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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    Open Letters to the Board of Supervisors on ‘Covid Segregation’

    Editor’s Note: These are just a few of the letters being submitted to our County Board of Supervisors on the possibility of vaccine passports instituted here.

    Re: Agenda Item #9 04.27.2021: Opposed to SHOWING YOUR PAPERS – Vaccinated/Unvaccinated.

    My name is Gloria Massey Chinea and I live in the City of Oxnard. Like to share my personal and professional opinion regarding this proposed agenda item for VC.

    I strongly oppose having two systems implemented in our county. We sure don’t want to have a two caste system that it seems it’s being proposed to Ventura County residents.

    The decision of taking or not taking the vaccine needs to be made individually by a Medical Doctor and his/her patient in confidence and privately within their medical practice and not at the VC BOS desk. This is a very serious situation when it comes to making this decision. To my knowledge none of you as BOS are medical doctors to provide this kind of mandate and impose it to the entire community neither are the businesses. This would be a confidentiality violation of HIPAA federal law and private patient/physician medical information. This type of mandate will encourage businesses to discriminate against people based on their medical choices or basically not providing any choices to those people that have had an adverse reaction to vaccines and are not able to get it. This will be very detrimental to those suffering from adverse reactions to vaccines and they would be left with no alternative to this proposed situation. Again, let me kindly remind you that this is a violation of American Disabilities Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as well as US labor law and the US Constitution.

    I personally urge the five of you professionally to be the voice of reason and wisdom in this matter. As you know, WE have selected you to represent our opinions. OPPOSE THIS MADNESS and unconstitutional idea! Stand up and say NO to this nonsense approach towards public health in Ventura County.

    Best Regards,
    Gloria Massey Chinea, MPH, CHES

    Dear Ventura County Board of Supervisors,

    It is unbelievable that we have Americans suggesting that other Americans be treated like second-class citizens just because they choose not to partake of the COVID-19 vaccinations.  

    Many people have strongly held religious and personal beliefs against forced vaccinations.  Other people have compromised immune systems that would be compromised by the “experimental” vaccines.

    It is inconceivable that our county Board of Supervisors would suggest the “show proof of vaccinations” plan to allow Americans to enjoy the same freedoms as their neighbors.  This opens up our county to huge future lawsuits.  

    The outcry for recalling one supervisor is building among her district.  Are each of you really going to vote against freedom for your constituents?  Why are each of you not fighting for us?  You are clearly marching for Sacramento and mandates that five or seven years ago would have been unthinkable.  

    Have you lost your conscience and forgotten that you swore an oath to safeguard the freedom of the people that elected you?

    I urge you to eliminate the tiered system. Eliminate the plan to make Ventura County a two-caste system based on FDA “Experimental” approved injections.


    Denise Pedrow, Newbury Park

    I OPPOSE To SHOWING YOUR PAPERS – Vaccinated/Unvaccinated


    I live in the city of Ventura and strongly oppose any elected official to make “Unconstitutional” decisions pertaining to my personal health and my medical care.  My decision about deciding whether to take or not take this experimental vaccine that is NOT approved by the FDA is between my Medical Doctor and Me. None of you are medial doctors – so therefore NOT qualified to make such a decision. I am sure you are aware that you were elected to this position and that we expect you to show us you understand the consequences of violating such laws as the HIPPA Federal Law and the American Disabilities Act. 

    Business owners have suffered this past year and certainly do not need anymore mandates from you that would infringe on their rights and on the rights of their customers. Remember the oath of office you took to uphold the U.S. Constitution. 

    Now is the time for each of you to reflect on what is being proposed and to stand united and vote NO.


    Joan Ann Lopez

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

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