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    Laugh Out Loud Musical – Avenue Q Opening May 3 at Conejo Players Theatre

    Winner of the Tony® “Triple Crown” for Best Musical, Best Score, and Best Book, AVENUE Q is part flesh, part felt, and packed with heart …

    The laugh-out-loud musical tells the timeless story of a recent college grad named Princeton, who moves into a shabby New York apartment all the way out on Avenue Q. He soon discovers that — although the residents seem nice — it’s clear that this is not your ordinary neighborhood. Together, Princeton and his new-found friends struggle to find jobs, dates, and their ever-elusive purpose in life.  ~RATED R


    VIP Meet & Greet tickets are now available!

    Be a Conejo Players VIP and head backstage after the show to meet the puppet stars! VIP ticket holders will meet the actors and try on one of the puppets and get your photo taken, plus get a commemorative show T-shirt. Only $30 per person!

    Directed by Jeremy Zeller; Produced by Rick Steinberg; Music Direction by Benjamin Glasner

    Full Cast:

    Princeton / Rod – Aaron Ellis

    Kate Monster – Meagan Chew

    Nicky / Trekkie Monster / Boy Bear – Noah Terry

    Lucy The Slut – Megan Rowsey

    Brian – Vincent Paz-Macareno

    Christmas Eve – Lexie Collins

    Gary Colelman – Sahai Lara

    Mrs. Thistlewat / Girl Bear – Dana Devitt


    LOCATION: Conejo Players Theatre, 351 S. Moorpark Rd.,Thousand Oaks, CA  91361


    PERFORMANCES May 3 – 12, 2019

    Friday and Saturday at 8:00pm / Saturday and Sunday at 2:00pm


    TICKET PRICES:          $15

    VIP PRICES:                $30

    TO PURCHASE:            Go online to or call the Box Office at 805-495-3715

    Conejo Players Theatre

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    National Day of Prayer at the Beach and Elsewhere – May 2

    Calvary Chapel of Oxnard




    Reminder May 2, 2019 is National Day of Prayer

    Our eBulletin is designed to keep everyone informed of what’s going on!

    • Join us in prayer from 6 – 7pm 
    • Oxnard State Beach and Park/Mandalay Beach
    Copyright © 2019 Calvary Chapel of Oxnard, All rights reserved. 
    Dearest CCO member, we are emailing you because we wanted you to be up to date on church family happenings! Our mailing address is: 

    Calvary Chapel of Oxnard

    1925 Eastman Ave.

    OxnardCA 93030



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    Nick Sandmann Files $275 Million Lawsuit Against NBCUniversal


    By Mike Brest | Reporter

    The lawyers for Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann filed a $275 million lawsuit against NBCUniversal on Wednesday. The lawsuit alleges that the network “published false and defamatory accusations” against the 16-year-old.

    “NBCUniversal attacked Nicholas by relying heavily on biased and unreliable sources without conducting any reasonable investigation of the circumstances surrounding the January 18 incident,” the suit reads, which Sandmann’s lawyer posted on Twitter, as reported by The Washington Times(RELATED: Nathan Phillips And Other Protesters Storm DC Basilica, Demand Punishment For Covington Boys)


    A January video went viral that allegedly showed Sandmann and his classmates taunting a Native American man, with many outlets reporting that they were the instigators in the conflict, but it turned out only to distort the actual events that unfolded. The longer video showed the students had seemingly been harassed by a group of “Black Hebrew Israelite” protesters, which had not been seen in the original viral clip. (RELATED: Covington Catholic Student In MAGA Hat Says He Wasn’t Disrespectful)

    “NBCUniversal’s attacks on Nicholas included at least fifteen (15) defamatory television broadcasts, six (6) defamatory online articles, and many tweets falsely accusing Nicholas and his Covington Catholic High School (“CovCath”) classmates of racists acts, including among other thing,” it continued. “NBC Universal continued to promote its false narrative that Nicholas had instigated a racist confrontation with Phillips long after Phillips was exposed as a fraud whose version of events was not entitled to any credibility by responsible members of the media.”

    Sandmann has already filed similar lawsuits against CNN and The Washington Post.

    Follow Mike on Twitter

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    California’s population growth is the slowest in recorded history


    California’s 2018 population growth was the slowest in state history, new demographic data show — underscoring shifting immigration patterns, declining birthrates and economic strains that are making it harder for some to afford living here.

    The state added 186,807 residents last year, bringing the estimated total population to 39,927,315 as of Jan. 1, according to estimates released by the state Department of Finance on Wednesday. The overall growth rate slipped to 0.47% last year from 0.78% in 2017, the slowest since data collection started in 1900, department spokesman H.D. Palmer said.

    Births in the state were down by more than 18,000 compared with the previous year.

    Ethan Sharygin, a demographer with the state, said researchers had expected to find a decline in the birthrate but were surprised to see such a large change. One reason for the shift, he said, is the decline in immigrants from Mexico paired with an increase in Asian immigrants.

    Read the rest of the story on The Los Angeles Times

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    Rep. Katie Hill Loses Control Of Town Hall, Then Calls Her Opposition:“Trolls”



    By Greg Aprahamian

    On Saturday April 27, 2019  Rep. Katie Hill held a town hall in Santa Clarita CA.

    The town hall was billed as an event to highlight Rep. Katie Hill’s first one hundred days in office and a presentation by Scott Fay from End Citizens United, about HR1 (A bill that would amongst other things Open up voting rights to felons, cripple state voter I.D. laws, seize control of states ability to regulate voter registration, require same day voter registration and automatic registration, and transfer the right of states to draw Congressional districts ). As well as Rep. Mike Thompson (D) from San Francisco discussing current gun control legislation H.R. 8.

    Rep. Katie Hill had It planned as a venue for a thoughtful and supportive public to quietly listen to her statements, then listen to her guests discuss the importance of Democrat legislation that spreads more California style chaos in our elections nationally and puts more limits on our first and second amendments.  Then capping off the presentation with ten or so pre selected written questions from the public.

    Also in attendance was a dedicated and vocal opposition, and Katie Hill and her supporters were shocked.

    Rep. Katie Hill and her supporters, had to come face to face with the actual public in the district which is not nearly as segregated and much more diverse in viewpoint than Katie Hill would normally experience in a sheltered liberal enclave.

    The loud and dedicated anti open borders opposition heckled, and challenged Rep. Katie Hill and the Rep. from San Francisco, and one could tell it was very unsettling, and a new experience for Katie Hill and the San Francisco Congressman and some of their supporters.

    After the session of pre selected questions were discussed, members from the opposition disrupted and forced Katie Hill to answer a few of their own unfiltered questions, Including questions pertaining to voter integrity problems in California and challenging her on her statements on global warming.

    Katie Hill at times was frustrated, confused and upset at the challenge, and one could tell the loss of control of the town hall was unsettling.

    Katie Hill wanted this town hall to be a type of pep rally for Democrats, to strut their power and control and show the media and the public what a highly respected and in control leader of the district Katie Hill is.  In fact the town hall exposed the opposite, The town hall showed that Rep. Katie Hill actually has trouble interacting and mingling openly in her own district. And that liberal Democrats are not comfortable interacting with non party members in CA25.

    Michael Bloomberg might have generously donated five million dollars to help Katie get elected, and outside liberal political groups flush with money are efficient and  organized in sending her big dollar donations, Katie Hill’s Facebook page is filled with supportive comments from every state in the union, and Democrat activists from all over California flooded in before the election to campaign for her,  but at this town hall, without the out of district supporters, respect and admiration was not as abundant as Katie and her supporters had hoped to display.

    Perhaps ballot harvesting and illegal aliens being registered to vote at the DMV puts CA25 in an awkward new dichotomy were Congressional Reps. no longer reflect their own districts?

    I think it is fair to say that this town hall was a new experience for Rep. Katie Hill and her supporters.

    All I can say is welcome to the community Katie Hill, Democrats  say they love diversity, but the reality is they only love the kind of diversity that agrees with them 100%.  CA progressives wrote the book on activism, but the minute they get a tiny taste of it, watch them condemn it.  Does Katie Hill and her supporters understand the meaning of hypocrisy?

    Millions of Illegal out of district foreign nationals (illegal aliens) annually flood through our southern borders and Katie Hill and her colleges rush to offer them permanent residency and  voting rights, but watch how quickly Katie Hill, her Democrat colleges and the local media quickly condemn a handful of out of district visitors at a Katie Hill town hall. Do they understand the meaning of hypocrisy?

    Several local media reports highlighted the opposition in the town hall.  Katie Hill and the media tried to spin the loss of control being caused by a 8-10 out of district disruptors.  Katie Hill called the people heckling and challenging her “Trolls”.

    This was Katie Hill’s,  Hillary Clinton moment where Clinton called half the nation “Deplorable”.

    What Katie Hill and the local drive by media (Like the Santa Clarita Signal and KHTS), either don’t know or  won’t say is , The majority of town hall attendees that heckled and challenged Rep. Hill were actual Constituents.   I personally know, and sat with and invited many the people that heckled and challenged Katie Hill and there were only four people present that were not actual constituents.  The rest were all Constituents.

    I also observed the town hall audience, and a portion of the audience outside and unconnected to our group would not clap and would not stand and cheer Katie Hill like the Democrat activists would.  I don’t know who they are, or why they were there, but I noticed that they would sit quietly when Katie’s supporters stood and cheered and clapped and this was a third element that was present and was not mentioned by the local drive by media.

    When some issue or event gets on our radar and our activists decide to show up, we make the news, Sometimes it is not even news unless we show up, and by being on this email list you are in the know, and are privy to the inside information and the interworking of what really happened,

    The local media is usually the last to know and often will not say what really happened.

    Below is an short video documenting a member of our group forcing Rep. Katie Hill to respond to an unfiltered question.   The last video is the Katie Hill’s statement, that she made after the town hall, where she calls her opposition at the town hall:“Trolls”.



    Greg Aprahamian is a Santa Clarita activist.

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    Trump right about prosperity and the environment


    By Tom Harris

    Despite the anger of activists about President Donald Trump’s official Earth Day statement, he was right to highlight the important role economic prosperity and a strong market economy play in protecting the environment. After all, without prosperity, we cannot afford to properly protect nature. The President explained:

    “Environmental protection and economic prosperity go hand in hand. A strong market economy is essential to protecting our critical natural resources and fostering a legacy of conservation. “

    In Climate Change Reconsidered II: Fossil Fuels” (CCR-II-Fossil Fuels), a 780-page report issued last year by the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), it is shown “how prosperity makes environmental protection a higher public goal and provides the resources needed to achieve it.” CCR-II-Fossil Fuels continues:

    “Once basic demands for food, clothing, and shelter are met, people demand cleaner air, cleaner streams, more outdoor recreation, and the protection of wild lands. With higher incomes, citizens place higher priorities on environmental objectives.”

    CCR-II-Fossil Fuels describes what economists call Environmental Kuznets Curves (EKCs) which show how environmental degradation rises with national per-capita income until a certain critical point is reached, after which the environment starts to improve.

    For example, CCR-II-Fossil Fuels cite researchers Grossman and Krueger (1995) who:

    “…conducted an extensive literature review of air quality over time and around the world and found ambient air quality tended to deteriorate until average per-capita income reached about $6,000 to $8,000 per year (in 1985 dollars) and then began to sharply improve. Later research confirmed similar relationships for a wide range of countries and air quality, water quality, and other measures of environmental protection.”

    Before the creation of EKCs, many well-informed people thought that wealthier countries damaged their environment more than poorer nations. The only way out of this dilemma was to de-industrialize and reduce incomes, they thought. But we know now that the exact opposite is true. While factors such as the strength of democratic institutions, levels of educational achievement, and income equality play a role, Trump was completely right to link prosperity with environmental protection.

    And finally, CCR-II-Fossil Fuels demonstrates that the prosperity made possible by free markets creates the circumstances needed to better protect the environment. The report concludes:

    “Without markets, a poorer and hungrier world would have little regard for the environment or the interests of future generations, being too busy meeting the more immediate needs of finding food and shelter.”

    Bravo to President Trump to making Earth Day a time to remember what really matters for environmental protection—prosperity and free markets.

    Tom Harris is Executive Director of the Ottawa, Canada-based International Climate Science Coalition and a policy advisor to The Heartland Institute.

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    Solarize Ventura Program Helps Homeowners Go Solar, Public Invited to Attend Free Workshops

    The City of Ventura and the Community Environmental Council announced the launch of the 2019 Solarize Ventura program that makes it easier and more affordable for homeowners to go solar. Coastal Solar, the installer partner, will offer discounted prices through July 31, 2019; the date will be extended for survivors of the Thomas Fire that are working to rebuild. To learn about the benefits and details associated with going solar, such as billing rates, equipment, warrantees, financing, and tax credits, residents are invited to attend one of the following community workshops:

    Tuesday, May 14th 5:30 PM

    Ventura City Hall Community Meeting Room, 501 Poli St, Ventura


    Wednesday, June 12th 5:30 PM

    Poinsettia Pavilion, 3451 Foothill Rd, Ventura


    Thursday, July 11th 5:30 PM

    Ventura City Hall Community Meeting Room, 501 Poli St, Ventura


    A solar coach will be on-hand to discuss options and answer questions.

    This year’s program will offer energy storage equipment, and education on energy storage for the first time.  Storage systems will be available to new solar customers and to existing solar customers who wish to upgrade their systems. Having battery backup will give solar customers some power during power outages.

    “There are two main reasons that people are really beginning to invest in energy storage for their homes – economics and resiliency,” explained CEC’s Renewable Energy Manager April Price. Southern California Edison’s new “time-of-use” pricing structures have made battery storage more attractive from a financial standpoint. Under these new rates, many solar customers will benefit by being able to store the energy that is produced by their solar systems during the day and then using that

    energy in the evening, avoiding the need to buy electricity from the grid at the most expensive time, from 4-9 p.m. 

    To learn more, visit or call (805) 963-0583 x101.

    City of Ventura

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    43rd Annual Chili Cook-Off and Craft Brew Festival Friends and Family Special


    Buy 4 or More GA Tickets 
    & SAVE $5 Off Per Ticket


    Sunday, May 5, 2019
    12m – 5pm

    Spend an afternoon sampling delicious chili, listening to LIVE bandson 2 stages, gazing at the coolest cars in the valley, tasty food court with gourmet food trucks (food not included) and hanging out with the family in the FREE kid zone at the park on the grounds of the Thousand Oaks Conejo Creek North Park. This year’s Thousand Oaks Rotary 43rd Chili Cook Off & Craft Brew Festival promises to please.

    To make your experience even more SPECIAL upgrade to VIP, Craft Brew Festival or VIP & Craft Brew Festival tickets. Checkout our site for more details.

    The Chili Cook-Off VIP Experience
    What you get: Chili Connoisseur Ticket- All the benefits of General Admission with a golden hour before public with tasting card to taste all Chili Booths before the rush. 

    All proceeds benefit local charities, including the Westminster free clinic, Conejo Valley Reading is Fundamental, Dreamcatcher Park, K9s for Warriors, and Make a Wish Foundation – just to name a few.


    Ticket Options: 

    General Admission


    General Admission VIP

    $35 (Limited to 500)

    Craft Brew Festival


    VIP & Craft Brew Festival

    $80 (Limited quantity)

    Friends & Family Special: Purchase 4 or more General Admission 
    tickets use code “CCO4”.

    Special Ends Midnight April 28th, 2019.



    Conejo Creek Park North

    1379 E. Janss Rd, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362


    Thousand Oaks Rotary Club

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    The great California shake out | Earthquake Safety

    Millions of people worldwide will practice how to Drop, Cover, and Hold On on October 17* during Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills.

    2019 is the 12th ShakeOut, which began in southern California in 2008.

    Participating is a great way for your family or organization to be prepared to survive and recover quickly from big earthquakes– wherever you live, work, or travel.

    While some areas of California are more likely to have earthquakes than others (see below), all of California is at higher risk compared to the rest of the country. You could be anywhere when an earthquake strikes: at home, at work, at school, or even on vacation.

    What we do now will determine our quality of life after our next big earthquake. Are you prepared to survive and recover quickly?

    The Great California ShakeOut is an annual opportunity to practice how to be safer during big earthquakes: “Drop, Cover and Hold On.” The ShakeOut has also been organized to encourage you, your community, your school, or your organization to review and update emergency preparedness plans and supplies, and to secure your space in order to prevent damage and injuries. ShakeOut is also a reminder for Californians to be prepared financially, such as by exploring earthquake insurance. The not-for-profit California Earthquake Authority offers earthquake insurance throughout California for homeowners, renters, mobilehome owners and condo-unit owners.

    Learn more. Read answers to frequently asked questions.

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    After Report for Drug Drop Off – Simi Valley Police Department Historic Response!

    The Simi Valley Police Department participated in the DEA National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day on Saturday, April 27, 2019, from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. With an unexpected response from our community, more than 270 cars dropped off over 650 pounds of unwanted medications from chemo drugs to Fentanyl.

    Per the DEA, Saturday’s event coordinated by the efforts of the Crime Analysis & Prevention Unit in partnering with our amazing SVPD Volunteers collected the largest amount of unwanted drug prescriptions within the history of the Simi Valley Police Department.

    Events such as these are another way the Simi Valley Police Department is working in a collaborative effort with the public to remove unwanted medications from the streets before they are abused.

    As a reminder, our Police Department provides a safe and ecological way for residents to dispose of medications. Please call our Property Room at (805) 583-6964 to make an appointment for any Tuesday or Thursday from 1:00-4:00 p.m. (excluding holidays).

    The Simi Valley Police Department allows the community to bring illegal drugs to the police station and turn them in with no questions asked.

    How to dispose of unwanted medications:

    • Empty the contents of pill bottles into a Ziploc bag (please recycle your pill bottles at home and remember to scratch out all personal identification information).
    • Leave liquids, gels, or creams in their original containers and place them in a Ziploc bag.
    • Sharps such as needles, syringes and any other items used for diabetic tests will not be accepted. Sharps disposal containers are available for free from Sierra Vista Family Medical Clinic at 1227 E. Los Angeles Avenue, Simi Valley, Ca 93063, (805) 582-4000.

    Please remember it is a health hazard to flush medications down drains or toilets or in the trash.

    Any additional questions can be directed to the Simi Valley Police Department’s Crime Analysis & Prevention Unit at (805) 583-6253.



    Photo Credits: Simi Valley Police Department

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