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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    Life Is Tough! It’s Tougher If You’re Stupid!


    “Life is tough! It’s tougher if you’re stupid!” These are the immortal words of that great philosopher Sargent John M. Stryker USMC (John Wayne) in the movie “Sands of Iwo Jima.” There is a tremendous amount of wisdom in those few words. Those words impart even more wisdom if we paraphrase them in a couple of ways.

    Life is tough! It’s tougher if you’re ignorant! For the last 30 years, the Marxist American education system has be turning out high school “graduates” that are functionally illiterate. The system values student self-esteem rather than an education to assist them in being productive, knowledgeable American citizens. A high school diploma is now nothing more than a participation trophy, not a document that demonstrates actual capability and accomplishment.

    Marxist American education system has be turning out high school “graduates” that are functionally illiterate

    Too many college degrees only attest to the fact that a person was able to regurgitate an acceptable level of what was presented to them and represent no major line of study that would lead to the ability of the degree holder to earning a living.  This too, is only a participation trophy, often attached to serious student loan debt.  The majority of these degree holders are totally in favor of student loan forgiveness.  They are so focused on “me” that they are ignorant of the fact that the “government money” to forgive such debt only comes from productive taxpayers, whose money has been confiscated by the government.  Ironically, most of those taxpayers didn’t go to college or if they did go to college, they paid their own way.

    Life is tough! It’s tougher if you’re indoctrinated!   Why do we have so many stupid, ignorant, and illiterate people in the United States?  The Marxists in the Democrat Party have spent the last 30 or more years indoctrinating (aka brainwashing) the children and young adults in the American education system.  Nikita Khrushchev told America back in the 1950s, that in order to take over America, all they had to do was come for our children.  Today, Nancy Pelosi, the Clintons, the Bidens, the Schumers, and Maxine Waters are examples of their first generation successes.  The Obamas and Ocasio-Cortez are shining examples of more recent successes. If a politician or voter attaches Democrat to his/her name, there stands a committed Marxist or one of the Marxist’s useful idiots that know not what they do.

    The Marxist Democrat Party creed for their voting and media minions is: “Be happy; don’t worry; vote Democrat.”  This approach works quite well with their stupid, ignorant, and illiterate minions.

    Life is tough!  Yes, it is tough for the rest of the patriotic Constitution-loving American voters.  Between now and November 8, 2022, we need to toughen our resolve to throw every Marxist Democrat out of office at every level of government.  If patriotic Americans are to win the war with Marxism, we must gird ourselves up to the reality that words alone won’t work.  We must take action at the grassroots level by knocking on doors, making phone calls, and making sure friends and family don’t allow their frustration to paralyze them into thinking their vote doesn’t count.  Every vote counts, and failure of a patriot to vote is a win for Marxism.

    Marxist Democrat Party machine will be trying to cheat even more than in the past

    Life is tougher today because we know the Marxist Democrat Party machine will be trying to cheat even more than in the past.  We need to hammer our individual state legislatures to assure that the November 8, 2022, mid-term election is conducted as required by the United States Constitution.  Stop mass mail-in voting.  Properly requested Absentee Ballots are okay, but all other mail-in voting must be stopped forever.

    “Find a mission that you can give yourself over to and then spend your days moving that mission forward. Man is made so that when anything fires his soul the impossibilities vanish.” ~ John Quincy Adams

    “Truth is a tyrant—the only tyrant to whom we can give our allegiance. The service of truth is a matter of heroism.” ~ John F. Kennedy

    Life is tough, but if patriotic Americans can adopt the mission of which John Quincy Adams spoke, American citizens can begin reclaiming America in the war against Marxism.  We need only to fully awaken the sleeping tiger within America’s soul.

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of Citizens Journal


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    Michael A…
    Michael A…
    2 years ago

    Yes, as he himself admits the author sure is stupid. Must suck to be him, lacking the intellect to think for himself and able only to regurgitate alt-right crap that doesn’t pass the giggle test.

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