Thursday, July 11, 2024
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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    Newest Homeland Security Bulletin Labels Many Americans “Domestic Threat Actors”

    By Hailey Sanibel

    Just when you thought your government couldn’t hate you more, it turns out that the Department of Homeland Security has been meticulously crafting memorandums outlining ways to silence its critics with an umbrella term they’re calling MDM: Misinformation, Disinformation, and Malinformation.

    The entire Newspeak bulletin can be read here, and opens this way:

    “The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors.”

    You got that? That’s you and me they’re talking about. We are now “domestic threat actors.” Apparently noticing something that becomes common knowledge a month or two later is grounds for being labeled not only a conspiracy theorist but a domestic terrorist as well. It’s not just this thought, though; every single sentence, not just the opening salvo, reads like a Pravda’s Greatest Hits number, utilizing such phrases as “exacerbate societal friction” and “sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions.”

    Of course, this memo is not saying anything new. All it’s doing is saying the quiet part out loud. For two years, there has been an active campaign on the part of Big Brother, Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Business to control a tight narrative on Covid, from its origins to its treatments. Remember when it was considered misinformation to wonder if the virus were artificial and leaked from a lab? Remember when level-headed people once wondered if boosters would be required to be considered fully vaccinated?

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    Hugo G. Goerner III
    Hugo G. Goerner III
    2 years ago

    Also…The SARS cov2 virus was Intentionally leaked by the CCP into Wuhan as a Test to determine the Outcome of the Effects. I am going to Interview a Scientist on my Website that is here in America hiding from the CCP. She Will Have the evidence to Prove the CCP Bioweapons Program and its efforts to unleash Bioweapons as part of its stategic efforts to wag a clandestined war on Humanity to further their Economic and Political dominance on and Over the Planet. plz go to ..
    The Chinese Communist Party has been working overtime to establish itself as the Dominant Force on the Planet for almost a decade now.

    Hugo G. Goerner III
    Hugo G. Goerner III
    2 years ago

    This is part of the Liberal Marxist Machine in our Government that is using terms from the playbook that the KGB invented back in 1935 called
    “Ideological Subversion”. Do Not be Fooled. This MDM is designed specifically to throw the Light on Conservative Americans as being the Enemy of the State. There are players in our Government that are in Full tilt to “Fundamentally Trandsform” our country by throwing out the US Constitution and writing a New Constitution that is More in Line with our Modern Society. Plz Look up the National Archives Records Admin. “Disclaimer” that was placed on our Founding Documents..
    here’s the link ..

    Jessica C.
    Jessica C.
    2 years ago

    The Federalist, right wing propaganda.

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Jessica C.

    Describe exactly, what makes it propaganda? If you can’t back up your slur, with facts or credible data, you’re a troll. I presume your source of credible news and “non-propaganda” is CNN, MSNBC, PBS & The View, right?

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