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    Official Narrative Admits Fake COVID Vaccine Gives You Fake COVID Immunity – Ventura Board Of Supervisors Meeting November 9,2021 – Agenda #8

    Opinion by Judy Bruce, Simi Valley

    Official Narrative Admits Fake COVID Vaccine Gives You Fake COVID Immunity

    I am sick and tired of watching the Board of Supervisor’s stupid, fake “COVID-19 Summary Report.   All the lies truly makes me want to vomit.   I have detailed in many previous public comments the evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus does not exist (by virtue of the fact it has never been proven to have been isolated or purified).  And even if SARS-CoV-2 did exist, there’s no conclusive evidence that viruses cause disease anyway.  This whole preplanned scam has been the biggest con job, i.e., a stage-managed trick to create an illusion. Your complicity results in your guilt as well.

    What, then are you guilty of? The best explanation is that COVID is nothing more than a recategorization and reclassification of existing disease.  Remember:  there is not 1 virus, not 1 disease, not 1 cause.   According to official stats and sources,  the normal flu has ‘disappeared’ in 2020-2021 in many nations. Clearly it didn’t really disappear; its numbers were hijacked by the COVID Cult to boost COVID case numbers.

    Keeping all this in mind, it is useful occasionally to jump for a few minutes into a fantasy land where the virus exists and COVID is a real, new, scary, and lethal disease with its own distinct and specific symptoms. Even playing by the rules set up by such clowns in such organizations such as the WHO, NIH, FDA, CDC and Big Pharma, things don’t make sense and neither does your laughable COVID report. You show a distinct lack of logic, and your contradictions are rife. One of the purposes of this public comment is to point out a glaring contradiction: namely, the contradiction between the official COVID narrative claim that the fake-vaccine will increase your immunity to COVID, and the official COVID narrative evidence that taking the vax increases your chance of getting COVID or becoming sicker.

    Dr. Fraud-ci was at a loss last month on the MSM to explain why vaccine-acquired immunity was superior to natural immunity for disease in general.  Big Pharma knows better than anyone that effective marketing depends on convincing the consumer that they have a gaping need. We, the people, rely on you, the Board of Supervisors, and the Public Health Department to use critical thinking so as to protect the County’s citizens from illogical assumptions and contradictions from these so-called “experts” (who are making billions from these kill shots.). You know, however, if the consumers don’t really have that need, then the game is up. If consumers realize that the fake-vaccine offers fake COVID immunity, they won’t get it.

    A study on the NIH website finds no discernable relationship between vaccine status and covid status; in fact, it states the COVID infection rate is higher among vaxxed!  Not only does it state there was no positive effect of the vaccine in preventing COVID cases, but actually, those who got the COVID fake vaccine were more likely to get COVID! Talk about fake COVID immunity. It brings up the example of Israel (high vax rates, and high COVID rates) and Vietnam and South Africa (low vax rates, low COVID rates). The study also accounted for the supposed ‘lag’ time that the vaccine takes to work. The study appears to be written by authors who believe in vaccines. They also noted waning vaccine immunity and a sharp increase in COVID vaccinated hospitalizations and deaths.  Well, now you know why, yet you remain tongue-tied to say something about it.  

    Let’s now jump out of the mainstream fantasy official version of the  COVID narrative and back into the real world where (1) SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist, (2) where COVID fake-vaccines can’t possibly work as intended (because there is no virus to inoculate against and, even if there were a virus, it didn’t exist when they designed the vaccine) and (3) where COVID is not 1 single thing but rather a collection of conditions, with many possible causes, that have been conveniently reclassified.   So, what would explain the above 2 pieces of so-called mainstream evidence?

    The obvious answer is that the vaccine harms and kills. Pfizer knows it; the FDA knows it; case numbers around the world are demonstrating it. The COVID fake-vaccine produces all sorts of side effects, some of which can be construed and diagnosed as ‘COVID’ in a self-fulfilling prophecy and cycle – where the ruling class gets more control (via the government’s permanent so-called surveillance state infrastructure) and more money (via Big Pharma stock ownership), and everyone else gets royally shafted in terms of lost freedom, lost rights, lost income, lost business, lost health and, for those pushed to suicide or killed by the vax, lost life.

    Based on the study, the real-world interpretation is that those who ‘got COVID’ just ‘got sick’ in some way via vaccine damage.    Of course, this is still assuming that COVID case counts are accurate, which they are most certainly not, due to the misapplication of Kary Mullis’ PCR technique, which was never meant to diagnose infectious disease (which I have covered in other public comments). So even this real-world interpretation has its limits, because the entire COVID scamdemic is completely FAKE.    One of the only real things about it is that the COVID fake-vaccine is a nanotech bioweapon that can cause real damage to people.

    Those pushing the COVID scamdemic (like the Ventura County Board of Supervisors) have, right from start, been tripping over themselves with logic-defying claims and contradictions which is more proof that the official narrative is hogwash!!  So, wake up from your stupor and stop being complicit in this genocide.   You will be held accountable. 

    Source: Makia Freeman, independent news site The Freedom Articles. 

    Judy Bruce, Simi Valley

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    2 years ago

    Agenda #8. #TheOcho !!

    David F Puu
    David F Puu
    2 years ago


    “He was very compliant with his mask”

    Great way to create bacterial pneumonia in an asthmatic.

    They killed this man. With the very best of intentions. 

    At that point he should have had a pic installed and been on a bacterial specific antibiotic, and a C, zinc, D3 drip and never been allowed to lie down on his back in bed. Ever.

    He should have been treated by a respiratory therapist specializing in his challenges. 

    Without knowing the poor guy’s other specifics, it is really impossible to say with any certainty why this reportedly healthy man died in a healthcare facility. But the results say a lot to me. 

    Dr Butar had identified appropriate treatment for someone with his and worse challenges VERY early on. Now everyone knows the protocol(s) for the various stages of SARS2-Cv19

    When I was very ill w Valley Fever and SARS symptoms, I knew not to even think about going into the Hospital. This would have been me. In addition to Asthma I had two other potential co morbidities.

    I did the opposite of what County Health care officials insisted.

    What I did is written in a Text document in my files. I saved my procedure, which was overseen by two very competent medical-research professionals.  

    Why I am able to write this today. 

    What a terrible waste this entire mess is. Who knew biowarfare would look like all of this?

    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    2 years ago

    At the beginning of the supposed creation of the vaccine, it seemed credible there was a man created virus, so don’t blame those who initially trusted the alleged “Experts.”

    Now that we have more information and evidence of false promises and predictions I can understand the reticense in inoculating children and taking boosters from a vaccine that has proven to not fulfill the promise that IF enough people are vaccinated the virus will be defeated. We have reached the threshold of numbers of vaccinated to get to the promise of a conquered virus.

    SO, if the virus really exists then the vaccine is a total failure. There’s just one question that hasn’t been answered…….What did all those people really die of?

    2 years ago
    Reply to  William Hicks

    Yes, Trump’s “vaccine” is a complete and total disaster. Just like everything the idiot has done his entire life.

    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Patriot

    SO, “Patriot,” then why did sleepy joe insist on total inoculation if this was only Trump\’s vaccine?

    2 years ago
    Reply to  William Hicks

    Who cares? I only listen to the Savior Donald J. Trump. YOU listen to Sleepy Joe if you want you frigging libtard.

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Patriot

    Yeah because becoming a self made billionaire, media celebrity, entrepreneur and the President of the United States is a disaster. Good Grief!!

    2 years ago
    Reply to  William Hicks

    In the U.S. in 2020, total mortality was up 400,000 over the prior year. The most probable explanation for this is, in fact, the emergence of a new, novel virus.

    Having said that, 95% of excess mortality was in individuals over 60. These were generally weak and vulnerable patients.

    Therefore, the measures imposed on the general population are absurd and increase, rather than decrease, disease and mortality.

    2 years ago

    I figured it out from the beginning, common sense where were all the sick covid infected people a year ago? I never saw anybody dyeing sick on the streets nor anybody ever reported seeing someone sick, it was all the lies from the crooked politicians and their bias media, propagating all the scary covid fake news, and to date still pushing it with illegal mandates and threats. I’ll never get their deadly jab experiment on me and my wife!

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