Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    Michelle Obama Made HOW Much For 1 Speech?

    If the Obama woman spoke nonstop without interruption every day, all day until the end of her life, if she lived to be 100 years old, everything she could possibly say taken collectively wouldn’t amount to a bag of peanuts in substance and value.

    The question that demands an answer is: What could the miserably contentious harridan, who finds a way to whine about how awful she has it and hard her life has been because of the amount of surface-level melanin she exhibits, have to say worth two cents?

    What in heaven’s name could a chronic whiner, who views her life as one never-ending jeremiad, have to say that would warrant paying her nearly $750,000 for an approximately hour-long, one-on-one conversation with a German entrepreneur? The simple truth is: nothing – not one single thing.

    The event I reference took place in Germany the end of September 2023: advertised as Bits and Pretzels, a tech festival with its mission being to help tech founders shape a better future. Somehow it was concluded that the “Holstein from Martha’s Vineyard by way of Southside Chicago” was an inspiring story “of determination, community and personal conviction” – even if a total lie.

    “Drawing on her experiences as an accomplished attorney and bestselling author,” promoters continued, “Mrs. Obama will encourage the audience to embrace their unique strengths and push past self-doubt while discussing the importance of inclusivity and diversity.” The Obama woman is as much of an accomplished attorney as Bill Clinton, with both of them sharing the same fate, said being one of having no choice in being forced to surrender their law licenses. She was not and is not an accomplished attorney; to be same, one must actually be an attorney, which requires being fully licensed to practice law.

    She continues today whining about how hard her life is and feigning depression because of “continued racial unrest, that has plagued this country since its birth.” But, she’s a pernicious liar who refuses to acknowledge and/or even consider what she would be if not for America.

    Obama has capitalized in an environment that rewards whoredom, criminal dishonesty, promoting failure as a consequence of melanin, promoting and profiting from the murder of children, and she uses inculcated immiseration from the caldron she stirs to create the fallacious narrative that claims all so-called white people are bad and untrustworthy.

    We’ve heard her pathetic claims that she suffers from low-grade depression, brought on by President Trump. That President Trump could cause such a belligerent individual to lose her mind because he stands for everything she hates – including Jesus Christ, America and family – is alone enough reason to vote for him. But, I digress.

    The point I want to make is just how transpicuous her lies are when exposed. She claims it’s dispiriting and exhausting to wake up each day with yet another Negro man being hurt or killed. Her entire act is about fomenting discord based upon the amount of melanin a person has or doesn’t have visible.

    The fact that 94% of the people she is prostituting for personal gain are killed/murdered by others who have the same complexion they do should disturb her, but it doesn’t. The fact that George Floyd, a junkie and lifelong criminal who terrorized every neighborhood he ever lived in from state to state, is not offensive to her but statues of Civil War heroes are suggests to me this woman is a liar. She complains about ghetto hoodlums being held responsible for their actions, but shows no disgust for the tens upon tens of millions of so-called black women paying the very people she claims treat her kind unfairly to murder their children – a practice, I might add, which has resulted in the systematic extermination of close to 40% of her so-called kind. The real clincher for me: She blames her emotional discontent on MAGA Americans, but her vile husband’s boasts of his insatiable thirst to sodomize other men she accepts as normal. Her husband’s legacy of trolling for sodomistic encounters in the backseat of limousines and Chicago homosexual bathhouses doesn’t publicly shame her, but we’re supposed to believe she suffers mental and emotional trauma because of Donald Trump.

    It’s not President Trump who is causing this woman emotional duress. It’s the thing that masquerades as her husband who is causing her emotional trauma – unless, of course, she approves of his debaucherous and loathsome commonality. Personally, I cannot imagine what its like to be with a filth that has performed the acts he’s accused of in Chicago and, if rumor is to be believed, around America and the world. Even Hillary Clinton was embarrassed by her husband’s moral failings.

    All I’ve mentioned heretofore is true, but the Obamas don’t want us to focus on the question of what makes a gluttonous, broken-down old lush like her worthy of three-quarters of a million dollars to do a one-on-one conversation.

    I suspect it’s a form of payola. The Clintons cashed in to the tune of untold fortunes by playing the pay-to-speak game.

    The Obama woman is a one-trick pony capable of one thing. Her total game consists of complaining how bad she has it, how hard it is to be a crayon color and how difficult it is to be her. Is she really what they are trying to backdoor into the White House after they pull the coup on Biden?

    This is a sad commentary for what remains of America’s future, but they got elected because of the guilt of many and the susceptibility to lies of many others. Now they are entrenched, and it appears to be Obama is positioning himself to exercise control even after Biden is kicked to the curb.

    For the record, I don’t believe the Obama woman will get the nod. And, if I’m right, the one they have in waiting is much worst than she could ever be. We’re going to find out soon enough.


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    B. Arnold
    B. Arnold
    6 months ago

    How embarrassing that many people think there is a ball sack under that skirt?

    Ed M
    Ed M
    6 months ago

    oh cry for me, you piece of sht. uou hate whites, don’t believe in J.C. drop your pants show the world the man you really are, Btch/ Bastrd.

    C. Collier
    C. Collier
    6 months ago


    I make more than that for an hour of my time, it’s not hard. Why don’t you try earning some real money instead of being lazy and complaining the welfare state won’t meet your demands for a handout.

    This rag has gotten WAY too liberal.

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