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    Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, NewYear/Holidays from Citizens Journal

    Citizens Journal Celebrated another Year of Publishing

    We wish you a blessed and happy holiday season and new year!


    Subscribe free, to our Citizens Journal twice-weekly email bulletin

    We’ve been in operation over six years since starting publication of Citizens Journal- Ventura County, AKA, AKA CJ, on June 21, 2013.  We want to thank our contributors, both financially and most assuredly, and we couldn’t be here without our writers, regulars like Sheryl Hamlin, Michael Hernandez and Raven West to such extraordinary columnists like Victor Davis Hanson, Thomas Knapp, Michael Greer, L. Neil Smith and Phil Erwin.  There are so many, excellent talents, like William Hicks, a regular in our comments section…so many it would be hard to name them all.  They are so appreciated by our publisher, George Miller, and Editor-in-Chief, Debra Tash, Associate Editors Carol Miller and Deborah Baber Savalla, with a special hats off to our co-founder, Michael Hernandez. Finally, we want to thank our tens of thousands of readers!

    An Interview of our publisher, George Miller by the excellent OurVenturaTV (they have LOTS of great stuff!):


    Watch Video:

    George Miller speaks about the Citizens Journal with George Alger.

    Citizens Journal provides objective online news and not so objective editorial opinion regarding things affecting Ventura County, CA.

    They report on issues vital to the community, including local governments, school boards, city councils, county supervisors, business and other local matters. They also put state, national and international events into perspective in how they affect our community.

    Would you please consider supporting volunteer-operated Citizens Journal’s REAL news in Ventura County with a donation or volunteering writing, editing, technical support, circulation or other services?

    Funds will be used to improve content quality and scope, expand circulation and meet operating expenses. While we are far cheaper to run than a dinosaur MSM tree-eating, fuel-guzzling “paper,” it still costs money to make this beast go. Presently, we are attempting to make a number of technical and digital marketing changes to increase our visibility and readership, but lack the needed in-house technical resources. So please help. We are chronically short of what we need to expand and improve. Imagine what we could do with more support.  Questions, comments? ….  [email protected]


    And to close, here’s a partial list of our past super stars:

    Writers with Original Material

    Sheryl Hamlin – News, Lifestyle, events

    Raven West – Columns, Lifestyle

    Phil Erwin – Op-ed

    Michael Greer – Op-ed, Columns

    Gina Harden- News, Features

    Kevin Harris – News, Columns

    Sigrid Weidenweber – editorial

    Thomas Knapp – Op-ed

    Tom Dunn – Video, news and politics 

    Armando Vazquez – Op-ed, Columns

    Tim Pompey – News, Lifestyle

    Dan Pinedo – Photo Journalist

    Bill Hicks – Photos/commentary

    Peter Godinez- Features

    Katie Cocoquyt- Columns, Lifestyle

    Dana Rene – Photo Journalist

    Lawrence P. Stein – Columns

    Jim Sullivan- Columns Op-ed

    Christina Zubko- Columns, Editorial

    Lang Martinez- Columns

    Steve Nash- Columns, News

    William J. Olson- Columns

    David Puu- Photos- Columns, Features

    Naomi Fisher- Op-ed

    Lori Denman- News

    Paul White- Editorial, Columns

    George Miller – Publisher, News, Features, Columns, Editorials

    Mike Hernandez – Founding Editor, News, Education, Faith

    Debra Tash – Editor-in-Chief, News, Columns, Editorials

    … and many more


    The Daily Caller

    Epoch Times

    Union Watch/California Policy Center

    Cal Watchdog

    Hueneme Voice

    L. Neil Smith

    Bill Federer (American Minute)

    Stephen Frank- CA Political News

    Jennifer Felten

    Jon Rappoport

    Jon Coupal (Howard Jarvis Taxpayers)

    Ventura County Taxpayers Association

    Venturans for Responsible & Efficient Government

    Paul Driessen and Tom Tamarkin 

    And others who have let us run their articles: Walter E. Williams, Pamela Geller, Larry Elder, Earl Ofari HutchinsonDr. Ted Baehr, Maynard Jackson, Roseann Salanitri, Reverend David Whitney and many more wonderful writers.



    Debra Tash

    [email protected]

    George Miller
    [email protected]



    You may also subscribe free, to our Citizens Journal twice-weekly email bulletin.

    Please consider advertising on our pages- it is the lowest cost way to advertise. Send us an inquiry: [email protected]

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