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    Here’s What Some Small Business Owners Are Saying About Trump’s Presidency


    Stephanie Hamill | Video Columnist


    What are small business owners saying nearly two-and-a-half years into Donald Trump’s presidency?

    To find out, The Daily Caller sat down with Bruce LeVell, who is with the U.S. Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy’s Region 4.

    LeVell represents small business owners in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.

    During the interview, LeVell talked about how small businesses are thriving under Trump, thanks to the cutting of taxes and regulations. (RELATED: Wilford: Media Praises Itself for Misleading Americans on Tax Cuts) 

    He also discussed some of the challenges some businesses owners are facing in the areas he represents, which include access to capital and health care.

    “Affordable health care is the number-one issue,” said Levell.


    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of The Daily Caller.

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    Minimum Wage Hikes Are Costing California Jobs, Study Says



    California’s minimum wage increase has cost the state thousands of jobs worth of growth in the state’s booming restaurant industry, according to a recent study by the University of California Riverside.

    California passed a bill in 2016 to bring the state’s minimum wage up to $15 an hour. For businesses with more than 25 employees, the state’s minimum wage rose to $12 in January and will hit $15 in January of 2022. Other businesses have until 2023 before the full $15-an-hour minimum takes effect.

    “The research does not suggest that the minimum wage should not rise or that rising wages do not have any benefits,” the study’s author Christopher Thornberg said in a statement, according to Restaurant Business Online. (RELATED: Almost Three-Quarters Of Economists Say A $15 Minimum Wage Is A Bad Idea)

    “However, increases to the state’s minimum wage in recent years have been the fastest since California first set a minimum wage in 1916 — and that pace is creating certain negative consequences for smaller businesses and people who need the most help rising out of poverty,” Thornberg said.

    “Data analysis suggests that while the restaurant industry in California has grown significantly as the minimum wage has increased, employment in the industry has grown more slowly than it would have without minimum wage hikes,” the study, published in April, says. “The slower employment is nevertheless real for those workers who may have found a career in the industry.”

    Researchers studied the minimum wage’s current effects on businesses from high-end restaurants to fast-food shops. They found the minimum wage has more of an impact on full-service restaurants where customers are served by waiters and food is brought straight to the table. Researchers also found that the minimum wage slowed growth more in low-income areas.

    “The impact of a higher real minimum wage on employment growth is roughly twice as high in low income compared to higher income communities in full-service restaurants,” the study says. Employment throughout the restaurant industry is affected more in poorer areas.

    Researchers estimate that the minimum wage increases will cost the state roughly 30,000 jobs from 2017 to 2022.

    “The model suggests that there would be 30,000 fewer jobs in the industry from 2017 to 2022 as a result of the higher minimum wage,” the study says. “Over the period 2013-2022, therefore, the number of new jobs in the full-service industry will grow by 120,000, but would have grown by 160,000.”

    Follow Tim Pearce on Twitter

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    Amazon’s Prime Delivery “Ain’t” What It Used to Be



    By Debra Tash

    Amazon is developing its own delivery system.  The company launched their Last Mile Shipping program last year.  Drivers pick up packages from what Amazon calls “outposts” and takes them to their final destination. 

    However, as with ancient Rome, even this mega of all mega corporations can’t build an infrastructure in a day.  It’s hiring a cadre of full time drivers. If you need a job here you go, Amazon Logistics. Yet in some areas, where they don’t have the staging for trucks or trained personnel to drive company vehicles, Amazon has part timers using their own transportation.  So if you see that Honda Accord pulling into your driveway, don’t be suspicious.  It’s probably someone you will never see again delivering a package with that juice squeezer you ordered online. There is the rub, which has rubbed me the wrong way.

    Amazon is bringing a whole new level of delivery personnel into the lives of their customers.  Are these individuals properly trained and be vetted to be roaming around residential/rural neighborhoods delivering packages?

    I live in a rural area behind an automatic gate. I’ve used Amazon for years, and Prime was one heck of a perk.  I not only got my packages on time, I had access to lots of free video content that I most likely would never watch unless it was free (Of course, that is before Amazon started producing its own original shows). How could I lose?  Well, let’s consider how that package gets to my house.  Like I wrote, I live in a rural area behind a security gate. 

    Omar, the UPS driver, who I got to know over the years, had the code to get past that barrier. I trusted him and UPS.  Now I don’t know who has my gate code, everyone it would seem who can legally drive.  In addition to a perfect stranger having access to my property, they also have been leaving my packages all over the place. I have to go online to find the photo of the bush or the barn where they left my order of meal worms for the chickens. That really doesn’t bother me. It’s the fact that Amazon has so cavalierly given my private information out to who knows who.

    Today I actually got to speak with one of their drivers.  Nice. Really.  He’s an actor who is working part-time between gigs, so that means he’s most likely got a lot of part-time jobs.  He told me that he’s on a three hour shift with Amazon to deliver packages in our area.  Great.  Except who the heck was he?  I mean, look I have nothing against actors.  They need to eat, too.  But, again, who is vetting these people?  Who is supervising them and insuring against the damage they may cause with their Hondas on my property? Worst case scenario – is delivering packages in my remote neighborhood a scouting mission for later burglaries?.

    So after scrambling around the Amazon website I finally not only got one live person on the line but two of them, even if they were located in overseas call centers.  I was able to switch my shipping preferences to remove my gate code from their system.  Hallelujah!  The customer service rep, “Ann” was very helpful.  She wished me a good night and I wished her a good day wherever she was in the world. 

    I hope this works.  Maybe, one day, I will get to see Omar again.

    If you want to stop those Hondas from coming to your home call Amazon Logistics, About Deliveries Shipped with Amazon –  or better yet call 1-877-252-2701 . If Ann answers tell her I said, Hi.

    BTW I’m not the only one complaining.  Check out Blogheads.org where anyone can whine: Amazon Prime Goring Sideways/Weird Shipment Problems

    Debra Tash is Editor-in-Chief of Citizensjournal.us, past president for Citizens Alliance for Property Rights, business executive and award-winning author, residing in Somis.

    Columnist Rich Eber contributed to this rant.

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    Angry Reader 04-03-2019 | Victor Davis Hanson Private Papers



    Victor Davis Hanson

    From An Angry Reader:

    Well, a quick scan of your website revealed you actually have a whole section dedicated to “Angry Reader” mail. One would think, a man of your so-called intellect, would perhaps have a small moment of introspection and realize the true damage Donald Trump and the current Republican Party are doing to our nation. YOUR angry rantings about “liberals” betray your own bias and lack of critical thinking. YOU buy into stereotypical tropes and pass along non-information and hate-speech inspired Right-wing agenda – then, when reasonable people react negatively to you, you adopt a repulsive, belittling, self-righteous condescension.


    Frankly, sir, you are a big part of the problem. As John Stewart once so graciously asked Tucker Carlson on his own show: Please, sir, just stop. You are hurting our country.

    So, I don’t need a response from you. I didn’t use any profanity, and only used capital letters for desired emphasis. So maybe this doesn’t score very high on your Angry Meter – but don’t be fooled, I despise you and everyone like you.

    Hope you have a good life – there are many others who do not live as well as you, may their misery weigh on your soul.

    Jeff Hennefeld

    Dear Very Angry Reader Mr. Hennefeld,

    Please Mr. Hennefeld,

    You may “not need a response” from me, but your angry-reader venom perhaps deserves one. First, please, take a deep breath and cease your typical angry reader rant.

    Such vitriol is precisely what is hurting the country. You don’t need capital scare letters to make points, even if you acknowledge your addiction to them. You do not need to rave without citing a single example to support your argument. You do not, in angry reader 10 fashion, need to sink to ad hominem hate language, “I despise you and everyone like you.”

    Is it a requisite of the progressive mindset that as soon as one asks for healing and to stop replying negatively to hate letters, he then follows up with the Sermon on the Mount expression “I despise you”? The scam of apophasis is ancient but claiming that you do not do something does not excuse you when you do it.

    If only you could detail exactly what Trump has done that has so upset you. Make the argument that GDP is too weak; minority unemployment too high; energy production too anemic; judges unqualified; or that the Iran Deal was a brilliant arrangement, and there should be no worry about China. We need just a single argument in lieu of virtue signaling your hatred by the quite shameful invocation of the poor and your concern for them—an unfortunate sort of mask for such unhinged venom and hatred.

    As far as misery is concerned, I think I know of it first hand as well as anyone, and where I live, with whom I associate, and whom I like I think reflects a likely far broader empathy with those without means than might be true of you.

    I do hope you have a good life—and without your sort of qualifications added.

    Vic Hanson


    Republished with author’s permission- Source

    Victor Davis Hanson is the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow in Residence in Classics and Military History at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, a professor of Classics Emeritus at California State University, Fresno, and a nationally syndicated columnist for Tribune Media Services…. READ MORE

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    Reagan Library Presents C-SPAN’s American Presidents Life Portraits

    April 15, 2019 – June 16, 2019

    C-SPAN’s American Presidents Life Portraits exhibit takes a look back at the lives of the men who have held the office of president from the founding of our country through the modern age. Known for providing up-to-the-minute public affairs coverage and historical insight into today’s events, C-SPAN’s traveling exhibit brings you a portrait of each of our country’s presidents through paintings, photographs, prints, and audio recordings.  

    Sponsored by C-SPAN and the White House Historical Association, the American Presidents Life Portraits exhibit includes original oil portraits of the presidents by artist Chas Fagan, accompanied by photographs and prints from each president’s time in the White House. The exhibit also offers viewers the opportunity to engage with video biographies of every president and audio recordings (dating back to President Theodore Roosevelt) through their smartphones.

    The exhibition will be held in the Reagan Library’s Air Force One Pavilion.


    40 Presidential Drive
    Simi Valley, CA 93065

    Ronald Reagan’s Presidental Library and Museum

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    Grandmother Sentenced to 180 Days Jail for Involvement in Granddaughter’s Death

    VENTURA, California – District Attorney Gregory D. Totten announced today that Maria De Jesus Lopez (DOB 2/13/74), of Oxnard, was sentenced to 180 days jail and 36 months formal probation by Judge Bruce Young. Ms. Lopez pled guilty last month to one felony count of conspiracy to destroy and conceal evidence. Ms. Lopez conspired with her daughter, Mayra Alejandra Chavez, and Omar Misael Lopez to conceal the death of Ms. Lopez’s 3-year-old granddaughter, Kimberly Lopez.

    Kimberly’s death was the result of child abuse inflicted on her by her mother Mayra Chavez in June 2015. Upon learning of Kimberly’s death, Ms. Lopez assisted Chavez and Omar Lopez in covering up Kimberly’s death by lending the couple her car and providing them with money so they could dispose of Kimberly’s remains in Tijuana, Mexico. Kimberly’s body was never recovered. Over the next 15 months, Lopez also assisted Chavez and Omar Lopez in concealing Kimberly’s death from authorities. Chavez was convicted of Kimberly’s murder in December 2018. Omar Lopez previously pled guilty to felony child endangerment in exchange for truthful testimony in Chavez’s trial.

    As part of her probation, Maria De Jesus Lopez was ordered to have no contact with Mayra Chavez and is not allowed to associate with any children under the age of 18 unless in the presence of a responsible adult who has been approved by the probation officer.


    The Ventura County District Attorney’s Office is the public prosecutor for the county’s 850,000 residents. The office employs approximately 280 employees including attorneys, investigators, victim advocates, and other professional support staff who strive to seek justice, ensure public safety, and protect the rights of crime victims.

    Follow the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office on Twitter @VenturaDAO

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    Moorpark | Standoff with Suspect arrested for Assault with a Deadly Weapon

    Ventura County Sheriff Department – Incident Press Release

    On the evening of April 22nd, at around 8:30 pm, patrol deputies from the Moorpark Sheriff’s Station responded to a residence in the 14100 block of Maya Circle, in the City of Moorpark, for a call of an assault with a deadly weapon that just occurred. When they arrived at the residence, deputies learned that one of the residents in the home, identified as Ryan Rietkerk, had   assaulted his roommate with a large blunt object, causing a moderate to severe injury. Deputies also learned that Rietkerk threatened his elderly father with a knife. When deputies attempted to contact Rietkerk in the home, they learned that he had barricaded himself in an upstairs bedroom and refused to come out. After attempts to negotiate with Rietkerk failed, Sheriff’s managers dispatched several detectives from the Sheriff’s Special Services Bureau who were trained in the use and deployment of special weapons and barricaded suspect techniques.

    Upon their arrival, detectives continued their attempts to negotiate with Rietkerk in order to peacefully resolve the situation. However, when  negotiations  failed  for  the  second  time, detectives forced entry into the bedroom  in  order  to  arrest  Rietkerk.  When  detectives encountered Rietkerk in his bedroom, they gave him multiple verbal commands to comply and submit to arrest. When Rietkerk failed to comply with their commands, detectives utilized a less lethal weapon in order to  gain his compliance.  When the less lethal weapon failed to gain  Rietkerk’s compliance, detectives utilized a Sheriff’s K-9, which had the desired results, as the detectives were able to secure Rietkerk in handcuffs and  arrest him.   Rietkerk was transported  to    a local hospital, where he was treated for minor injuries from the K-9 and the less lethal weapon. Rietkerk’s roommate was also treated for his injury. Rietkerk was later  booked at the Ventura County Main Jail and charged with two counts of 245(a)(1) PC / Assault with deadly weapon, 148(a)(1) PC / Resist arrest, 368 (b)(1) PC / Elder abuse and 422 PC / Criminal threats.

    Ventura County Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 reward for information, which leads to the arrest and criminal complaint against the person(s) responsible  for  this crime. The caller may remain anonymous. The call is  not  recorded.  Call  Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).

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    Oxnard | Stolen Vehicle Pursuit and Arrest

    Jesus Belmontes, 29, Oxnard resident

    Oxnard Police Department – Incident Press Release

    On 4/22/2019, Oxnard police officers located an occupied stolen vehicle in the Wal Mart shopping center in the 2000 block of North Rose Ave. Officers attempted to initiate a traffic stop and the suspect vehicle failed to yield and was pursued through several neighborhoods in North Oxnard. Suspect Belmontes fled from the stolen vehicle on foot in the area of Orchard Place and Oxnard Blvd. After a lengthy foot pursuit, suspect Belmontes was ultimately located trying to gain access into a residence in the 400 block of Raspberry Place. Belmontes was arrested for felony evading, driving a stolen vehicle, and various narcotics related charges.

    Anyone with information regarding this case or other criminal activity is encouraged to contact the Oxnard Police Department at (805) 385-7600, or online via the Oxnard Police Department’s website: www.oxnardpd.org, and clicking on Report Suspicious Activity.  You can remain anonymous if you choose to do so. You can also remain anonymous by calling the Ventura County Crime Stoppers at (800) 222-8477. You can also visit this site: www.venturacountycrimestoppers.org to submit a tip via text or email.

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    Oxnard | Teenage gang member arrested for alleged loaded weapon, drug possession

    Oxnard Police Department – Incident Press Release

    On April 22, at 3:35 p.m., officers from the Special Enforcement Unit (gang unit) observed several individuals loitering at the 2700 block of El Dorado Avenue that are known to be documented criminal street gang members, just after a call of a shooting victim was reported in the immediate area.  The officers contacted the subjects, and found that one of the individuals, a 17 year-old Oxnard resident, was in possession of .22 caliber ammunition.    

    The officers conducted a search of the immediate area around the subjects, and located a loaded .22 caliber sawed-off bolt action rifle concealed in nearby bushes with a bag of numerous Xanax pills.  The 17 year-old was ultimately arrested for numerous charges relating to firearms possession and narcotics.

    The Oxnard Police Department’s Special Enforcement Unit is committed to reducing gang crimes and gun violence in the City of Oxnard through the strict enforcement of laws specifically targeting known, active gang members residing in the city.  Anyone with information regarding this case or other criminal activity is encouraged to contact the Oxnard Police Department at (805) 385-7600, or online via the Oxnard Police Department’s website:  www.oxnardpd.org, and clicking on Report Suspicious Activity.   You can remain anonymous if you choose to do so.  You can remain anonymous by calling the Ventura County Crime Stoppers at (800) 222-8477. You can also visit this site: www.venturacountycrimestoppers.org to submit a tip via text or email.             

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    Trump’s Census Citizenship Question Faces Supreme Court Scrutiny



    The Supreme Court will hear arguments Tuesday over the Trump administration’s bid to append a citizenship question to the 2020 census questionnaire.

    Democratic states and city governments are challenging the citizenship question, fearing that diminished noncitizen participation will deprive them of federal funding and seats in Congress. The Justice Department, on the other hand, says citizenship questions have regularly appeared on past census forms and enhance the enforcement of federal law.

    “Citizenship and other demographic questions have long been a part of the decennial census despite their potential effect on response rates,” Solicitor General Noel Francisco told the justices in court filings.

    “The commerce secretary expressly acknowledged the very concerns respondents raise here, but made the policy judgment that ‘the value of more complete and accurate’ citizenship data ‘outweighs such concerns,’” he added.

    Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, who oversees the Census Bureau, approved inclusion of the citizenship question. The Trump administration says Ross’s decision is not reviewable in court, calling the citizenship question a classic policy choice left to the discretion of the commerce secretary.

    Elsewhere in legal briefs, the government points to a 1996 case in which the Supreme Court characterized the Commerce Department’s authority over the census “virtually unlimited.”

    “The Constitution ‘vests Congress with virtually unlimited discretion in conducting’ the decennial census, and Congress in turn ‘has delegated its constitutional authority over the census’ to the commerce secretary,” Francisco wrote. (RELATED: Chief Justice Rejects Request For Same-Day Audio In Census Citizenship Case)

    The plaintiffs sued the administration in April 2018, warning that the citizenship question will substantially decrease minority participation in the census. Since federal aid and seats in the House of Representatives are apportioned on the basis of population, left-leaning jurisdictions fear the loss of political representation and federal monies.

    U.S. District Judge Jesse Furman barred the government from including the citizenship question in a sweeping decision that ran nearly 300 pages. Furman said that Ross violated the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), a federal statute that governs agency decision-making.

    “[Ross] failed to consider several important aspects of the problem; alternately ignored, cherry-picked, or badly misconstrued the evidence in the record before him; acted irrationally both in light of that evidence and his own stated decisional criteria; and failed to justify significant departures from past policies and practices — a veritable smorgasbord of classic, clear-cut APA violations,” his decision reads.

    Elsewhere in the decision, Furman said Ross’s explanations for adding the citizenship question were pretextual, meaning his official explanations appear to differ from his actual motivations.

    Two other district judges went further, saying that the citizenship question violates the Constitution, which requires an “actual enumeration” of persons.

    New York Attorney General Letitia James is leading a coalition of city and state governments challenging the citizenship question before the high court. New York says Ross’s actions are unlawful for a number of independent reasons. Perhaps most importantly, the states accuse Ross of disregarding the warnings of career Census Bureau experts, who said that the citizenship question would depress minority responses and generate an inaccurate tally. Such action, the plaintiffs say, is unlawfully “arbitrary and capricious.”

    “The secretary unreasonably ignored the uncontroverted empirical evidence that the citizenship question would make the enumeration less accurate,” New York’s brief to the justices reads. “All the evidence in the record demonstrates that a citizenship question would cause millions of noncitizens and Hispanics to not respond to the census, undermining the accuracy of the constitutionally required headcount.”

    The states elsewhere say the Commerce Department could collect the citizenship data it seeks through existing federal records from the Social Security Administration the Citizenship and Immigration Services, belying the need for a census question on this subject. (RELATED: ‘Scandalous And Immoral’ Or First Amendment Speech? Justices Mull ‘Fuct’ Trademark)

    The American Civil Liberties Union and congressional Democrats will also argue against the citizenship question before the justices on Tuesday.

    Looking to the future, Loyola Law School Professor Justin Levitt suggested in a forthcoming paper that granular citizenship data could serve as a basis for redistricting and apportionment in the future, instead of total population. Whether federal law allows this, he added, is an open question.

    “It may be that adding a citizenship question to the decennial census becomes a vehicle for a block-by-block dataset of citizen population, ostensibly suitable for a novel redistricting population base,” Levitt wrote.

    A decision in the case, Department of Commerce v. New York, is expected by late June.

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    Send tips to kevin@dailycallernewsfoundation.org

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