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    Here’s Everything You Need To Know About The Uprising In Venezuela


    Mary Margaret Olohan and Tim Pearce | Contributor


    • Tensions in Venezuela escalated Tuesday after opposition leader Juan Guaido called upon the military to take up arms against President Nicolas Maduro.
    • Members of the military are split between supporting the Maduro regime or Guaido’s revolt, and the opposing sides exchanged gunfire in the Venezuelan capital of Caracas Tuesday.
    • Thousands of protesters are marching against Maduro. Government forces have taken to using tear gas and violence to dispel crowds, including ramming one crowd of protesters with an armored vehicle.
    • The conflict has attracted international attention as the U.S. continues to back Guaido. China and Russia support Maduro.

    Armed conflict and protests rocked the Venezuelan capital of Caracas Tuesday after Juan Guaido, president of the National Assemby, called on the military to overthrow Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

    Guaido’s call came Tuesday morning in a three-minute video declaring the uprising as the “final phase” of his plan to oust Maduro as an illegitimate leader, according to CBS News. Members of the military friendly to Guaido’s cause surrounded the opposition leader in the video shot at La Carlota air base.

    “The moment is now,” Guaido said, to launch what he called “Operation Liberty,” according to The Washington Post. Formerly detained journalist and activist Leopoldo Lopez also appeared in the video after Guaido forces freed him earlier Tuesday.

    The Situation On The Ground

    Guaido-backed military members along with thousands of protesters are marching through Caracas toward the Venezuelan Presidential Palace. It is unknown whether Maduro is at the palace, known as the Miraflores. (RELATED: WATCH: The Wildest Videos Of The Venezuela Uprising)

    Maduro’s military forces have tangled with protesters while trying to disperse the large, and sometimes violent, crowds. Maduro’s forces have used tear gas and intimidation tactics, and, in at least one instance, military personnel rammed into a crowd of protesters with an armored vehicle appearing to injured several.


    The civilians appeared to be threatening the military personnel inside the vehicle with rocks, sticks and other objects. Venezuela’s health ministry says at least 69 people have been injured so far in Tuesday’s uprising, BBC reports. (RELATED: Venezuela Banned Private Gun Ownership Less Than A Decade Ago)

    Maduro’s forces shot tear gas into pro-Guaido crowds throughout Caracas, including at a city mall and around La Carlota. Several firefights have also broken out between members of the military supporting Maduro and Guaido.


    Video footage on Twitter shows shots being fired on a key route to the La Carlota air force base in Caracas.


    “Breaking: In Venezuela – national guards arresting/attacking other national guards,” tweeted Fox Business’ Trish Regan.

    La Carlota, where Guaido’s uprising began, is situated in the heart of Caracas. Directly west is the Fuerte Tiuna military zone which stands between Guaido’s forces and the presidential palace of Miraflores. Fuerte Tiuna remains under Maduro’s control.

    Protests have also reportedly sprung up across Venezuela in Anzoátegui, Aragua, Apure, Barinas, Carabobo, Cojedes, Guárico, Lara, Mérida, Miranda, Nueva Esparta, Táchira, Trujillo and Zulia, according to reporter Chrispher Abreu, a local Venezuelan journalist.

    Maduro’s Reaction

    President Maduro tweeted early Tuesday morning calling the military activity a coup and said that military leaders are fully loyal to him. “Nerves of Steel!” Maduro tweeted. “I have spoken with the commanders of all the REDIs and ZODI of the country, who have expressed their total loyalty to the people, to the Constitution and to the fatherland. I call for maximum popular mobilization to ensure the victory of peace. We Will win!”

    Venezuela Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza has denied that the Venezuelan military is revolting against Maduro. Arreaza blamed the conflict on the U.S. and accused Guaido of leading a “coup” against Maduro at the direction of “the Pentagon and Department of State, and by [U.S. National Security Adviser John] Bolton,” Arreaza said in an interview with Reuters.

    The Maduro regime has ordered several media companies off the air since the revolt began. Regulators with Conatel, the Venezuelan agency that oversees telecommunications, ordered various cable and television companies to block both CNN International and the British network BBC from airing in the country. The regulators have also ordered at least one local radio station to stop broadcasting.

    How Is The U.S. Responding?

    President Donald Trump announced Tuesday that he is monitoring the situation in Venezuela and supports the Venezuelan people. Trump has spoken about the revolt in Venezuela with other world leaders, such as French President Emmanuel Macron.

    Both Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have also tweeted their support for Guaido and Operation Liberty.

    The U.S. is prepared to provide economic relief to Venezuela, which is under a slew of U.S. sanctions, after Guaido is installed as interim president, according to a Tuesday statementfrom the U.S. Treasury. Arreaza characterized the U.S. Treasury’s statement as “another criminal confession of the Trump government,” referring to his claim that Guaido’s revolt was planned by U.S. officials.

    Where Does The Rest Of The World Sit?

    Brazil and Colombia — both sharing a border with Venezuela — are backing Guaido’s revolt, as is another South American country Peru.

    “We fully support the interim President [Guaidó] in his struggle to restore democracy in Venezuela. The usurping and dictatorial regime of Maduro must come to an end,” Peru’s ministry of foreign affairs said in a statement.

    “Brazil is alongside the people of Venezuela, President Juan Guaidó and the freedom of Venezuelans,” Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro tweeted.

    Maduro’s regime is backed by nearby Cuba, as well as China and Russia.

    This is a developing story.

    Follow Mary Margaret on Twitter.

    Follow Tim Pearce on Twitter

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    2020: The Coming Decade of Disruption and Reform

    By Sheryl Hamlin

    The firm of Mehlman Castagnetti is a lobbying firm specializing in outcomes based strategy. This means that knowing history and given a certain mix of inputs, they devise strategies based on predictive outputs or forecasts.

    Their new presentation reminds us that it was a century ago that the United States proceeded through what historians call “The Roaring 20’s” where fortunes were made and lost. Readers are free to draw their own conclusions to the provocative charts. Each chart will be discussed individually. To download the entire presentation, click here.

    Table of Contents

    Slides 4 though 9 take us through the past forty years in graphs

    On Slide 4, we see that GDP has increased 112.1%, while the Real Median Family income has increased 18.5% during this period.

    Slide 5 compares the S&P 500 to family net worth of the lower 80% of income earners.

    Slide 6 reveals that the largest and richest corporations are hiring fewer people per each $1 billion market cap. This means that these behemoths have increased their productivity without adding workers or this could translate into a slow slide of the power of the mega-companies.

    Since 1986, tax policy has become more progressive, while deficits have risen, as shown on slide 7… but not consistently so that a correlation stands out.

    Globalization, as shown on slide 8 , has been a positive factor for both the poor and the rich with more rising from poverty and more billionaires created.

    The blame game is shown on slide 9…capitalism is under siege.

    100 Years of Capitalism

    Slide 10 shows colorful figures in the last 100 years who have criticized capitalism. Slide 11 suggest that the Gilded Age of the last century is repeating. From the Pax Britania to World War I and II, followed by the Pax Americana leading to China Rising, is there a potential conflict implied in slide 12? Note how the US demographics have changed since 1950.

    Policy, Technology and Demographics

    Is the talk of de-globalization real? If so how is it manifested in policy? Changes in market access, supply chains and security will require new technology.The idea that technology evolved in a free-wheeling permissionless environment may be over with new global policies of increased regulation.

    Activism Rising… Fast Track to Stardom

    Slide 17 suggests that activism is increasing. But is it increasing or just more visible in the age of technology? Slide 18 shows how quickly one can rise to stardom with the right publicity and messaging. Slide 19 suggests a new “social compact”, but that seems at odds with a new age of billionaires.

    Compromise, Fiscal/Monetary Policy and Religion

    While these topics may seem disparate, they are actually related. With the political divide creating an era of gridlock, will a new coalition be needed to break such gridlock? In the event of an economic incident, are current tools outmoded? Who will re-conceptualize the economic tools needed for the Roaring 2020’s? And finally, the rise of secularism realigns historic coalitions.

    Envisioning Reform

    The next two slides show the grab bag of reforms which are now being tossed around the campaign trail. Will voters respond to such reforms?

    The Politics of 2019-2020

    The last eight slides predict how each party’s behavior will change in the event it becomes the minority party. The authors indicate headwinds and tailwinds for a Trump re-election. Are there such people as “ideological extremists” anymore or are we seeing a permanent shift? How would a recession affect the 2020 election? History gives us a clue.The GOP needs 18 seats to retake the House, while the Democrats need 12 to take the Senate. Which messaging will prevail and under what economic conditions?

    Presentation used with permission from consultants.

    For more information on author click sherylhamlin dot com

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    Pelosi, Schumer Want To Turn Trump’s Infrastructure Plan Into A Climate Change Bill



    • Top Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer made it clear to President Donald Trump they will use infrastructure to advance their climate change agenda.
    • Their letter to Trump makes no mentions of roads, bridges or highways, but does mention climate change and “clean” energy.
    • Democrats have said in the past they want to turn an infrastructure bill into a “green energy bill.”

    House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer sent a letter to President Donald Trump detailing their demands on infrastructure spending.

    Pelosi and Schumer will meet Tuesday with Trump to discuss a potential infrastructure package. The Democrats made it clear, however, they plan to use infrastructure spending to advance their climate change agenda.

    “To truly be a gamechanger for the American people, we should go beyond transportation and into broadband, water, energy, schools, housing and other initiatives,” Pelosi and Schumer wrote in a letter sent Monday.

    “We must also invest in resiliency and risk mitigation of our current infrastructure to deal with climate change,” the two Democrats wrote to Trump. (RELATED: Beto O’Rourke Unveils $5 Trillion Climate Change Agenda)

    Trump reportedly wants $2 trillion to beef up U.S. infrastructure, including bridges, highways and roads, but the Democrats’ letter makes clear their priorities are different from the president’s.

    In fact, the letter does not contain any mention of roads, bridges or highways, but instead urges Trump to “go beyond transportation” and include spending for climate change, housing initiatives, public health and “clean energy.”

    Conservatives oppose Democrats’ demands for infrastructure spending, saying it would likely mean higher gas taxes that would be diverted from beefing up transportation infrastructure.

    “Trump and Republicans in Congress would like improved roads,” Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, said in a statement. “The Democrats want Trump to endorse higher taxes so Democrats could, once again, spend on everything except roads.”

    “Every time Republicans have foolishly given Democrats money promised to roads — the tax dollars are found far away from roads and in the pockets of Democrat special interests,” Norquist said.

    Schumer asked Trump in December to include a slew of climate concessions in any infrastructure plan, including permanent tax subsidies for green energy and electric vehicle tax credits permanent, more funding into green tech and hardening infrastructure against extreme weather.

    Schumer wants to make climate change a top issue in the 2020 elections. It’s his counter to the Green New Deal’s botched rollout. Schumer wants to put Republicans on the defensive on climate change, an issue that’s traditionally not a top priority to voters.

    The Green New Deal was introduced by New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Massachusetts Sen. Ed Markey, both Democrats, in February. The Green New Deal calls for achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in 10 years and vastly expanding the welfare state.

    Markey tried to clear up some of the confusion over what’s actually in the Green New Deal, but in a recent interview with Vox the Massachusetts lawmaker outlined what Democrats had planned for infrastructure.

    “We’ve also made it quite clear that if there is an infrastructure bill, we’re going to make it a green energy bill,” Markey said. “We’re going to be submitting amendments that ensure that bill has aggressive renewable energy resource and energy efficiency standards, and that there are higher and stronger standards for federal renewable energy procurement.”

    “The federal government plays a big role, the Defense Department plays a big role, and they should be purchasing much higher percentages of electricity from renewable sources,” Markey continued.

    Pelosi requested Tuesday’s meeting with Trump, according to Axios. It’s unclear if any infrastructure deal can be hashed out in the near-term.

    Trump’s 2020 budget proposal calls for $200 billion in spending to leverage massive infrastructure build-up. The budget plan also includes targeted spending on rural road-building and bridges.

    Follow Michael on Twitter

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    The Enemy Among Us



    By Sigrid Weidenweber

    President Trump assumed office and, shortly thereafter, he began to speak often and forcefully against China’s tactics, stealing trade secrets and assuming ownership

    of American technology used in products sold in China. However, that seems to be the least of the administration’s worries when one examines the documentation of U. S. Senior Intelligence and Law officials. According to an article in the Wall Street Journal on Monday, April 20, 2019, by Aruna Visvanatha and Dustin Volz, the warnings of these officials characterize Chinese espionage as the “single most significant long-term strategic threat” to America.

    Officials deem China’s intent to steal government secrets, and the heist of intellectual property and research from the corporate and academic world, a constant, damaging threat to America.

    As the Trump administration tries to address the economic damage done to U. S. properties, China has become more skillful and cunning in traditional spy games. In this effort, Chinese hackers extracted “an ocean of personal data” from government, university and business files, from which they gleaned, and do so presently, the susceptibility and vulnerability of subjects to financial or other inducements, or plain threats and blackmail.

    In 2015 hackers managed to steal 20 million files from the office of Personnel Management, complete with background checks for government employees. What a treasure trove in which to find espionage targets. Correspondents Viswanatha and Volz note that U.S. officials warn copiously that this is the greatest threat America is facing, describing it as “as a whole-of-society


    Of course, the Chinese Embassy denies all allegations and accusations of espionage, and does not respond with comment. Examples of spies, even within the CIA, are the former CIA case officer, Jerry Chun Shing Lee and Kevin Mallory, a former intelligence officer. Mallory was convicted of selling secrets to China, Shing Lee faces charges of conspiracy to provide classified information to two officers of China’s state security ministry. Lee also made cash deposits to his bank accounts in Hong Kong in the “hundreds of thousands of dollars.”

    China’s Secret Service is not only approaching subjects with a Chinese native background or CIA affiliation, but dangles huge cash and gifts in front of vulnerable subjects likely to succumb to blackmail or greed in an effort of turning them.

    Case in point is one Candace Claiborne, a 63-year-old former State Department employee, who received $20,000 in cash, plane tickets, rent and living expenses for a relative from two Chinese nationals in return for documents, cables and white papers about the U. S. China meeting, which she printed of Internal State Department Networks.

    Another growing concern is Chinese-made gear for American and European telecom networks. The U. S. is ratcheting up pressure on Chinese technology firms. The Trump administration is demanding that European allies ban Chinese equipment because it could be used to compromise all intelligence sharing. The State Department warned that using such equipment would lead to a reassessment of the way American intelligence data is shared with EU partners. Washington already has banned Huawei Technologies, Co., the world’s largest telecom supplier, in the U. S. It correctly assesses the threat from the Beijing government, forcing Huawei to use their technology to spy on, or worse, disable foreign networks. Despite such valid concerns, Britain’s National security council forged ahead buying “non-core” parts for its G5 networks from Huawei.

    Mr. Robert Strayer, deputy assistant secretary for cyber policy at the State Department stated in Brussels that “no part of a G5 network should have parts or software from a vendor that could be under the control of an authoritarian government.”

    It seems that the Chinese are much better than the Russians draining data from our pool of internal knowledge and, therefore, must be watched incessantly.

    China, by stealth has already stolen enough American intellectual property to make its military so strong that only America can keep it at bay. How much longer will that be possible?


     Sigrid Weidenweber grew up in communist East Berlin, escaping it using a French passport. Ms. Weidenweber holds a degree in medical technology as well as psychology and has course work in Anthropology.  She is co-founder of Aid for Afghans.  Weidenweber has traveled the world and lived with Pakistani Muslims, learning about the culture and religion. She is a published author and lecturer. You can find her books on

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    The Thrill Is Gone


    By Richard Colman

    “The Thrill is Gone” was a B.B. King hit song in the 1960’s.

    Today, the thrill is gone from many aspects of modern American society.

    Politics is no longer is thrilling.  Campaigns used to be fun.  There were campaign buttons, candidates had songs, and one could go to a rally without the fear of getting beat up.  The campaign button that many people remember well was the “I like Ike” button for candidate Dwight Eisenhower, who ran successfully for president in 1952 and 1956.

    Today, politics is most about disagreeable people who act unethically.  It’s been years since people were enthusiastic about candidates.

    In the 2016 race for president, the memories are of two defensive candidates who could not bring a smile or a laugh to an audience.  Donald Trump seemed to be defending himself about real-estate deals in Russia.  Trump insulted more people than Don Rickles. Hillary Clinton was — very defensively — always rejecting criticism about a special, personal (and perhaps illegal) e-mail system that she had.

    For 2020, there are candidates who are as interesting as watching paint dry.  How can anyone get excited about Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, or Kirsten Gillibrand?  If you own stock in Sominex, sell it.  Listening to today’s presidential candidates will guarantee anyone a great night’s sleep.

     Where is the passion?  Where is the fun?  Where is the exciting future that Americans want and deserve?

     When Eisenhower was president, he ended the Korean War in July 1952.  From then on, there was peace until Eisenhower left office in January 1961.

     With President John Kennedy, there was the excitement of putting a man on the moon.

     What happened to music?  In the 1950’s and 1960’s, there were performers like Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, the Beatles, and the Rolling Stones.  And let’s not forget the immortal Bob Dylan.  Today’s music is a bunch of noise.  The late “60 Minutes” commentator, Andy Rooney, the world’s greatest curmudgeon, once said if he can’t hum a song, he doesn’t like it.  Poor Andy, it’s no wonder he died during this era of intolerable music.

     A recent song contained the following lyrics:  “I’m Dick Cheney.  The real Dick Cheney.  I ain’t too brainy.  I’m the real Dick Cheney.”  Where is the talent in such lyrics?  Irving Berlin, who wrote “God Bless America” and “White Christmas,” is needed more than ever.

     What can we say about television?  The 1950’s had originality, if not color pictures.  There was “The Honeymooners” with Jackie Gleason, “You Bet Your Life” with Groucho Marx, and “Your Show of Shows” with Sid Caesar.  Today, is there anything comparable to the early days of television?

     What can we say about late-night TV entertainers?  Remember Steve Allen, Jack Paar, Johnny Carson, and Jay Leno?  Today’s TV personalities have a problem:  They’re not funny.

    In elementary school and high school, the teachers knew the subject matter.  There were no problems with drugs or mass killings.  Learning proper English grammar was a must.  Today, we hear and read bad English if we hear English at all. 

    Even the vaunted New York Times needs instruction in English.  In a January 11, 2019, editorial (print edition), here is what the Times wrote:  “In this case, the president’s inability to reach some sort of deal rests heavily on several basic failures of understanding by he [underlining added] and his team.”

     No one needs to be nostalgic for the old days.  Hand-held calculators, computers, and better cars are here.

     Nonetheless, in today’s world, the thrill is gone.

    Richard Colman is the founder and president of Biomed Inc., a biotechnology, publishing, and informatics company.  He is a biochemist and earned masters and doctoral degrees from the University of California at Berkeley.  He lives in Orinda, California.

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    America’s Job Center, Oxnard May 2019 Career Shops

    Space is limited. Prior registration required. Career Shops are offered at no cost to job seekers. Participants must be registered with CalJOBS ( before signing up for a career shop. For more information, call the West County America’s Job Center at 805-204-5171.

    Career shops are sponsored by the Human Services Agency, EDD Workforces Services and the Workforce Development Board of Ventura County. This is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program/Service. For TDD/TT inquiries call 1 (800) 735-2922. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

    Workshops are held at the West County America’s Job Center located at 2901 N. Ventura Rd., 3rd Floor in Oxnard. If you would like more information, please call. 805-204-5171.

    May 8, 15 & 22 – Social Media, 10:00 a.m. – noon – Social media is everywhere. It is not just for entertainment or a way to stay connected with friends and family, but a powerful tool that can be utilized for networking and building career success. Learn how to create a positive personal brand as well as the importance of social media etiquette.

    May 10 – Veterans Orientation, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. – This collaborative meeting provides our veterans with information on local services and programs that are available to the veteran.

    May 10- The Power of CalJOBS, 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – CalJOBS is an online resource that can be used to navigate California’s workforce services providing employment and labor market information. The newly enhanced system allows users to easily search for jobs, build résumés, access career resources, and find information on education and training programs.

    May 15 – Career Explorer, 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – This workshop is designed to teach job readiness, communication skills and cultural relevance in today’s workplace (Owens Valley Career Development Center). To register, call (805) 204-5187.

    May 17 – Resumes That Sell, 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. – Get hands-on assistance in completing your résumé, cover and thank-you letters. Upon completion of this Career Shop, you will walk away with a portfolio that shows off your professional documents. Come prepared with your employment history for the last 10 years and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three personal and three professional references.

    May 24 – Job Search/Social Media8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. – This workshop provides common sense tactics to be more effective in finding employment when dealing with little work experience, age discrimination, gaps in employment, barriers, and returning to the workforce. The social media portion provides information on the most popular online social networks.

    Google Academy – Classes held Mondays and Tuesdays, 8:00 a.m. – noon – This workshop teaches students how to use Google’s free applications such as Google Docs, Sheets and Slides. The class will help prepare students to use these applications in the workplace. The six-week workshop is a combination of lectures and hands-on practice. Students learn how to create their own Google account, share their work with others and learn how to collaborate in real time. The complete workshop consists of six, eight-hour modules. Each module is run in two, four-hour sessions. Those who successfully complete all six modules will earn a course completion certificate, however enrollment in individual modules is also an option.

    ESL (English as a Second Language) to Work – Classes held Tuesdays through Thursdays throughout the month – This workshop for ESL participants is designed to develop basic skills related to the work environment: speaking, listening, reading, writing, problem solving, critical thinking, interpersonal relations, career planning and advancement and cross-cultural understanding. Upon successful completion, students may be ready to succeed in additional job training courses or employment.


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    Port Hueneme | Juvenile Arrested with Loaded Handgun

    Port Hueneme Police Department – Incident Press Release

    On Monday April 29th, 2019 at 9:45 PM, Port Hueneme Police Officers were dispatched to the area of the 2500 block of Yardarm Avenue reference a group of juveniles drinking and disturbing in the alley. When officers arrived, a group of six to eight juveniles fled in different directions.

    One of the juveniles attempted to discard a loaded .357 revolver handgun in front of a vacant apartment. One of the responding officers observed the actions of the juvenile and arrested him without incident. The loaded firearm was also recovered at the scene.

    During the course of the investigation it was discovered the 17-year old male juvenile suspect was “tagging” with spray paint as officers arrived. He was arrested and later transported to juvenile hall on several charges, which included; Possession of a loaded handgun, Vandalism, Possession of Vandalism Tools and Gang Enhancement charges.

    Anyone with information or questions about this incident can contact Detective Mike Hamrick at the Port Hueneme Police Department (805) 986-6541 or email at [email protected].

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    Mother Sentenced to Life for Murder of Three-Year-Old Daughter

    VENTURA, California – District Attorney Gregory D. Totten announced today that Mayra Alejandra Chavez (DOB 10/4/1991), of Oxnard, was sentenced to 37 years to life in prison by Judge Derek Malan. In December 2018, Chavez was found guilty of second-degree murder, assault resulting in death of a child, and torture, for the killing of her three-year-old daughter, Kimberly Chavez Lopez, which occurred in June 2015. Earlier this month, Chavez pled guilty to three counts of perjury related to false court testimony she gave in 2016 when authorities were searching for Kimberly and were unaware that Chavez had murdered the child.

    Chavez lost custody of Kimberly due to the baby testing positive for methamphetamine and marijuana at birth. Kimberly was placed into foster care for approximately nine months. Kimberly was returned to her custody after Chavez took drug and parenting classes. Once Chavez regained custody of Kimberly, she began to abuse her. Kimberly was placed into foster care a second time because of the abuse and Chavez again made the necessary efforts to regain custody. Once Kimberly was returned the second time, Chavez continued to torture and mistreat Kimberly. This abuse ultimately led to Kimberly’s tragic death. Kimberly’s body was never recovered. Omar Lopez, Kimberly’s father, testified that he and Chavez disposed of Kimberly’s body in Tijuana, Mexico. Omar Lopez is expected to be sentenced to 14 years prison later this year.

    Law enforcement agencies investigating Kimberly’s death included the Oxnard Police Department, the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office, the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Department of Homeland Security.


    The Ventura County District Attorney’s Office is the public prosecutor for the county’s 850,000 residents. The office employs approximately 280 employees including attorneys, investigators, victim advocates, and other professional support staff who strive to seek justice, ensure public safety, and protect the rights of crime victims.

    Follow the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office on Twitter @VenturaDAOffice

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    Oxnard | Suspects Arrested for Possession of Loaded Firearms & Ammunition

    Oxnard Police Department – Incident Press Release

    On April 29, 2019, at approximately 10:40 p.m., officers from the Oxnard Police Department Special Enforcement Unit and K-9 Unit contacted a group of adult and juvenile subjects loitering in the alley of Alexander Street in the 1900 block. Upon approach by the officers, the group attempted to flee. Two of the subjects in the group discarded two loaded handguns as they fled. All six subjects were arrested at the scene without incident. Both firearms were recovered. The adult suspect who had possession of the firearm was identified as Juan Palomarez. The second male with the firearm was a juvenile, name withheld.  A third suspect was arrested for being a felon in possession of ammunition, a felony. He was identified as Giovanny Sanchez. The remaining subjects were arrested on various misdemeanor charges. This group was affiliated with a criminal street gang in the City of Oxnard.

    The Oxnard Police Department’s Special Enforcement Unit is committed to reducing gang crimes and gun violence in the City of Oxnard through the strict enforcement of laws specifically targeting known, active gang members residing in the city.  Anyone with information regarding this case or other criminal activity is encouraged to contact the Oxnard Police Department at (805) 385-7600, or online via the Oxnard Police Department’s website:, and clicking on Report Suspicious Activity. 




    You can remain anonymous if you choose to do so. You can also remain anonymous by calling the Ventura County Crime Stoppers at (800) 222-8477. You can also visit this site: to submit a tip via text or email.

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    Armed Robbery of Arco in Ventura

    Ventura Police Department – Incident Press Release

    On April 29th at 10:03 PM, the Ventura Police Department Command Center received a 911 call from an employee of Arco AM/PM, 605 S. Mills Rd., reporting that an armed robbery had just occurred. The suspect, who was armed with a handgun, was last seen fleeing the business on foot in an unknown direction.

    During the investigation officers learned that the suspect entered the business and approached the one employee behind the counter. The suspect brandished a gun at the employee and demanded money from the register. The employee gave the suspect an undisclosed amount of cash and he fled from the business.

    Officers checked the area, but were unable to locate the suspect. The employee, and one customer that was inside the business at the time, were not injured as a result of this crime.

    Suspect(s): Hispanic Male, 20’s, wearing a Kings hat, grey sweater, black pants and a black bandanna over his face.

    Anyone with information or is a witness to this crime is asked to contact the Ventura Police Department at 339-4488.

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