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    Free LightGabler Seminar: Handling Employee Complaints and Investigations



    Camarillo, Calif.–Employment law firm LightGabler is presenting “Want Some Cheese With That Whine? Handling Employee Complaints and Investigations.” The seminar will be held twice:

    Karen Gabler

    Tuesday, May 14 in Oxnard and Tuesday, May 28 in Simi Valley.

    California law obligates employers to investigate all employee complaints involving potentially unlawful behavior, no matter how minor that complaint might be.

    In this informative seminar for employers, supervisors and human resource professionals, employment law attorney Karen L. Gabler will discuss such topics as knowing when to investigate a complaint, who should be included in the investigation, what questions to ask and how to determine if an attorney is necessary.

    The Oxnard seminar will be held at the Oxnard Courtyard Marriott (600 East Esplanade Dr., Oxnard) and the Simi Valley seminar will take place at the Best Western Posada Royale Hotel (1775 Madera Rd., Simi Valley). Both seminars are from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.

    A continental breakfast will be served. Attendance is limited to no more than three people per company. Reservations are required at least 24 hours in advance and can be made by going to and clicking on “Seminars & Training.” For questions, call 805-248-7089.

    LightGabler is an employment law firm representing employers and their management. With attorneys in Camarillo and San Luis Obispo, the firm provides legal services throughout the state of California in employment counsel, employment litigation on behalf of management, intellectual property and unfair competition. The firm is focused on keeping businesses working, growing and prospering. 805-248-7208,



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    State of the County – Ventura County Taxpayers Association


    Investigate, Advocate, and Inform Citizens on Critical Issues Facing Ventura County

    May 2019 – Newsletter of the Ventura County Taxpayers Association

    Join us for the 2019 State of the County. Register HERE.

    About the Ventura County Taxpayers Association (VCTA)

    The Ventura County Taxpayer’s Association (VCTA) is a non-partisan 501(C)(4) organization emphasizing issues that affect Ventura County.

    We inform taxpayers, promote the wise use of public funds, oppose waste, advise public officials regarding issues of concern to taxpayers and recommend positions that will best serve the taxpayers’ interests.

    VCTA has been looking out for the interests of taxpayers in Ventura County since 1954 – over 60 years. VCTA believes in efficient, effective and transparent government.

    Ventura County Taxpayers Association

    PO Box 23223

    Ventura, CA 93002

    (805) 744-7351

    Ventura County Taxpayers Association

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    L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise | The Letter of the Law



    By L. Neil Smith

    I begin this essay as all such essays ought to  begin, by reminding readers that, despite what you may have heard, the AR-15 and other weapons like it are _precisely_ the “arms” that the Founding Fathers intended us to retain the right to “keep and bear”.

    Their idea was that ordinary folks like you and me should be armed just as well as the military (technically, outlawing fully-automatic weapons is an infringement of the sort they wanted to avoid), so that a tyrannical government, should it arise under a would-be dictator like, say, an Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or an Eric “Nuke” Swalwell, might be overthrown. The enemies of individual liberty in today’s Congress, state legislatures, other bodies and the media understand this perfectly well and clamor incessantly to have their intended victims disarmed.

    I’ll add that any registration of weapons or demanding that potential purchasers beg for government permission to buy (or privately trade) a gun defeats the whole purpose of the Second Amendment — exactly as it is intended to do.

    Also, as the Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, who planned the attack on Pearl Harbor, pointed out, when his colleagues were contemplating a military invasion of the United States, that sort of thing becomes impossible when there’s “a rifleman behind every blade of grass.” America is being invaded right now, and there are places where riflemen are desperately needed, if only as a deterrent. The arrest, recently, of a militia leader at the border (especially considering that the Congress, the malfeasant Governor of New Mexico, and the federal government in general are doing fuck-all to prevent the blatant violation of our boundaries) goes directly against the Constitution, and is therefore illegal.

    Creatures like Diane Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, and Charles Ellis Schumer (he wants you to call him “Chuck”) have made entire careers of this kind of illegality, clearly violating the oath they took to “uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.” Since that Constitution includes the Second Amendment, guaranteeing the right to own and carry weapons, their attempts to circumvent or destroy that right are criminal acts, for which they should be arrested, tried, convicted, and as severely punished as any other traitor. At the very least, having done what they always intended to do, even before taking the oath, they are guilty of perjury.

    Yes, it’s true that the Constitution protects members of Congress from arrest and prosecution while they are in office, but that specifically excludes an arrest for treason, breach of the peace, or a felony — all of which an attempt to pass and enforce victim disarmament laws clearly involves. And have they truly been in office if it can be proven that they intended to violate their oath from the beginning? How about the failure to even take the oath that was said to be stylish during certain previous left-wing administrations?

    The following is long and a little complicated, but it is probably the solution to our problems and I implore you to read it carefully — preferably slowly and out loud. Our enemies are hoping that you will not.

    “Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.”

    This statute is Title 18 of the U.S. Code, Section 242, making it the second highest law of the land, after the Bill of Rights. Section 241, which is usually mentioned in the same breath, makes it a crime to _conspire_ with others to commit the same acts.The “whoever” it mentions are the criminals in Congress, the members of state legislatures, of county commissions, and of city councils who would violate your rights “under color of law”, that is, by passing and enforcing legislation they all know perfectly well to be unconstitutional, null and void the very moment it was written. My only question is, who do I turn them in to?

    After considering this for several decades, I have come to the conclusion that every single individual ever deprived of his or her rights under these laws should constitute a separate “count” and that the gun-grabbing loonies among us should be sentenced to millions of years in prison and billions of dollars in fines.

    “What prison?”, I pretend to hear you ask. For many years I have insisted that Alcatraz Island is too good to waste on tree-hugging flower children or protesting Naive Americans. It was once the most formidable lock-up in the federal system, housing the worst villains Franklin Roosevelt’s Administration ever spawned. And it could be again, even better — or worse, depending on your point of view.

    Click on over, if you haven’t already,  to  to see what I mean, In a chapter of _Rosalie’s World_, my latest novel (it will be my fortieth), which I call “Pelican Shadows” I describe what a modern Alcatraz would look like and how it would work, through the eyes of a former inmate who served a twenty-five year term there. It was a lot of fun to write. As a writer of the future (who predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union ten years before it happened), that’s my job.

    She may seem familiar.

    Award-winning novelist and essayist L. Neil Smith is a retired gunsmith, Publisher and Senior Columnist of L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise and the author of over thirty books. Look him up on Google, Wikipedia, and and watch for the forthcoming ONLY THE YOUNG DIE GOOD and ARES. He is available, at professional rates, to write columns, articles, and speeches for your organization, event, or publication, fiercely defending your rights, as he has done since the mid-1960s. His writings (and e-mail address) may also be found at L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise, at or at, to which you can contribute, directly. His many books and those of other pro-gun libertarians may also be found (and ordered) at L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE “Free Radical Book Store” The preceding essay was originally prepared for and appeared in L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE. Use it to fight the continuing war against tyranny.

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    Red Cross Has Online Course and App for Cat and Dog Owners

    The Cat and Dog First Aid online course and Pet First Aid App is available for pet owners, pet-sitters and dog walkers to take to help provide emergency care until veterinary help is available. “Pet lovers will learn what to do if their cat or dog is choking, has a wound or needs CPR,” said Russ Huge, Interim Executive Director of the Central Valley chapter. “They will also learn how to include their pet in their family’s emergency preparedness plans.”

    Take the course. People can access the course on their desktop or tablet at and go through the content at their own pace. It takes approximately 30 minutes to complete the course. The interactive course includes:

    • How to determine a pet’s normal vital signs so that owners can notice if there are any irregularities; • Step-by-step instructions and visual aids for what to do if a pet is bleeding, having a seizure or is suffering from heatstroke; and • Information on preventative care, health and tips for a pet’s well-being.

    Download the app. The free Pet First Aid App provides instant access to expert guidance on how to maintain your pet’s health, what to do in emergencies, and how to include pets in your emergency preparedness plans. The app helps owners learn what emergency supplies to have, when they should contact their veterinarian, and where to find a pet care facility or pet-friendly hotel. Users learn how to assemble a pet first aid kit and an emergency kit. Step-by-step instructions, videos and images for more than 25 common first aid and emergency situations including how to treat wounds, control bleeding, and care for breathing and cardiac emergencies are included.

    The Pet First Aid App can be downloaded by texting ‘GETPET’ to 90999, by going to, or by searching for ‘American Red Cross’ in app stores.


    About the American Red Cross

    The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides emotional support to victims of disasters; supplies about 40 percent of the nation’s blood; teaches skills that save lives; provides international humanitarian aid; and supports military members and their families. The Red Cross is a not-for-profit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to perform its mission. For more information, please visit or, or visit us on Instagram at @RedCrossCentralCA.

    American Red Cross

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    Channel Islands Harbor Director Defends Fisherman’s Wharf Housing/Retail Project


    By Mark Sandoval, Channel Islands Harbor Director

    I am always reluctant to use an op-ed to argue a point or defend a position. However, a recent opinion column submitted by the Harbor and Beach Community Alliance (HBCA) and their comments in a recent public meeting regarding Fisherman’s Wharf have compelled me to do so. 

    Channel Islands Harbor Director Mark Sandoval, next to harbor scene. Source: VC News Channel

    New Construction in the Harbor

    First, I would like to address the opinion column, County delays Channel Islands Harbor hotel construction,” submitted by HBCA member Debbie Mitchell to the VC Star. The column states the County is delaying the Hyatt Hotel project and Whale’s Tail restaurant replacement in deference to an “apartment developer’s projects,” an allegation that is simply untrue. As I stated in a April 4, 2019 public workshop (which HBCA attended) and through my monthly online Director’s message, the Harbor Department is working to facilitate three construction projects on the peninsula, which requires a great deal of coordination. The projects include a County rock revetment replacement project, and the demolition and construction of the new Hyatt Hotel and marina on the peninsula. We have been working with the developers and engineers involved to ensure all projects succeed. We anticipate the Casa Sirena to begin the four-month demolition process in October.  In addition, we have been working closely with the owner of Fresco’s, and anticipate that refurbishment of the old Whale’s Tail will also be moving forward in a few months. 

    Given the facts, the opinion column submitted is untrue and a disservice to stakeholders who want to see the Harbor succeed, and the HBCA does not seek updates from the Harbor Department to obtain current information before writing to local publications.  I understand the community’s frustration and strong desire to see redevelopment in the Harbor. We are working hard to facilitate the delivery of all four projects.

    Fisherman’s Wharf Project

    Second, I would like to address the Fisherman’s Wharf project, which is now moving through the City of Oxnard’s planning process, despite recent allegations by the HBCA that the County refuses to do so.  A few issues were brought up at the community meeting which I want to address. 

    The first is that this project violates a development restriction imposed by the land donor.  While the County has addressed this issue in the past, it begs the question if apartments violate a covenant, why were nearly 550 apartments developed on Peninsula Road and another 100 developed on Harbor Drive decades ago by the first harbor developer, Bud Smith?

    The second issue is the impact to traffic.  While I agree that the development will increase the traffic in the area, the question is whether the impact of traffic, when mitigated, will be more of a burden than the value derived by a new and vibrant retail development at that dilapidated corner.  The Navy Base employees definitely impact the traffic in the area at the beginning and end of each work day, and that’s not going to change.  I have personally experienced the traffic flows in the area since I live on Peninsula Road and work on Victoria Avenue, I am at my office at 5:30 am and leave at 5:30 pm and I am in and out of my office at least three times a day.  I have found that it is not difficult to work around the Navy Base impact, and that the signal at Channel Islands and Victoria does a very good job of moving traffic through and out.  I have asked at three recent public meetings for anyone to join me at my office at any time of the day, and we can drive around together to demonstrate to me the traffic problem in real time.  To date, I have had no takers.

    Finally, there is an argument that the mass and height of the residential buildings would ruin the Harbor.  That argument is difficult for me to understand when there are currently residential buildings in the Harbor as tall as this residential development and over three times as long as this residential development.  In addition, the universally-supported hotel project in the Harbor will be as tall and longer than this residential development.  All of these buildings are located in the middle of the Harbor and not at the outer edge, across from a primarily barren industrial military base where this project would be located. 

    I believe that this mixed-use project would be an asset for the Harbor and region around the Harbor.  I would be the first one to push back on a development the likes of which are prevalent in Marina Del Rey and Newport Beach, but that is not the case with this project. 

    Fisherman’s Wharf, as proposed. Source: Channel Islands Harbor Properties
    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

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    Open Mic and One Act Presentation at the Elite Theatre

    The Elite Theatre Company


    Open Mic Nights at The Elite Theatre Company
    And Presentation of our first One Act Festival Winner:
    STAY, by Dagney Kerr
    May 18, 2019
    Saturday evening at 8pm
    Performer sign in starts at 7:30pm
    $5 General Admission
    No Reservations, Tickets sold at the door only
    Elite Theatre Company
    2731 Victoria Avenue
    Oxnard, CA 93021
    Information: (805) 483-5118
    Director/Host – Mike Marsalisi
    Artistic Director/Producer – L.J. Stevens
    Managing Producer – Stephanie Rice
    STAY CAST:        
    Christopher Rubin as Sammy
    Arden   Smith as Maggie

    Join us for our first monthly open mic event and presentation of the first One Act Festival Winner! Open mic is available to all types of performers from standup comics, improv teams, musicians, poet and story tellers, and the like. Come enjoy a great short play written by a budding playwright, then be delighted by your friends and neighbors.
    Our first One Act Festival Winner is STAY by Dagney Kerr. This is a heartwarming story about two friends (who happen to be dogs) facing the inevitable. Sammy & Maggie discuss the philosophy of life, love and what it means to be a friend. This story stole our hearts, and we are sure it will steal your hearts too!!!
    Please Note: Because this event is an open mic night The Elite Theatre Company cannot be responsible for the content or opinions expressed by those who perform. Parental discretion is advised.


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    Fillmore and Piru Felony Vandalism Arrest

    Ventura County Sheriff’s Office


    A fifteen year old Piru juvenile was arrested after Fillmore detectives tied him to graffiti vandalisms that occurred at the Fillmore High School and at a county park in Piru.

    The Fillmore Investigations Bureau concluded a 3 month investigation into the tagger who had been committing vandalisms at the Fillmore High School as well as throughout the town of Piru during the spring of 2019. The markings caused over $1600.00 in property damage to Fillmore High School and county parks of Piru

    Detectives worked in conjunction with the Fillmore School Resource Officer to collect intelligence in order to identify the vandal. Once identified, investigators sought a search warrant for the juvenile’s residence. During the service of the search warrant, investigators uncovered additional evidence linking the suspect to additional graffiti vandalisms.

    The juvenile was booked at the Juvenile Justice Center in Oxnard for PC 594(b)(1)/ Graffiti Vandalism.


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    Recipe of the Week – Watch Fabio’s Kitchen: Avocado Toast


    Fabio’s Kitchen



    Team Fabio,
    We are making my perfect Avocado Toast this week on Fabio’s Kitchen. Avocado Toast is not Italian…but when an Italian does it…seriously beyond delicious!
    Come on into my home kitchen, completely outfitted with Viking Appliances.
    Watch the episode by clicking the photo below, where you’ll also be able to view the recipe within the YouTube video description.
    Fabio's Kitchen
    Catch all past episodes of Fabio’s Kitchen Season 2, in partnership with Bialetti, here.


    PS: Don’t forget to pick up a copy of the cookbook FABIO’S 30-MINUTE ITALIAN on Amazon or Barnes & Noble.


    Have a favorite recipe? Old family secret?  Share it with us!

    Please send to: [email protected]

    We’ll be in the kitchen waiting.


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    ÁNIMO Theatre Company presents El Bracero, A Mariachi Opera May 24th

    On May 24th, ÁNIMO Theatre Company presents this exciting event to honor the legacy of migrant workers. The story is based on Braceros who came to California during World War II as part of the Bracero Program as legal farm laborers. Set in the 1950s at the height of the program, the show is a dynamic one-act Mariachi Opera which fuses mariachi music, ballet folklorico, and powerful opera style set pieces. Featuring Mariachi Águilas de J. Carlos Ozuna, one of the premiere mariachi ensembles in California.

    This May 24th performance will be at the Ventura Performing Arts Center at 4667 Telegraph Road, Ventura. For more information and tickets click here.

    ÁNIMO Theatre Company is a regional Theatre Company (Kern, LA, Santa Barbara, and Ventura Counties) dedicated to bringing cultural awareness of Diverse Communities through music and theatre.

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    The Next Islamic State Battlefield Will Be in South Asia

    By Lawrence Sellin, The National Interest


    Washington has overlooked the explosive potential of Islamic State influence in Pakistan, which will only accelerate in the expected power vacuum left after a U.S. withdrawal.

    How did a small, fringe Wahhabi splinter group, led by a fiery speaker with a sixth-grade education, known mainly for defacing Buddhist symbols, carry out a coordinated and sophisticated terrorist attacks on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka?

    The answer is, it didn’t, not without external support, both direct and indirect.

    The Sri Lanka attack reinforces the notion that the Islamic State, which claimed responsibility for the attack, is more a brand around which forces with overlapping goals coalesce to exploit local or regional opportunities than an entity.

    The events in Sri Lanka were soon followed by the propaganda video reappearance of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who, acknowledging defeat in Syria and specifically citing the Sri Lankan attack, exhorted his followers to expand the fight.

    Defeat in Syria has triggered a diaspora of Islamic State fighters either to their native lands or to targets of opportunity such as the thriving extremist networks in South Asia.

    The instigators of that extremism and operating continuously in the background are the global promoters of austere and often intolerant forms of Islam such as Wahhabism-Salafism, financed either by wealthy individuals or nation-states that offer forums for radicalization and sources for potential jihadi recruits.

    The main group behind the Sri Lankan bombings, the National Thowheed Jamath (NTJ), is an ideological offspring of the rapidly growing, Saudi-funded Tamil Nadu Thowheed Jamath (TNTJ), which has a headquarters in Chennai, India. The TNTJ, a Wahhabi-based organization, helped establish the Sri Lanka Thowheed Jamath, from which the NTJ emerged as a splinter.

    It is a now well-known fact that some Islamic clerics and preachers play a significant role in the radicalization of young Muslims and their recruitment for terrorist attacks.

    As the late Singaporean leader Lee Kuan Yew said about preventing terrorist attacks:

    “You must use force. But force will only deal with the tip of the problem. In killing the terrorists, you will only kill the worker bees. The queen bees are the preachers, who teach a deviant form of Islam in schools and Islamic centers, who capture and twist the minds of the young.”

    Today, drug trafficking not only provides funding for terrorism, but there is a growing use of the organizational and logistical capabilities of criminal cartels to support terrorist operations, some of which contribute to the geopolitical ambitions of nation states.

    In the South Columbo Muslim area of Dehiwala, a drug trafficker named Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar, who was designated by the U.S. Department of Treasury as a terrorist supporter in 2003, reportedly set up a distribution hub. In 2018, authorities seized 736 kilograms of Dawood’s heroin.

    According to one article, Dawood’s D-Company cartel obtains opium from Afghanistan, where production is overseen by the Taliban.  From there, logistics and transportation are arranged by Pakistan’s Inter-Service Intelligence agency (ISI), which provides protection for Dawood in his Karachi base and stipulates the distribution of a portion of the profits to various jihadist and militant groups.

    There is much concern about the growth of the Islamic State in Afghanistan. There are reports that Islamic State jihadis, who fought in Syria and Iraq, are migrating to Afghanistan, joining disaffected Taliban fighters seeking greater Islamic purity.

    Although Afghanistan offers a potential power vacuum, which the Islamic State can fill, a far more fertile ground for expansion is in Pakistan.

    It is a little-known fact that the Islamic State now operating in Afghanistan, originated in Pakistan.

    Members of the Pakistani Taliban, the Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan or TTP began migrating to Afghanistan’s Nangarhar Province as “refugees” in 2010 after Pakistani military operations against the TTP in Orakzai and Khyber Agencies of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas.

    It was those “refugees” who provided a foundation for the Islamic State. That base support was augmented by thousands of Pakistanis who fought for the Islamic State in Syria and returned starting in 2013.

    In January 2015, the Islamic State of Khorasan Province (ISKP) was declared with former TTP commander Hafiz Saeed Khan of Orakzai as the leader, whose twelve-member Shura had nine Pakistanis.

    It is the growing level of extremism and intolerance in Pakistan that should be of concern, which has been a threat to Afghanistan and will be the main contributor to instability in South Asia.

    It is the direct result of official Pakistani policy and the activities of Pakistan’s ISI.

    The “Islamization” program initiated by Pakistani President Muhammad Zia ul Haq in the late 1970s, which involved the proliferation of Islamic schools, “madrasas” and the promotion of Islamic law “Sharia,” was specifically designed to create national unity by suppressing ethnic separatism and religious diversity.

    Not surprisingly, radical groups have proliferated in Pakistan, becoming increasingly more extreme and intolerant.

    The Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP), a Deobandi anti-Shia organization was created in the wake of the Iranian revolution to counter Shia influence in Pakistan. The rapid spread of fundamentalist Deobandi ideology in Pakistan has been widely attributed to funding from Saudi Arabia.

    When the SSP proved insufficiently militant for its growing population of zealots, the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) was formed as a splinter group of the SSP.

    In the search for ever purer forms of Islam, the ever more violent and intolerant Lashkar-e-Jhangvi al-Alami (LeJ-A) was created out of the LeJ which, over the last two years, has claimed responsibility for several bloody atrocities in Balochistan, Pakistan’s southwest province. It has been reported that elements of the LeJ-A now comprise the senior cadres of the Islamic State in Pakistan.

    Another so-called Islamic State affiliate operating in western Balochistan out of the city of Turbat, also known as a center for drug trafficking, is Laskar-e-Khorasan, a group accused of killing religious minorities.

    Saudi support gradually shifted from the Deobandi to the more radical Ahle-Hadithmovement, the Pakistani equivalent of Wahhabism. It is a small ideological step from Ahl-i-Hadith to the Islamic State, which explains the growth of its affiliates in Pakistan.

    Among such Sunni-supremacist groups believed to have received Saudi funding is Jaish al-Adl, which has carried out attacks on Iran from safe havens in Pakistan and reportedlyhas links to the Islamic State.

    While downplaying the Islamic State threat in Afghanistan, U.S. officials have virtually ignored the explosive potential of Islamic State influence in Pakistan, which will only accelerate in the expected power vacuum left after a U.S. withdrawal.


    Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is a retired U.S. Army Reserve colonel, an international IT businessman and a veteran of Afghanistan, Iraq and a humanitarian mission to West Africa. He receives email at [email protected]


    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

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