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    Miracles Made in Heaven


    Movieguide®’s Annual Faith & Values Awards Gala and Report to the Entertainment Industry is entering its 28th year. The past 27 years of this annual event, which features the Epiphany Prizes for Inspiring Movies & TV, the Best Movie for Families Award, and the Faith & Freedom Awards for Promoting Positive American Values, have led to a tremendous renaissance in movies with Christian, biblical and civilized faith and values.

    For example, Movieguide® recently studied 130 movies with strong Christian, redemptive content released in 1996, 2012 and 2015. We found that the number of movies with such content increased 194 percent from 1996 to 2012, and 319 percent from 1996 to 2018!

    Our study also showed that the theatrical box office totals in the United States and Canada for such movies have increased from only $208.63 million in 1996 to $3.69 billion in 2012 and nearly $5.68 billion in 2018, an increase of 2,463 percent and 2,623 percent, respectively.

    And, that doesn’t include all the money these movies made overseas or on home video!

    ** Movies with Strong Christian Content

    Year Number of Movies Total Box Office
    1996 16 $0.21 billion
    2012 47 $3.69 billion
    2018 67 $5.68 billion

    Movieguide®’s study didn’t just measure Epiphany Prize-winning, faith-based movies like THE PREACHER’S WIFE from 1996 and last year’s I CAN ONLY IMAGINE. We also studied major Hollywood movies with strong, including overt, Christian content and values such as Disney’s 1996 animated classic THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME and Universal Studio’s blockbuster DR. SEUSS’ THE GRINCH, both of which had overt, positive Christian content and values.

    Also included in Movieguide®’s database were small movies with Christian, redemptive content such as 1996’s CITIZEN RUTH and 2018’s PAUL, APOSTLE OF CHRIST.

    Similar successes are happening in the television industry.

    This can be seen not only in the success of such recent Christocentric programs as DUCK DYNASTY, THE BIBLE and DOLLY PARTON’S CHRISTMAS OF MANY COLORS, but also in the Christian, redemptive, biblical, and civilized values expressed in such successful programs as BLUE BLOODS, CHICAGO FIRE, NCIS, WALKER TEXAS RANGER, TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL, MARVEL’S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D., ROSEANNE, and LAST MAN STANDING.

    The Christocentric, biblical vision of our founder and leader, Dr. Ted Baehr, which was inspired by the Holy Spirit and biblical principles, has been an important reason behind all this success.

    He and the staff at Movieguide® view the Annual Awards Gala and the Epiphany Prizes not only as a chance to commend and reward the filmmakers and television artists behind the most positive, redemptive and inspiring movies and television programs of the past year. We also see them as a chance to report the positive findings in our Annual Report to the Entertainment Industry. Also, we see it as a chance to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ – to build the Christian faith of believers and to bring non-believers into a right relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

    The tremendous increase in Christian faith and values in movies and television isn’t the only result we’ve seen over the past 27 years. Movieguide®’s Annual Awards Gala and Report to the Entertainment Industry has also greatly increased biblical and civilized faith and values in movies and television.

    Movieguide® studied 243 movies with strong biblical or moral faith and values in 1996, 2012 and 2018. We found that the number of movies with such content has increased 693 percent, from only 14 such movies in 1996 to 125 such movies in 2018.

    Our study also showed that the box office totals in the United States and Canada for these movies have increased from only $119.39 million in 1996 to $5.78 billion in 2012 and nearly $7.99 billion in 2018, an increase of nearly 6,595 percent over 22 years and 38.22 percent over the last six years alone.

    ** Movies with Strong Biblical Faith & Values

    Year Number of Movies Total Box Office
    1996 14 $0.12 billion
    2012 104 $5.78 billion
    2018 125 $7.99 billion

    Finally, since we began looking at movies with strong civilized content and values in 1999 and publishing our results in 2000, the number of movies with such content has increased from only 24 in 1999 to 39 in 2008 and 105 in 2018, an increase of 62.5 percent from 1999 to 2008 and 169 percent from 2008 to 2018, with an overall increase of 338 percent from 1999 to 2018.

    At the same time, the total cumulative earnings of movies with strong conservative content in the United States and Canada alone have increased from about $878.2 million in 1999 to $3.01 billion in 2008 to $8.87 billion cumulatively in 2018. That’s an increase of about 242 percent from 1999 to 2008, 195 percent from 2008 to 2018, and a whopping 910 percent from 1999 to 2018!

    ** Movies with Strong Conservative Content and Values

    Year Number of Movies Total Box Office
    1999 24 $0.88 billion
    2008 39 $3.01 billion
    2018 105 $8.87 billion

    ** Cost Effectiveness

    Clearly, the above statistical and financial analysis shows that Movieguide®’s ministry of redeeming the values of the entertainment industry, according to Christian, biblical and conservative principles, has been extremely effective.  Hollywood is listening, and God has definitely blessed our efforts, including our unique, trailblazing strategy.

    However, we are often asked by our donors and potential donors, “What’s the return on my own investment in your ministry?”

    That question is easily answered.

    Thus, using our total expenses for 2018, including the cost of the 27th Annual Faith & Values Awards Gala and Report to the Entertainment Industry, for movies with strong and very strong Christian faith and values, every dollar donated to Movieguide® in 2018 generated $2,599 at the domestic box office alone and every $10,000 donated generated $25.99 million at the domestic ox office.

    Looking at the total earnings in 2018 in the United States and Canada for movies with strong and very strong biblical, morally uplifting content and values, every dollar donated to Movieguide® in 2018 generated $4,033 at the domestic box office alone and every $10,000 donated generated $40.33 million at the box office.

    Finally, looking at the total earnings in 2018 in the United States and Canada for movies with at least some strong civilized content and values, every dollar donated to Movieguide® in 2018 generated $4,476 at the domestic box office alone and every $10,000 donated generated $44.76 million at the box office.

    These numbers clearly show that Movieguide® is an extremely cost effective nonprofit organization. They also prove that the return on your investment in this ministry is very high.

    ** Conclusion

    Success isn’t just measured in percentages, dollars and cents, however.

    Numerous filmmakers have told us personally how taking our advice and turning from making movies without faith and values to making movies with faith and values has brought meaning, purpose, dignity, and many blessings to their own lives and the lives of their families.

    Thus, the work of making entertaining movies for a mass audience can be a great benefit not only in regards to financial prosperity but also with regard to one’s personal growth and fulfillment – especially when you apply Christian, biblical and conservative principles to your endeavors.

    Without a doubt, Movieguide®’s success has been striking and undeniable.

    For the last 27 years – and more – we’ve been showing Hollywood that movies and television programs with Christian, biblical and civilized faith and values not only make good business sense but also inspire and satisfy the human heart as well as stimulate the mind and stir the imagination.

    God has mightily blessed Movieguide®’s work, but we couldn’t have done it without the faithful support and prayers of our many friends and allies. So, we pray that God will continue to bless this work of our hands, and the work of the filmmakers and friends who have responded so positively to our appeals to honor God and redeem the entertainment industry by applying faith and values.

    We ask that you play a major role in our continuing success. Please consider making a major, ongoing commitment to financially support the work of Good News Communications, Inc., dba Movieguide and the Christian Film & Television Commission®.

    We greatly appreciate your prayers and your support.

    God bless you.

    Yours in Christ,

    Dr. Ted Baehr and the Staff of Movieguide®



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    Earth Day Network wrong to connect extinctions with global warming



    By Dr. Jay Lehr and Tom Harris

    Monday is Earth Day, an annual event celebrated globally since 1970. Dedicated to demonstrating support for environmental protection, this year’s Earth Day includes events in over 193 countries, coordinated by the Earth Day Network (EDN).

    For Earth Day 2019, EDN is concentrating on species extinction. That appears to be a good change from the years EDN focused on the highly debatable issue of dangerous man-made climate change. However, EDN lists climate change as the first cause of the supposed extinction problem. On their Web site, they assert:

    “The unprecedented global destruction and rapid reduction of plant and wildlife populations are directly linked to causes driven by human activity: climate change, deforestation, habitat loss, trafficking and poaching, unsustainable agriculture, pollution and pesticides…”

    In reality, there is no meaningful, real data to support the contention that “unprecedented global destruction and rapid reduction of plant and wildlife populations” is occurring. Regardless, linking extinctions to the past century’s climate change makes no sense. Despite recent claims that the Australian brown rat is the first mammal to have been killed off by human-induced climate change, not a single species has been shown to even be threatened or endangered by so-called man-made global warming.

    It is estimated there are currently more than 10 million species on Earth—more than at any other time in history. New species are constantly replacing old ones. Although humans have been responsible for the extinction of some species in recent centuries, extinctions have always been an integral part of life.

    A range of interrelated phenomena contribute to extinctions. They include temperature changes, habitat destruction, competition, invasive diseases, and reproductive failure. Species are more vulnerable when there are major temperature changes over a short period, which is what most experts believe caused the end of the dinosaurs following an asteroid impact. Some scientists are now predicting major extinctions in Southeast Asia from deforestation. The introduction of the brown snake in Guam during World War II is thought to have eliminated a dozen bird species there. The woolly mammoth and sabre tooth tiger became extinct in North America because their reproductive rate could not keep up with population losses. And there is no question that human activities have contributed to extinctions as our population expanded into animal habitats. 

    However, none of these extinctions have had anything to do with the past century’s modest global warming, just over 1 degree Celsius since 1880, according to NASA. Regardless, many animals, while still endangered, are recovering due to excellent conservation programs. White tail deer, moose, blue whales, and wolves are but a few of these.

    Tropical forests cover less than 12 percent of all land, yet they contain a majority of all plant and animal species that inhabit the Earth. The Arctic covers 10 percent of the planet’s land area but contains only 600 plant species and only 100 species of birds, no reptiles or amphibians, and only 20 mammals. Obviously, plants and animals thrive in warm climates. Warming is good for life. It is cooling that should most concern us.

    Climate change advocates try to circumvent the obvious connection between warm climates and biodiversity by claiming that the secondary effects of global warming, such as droughts or the melting of planetary ice, threaten life. However, droughts are not increasing and, on a planetary scale, the ice is not melting.

    If tropical conditions allow life to thrive, what conditions lead to extinctions? In The Book of Life, S.J. Gould tracks 20 mass extinctions in the geologic record. There are strong clues that each event was driven by global cooling.

    Conservation organizations routinely rank species relative to their risk of extinction. In descending order of risk, species are: critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable, near threatened, or of least concern. Threat levels are determined by considering a wide range of factors including existing and historical populations, whether populations are increasing or decreasing, and whether habitats are being destroyed. For example, mountain gorillas, with only 400, and hawksbill turtles (25,000) are on the critically endangered list. Snow leopards (6,000) and sea lions (50,000) are considered to be endangered.

    Most endangered species are large animals with relatively low reproductive rates. Currently, the World Wildlife Federation (WWF) has 19 major animal species listed that are critically endangered. All of these are threatened due to human predation and habitat destruction. For instance, the orangutan population of 15,000 is dwindling as a result of deforestation. None of these species are endangered by global warming, however. 

    The WWF has identified 27 endangered animal species all due to either hunting or habitat destruction. In fact, Galápagos sea lions have grown from 20,000 up to 50,000 since 2002. In the next lower category of threatened animals, the WWF lists 20 that are vulnerable, again due to hunting and habitat destruction, with one possible exception.

    Al Gore warns that, due to ice melting, polar bears will soon have no place to live. But the reality is quite different: floating ice (pack ice) is not melting significantly and polar bears are thriving. Indeed, the number of polar bears has quintupled in the past 50 years from about 5,000 to about 25,000 today.

    The message to Americans who treasure our wonderful world of animals is a positive one: you have no reason to fear global warming-induced species extinction. We should focus our efforts on protecting wildlife from real human threats, not fictitious ones.

    Dr. Jay Lehr is Senior Policy Analyst with of the Ottawa, Canada-based International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC) and former Science Director of The Heartland Institute which is based in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Tom Harris is Executive Director of ICSC.

    Portions of this article have been excerpted with permission of the publisher and author of the 2018 book The Mythology of Global Warming by Bruce Bunker Ph.D., published by Moonshine Cove. The authors recommend this book as an excellent source of information on the climate change debate.

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    Police Chief Scott Whitney’s Response to Accusations of the Unconstitutionally of Civil Gang Injunctions



    By Chief of Police Scott Whitney, Oxnard

    Related Op-ed: The Unconstitutional Oxnard Civil Gang Injunctions are a Fear Mongering Fraud and must be Rescinded!

    It’s not easy reading an incoherent, rambling, and misleading document. It’s also disappointing, but not surprising, to hear the same tired, shallow, and untrue allegations. There are no “cornered rats” and no one is “scrambling pathetically.” Our communities need individuals that are able to work together in an honest manner. We don’t need hate-filled, divisive, and bullying tactics.

    Like most big cities, Oxnard has its share of gang members and gang violence. Just this past week, there were gang-motivated shootings, including a homicide, in one of our injunction safety zones. There is no “fear mongering” campaign.

    The injunctions went into effect after well-publicized court trials. The California Supreme Court previously approved the use of gang injunctions to abate the public nuisance caused by street gangs and their members. Gang injunctions are only directed toward active gang members, not community members.

    They help the Police Department improve the quality of life for the people who live and work in our city. They reduce gang crime, make it harder for street gangs to recruit our children, and provide an incentive to get out of gangs. The injunctions also mitigate the intimidation and control that a small number of gang members can have over entire neighborhoods.

    No matter what neighborhood we go to, residents always want the same thing. We all want our families to be safe. We want our family members to be free of crime, fear, and intimidation. The overwhelming majority of our residents support the use of gang injunctions.

    The armchair critic that recklessly uses the “racism” term in regards to our police practices is, at best, uninformed. It’s just not true. The allegation is unfair, it undermines the credibility of the one making it and it is one more factor that drives community members apart. We need community leaders that bring us together.

    The injunctions are but one enforcement tool. They are no panacea. In fact, we have used them in a conservative and measured manner.  We know that enforcement must be combined with other efforts to strengthen our communities. We are advocates for youth engagement and prevention/intervention programs. We believe in youth diversion programs, alternatives to incarceration, strengthening families, after-school programming, second chances for offenders and other options for our high-risk populations.

    We’re committed to working with our neighborhoods, in a partnership of shared safety. We will continue to look for new resources, continue to work with all groups and every individual that wants to step up to make our city safer.

    Related Op-ed: The Unconstitutional Oxnard Civil Gang Injunctions are a Fear Mongering Fraud and must be Rescinded!

    Scott Whitney is chief of police in Oxnard California

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    The Unconstitutional Oxnard Civil Gang Injunctions are a Fear Mongering Fraud and must be Rescinded!




    By Armando Vazquez     

    Around 2004 in the ill-conceived and secretive development and eventual rollout of The Oxnard Civil Gang Injunctions, we know now, that there was massive, abusive, and illegal overreach by the Ventura County Districts Attorney’s Office and the Oxnard Police Department. Today, like cornered rats awaiting the inevitable death blow, the Ventura County Districts Attorney’s Office and the Oxnard Police Department are scrambling to keep their new “modified” 2018 Oxnard Civil Gang Injunctions model from being struck down as unconstitutional in its entirety by the local courts.

    On Tuesday, April 16, 2019 in the Ventura County Superior Court hearing that CORE members attended we learned that the Ventura County Districts Attorney’s Office and the Oxnard Police Department have now served only 16 adults (8 from Colonia and 8 from Southside) with intent to enjoin them in their new “modified” Oxnard Civil Gang Injunctions. The 16 adults served with this new intent to enjoin them with new documentation is an incredibly small departure from the 300 adults and youths who were served in the original enjoined services rollout (in the period from 2004-2006) throughout Oxnard. The approximately 300 originally enjoined adults and youth were a result of a massively deceptive full court fear mongering public relations campaign that was conducted by the Ventura County Districts Attorney’s Office, the Oxnard Police Department, the Oxnard City Council and all the tough on crime minions that march in lock step with the OPD.

    Today the OPD and the Ventura County DA, with their collective hair on fire, are scrambling pathetically to stay within the legal guard rails that have been created by recent judicial decisions that have struck down many civil gang injunctions up and down California (including Oxnard’s) as being unconstitutional in their malignant scope and breath.

    So now in 2019, what does the Ventura County Districts Attorney’s Office and the Oxnard Police Department do with the “Safety Zone” that will quarantine only 16 “active and violent gang members”? The original “Safety Zone” was two huge geographically carved out areas in and around Colonia and Southside Squires that ostensibly targeted and controlled “gang” activities that sprawled in two predominately low-income, immigrant Latino Oxnard communities and were originally developed to enjoin 300 or more “active and violent gang members”. Today the OPDs and the DA seeks to enjoin only 16 “active and violent gang members” in all of Oxnard. Will the Safety Zones (areas) in Oxnard be drastically reduced or eliminated and how will this be coordinated?

    We believe that from the beginning the Oxnard Gang “Safety Zone” area map, developed in secrecy, without public scrutiny, was nothing more than a racist and fear mongering tactic developed and deployed by the OPD and the Ventura County DA to instil fear in the hearts and minds of many of the gullible residents of Oxnard, who believed the OPD propaganda that the city of Oxnard was being overrun by thousands of violent Latino gang members. We know today, as we knew in 2004, that this fear mongering public relation campaign deployed by the OPD was based on racism, misinformation, manipulation of crime statistics, and outright lies.

    For approximately 15 years two large area of Oxnard have been quarantined and for all intent and purposes have been left out of Oxnard civic life and the common everyday city affairs because they have been stigmatized by institutional lies as  being “dangerous gang territories” This then is the 15 year legacy of the unconstitutional Oxnard Civil Gang Injunctions. An ill-conceived policing tool that has unconstitutional infringed on the lives of thousands of Latinos. Specifically tainted were the reputation of two predominately low-income Latino neighborhoods and more broadly this process self-inflicted a permanent public relations black eye on the entire city of Oxnard.

    It is time for the Oxnard city council to join the enlightened ranks of city officials throughout California that have concluded that Civil Gang injunctions are a horrific mistake, a tremendous drain on the limited and precious financial resources of a city and most importantly they target and create in Oxnard an enjoined populations of low-income, Latino men of our community who are subject to selective police actions, draconian and unconstitutional restrictions. These types of selective prosecution and supervision law enforcement policies does not serve the community well. These highly punitive and obsolete tough on crime policing tactics create a highly adversarial us versus them mentality, where perpetually warring factions are at each other throat.  

    All previous action lead us to believe that the OPD and the Ventura County DA’s office will not abandon their destructive, divisive and unconstitutional policies, because they have so much at stake, i.e., their reputation, their funding, their standing with the electorate that is always with them when they are tough on crime, their omnipotence and ultimately their hubris.  So it is going to be up to the people of Oxnard to take control of their police department and begin to become active agents in the creation and deployment of policies that become the new transparent, just and fully democratic community safety paradigm.

    Here is an idea that is gaining considerable traction in the progressive community. Take all the funding from the OPD department that deploys and executes the Civil Gang Injunction enforcement actions and divert these funds to social and restorative justice training, provide funding for community based organization that provide educational remediation and instruction, promote and fund the arts, create a New Green Deal program that is creative and address important, local environmental issues in Oxnard (Ormond Beach restoration, energy efficiency programs for the private and public sectors, Green training and job development, and much more), full triage non-profit cooperative work with homeless and recovery communities, that include creating low income housing, health, education and sobriety programs that are interrelated and cooperative, and other programs to be identified and created to create a compassionate, transparent, democratic and restorative justice and safety Oxnard paradigm that will benefit all residents, and not unconstitutionally and illegally punish a selective few.

    Related Op Ed: Police Chief Scott Whitney’s Response to Accusations of the Unconstitutionally of Civil Gang Injunctions

    Armando Vazquez

    Armando Vazquez, M.Ed.  is Executive Director of  Acuna Art Gallery/Café on A, Executive Director for The KEYS Leadership Academy and Chairman of the Oxnard Multicultural Mental Health/coalition

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    Overnight Closures on State Route 126 in Ventura and Santa Paula for Construction Activities


    VENTURA, SANTA PAULA – The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) announced planned closures on State Route 126 (SR-126) for paving and guardrail work in the cities of Ventura and Santa Paula.

    From Monday, April 22 to Friday, April 26, the following planned closures of eastbound and westbound SR-126 are scheduled in the cities of Ventura and Santa Paula between 7 p.m. to 6 a.m.:


    • One lane from Main St. to Hallock Dr.
    • Main St. on and off-ramp
    • Victoria Ave. on an off-ramp
    • Kimball Rd. on and off-ramp
    • Wells Rd. on and off-ramp
    • Briggs Rd. on-ramp and off-ramp
    • Peck Rd on and off-ramp
    • Palm Ave on and off-ramp
    • Tenth St. on-ramp an off-ramp.


    Closures may start and end later. All closures are weather permitting and subject to change. No two consecutive on and off-ramps will be closed at the same time. 

    Motorists should expect delays and are strongly advised to use alternate routes or avoid the area. Additionally, motorists can check traffic conditions before they leave by visiting the Caltrans Quickmap.

    The closures are part of a road paving project on SR-126 that stretches from US-101 to Haun Creek Bridge. C.A. Rasmussen Inc. of Valencia, CA is the contractor.

    Caltrans reminds drivers to be “Work Zone Alert” and to “Slow for the Cone Zone.”

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    Jesus Is Risen on Easter, the Most Significant Christian Holiday — Let’s Help Our Kids Understand It



    For nominal or devout Christians, Easter is the most significant holiday of the year.

    Some people prepare by sacrificing food, electronics or soft drinks during the season of Lent. These actions may sound trivial, but they point to the energy we spend trying to honor the One who created the most miraculous event in human history.

    Oxnard | Documented Gang Member Arrested for Firearm Possession

    Martin Dominguez, 23-year-old, Oxnard resident

    Oxnard Police Department – Incident Press Release

    On April 20, at 7:40 p.m., officers from the Special Enforcement Unit (gang unit) observed Martin Dominguez in the 100 block of East Pleasant Valley.  The officers immediately identified Dominguez as a documented criminal street gang member who was on supervised release (probation). 

    The officers attempted to stop Dominguez to exercise his court ordered search terms.  Dominguez attempted to flee but was apprehended after a brief foot pursuit.  Officers searched Dominguez incident to his arrest and located a handgun concealed in Dominguez’ waistband.  Dominguez was arrested for numerous charges relating to firearms possession.

    The Oxnard Police Department’s Special Enforcement Unit is committed to reducing gang crimes and gun violence in the City of Oxnard through the strict enforcement of laws specifically targeting known, active gang members residing in the city.  Anyone with information regarding this case or other criminal activity is encouraged to contact the Oxnard Police Department at (805) 385-7600, or online via the Oxnard Police Department’s website:  www.oxnardpd.org, and clicking on Report Suspicious Activity.   You can remain anonymous if you choose to do so.  You can remain anonymous by calling the Ventura County Crime Stoppers at (800) 222-8477. You can also visit this site: www.venturacountycrimestoppers.org to submit a tip via text or email.


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    Country Rockers Rebel Heart and Line Dance Lessons With Kristal Lynn Headline Friday May 10 at Conejo Valley Days

    Thousand Oaks, Calif.—Country music fans can put on their best western gear and head to the 63rd annual Conejo Valley Days on Friday night, May 10 (Conejo Creek Parks South, Janss Rd./23 Freeway exit, Thousand Oaks). The night will feature county music from Rebel Heart and line dance lessons with Kristal Lynn Konzen.

    Line dance lessons are on the 30’ x 40’ CVD dance floor in front of the Golden Horseshoe stage on Friday evening and again on Sunday afternoon, May 12.

    This is the fourth year Konzen will teach line dancing at CVD. Her Friday night lessons became so popular, Sunday lessons were added. Konzen leads line dancing at Borderline Country Night at the Canyon Club in Agoura Hills and at other festivals including the Stagecoach Country Music Festival in Indio.

    Rebel Heart, with its high energy and great harmonies, performs current country hits, classic rock and original music. “Rebel Heart is one of southern California’s most popular country rock bands,” says Veronica Browning, CVD general manager. “The group has a great following and we’re very fortunate that they love to play at CVD.”

    Conejo Valley Days is a four-day festival. Hours are Thursday, May 9, 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. ($35 carnival ride wristband night), Friday, May 10, 5:00 p.m. to midnight, Saturday, May 11, noon to midnight and Sunday, May 12, noon to 6:00 p.m.

    Live entertainment, a petty zoo and children’s arts and crafts are included with general admission. Entry: $10 for adults, $5 for kids 6 through 12 and free for kids 5 and under. Elementary and middle school students can participate in CVD’s Read & Ride program and receive a pass good for three free carnival rides.

    For more information, go to www.conejovalleydays.us, Follow Conejo Valley Days on Facebook, www.facebook.com/ConejoValleyDays and Twitter, @CVDays63 and on Instagram, @conejovalleydays.

    Conejo Valley Days

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    Save the Date September 14th – 4th Annual Oxnard Jazz Festival!! Details Coming Soon


    2019-No date

    Welcome to the 2019 Oxnard Jazz Festival! Tickets on Sale Soon!


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    Wildfires make it harder for California homeowners to get insurance



    As the cost and risk of California wildfires grow, it’s getting harder for homeowners to get and keep insurance in fire-prone regions including the Sierra foothills, Tahoe and some parts of the Bay Area.

    Homeowners rejected by mainstream companies are turning in greater numbers to alternative carriers that provide less coverage, higher prices or both.

    These alternatives include the California Fair Plan, the insurer of last resort for homeowners and renters, and surplus lines carriers such as Lloyds of London, which are much less regulated than mainstream, or “admitted,” firms regulated by the California insurance department. Since 2016, both have seen a surge in business, which has accelerated this year in the wake of November’s devastating Camp Fire.

    The Fair Plan sold 33,898 policies in brush/wildland areas last year, up 25% from 2016. The Fair Plan does not have numbers for this year, but in some counties at very high risk of wildfires, they’re running 300% ahead of last year, said Tammy Schwartz, its vice president for underwriting and operations.

    Read the rest of the story on the San Francisco Chronicle

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