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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    Over 2,000 Ukrainian Civilians Reportedly Killed Since Invasion Began

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    Sebastian Hughes

    Over 2,000 Ukrainian civilians have been killed since Russia first invaded the country on Feb. 25, Ukraine’s State Emergency Service said Wednesday, CNN reported.

    “More than 2,000 Ukrainians died, not counting our defenders,” the service said in a statement, CNN reported. “Children, women and our defense forces are losing their lives every hour.”

    The United Nations High Commission for Human Rights said on Tuesday it had recorded 500 civilian deaths from the conflict, but it cautioned the real number was likely “much higher,” CNN reported.

    “Most of these casualties were caused by the use of explosive weapons with a wide impact area, including shelling from heavy artillery and multiple launch rocket systems, and air strikes,” the statement said. “These are only the casualties we were able to cross-check.”

    President Joe Biden said on Wednesday it was clear Russian President Vladimir Putin was targeting civilians, but he said he was not prepared to call Putin’s actions war crimes, CNN’s Kaitlan Collins reported.

    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was a prominent part of Biden’s State of the Union address on Tuesday night, devoting the opening minutes to the conflict.

    “Putin’s latest attack on Ukraine was premeditated and unprovoked. He rejected repeated efforts at diplomacy,” he said. “He thought the West and NATO wouldn’t respond. And he thought he could divide us at home. Putin was wrong. We were ready.”

    On Wednesday, the seventh day of the invasion, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said his people “have truly become one” during the conflict.

    “We forgave each other. We started loving each other. We help each other. We are worried for each other,” he said.

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    2 years ago

    This is not our war. It’s Ukraine’s and Russia. The NATO Europeans should sacrifice their sons and daughters first, not ours. Odd, how Biden’s corrupt admin is all worried about Ukraine’s border, but, purposely leaves our border wide open, so they can gain more Democratic voters. The Euros allowed this situation to happen. It’s been in the making for over a decade. Obama had a chance to get the EU together and do something about Crimea. They didn’t. Just lip service. The stupid teenager Greta falsely shamed them into going full green; dismantled nuclear power plants, shut down coal powered energy and ended up buying the bulk of their gas/oil from Russia. Along with the Bidens (don’t forget Hunter’s dealings that Joe approved of), they helped create this disaster. I feel for the Ukrainian people. But, Zelenskyy, and his appointees are just as corrupt as Biden and the rest. It’s not a democracy to brag about. Funny, how the politicians of the Dem party and anti-gun talking heads here, now support handing out automatic weapons to civilians in a foreign country, but, here in our country, they’re doing everything possible, to take guns away from legal owners here. Odd, eh? We could cut Putin’s revenue to 25-30%, by reopening our pipeline and drilling projects, becoming energy independent again, and help supply Europe with our oil and gas. But, why won’t Joe do that? All the people here who now want to go to war, have no idea of the severe consequences of battle. If you’ve never served in the military, just shut up, you don’t know sh–! All those idiots that have been installed in this administration, better figure out the diplomacy stuff…quick. Weak men and paper tigers, make for hard times. Remember, just one thermonuclear detonation, can ruin your day.

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Steve

    I thought I might like you, Baby, but I now see your a very weak man. I only like strong men.

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