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    Cinco de Mayo Festival Celebration | Oxnard College May 4-5, 2019

    April 19, 2018 Oxnard, CA- Radio Lazer 102.9 FM, La Mejor 96.7 FM, and La Mexicana 102.1 FM & 910 AM are proud to announce and celebrate the 27th annual Cinco de Mayo Festival taking place at Oxnard College in Oxnard, California. In partnership with presenting sponsor Gold Coast Toyota Dealers, Lazer Broadcasting is bringing a fun and energetic way to celebrate Cinco de Mayo to the community.

    This year’s Cinco de Mayo festival, on May 4th & 5th, will welcome more than 15 artists representing a wide range of Spanish music. Cinco de Mayo is an important cultural commemoration for Latinos and Lazer Broadcasting is proud to have a 27-year history of producing this event for the community.

    The on-air talent from Radio Lazer, La Mejor, and La Mexicana are excited to present the a-list performers and local artists to the community once again.


    Along with a full day of great entertainment, Lazer Broadcasting will also be providing specialty food items from delicious food trucks, face painting, live music, carnival rides, virtual game experiences and local business vendors.

    About Lazer Broadcasting

    Lazer Broadcasting Corporation owns and operates 42 radio stations across 17 markets in California and 1 in Nevada, with its top-rated “Radio Lazer” (Regional Mexican) and “La Mejor” (Spanish Adult Hits) networks, “La Mexicana” (Traditional) and “Latino” (Adult Pop Hits). This makes them one of the largest privately-held, minority-owned radio groups in the country.

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    May 9 Deadline to Submit Maps for the Composition of the City’s Voting Districts

    Camarillo, California – The public may submit maps for the composition of the City’s voting districts through May 9 for consideration by the Camarillo City Council at their public hearing of May 22, 2019, which will be the fourth public hearing.

    At the public hearing on April 24, 2019, the City Council heard public testimony and discussed twelve maps that have been prepared to date, either submitted by members of the public or prepared by the demographer, National Demographics Corporation. These maps are posted on the City’s website for public review:

    The City Council directed that maps #109 and #110 be brought forward to the May 22, 2019 meeting for further discussion, along with any additional maps submitted by the 5:00 p.m., May 9, 2019 deadline.

    Camarillo residents are encouraged to participate in the district-based elections process by submitting draft maps for consideration by the City Council at their fourth public hearing on this matter, which will be held on Wednesday, May 22, 2019, beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the Camarillo City Hall Council Chambers located at 601 Carmen Drive in Camarillo.

    Visit for more information.

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    Environmental Health Division supervisor assumes lead role in statewide association

    Graciela Garcia

    VENTURA, Calif. – Graciela Garcia, a registered environmental health specialist with the Environmental Health Department, was sworn in as the President of the California Environmental Health Association at the 68th Annual Educational Symposium held this year in Ventura. She has served for the past five years as the appointed CEHA representative on the California Department of Public Health Environmental Health Specialist Registration Committee.

    “It is an honor to lead CEHA as its new president,” said Garcia. “CEHA is dedicated to improving the quality of life and health through environmental education and protection. Our vision is to provide for the well-being of all Californians through environmental protection and enhancement in our home, communities, work places, and recreational areas to form a healthful environment for enjoying the never-ending miracle that is California.”

    CEHA, a non-profit association and the largest environmental health association in the nation, is committed to providing for the professional growth and development of environmental health professionals. As president, Garcia is responsible for providing the overall direction of the organization and coordination of exchanging delegates with the United Kingdom to attend annual symposiums. Garcia will represent the more than 600 members of the organization’s eight chapters at the upcoming National Environmental Health Association Annual Educational Conference in Nashville, Tennessee.

    “It is fantastic to have Graciela not only represent the County at CEHA, but also lead the organization,” said Kim Prillhart, Resource Management Agency Director. “She is a great example of our employees and their desire to be ambassadors for the County within their communities and statewide.”   

    Garcia, in her role with the County, currently manages a staff of eight that conduct inspections of retail food facilities and public swimming pools throughout the county.

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    City of Camarillo Receives Distinguished Budget Presentation Award

    Camarillo, California – The City of Camarillo has received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its current budget from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA).

    The City of Camarillo has been awarded the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award every year since 2004. This award is the highest form of recognition in governmental budgeting and represents a significant achievement by the City of Camarillo, in that it reflects the commitment of the governing body and staff to meeting the highest principals of governmental budgeting.

    In order to receive the budget award, the City needed to satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation. These guidelines are designed to assess how well an entity’s budget serves as a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide, and a communications device.

    There are over 1,600 participants in the Budget Awards Program. The most recent award recipients, along with their corresponding budget documents, are posted quarterly on GFOA’s website:

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    Conservative Activists Accuse Bank Of America Of Misleading About Planned Parenthood Ties


    Peter Hasson | Reporter

    Conservative activists accused Bank of America of misleading about its ties to Planned Parenthood during the company’s annual shareholder meeting Wednesday.

    Tax documents for Bank of America’s nonprofit arm, published by conservative activist group 2ndVote, show the bank donated over $50,000 to various Planned Parenthood affiliates in 2017, the most recent year available.

    A conservative shareholder, Justin Danhof, asked Bank of America executives about the donations during a question-and-answer session at the meeting. Danhof, who is also general counsel for the conservative National Center for Public Policy Research, recorded the exchange and published the audio to YouTube.


    Danhof asked Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan if he could guarantee that matching gifts constituted the entirety of the company’s financial support of Planned Parenthood, and asked him to address pro-lifers he said are upset about the donations,  according to the audio.

    Moynihan deferred to Andrew Plepler — Bank of America’s global head of environmental, social and governance — who gave a limited answer focused on donations from matching employee gifts, according to the audio. (RELATED: We Talked To Former Planned Parenthood Workers. Their Stories Are Chilling)

    “We have a very robust matching program, we make about 70,000 matching gifts, about 170 of those were to Planned Parenthood,” Plepler said on the audio. “Any eligible, authorized by the IRS, 501(c)3 [charity] is eligible for our program, including right to life groups.”

    He didn’t address whether Bank of America’s support of Planned Parenthood goes beyond matching employee gifts, which 2ndVote said was misleading.

    2ndVote executive director Robert Kuykendall pointed to two Planned Parenthood fundraisers, one in 2017 and one in 2018, that listed Bank of America as a corporate sponsor.

    “Bank of America has portrayed to customers and investors that its financial support for Planned Parenthood is limited to matched gifts through its charitable foundation,” Kuykendall said in a statement to The Daily Caller News Foundation.

    “However, our research has uncovered Bank of America sponsorships of posh fundraising galas in New York benefitting Planned Parenthood’s abortion business,” Kuykendall added. “It appears Bank of America has been content to pass the buck and blame employees, rather admit the company directly helps advance Planned Parenthood’s abortion agenda.”

    Indianapolis – Circa June 2016: Planned Parenthood Location. Planned Parenthood Provides Reproductive Health Services in the US I

    2ndVote is leading a petition campaign asking Bank of America to cease giving to Planned Parenthood. The petition had more than 3,300 signatures as of Thursday evening.

    Bank of America did not return TheDCNF’s request for comment.

    Follow Hasson on Twitter @PeterJHasson

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    Death Penalty Exhausted Appeals – Part 4


    By Michele Hanisee
    This is the fourth in a series of articles that focuses on the murderers on California’s death row who have exhausted all appeals. The last impediment to executions is a federal stay that is now being challenged by several elected District Attorneys and victims. Newsom’s blocking the execution of these vicious murderers is in direct violation of the will of California voters, who three times in the past seven years, have made it clear they support the death penalty for the most brutal murders.
    Robert Green Fairbank, Jr.
    San Mateo County District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe described Robert Fairbank as  evil, and for good reason. In 1989, Robert Fairbank was put on death row for first degree murder with special circumstances for the torture and oral copulation of graduate student Wendy Cheek. There is zero doubt of Fairbank’s guilt. Two days into trial testimony, Fairbank admitted his guilt to the murder, torture and oral copulation of Cheek, denying only the rape, which charge the prosecutor then dropped. Evidence was then presented to the jury to determine the sentence to be imposed. A jury of citizens determined that death was the appropriate punishment for Fairbank’s conduct.
    Four days before the murder of Cheek, a San Francisco judge had released Fairbank without bail after his arrest on a rape charge. Fairbank already had prior convictions for second degree burglary, receiving stolen property, battery with serious bodily injury, and felon in possession of a weapon.
    As detailed in California Supreme Court records, on December 12, 1985, Cheek told her friend John Adkins that she would attend his party that night. She never showed up. About a week later, Cheek’s mother called Adkins asking for her, because Cheek’s family hadn’t heard from her. Adkins found her car parked near his house.
    On December 14, Cheek’s naked body was found near Highway 280 in San Mateo County, underneath car parts that had been placed over her to hide the body. The autopsy revealed that Cheek had a number of blunt injuries to her head and torso consistent with blows from a fist. She had multiple puncture wounds on her head and neck consistent with a Phillips head screwdriver. Other wounds on her body appeared to be made with a barbecue fork. Stab wounds to her neck and back appeared to be from a knife. The fatal stab wounds pierced Cheek’s lung and aorta causing massive bleeding. Cheek had blood under her fingernails, suggesting she had tried to fight off her attacker. After her death, Cheek’s body was doused with gasoline and set on fire.
    Phyllis Marie Kitchell Fairbank (Kitchell) lived with Fairbank at the time of the murder. She testified that Fairbank would physically abuse her to the point of needing medical treatment. The same day Cheek’s body was found, Fairbank punched and kicked Kitchell. She called the police and said she had overdosed. She was taken to the hospital, and the next day she told the therapist what actually happened.
    When Police showed up at the home Kitchell was on the phone with Fairbank. Fairbank told Kitchell not to allow the police into the apartment, but she had already done so. Kitchell provided the police with physical evidence that tied Fairbank to Cheek’s murder.   In the apartment, police found blood on a wall above the bed, in the living room, and on the back door. They found a large amount of blood on the underside of a mattress. Forensic testing indicated the blood on the carpet and mattress matched to Cheek.
    While awaiting trial Fairbank approached a fellow jail inmate and asked about having “a girl named Phyllis” hurt “because she was a snitch.” Fairbank wrote letters saying he wanted Kitchell and her sister beaten to prevent them from testifying against him. Fairbank wrote in another letter that he wanted to have Kitchell’s arms and legs broken. Fairbank personally called Kitchell’s sister and threatened her.
    After Fairbank pled guilty to first degree murder and admitted the special circumstances, the jury heard the above evidence as well as evidence presented by the defense in favor of Fairbank. The defense presented evidence that Fairbank grew up in a very nice neighborhood but that his mother drank too much. His mother’s family was very wealthy which caused stress in the family resulting in an altercation between Fairbank’s mother and father in which the mother spit on the father and the father hit the mother, causing her to fall through a glass door. Defendant had behavioral issues growing up and was expelled from two private schools. Even when he behaved badly his mother spoiled him and bought him expensive gifts like a boat. When he was 16, defendant beat his father causing a broken rib. Fairbank was considered the local bad boy and liked to break into the homes of neighbors. A psychologist retained by the defense concluded that Fairbank did not suffer from any mental illness or psychosis, rather that he exhibited “anti-social personality disorder” (which is the generic mental health descriptor of a person who engages in criminal conduct). After hearing all the evidence, a jury sentenced Fairbank to death.
    Governor Newsom’s decision to allow Fairbank to live is unconscionable. Not only did Fairbank brutally torture and murder Cheek, he made every effort to obstruct justice through violence and threats of violence against the witnesses. It undermines the validity of the verdict rendered by a jury that heard all the evidence, and it is an insult to Wendy Cheek’s family and friends.
    Harvey Heishman
    Harvey Heishman was sentenced to death with a special circumstance of killing a witness to prevent testimony, for the murder of 28-year-old Nancy Lugassy. Heishman, who was charged with raping Lugassy, killed her to prevent her from testifying against him in court. Heishman had been incarcerated for rape before. He wasn’t going to let that happen again.
    As detailed in California Supreme Court records, on July 22, 1979, Lugassy ran screaming to her neighbor’s and reported that she had been raped. When shown a photographic lineup by police, Lugassy unhesitatingly picked Heishman’s photo. Heishman was arrested and pled not guilty. A preliminary hearing at which Lugassy would testify was scheduled for November 20th. Meanwhile, Heishman was out on bail. On November 1st, Lugassy’s neighbors heard shots and screams. Two neighbors told police they saw a Ford LTD speeding away with its lights off. The police found Lugassy’s body, shot three time, in front of her home. In her purse was a subpoena for the preliminary hearing for the rape case. Because she was not able to testify, the rape charges had to be dropped.
    On February 8, 1980, Nancy Gentry gave police information about the murder. Gentry admitted helping to plan Lugassy’s murder after Heishman, who she was dating, asked her if she knew a “hit man.” The Ford LTD that Heishman used the night he murdered Lugassy belonged to Gentry. Another woman, Cheryl Miller, was also involved in the planning.
    Gentry, alongside Miller, had driven Heishman to Lugassy’s residence. Gentry posed as a police officer, dressed in a blazer and skirt, and holding a police security check form she had obtained from a Neighborhood Alert Program and a lock. Lugassy let Gentry into her home and then filled out the alert program form, telling Gentry that she had been raped and a hearing was pending. After 15 minutes, Gentry left, intentionally leaving the security form and the lock in Lugassy’s apartment. As they drove off, Heishman told Gentry to lure Lugassy outside by pretending she needed help with her car. While Heishman waited at the driveway, Gentry walked back to Lugassy’s house, picked up the lock, and asked Lugassy to help with her car. As they went through the yard, Gentry saw Heishman standing against a utility shed, but Lugassy did not give any indication she saw Heishman. Gentry and Lugassy got the car started; then Gentry dropped Lugassy off in front of her home and drove away with the lights off. Almost immediately she heard a scream and three shots. She turned the car around, drove back and picked up Heishman who entered the car, removed his watch cap and a false beard, and said, “Let’s get out of here.” They returned to Heishman’s apartment, where he telephoned his father and said, “It’s done.”
    Gentry testified at the trial that she saw Heishman twice in the two months following the murder and that he was upset at her for driving her Ford LTD to his apartment. When she phoned him on November 20 to ask how the preliminary hearing on the Lugassy rape charge had gone, he said not to call him because his phone might be tapped. He gave her his “sister’s” number, which Gentry called and as a result learned that the rape charge against Heishman had been dismissed.
    During the penalty phase, evidence was introduced of Heishman’s numerous prior rapes. In 1968, in two separate incidents, Heishman raped Melody C. and Patrice S. As part of a plea bargain, Heishman pled guilty to the rape of Patrice S. On July 29, 1969, while out on bail awaiting sentencing for that rape, Heishman attempted to rape Maria M. Heishman served one year in county jail and was released in August of 1970. Heishman’s next rape was committed a mere two months later, in October of 1970. Next, in November of 1970, Heishman committed a rape of one woman and an attempted rape of another. He was caught, convicted and sentenced to prison where he remained until December of 1974. In July of 1975, months after his release from prison, he raped Lori H. He pled guilty to attempted rape and was returned to state prison. He was released in July of 1977. In April of 1979, he raped Tammy. Q. Three months after that he committed the rape of Lugassy. For those who have lost count – that is nine rapes / attempted rapes committed by Heishman prior to the murder of Lugassy. Many were committed while Heishman was out on bail, on probation, or on parole. Incarceration and threat of incarceration clearly had zero deterrent effect on this serial sexual predator.
    The defense evidence in mitigation was that at age 17, Heishman had discovered his grandmother who had hanged herself in a closet; that his wife, who had married him while he was in prison for rape, had divorced him; and that he was a model prison inmate and a satisfactory worker. No evidence was presented that Heishman suffered from any sort of mental or emotional disturbance.
    This was a deliberate murder to eliminate a witness in a rape case in order to avoid punishment for that rape. There is no doubt that Heishman is an evil person and a brutal killer. He twice victimized Lugassy, first raping her, then murdering her to obstruct justice. Heishman is a relentless sexual predator who will kill witnesses to avoid punishment. It is irresponsible for Newsom to block his punishment.
    Michele Hanisee is President of the Association of Los Angeles Deputy District Attorneys, the collective bargaining agent representing nearly 1,000 Deputy District Attorneys who work for the County of Los Angeles.
    If you have friends or family who may want to receive our free weekly Monday Morning Memos and Statements from the Board by email, click here to subscribe.

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    Ventura College Foundation Announces Recipients of 20th Annual Phoenix Scholarship Awards

    Ventura, Calif.—Celebrating its 20th anniversary, the Ventura College Foundation’s Phoenix Scholarship program awarded scholarships to 29 students at a ceremony held Thursday, April 18 at the college’s Wright Event Center.

    Scholarships were given to re-entry students based on their applications, essays, and recommendations from counselors, faculty and employers. Over $68,000 was handed out to students at the ceremony.

    One of the recipients was Anna Heaton, 25. She began attending college right out of high school but decided to leave to join the military. Heaton is now taking advanced math and science-based courses at Ventura College and plans to transfer to UC Davis next year. She has her sights on medical school. “I’m fascinated with neuroscience,” says Heaton. “I would love to be a surgeon as well as do neuroscience research.”

    When Heaton first returned to school, she says she didn’t realize scholarships were available. “Receiving the support from the foundation, the Veterans Resource Center and professors keeps me motivated. I know people believe in me,” says Heaton. “Scholarships provide a tremendous sense of security. I’m grateful and honored.”

    VC Math Instructor, Janine Bundy, and VC Student Anna Heaton Patch

    The Phoenix Scholarship Program was established in 1999 by Ventura College Foundation board members to support Ventura College re-entry students. Phoenix Scholarships are designed to assist students who have minimal or no resources to pay for their education and have chosen to return to school after a break in education or to learn new skills. The recipients are selected based on each student’s academic goals and progress, together with their financial need.

    “Students re-entering college face many challenges including family and work commitments. It’s sometimes difficult to stay focused,” says Rob van Nieuwburg, Ventura College Foundation board chair. “Even with all they have going on with their lives, they shine academically.”

    This year’s scholarship winners are Jennifer Anderson, Courtney Carlos, Eric Chagolla, Kelly Chow, Kevin Cross, Michael DiNardo, Thomas Galindo, Sandra Grotsky, Amber Hansen, Anna Heaton, Meagan Hill, Michelle Jacobs, Jessica Maciel, Angelica Magdaleno, Juan Montecinos, Christina Montrose, Melissa Obille, Jessica Orozco, Francisco Ramos, Crystal Richardson, Suzanne Rodriguez, Kristina Romero, Patrick Rose, Valerie Salazar, Paola Sanchez de Acosta, Mayra Smith, Clare Tobias, Jonathan Waters and Evelyn Wembakpete.


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    L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise | Ann Coulter has gone Do-Lally


    By L. Neil Smith

    Ann Coulter is a tall, leggy blonde whom almost any human male would find at least moderately attractive, a right-wing political columnist with an admirably vitriolic pen who might be described as a “Sometimes-Trumper”.

    On the other hand, her strident and embarrassing lack of trust, loyalty, and consistency is the basic reason I’m finally writing this article. Coulter was one of Donald Trump’s earliest supporters, back when everyblody thought that was crazy, and is supposed to be intelligent, but clearly she has no idea whatever of the forces of Mordor that Trump presently finds arrayed against him and his policies. If Republicans are elephants, Democrats are jackasses, and Libertarians are porcupines, Ann Coulter is a giraffe.

    Currently pushing 60 (as are we all, some from one side of the line, some from the other), Coulter remains unmarried and without children. She is said to have dated comedian Jimmie Walker (“We’re just good friends”), writer/movie-maker Dinesh D’Souza, New York City Councilman and “progressive” Democrat Andrew Stein,  _Spin_ magazine founder Bob Guccione, Jr., conservative/religious radio host David Wheaton, and the ridiculous and disgusting Bill Maher, owner of the questionably named “KidLove Productions” (slice of pizza, Bill?) and defender of the notorious Mary Kay Letourneau (look her up).

    Over the years, Coulter has written many a column that had my fingers hovering over the keyboard, ready to strike, but she finally pushed it too far with a little ditty, on April 17, entitled “All The President’s Bloodsucking Relatives” an instrument of jealousy, hatred, and personal destruction, aimed principally at Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner. Ann let it all hang out in that column, and in doing so, exposed herself as the bitter, unfulfilled harridan she criticizes others for being.

    I would guess (and it is only a guess — unlike liberals, I lay no claim to telepathy, only to a unique understanding, after seven decades, of history and human nature) that Coulter desperately wanted an appointment of some kind to the Trump Administration and feels that she deserved it. Ivanka got the job Ann probably wanted, instead. The First Daughter, by contrast, is an entrancing elfin princess, a wife and mother, who has made herself more than useful to her father and to America on more than one occasion. So much for bloodsucking. If I were a Democrat, I’d be shaking in my boots right now about 2024.

    Trump, in fact, is surrounded by feminine pulchritude. His wife, Melania, is the most beautiful and charming First Lady America has ever had. His younger daughter, Tiffany, a Georgetown law student, would be a national high school/college heart-throb if she were more publicly visible.  His daughter-in-law, Lara, is winsome, highly principled, and intellectually aggressive. His eldest son’s fabulously decorative girlfriend, former FOX news star Kimberly Guilfoyle (whom we don’t see enough of any more), would make another wonderful First Lady (the nightmares never end for the DNC). Even Trump’s Counselor, Kellyanne Conway, is kind of irresistibly cute, despite her thoroughly cancerous husband, another victim of self-inflicted jealousy.

    I have to admit that it’s surprisingly difficult being hard on Coulter, for me, at least. We both do the same thing (more or less) for a living (if you call this living). There’s at least a 75 percent overlap in what we believe (I’m a non-religious libertarian who staunchly supports same-sex marriage and a woman’s right to an abortion — up to a point). Most of all, we each enjoy plunging a well-turned verbal dagger into the heart of whomever or whatever has earned our ire.

    Poor Ann has been outclassed by the Barbies of FOX News — for whom admittedly she blazed the trail — almost uniformly blonde, gorgeous, intelligent, and accomplished. Many of them are lawyers, like her. Think lovely Shannon Bream, my favorite.

    Given her problems with the Trumps, Coulter apparently does her thinking below the waistline, sunshine. What a pity. In another universe, she could have been like Judge Jeanine. But she ‘s over the hill, and does not bear it gracefully.

    Award-winning novelist and essayist L. Neil Smith is a retired gunsmith, Publisher and Senior Columnist of L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise and the author of over thirty books. Look him up on Google, Wikipedia, and and watch for the forthcoming ONLY THE YOUNG DIE GOOD and ARES. He is available, at professional rates, to write columns, articles, and speeches for your organization, event, or publication, fiercely defending your rights, as he has done since the mid-1960s. His writings (and e-mail address) may also be found at L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise, at or at, to which you can contribute, directly. His many books and those of other pro-gun libertarians may also be found (and ordered) at L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE “Free Radical Book Store” The preceding essay was originally prepared for and appeared in L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE. Use it to fight the continuing war against tyranny.

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    Casa Pacifica Celebrates Volunteer Appreciation Week – Four Volunteers Honored at Luncheon

    Camarillo, CA – In honor of National Volunteer Appreciation Week, Casa Pacifica dedicated its quarterly employee town hall luncheon to their beloved volunteers. All volunteers were invited to attend the luncheon, including the Board of Directors, the Angels and Amigos volunteer auxiliary groups, and regular community group volunteers. In addition to thanking all of their volunteers, Casa Pacifica honored four special volunteers: Kevin Nunn, Volunteer of the Year; Mamba Sports Academy, Community Volunteer of the Year; Susan Bauer, Angel of the Year; and Julia Brankovic, Amigo of the Year.

    After a welcome by Casa Pacifica’s Chief Operating Officer, Vicki Murphy, the Casa Pacifica Nonpublic School choir performed two songs before handing out the four special awards. To add to the special moments, the awards were presented by different youth from the Nonpublic School. Another memorable moment came when a youth performed a solo piece they had been working on with regular volunteer Steve Wiley, from Musicians on a Mission who was also in attendance.

    Kevin Nunn, Volunteer of the Year – Longtime and active member of the Camarillo Noontime Rotary, currently serves as co-chair of the Care for Kids Golf Tournament, one of the longest running local charity golf tournaments which benefits Casa Pacifica among other local charities. The golf tournament has raised much needed funds for Casa Pacifica throughout its 26-year run. The real kicker is that Kevin doesn’t even golf! His passion and love for Casa Pacifica and its mission to provide hope and help to some of the most vulnerable youth and their families is apparent through his steadfast support.

    Mamba Sports Academy, Community Volunteer of the Year – Over the last few years, Mamba Sports Academy has developed and implemented a weekly program for the youth of Casa Pacifica. Sports training, both at their facility and on Casa Pacifica’s campus, has offered the youth a unique opportunity to work on not only physical fitness, but develop important life skills like teamwork, patience, mindfulness, communication, and more. Mamba Sports Academy has also hosted Casa Pacifica youth in their Full Circle Athlete Development Program – giving youth the opportunity for individual training sessions, coaching, and mindset development. Their programs have given Casa Pacifica youth incredible opportunities they might not have otherwise had.

    Susan Bauer, Angel of the Year – Actively involved with Casa Pacifica for more than twelve years, Susan has been on the Angel’s Board, hosted Casa Pacifica’s Spotlight on Style fundraising event,  served on planning committees, and hosted retreats. In addition to being longtime supporters of Casa Pacifica, Susan and her husband Ken were major contributors to Casa Pacifica’s recent capital campaign for a new training institute and co-occurring cottages. The Bauer Teaching Kitchen in the new Training Institute now offers youth the opportunity to learn important life skills.

    Julia Brankovic, Amigo of the Year – Julia currently serves as the Amigos Membership Chair but is deeply involved in all aspects of the auxiliary group. She can be seen at almost all of the Amigos events on campus – from carnival day to soccer day. In her time as Amigos Membership Chair, she spearheaded the revival of the Amigos newsletter, an important part of keeping the Amigos connected as a group. Julia is also always happy to connect Casa Pacifica to her contacts in the community, spreading the word about their programs and services.

    Carrie Hughes, Director of Development and Public Relations at Casa Pacifica commented, “I only wish we could honor each of our volunteers with a special award – it’s always hard to choose because we have so many great ones. But we celebrate all of our volunteers and are grateful for their continued generosity and support.”

    Casa Pacifica Centers for Children and Families is a crisis-care and residential treatment facility for foster or at-risk children in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. The agency is the largest non-profit provider of children’s mental health services in both counties and administers a number of community-based programs designed to strengthen families and keep children in their homes and communities. Casa Pacifica is also a foster family agency, which recruits and trains families for potential placement with a foster youth. For more information about Casa Pacifica visit its website or call the Development & Public Relations Department at (805) 445-7800.

    (L-R) Susan Bauer, 2018 Angel of the Year; Kevin Nunn, 2018 Volunteer of the Year; Mamba Sports Academy, 2018 Community Volunteer of the Year; (not pictured) Julia Brankovic, 2018 Amigo of the Year.

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    Camarillo Tourism Organization Unveils New Website

    CAMARILLO, CALIF –The Camarillo Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA), a destination marketing organization for the City of Camarillo, is pleased to announce the launch of its newly redesigned tourism website at The new website features a modern clean design, high-quality video production and improved functionality to highlight all there is to see and do in Camarillo.

    Partnering with Big Behavior, a digital engagement interactive agency, CHTA is looking for increased engagement and traffic as a result, but the overlying goal is for to become the ultimate resource on all things Camarillo, inspiring travelers of any distance to visit the area and get the most out of their trip. The site will not only serve beneficial for travelers from afar, but has significant purpose in providing neighboring communities with information on any local events and attractions. . In addition to a completely refreshed design and mobile friendly capabilities, the Visit Camarillo website consist of the following updated features:

    • Revamped Hotel listings to help visitors book their stay
    • Itinerary Planner to help make planning a trip easier
    • Downloadable Visitors Guide and Pocket Map for additional content sources
    • Visually impacting video production for engagement
    • Vibrant Photography that helps paint the Camarillo story
    • User friendly organization of content for easy access
    • Modern event calendar keeps everyone informed
    • Destination proximity map
    • Interactive “To Do” and “Places to Stay” maps
    • Live social media wall for #VisitCamarillo from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

    Executive Director, Yuliana Gonzalez, could not be more thrilled about the launch, following weeks of anticipation and excitement as the project neared the finish line. “Our new website will showcase all the wonderful things Camarillo has to offer. It’s important for us to stay up to date on the latest web developments and create an environment that facilitates planning and gives visitors more time to enjoy their stay.” said Gonzalez.

    Coinciding with the launch is Visit Camarillo’s Website Scavenger Hunt Sweepstakes. A promotion encouraging users to delve into the new site in search of answers to clues that are related to Camarillo’s features, accommodations and most popular attractions. Contestants who complete the scavenger hunt will fill out a form and be entered for a chance to win the grand prize that includes a two-night hotel stay and much more. Website visitors can get more information by emailing [email protected].

    About the Camarillo Hotel & Tourism Association | The Camarillo Hotel & Tourism Association (Visit Camarillo) is a non-profit organization serving as a destination marketing organization for the city of Camarillo. Funded by a hotel assessment, their efforts focus on promoting Camarillo as a visitor meeting, and events destination. For more information, please go to or like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram and Twitter.

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