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    Setting Brushfires of Freedom by Don Jans

    Mask – Friend or Foe?

    by Naomi Fisher  

    COVID-19, a pandemic! We were told to isolate. Then we learned it’s a genetically engineered disease. We further learn it mutates. A feeling just shy of terror swamped Our Nation – and the world. Medical personnel had no method of checking us for the illness at first. After all the fear and most of us climbing the walls from the isolation, we learn the total number of cases were deliberately faked, swollen! Doctors and hospitals were told to list any death where a fever was present: COVID-19! That included a young man who died of a drug overdose, deaths from heart attacks, etc., etc, Finally proper testing has became available. 
    Throughout this trauma we were told to wear masks – something I have never understood because the Department of Health (DOH) and Center For Disease Control (CDC) stated the ONLY masks truly effective against COVID-19 are the K95’s – a model almost extinct. K95’s and the less effective N95’s are reserved for the medical, police, firepeople and first responders. It is illegal for us, the public, to use either one. Probably merciful. People insist it’s very difficult to breathe through them.
    Like good citizens, all of us immediately began buying or making and wearing the recommended two-layer fabric masks. Why? From the very beginning we were told those two layers only protect you from catching my germs – do not protect me at all! Also, that polyester masks are much more difficult to breathe through because that material does not allow air flow like cotton does. Strangely, a lot of masks for sale at different stores are made from polyester.
    Stranger yet, on July 1, 2020, Gov. Wolf, Secretary of Health Signs, expanded the Mask-Wearing Order, “…With this order, signed under Dr. Levine’s authority under the Disease Prevention and Control Act, masks must be worn whenever anyone leaves home. The order takes effect immediately….More and more health experts have called for mask wearing, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who said during a June 30 Senate hearing on COVID-19, ‘Americans who don’t wear masks may ‘propagate the further spread of infection.’” Link below.
    Fauci, Levine and Wolf made it law that we have to constantly wear masks. This after we were told our masks are not very effective against COVID-19. And now, all of a sudden the percentages have been changed – the very masks that were ineffective might magically prevent “further spread of” COVID-19?  Why? How?
    It gets more complicated: Early on doctors warned that constantly wearing masks is unhealthy. Think about it. We are breathing carbon dioxide our lungs are expelling – the very toxic air that our bodies are trying to remove. Now, suddenly “experts” are saying that our carbon dioxide in masks is not that dangerous. What caused that change?
    I found no answers. The information given by DOH, CDC, etc. is vague and often contradictory. An exhaustive internet search revealed that only by wearing multiple layers are our masks anywhere near effective against COVID-19. Some sites say Tshirt material is good. Others say the weave is too loose, use pillowcase material. Most agree on a tight weave cotton but agree its hard to breath through, yet suggest three or more layers! All agree that only two layers will stop some of the larger infected droplets leaving your mouth or nose, The key word is SOME. Regardless, smaller droplets will still get through.
    The “experts” say our fabric masks protect you from my germs. Okay, which germs? Let’s say I have a cold. I now know I should wear a mask if I go to the store. But no one tells us if my mask will protect you from my cold. Hopefully everyone is intelligent enough to stay home if they have, say the measles or strep throat. But if they don’t stay home will their mask protect us from them? I know my allergy is not contagious but what other germs would I be carrying that might threaten you? I have no idea. Apparently neither do the DOH and CDC.
    Acccording to webMD “Surgical masks aren’t ideal for hospital use with COVID-19 because they allow tiny droplets to seep in through parts of the mask….” Okay, except it goes on to say, “but they.’re helpful for those of us venturing out in public to buy groceries or run errands.” Excuse me? Helpful how? If droplets seep out in hospitals droplets will seep out in public! Link below.
    USA Today: “Based on multiple studies done by the authors…optimized ventilation is the way to move forward, removing the virus from the air before people inhale it.” Link below. Again, I’m confused. Does that mean being outdoors with masks? Why doesn’t it mean being in the filtered air of a church that has ionizing machines and UV lighting and hand sanitizers inside the church? Godspeak Calvary Church in Newbury Park does but is court ordered to close. Why?
    NBCnews quoted a Dr. Segal: “Face coverings made of fabric, public health experts note, aren’t intended to protect wearers from getting sick, but rather, to prevent them from spreading the virus to others.” Link below. But we have already learned fabric masks are not that effective to block COVID-19 droplets! 
    Conclusions: Everyone wearing masks all the time isn’t that effective. The authorities don’t really know enough and are just blowing smoke. Much of their information is confusing at best, often makes no sense, is therefore pretty useless. 
    After all my research I still have five very important questions: 1) Why is it legal to force us to wear masks when we leave home? 2) Why do children/adults riding a bike have to wear a mask? 3) Why do people exercising have to wear a mask? Neither #2 or #3 can be healthy. 4) Why aren’t those with health issues precluding wearing a mask being given some sort of I.D. instead of being verbally vilified or arrested for not wearing one? 5) If we are out in the open fresh air and socially distancing, why do we have to wear a mask? 
    Masks: Friend or foe? I vote FOE!
    National Institute Communicable Diseases
    “Take note, wearing a mask is not a primary preventative measure and should not provide a false sense of protection…preventative measures include the exercise of good hand hygiene and physical distancing.”
    Ramon Padilla, and Javier Zarracina, USA TODAY, Updated 11:00 a.m. PDT July 17, 2020
    “…The World Health Organization (WHO) recognized that aerosolized droplets can lead to infection…We think that’s one of the main ways it’s transmitted….” [important word: think]
    “You have to use relatively high-quality cloth,” Dr. Scott Segal, chair of anesthesiology…One piece of cloth filtered just 1 percent….[if] a substantial amount of light to shine through…[will] allow tiny viral particles through….”
    Masks with at least 2 layers of fabric …are most likely to reduce the spread of COVID-19 when…widely used by people in public settings. 
    How to Make a CDC-Approved Cloth Face Mask, Updated July 29, 2020
    “…not use a thin bandana or scarf wrapped around your mouth in a single layer…Tightly knit cotton material…should be big enough to fold several times….”

    Naomi Fisher  is a resident of Ventura County

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal

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    Mike Smith
    Mike Smith
    3 years ago

    A better question already exists:

    The cause of the shutdowns — virus or Big Government?

    3 years ago

    Why did Fauci tell us not to buy all the masks because they don’t work and then change his mind and said they do work. Why hasn’t the virus exploded in the homeless community? Why are we being forced to go to jury duty but the gyms are closed? Why are they allowing protesters and rioters but then letting criminals out of jail?

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