office of Global Affairs

    By Margaret Anna Alice

    “Governments do like epidemics, just the same way as they like war, really. It’s a chance to impose their will on us and get us all scared so that we huddle together and do what we’re told.”

    —Dr. Damien Downing, President, British Society of Ecological Medicine

    I represent the World Council for Health, and I am writing to voice my solemn concerns about the amendments to International Health Regulations (IHR) Articles 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, 48, 49, 53, and 59 proposed by the US Department of Health & Human Services on January 18, 2022.

    You have the unique opportunity to stop the greatest threat to national sovereignty in history by rejecting these amendments.

    Conversely, advancing these amendments would constitute a shameful act tantamount to treason against the people of the world.

    I implore you to choose courageous action over cowardly capitulation to globalist pressures.

    If approved, the IHR amendments would grant the WHO director-general dictatorial power to declare a public health emergency—even if the member state objects.

    That means an un-elected bureaucrat would have the ability to impose a “One Health” directive that supersedes the laws of a democratically elected nation-state and the will of its citizens.

    Empowering a single individual with such absolutist authority is egregious enough, but it represents an even deadlier danger when that person is a likely war criminal.

    WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has been credibly accused of “systemic genocidal violence and gross human rights violations” by the Amhara Professionals Union Research Department. Furthermore, Nobel Peace Prize nominee David Steinman has lodged a complaint with the International Criminal Court against him for being “a crucial decision maker in relation to security service actions that included killing, arbitrarily detaining, and torturing Ethiopians.”

    Catapulting an alleged war criminal to an omnipotent role would fulfill Joost Meerloo’s admonition in The Rape of the Mind at a global level:

    “In a state where terror is used to keep the people in line, the administrative machine may become the exclusive property and tool of the dictator.”

    Additionally, the proposed IHR amendments would equip WHO “regional directors” with the authority to declare a Public Health Emergency of Regional Concern (PHERC).

    Meerloo warns about these petty bureaucratic tyrants as well—what Christopher Browning calls “desk murderers”:

    “This creeping totalitarianism of the desk and file goes on nearly everywhere in the world. As soon as civil servants can no longer talk humanely and genially but write down everything in black and white and keep long minutes in overflowing files, the battle for administrative power has begun. Compulsive order, red tape, and regulation become more important than freedom and justice.…

    “The burning psychological question is whether man will eventually master his institutions so that these will serve him and not rule him.”

    The answer to that burning psychological question has been made resoundingly clear over the past two years of COVID tyranny, during which countries around the world seized exponentially multiplying authoritarian powers to institute a range of failed, hazardous, and even lethal guidelines in the name of a mild condition that even Bill Gates now admits had a “fairly low fatality rate” and is “a disease mainly of the elderly, kind of like flu is.”

    Taking this runaway absolutism to the international level would be equivalent to imposing a planetary dictatorship.

    In 1976, Paddy Chayefsky prophesied the arrival of such a world in Network:


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