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    United States Socialist Republic book by HG Goerner

    Mr. President, Fight the Battle of the DC Swamp Creatures


    Wayne Allyn Root

    Remember when Rahm Emanuel let the secret out of the bag, “Never let a crisis go to waste.” 

    Just days ago, South Carolina Democrat Congressman James Clyburn repeated almost the exact same words to his Democrat colleagues. 

    Clyburn said, “this is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.” Meaning he wants to use a life and death Coronavirus pandemic to push through the extreme, radical, socialist agenda of Democrats, while everyone in Washington DC (including President Trump) is desperate and distracted. 

    How disgusting and disgraceful. 

    This latest 1400 page bill put together by Nancy Pelosi and Democrats is everything everyday Americans hate about government. It is the very definition of the worst of the DC Swamp. It is filled with totally unrelated pork to pay off Pelosi’s and Democrat’s deep-pocket supporters. It is filled with their socialist wish list that could neverpass under normal circumstances.  

    But Pelosi and Democrats expect it to pass by holding you and me hostage. They know the US economy is about to collapse- literally. They know we are on the verge of a Great Depression. Actually, worse than a Great Depression. We are on the verge of 30% or higher unemployment. 

    That’s higher than anything we saw in the depths of the Great Depression. 

    Democrats know almost every small business in America is on the verge of bankruptcy. They must know many proud small business owners are thinking of suicide. This is a national disaster of epic proportions.

    And all Democrats can think of is loading the bill to rescue the US economy with extreme, radical, ultra-liberal poison pills. If it passes, out of desperation and distraction, they get all the DC Swamp pork and payoffs they ever dreamed of. Plus, as a bonus, their socialist agenda. But if it doesn’t pass, they’ll blame President Trump and Republicans.

    How cynical can you get?

    What’s in Pelosi’s 1400 page bill? Arts funding; free Obamaphones; strict new affirmative action and diversity rules for corporate Boards; disgraceful giveaways to government employee unions; massive new draconian environmental rules; elimination of the Postal Service’s debt; and forcing government to favor banks owned by minorities. Add in nationwide “ballot harvesting” (ie Democrat voter fraud used to steal elections).

    What does any of this have to do with a Coronavirus pandemic, or a health crisis, or an economic collapse?

    In short, Pelosi’s version of a ”rescue bill” includes every extreme, radical, socialist and far left proposal Democrats have ever dreamed of. Smack dab in the middle of the worst crisis in US history.

    Isn’t that called extortion? Democrats are putting a gun to the heads of President Trump, the GOP Senate and every American. Congratulations Ms. Pelosi. The Gambino Crime Family couldn’t have done a better job. 

    Sadly, the Republicans are either wimps who will just roll-over in fear of the media saying something bad about them, or they are swamp creatures themselves who will add even more pork to the bill.

    My advice to President Trump: Call it out. Read every offensive clause to the American people in an emergency national address to the nation. Recite the pork and payoffs. Call it what it is: mafia style extortion and fraud.

    Don’t give in to extortion, Mr. President. Call them out by name with every tool and media outlet you’ve got available. Call Pelosi and Democrats exactly what they are: “Swamp Creatures who don’t care about the American people, who want to take advantage of the American people, in a life or death crisis of a lifetime.”  

    Mr. President, let the American people know you will veto any bill that contains even one piece of pork- from Democrats or Republicans. Let them know that the only bill that is getting past you is one that directly helps the American people, the great American middle class, small business right NOW. Say it loud and say it often.

    President Trump, the majority of people are behind you. We saw it during the trade talks when farmers were being hurt. Democrats accused President Trump of abandoning and destroying farmers. Did farmers leave the President? No, they stood strong and proudly supported him. Polls showed the highest support ever from farmers. 

    The same will be the case now. 

    Mr. President, go directly to the American people. Ignore the fake news mainstream media, as most Americans already do. Name names, shoot from the hip, let it fly, tell raw truth, take no prisoners. Call this what it is- mafia style extortion and fraud by the DC Swamp. Compare Peolisi and Democrats to the Gambino Crime Family. I know, my apologies for insulting the Gambinos.

    The American people will stand behind you, Mr. President.



    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal

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