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    Why Gas Prices Are Spiking


    By Jill Cowan

    Gas is never cheap in California.

    But if you’ve filled up your tank in recent days, you may have found yourself wincing more than usual.

    That’s because, for the first time since July 2015, the average price for a gallon of gas in the Golden State pushed past $4, Dan McTeague, a senior petroleum analyst with the site GasBuddy, told me on Monday afternoon.

    “That’s a psychological benchmark for a lot of people,” he said. “It’s been a long time coming.”

    You may already know that the primary reason gas tends to be more expensive in California is the state’s stringent gasoline standards, which require a cleaner fuel blend that only a few refineries outside the state can produce.

    Read the rest of the story on The New York Times

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    California Teacher Claims Unions Pushing ‘Hard Left’ Abortion Policy Onto Children


    Nick Givas | Media And Politics Reporter


    Teacher Rebecca Friedrichs said California’s unions are using financial dues to push a “hard left” policy of abortion in public schools, during an interview on “Fox & Friends” Tuesday.

    “They’re not just left leaning. They are far, hard left groups. And what’s going on right now in California specifically is we passed a law requiring some very offensive sex ed,” she said.

    “You’ve had another guest on who’s told you a little bit about that sex ed, forcing teachers to tell little children that at age 12 they have the right to go get an abortion without their parents’ knowledge or permission. And the schools will help them get there and help them fund it.”

    Friedrichs said unions are forcing teachers to embrace radically liberal agendas through intimidation and financial influence.


    “What’s shocking is teachers have no idea. People think teachers are these far left people pushing this stuff. That is a lie. Teachers are these … most teachers are good, loving people and many of them are against abortion, and are against sexualizing little children,” she said. “But we are being used by very powerful organizations. The teachers unions collect about $5 billion a year tax-free from teachers and they use that money to push their personal, social, sexual and political agenda into our schools.”Friedrichs called on educators to boycott their unions and said they should stop making payments(RELATED: Billboard Tells LA Teachers They’ll Save $1,000 Per Year If They Quit Their Union)

    “All teachers across the country, in fact, all government employees are now free to pay unions nothing,” she said. “We are still unionized. We’re still forced to accept their representation. They’re still bullying us and steamrolling us,  but we don’t have to pay them any longer. And I hope and pray that teachers will stand together and stop paying them. And I’m hoping we can eventually get them out of our schools.”

    “The unions are very deceptive,” she added. “They outright lie to teachers. They got many of them to sign cards that have trapped them into the unions before that [Supreme Court] case came down. So, we have another lawsuit out here fighting that. And my whole agenda in life right now is to get out and educate teachers on the truth so that they can have liberty, so they can choose for themselves what they want to do.”


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    HOBBS: How ‘Curing’ Down Syndrome Impoverishes Us All

    Jay Hobbs | Alliance Defending Freedom


    Just five years old, Julie Tennant was at the grocery store with her mother when a homeless man walked in. Though Julie’s mother, Barb, stood grappling with an understandable swirl of emotions — pity, protectiveness, and even physical revulsion — Julie’s reaction was much more to the point.

    Breaking free from her mother, Julie bolted straight to the stranger, throwing her arms around him in a beautifully unforeseen embrace.

    Caught off-guard by the whole scene, Barb moved to pry her daughter off the haggard man. Half apologizing for Julie’s impulsiveness, Barb was already visualizing the bath her child would need the instant they got home. That’s when the man’s words stopped Barb in her tracks.

    “Lady,” he said. “I can’t tell you the last time somebody wanted to hold me.”

    Though Julie has since grown into adulthood, moments like this are every bit as common in her world today as when she was a child. For Julie, the world is not made up of outsiders and insiders, just a mix of friends she’s met and friends she hasn’t had a chance to embrace quite yet.

    Born with Down syndrome, Julie lives a far more uninhibited life than those around her — so much so that her grandfather once dubbed the biological reality underlying her condition as “the Love Chromosome.” The label stuck, and as anyone who’s had the chance to meet Julie will tell you, it’s a fitting term of endearment.

    Today in the U.S., over 400,000 children and adults live with Down syndrome. Strikingly — though not at all surprising if you have friends like Julie — 99 percent of these men, women, boys, and girls say they are happy with their lives, while 97 percent say they like who they are. As a rule, when you meet someone with Down syndrome, you’ll find a person who exudes joy, kindness, and a sense of wisdom that transcends circumstances and natural limitations.

    Sadly, there are some whose vision of a perfect world — a concept that once went by now-defunct names like “eugenics” or “social hygiene” — includes the complete annihilation of people with Down syndrome. In 2017, several news outlets profiledIceland for “curing” Down syndrome in its country, an “achievement” that was noticed throughout Europe and North America.

    Only slightly outpaced by Iceland, the same news reports noted the nation of Denmark boasts a 98 percent “success” rate of combatting Down syndrome, while France and the U.S. have reduced Down syndrome in their countries by 77 percent and 67 percent, respectively.

    Of course, there is no cure or treatment for Down syndrome, so when you hear about Down syndrome cases trending downward, you have to supply the word “abortion” to understand what is really going on. The inescapable truth is that the majority of children like Julie are diagnosed within the womb and summarily aborted for no other reason than their Down syndrome.

    This irreversible, lethal form of discrimination doesn’t make the world richer, but it does match the animating motives of groups like Planned Parenthood — whose founder famously championed birth control as “the process of weeding out the unfit, of preventing the birth of defectives or of those who will become defectives.”

    Planned Parenthood’s modern-day torchbearers have stayed true to the mission. Acting on the misguided belief that any human being — as unfit as we all are in one way or another — has the right to declare another person “defective” and authorize their death, today’s abortion lobby steadfastly and openly resists even the most minimal protections for unborn children with Down syndrome.

    In one case that the Supreme Court is still deciding whether it will take up this term, Planned Parenthood has sued to try and strike down an Indiana law that, in part, would “prohibit abortions motivated solely by the race, sex or disability of the fetus.”

    That case, Box v. Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky, is emblematic of a full-fledged campaign to normalize the elimination of Down syndrome babies via abortion. Backing up the courtroom and legislative battle to eradicate the Down syndrome population, the Washington Post published a full-length op-ed from a mother who stated flatly that she would have aborted her own baby if she had received a Down syndrome diagnosis. And that is now just one of many variations on the same theme.

    It shouldn’t take a heart-warming anecdote to drive home the point that people with Down syndrome belong in our society. Five minutes with Julie reminds us that every innocent life should be protected and celebrated. No one should ever find themselves the target of able-bodied adults who deem their lives unworthy of living.

    Like the rest of us, Planned Parenthood and other supporters of abortion should take a lesson from the homeless man in 5-year-old Julie’s embrace — the world is a far richer place with folks like Julie in it.

    Jay Hobbs is deputy director of media communications for Alliance Defending Freedom, which filed a friend-of-the-court brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in support of Indiana’s law prohibiting abortions motivated solely by the race, sex, or disability of the unborn child.

    Originally published in The Daily Caller.  The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of The Daily Caller.

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

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    Santa Paula: Making a Legacy Decision for City Hall

    By Sheryl Hamlin

    The April 15th 2019 Special Santa Paula City Council was dedicated to street maintenance and the relocation of Civic Center and the Police Department. This meeting was a follow-on to the March 18, 2019 meeting where the relocation was first introduced.

    City Manager Rock opened his report with the introduction of the new Finance Director, Christy Ramirez, who has 15 years in finance and is an “expert” in Incode, the accounting system. Ms. Ramirez confidently says she will be improving the process and the transparency.

    Christy Ramirez

    Rock introduced Clete Saunier, Public Works Director to explain the special DigOut program. Mr. Saunier stated that they have identified the 100 most reported holes in the streets which will be repaired by Toro hopefully starting in June. They are also contacting the County of Ventura for this work.

    Five Options for Relocation

    The staff report included Options A-C in a chart with Option D as text and Option E as a new thought which Rock called “a piece of the puzzle”.

    Note the line labeled “Streets”. This line was $4 million in the public packet but raised to $6 million. These are monies that will also be borrowed from the California I-bank but repaid from Measure T funds and SB1 fund, according to Rock’s plan.

    The City Manager said staff is now in six locations. The goal would be to reduce this to three locations to reduce “back and forth” traffic.

    Public Comments

    Will Armandirez spoke about the plan to repave the streets, citing the area of 10th Street , Virginia Terrace and Santa Paula. He asked why this area was not included in the plan, yet a less traveled area Coventry Court with only 16 homes on a cul-de-sac was included.

    Pam Murphy, who expressed dismay at the low turnout, suggested a “small round table” for discussion. She personally hoped services would stay in town.

    Marshall Roath made three points: 1) the United Water Building is too small and has created a comparison chart, 2) the city needs a Master Plan which would expand south, 3) the plan would be designed in increments. He also said the UWCD building is more suited for a Marie Calendars restaurant.

    Judy Rice said she has canvassed many people. No one wants SPPD to move to EA1. UWCD building is too small, but might be a police storefront. She was very concerned about long term costs. Quall Court, she said, is just too far out of town.

    Mitch Stone, who wrote previously about the proposed relocation, spoke again about history. He noted that Santa Paula has struggled with its downtown spending millions, but downtown still needs economic support. He said the economic impact of losing a City Hall would hurt downtown considerably. What message would that say about the city’s real intention to revitalize downtown? He cited Oxnard who bought the old library adjacent for expansion. In 1958, Santa Paula dedicated the Civic Center which was a source of pride for the community to be able to move from a barracks across the street. Here we are 60 years later with a new plan. Will this plan be as successful lasting 60 years? Will it be a source of pride? We need to step back and create a decision worthy of the community. He also brought photos of the building under construction which showed rebar, contradicting the City Manager’s statement about the building being an unreinforced masonry building (UMB). This is a “legacy decision”, said Stone.

    Staff and Council Discussion

    City Manager Rock acknowledged the expense of the project, but he said that as East Area 1 is built out and one-time revenue from permits occurs, there will be more cash flow. He said the population could grow to 37,000 in 8 to 10 years from EA1, people who will contribute to the city’s financial well-being. There will be a water-wastewater rate review soon with increases regardless of the costs of the relocation project. However, as enterprises, water and sewer pay for their city services and will reimburse the city for the space they utilize.

    Vice Mayor Araiza spoke at length about the proposed relocation. Noting his experience in the fire department, Housing board and early years as a contractor, he has much building experience. The plan, he said, still lacks information: no details, no drawings, only bits and pieces of information. There is not enough information to make a decision. They need the square footage per department to analyze costs, leasing costs and more. There have been previous plans for expansion which included closing off Ventura Street. He also said there is plenty of unused space around the perimeter of the existing building with no setback requirements, which could expand the footprint considerably.

    Council Member Juarez stated that the facilities did not get run down overnight. The charts are intimidating with the large dollar amounts. One gravitates to Option A, because it is the least expensive. He reminded that the Grand Jury is only an advisory committee, recalling the previous report from the Grand Jury about the conditions of the SPPD space. He feels that Police and City Hall should be close. The Hallock signal light is on a four minute timer. Lemonwood is dark at night. The police storefront proposed at the UWCD building will require extra staffing 24 X 7. As to Option E, there was much effort to build a skate park. Would these citizens appreciate moving it? Would the War Memorial veterans like the monument to be moved? He said there should be an Option F which is stay in place and expand south saying this concept has been discussed for years. The challenge would be to encourage voters to renew Measure T. What would happened if Measure T not renewed?

    Council Member Crosswhite cited the proximity of Quail Court to the flood plain, saying potentially everything around this would could flood. Response times from Quail Court would be significantly longer. She said that the loan total has changed, but the debt service has not changed, so questioned the numbers. She also said she has not seen the estimates from the departments for space. The last report for the SPPD upgrade was $2 million to remodel the station. Why the huge increase? She also questioned Option E saying the restrooms have just been redone as well as the playground, so why destroy them?

    City Manager Rock said that Option A would probably be more expensive due to the cost of the jail which is not yet firm. Responding to Council Member Crosswhite, he said the old SPPD report was “out of context”, but did not explain. Defensively, he said that he also provided options for staying in place. Reiterating that the current site is only 1.5 acres, he seemed not to internalize Vice Mayor Araiza’s suggestions for expanding the footprint and/or closing Ventura Street. He also said that the adjacent property could be bought for $600,000. With Lemonwood and Quail the city gets three times the space. 14% of Measure T will pay 44% of the debt service, he said.

    Council Member Sobel said he had hoped that the meeting would have been more specific as to departmental needs. He questioned the $10 million for the SPPD renovation. Asking City Manager about metrics for the ratio of staff to population, City Manager Rock said that Santa Paula is “semi-full service” so would need to add up to 15 new employees as the city approaches 40,000 people. Sobel said the dollar amounts were not unreasonable if there were details to substantiate.

    Mayor Garman said he likes Option E, which is the most expensive. He also suggested that closing Ventura Street might work. The 10th street location, he said, is “who we are”.

    City Manager Rock reiterated that this was just a study session. No decisions are to be made. He will bring more detail in a subsequent meeting.

    To watch the meeting, click here.

    For more information on author click sherylhamlin dot com

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    #Metoo Rules of Engagement Unveiled



    Richard Eber, California Political News and Views,  

    As the nomination process heats up for Democrats trying to unseat President Donald Trump, the #Metoo movement is scrutinizing candidates  who do not adhere to their standards of good conduct.  Former Vice-President Joe Biden, who has not even officially declared himself in the race, is facing harsh condemnation from feminist activists.

    Apparently Biden, who claims to have never intentionally improperly touched or groped a member of the opposite sex, has faced criticism for what Nancy Pelosi called being “Too touchy feely” Most notably, he has been accused of sniffing the hair of women at campaign rallies.

    Other than telling him to stop, it has been suggested ladies who plan on meeting with “Uncle Joe”, shampoo first with Head and Shoulders or Rid.  Strangely enough former President Bill Clinton, who committed far worse deeds to women, did not face such intense criticism by the liberal press.  Neither has Kamala Harris who openly dated Willie Brown while he was married.  The same goes for Gavin Newsom who was cheating on his then wife when Mayor of San Francisco

    Even the time  honored rite of politicians kissing babies ion the campaign trail s being questioned by anti-child molesting advocates.  It seems pretty apparent, living in these politically correct (PC) days that traditional courtship for politicians and public figures is over. Supreme Court Justice Bret Kavanaugh learned this the hard way during his recent Senate confirmation hearings.

    In the #Metoo era, there is a new moral conduct code which must be followed.  Failure to adhere to these rules of engagement can mean legal action, social isolation, loss of face, and even worse becoming unelectable.

    To placate the concerns of prospective office holders, the Democratic Central Committee (DNC) has come up with a 10 point plan to help candidates avoid possible violations of PC dating guidelines. Thanks to Wikileaks successfully hacking the DNC once again and ex KGB operatives handing this scoop over to the CPN&V, I have gained access to their confidential memo. It reads:

    1. Don’t physically come in touch with anyone until you are sure the other party is in agreement. This means offers of handshakes should be carefully scrutinized. A limp wrist situation should never occur as lack of commitment could be a sign that the other party does not desire physical contact with you.
    1. Boundaries on kissing or any rubbing actions should be first cleared with signed consent and non-disclosure forms before such actions might take place. It is better to have these precautions prior to any damage being incurred on Twitter or Plurk.
    1. To avoid adverse situations involving possible #Metoo situations, it is recommended that anyone over 14 years old who contemplates a career in politics only engage in cyber sex until wedding vows are exchanged. Such actions can also win votes from conservative pro life Republicans. Until that time if one yearns to occupy the White House, prospective politicians will have to be satisfied with “manage de one” encounters.
    1. If anything develops on dates beyond discussions on astrology or past non platonic relationships, a protocol should be established to make sure security is maintained. As such, if things go to the next level, both parties must simultaneously remove items of clothing at the same time to make sure there are no misunderstandings.  It must be clear unclasping a bra is not equal to a zipper moving in a vertical direction.   After preliminary engagement has taken place, it is best to sign a new consent form before even second or third base is reached.
    1. To make sure that there are no misunderstandings, it is best to have a notary witness the agreement between consenting adults of either sex to make sure no coercion has been involved in the dating process. There is no need to be banned from residing within 500 feet of a public school because of failure to provide suitable documentation should a #Metoo lawsuit be filed 25 years later.
    1. For the interests of all concerned it is also advised that a “gag under” which forbids discussion of a sexual or close encounters, is put in place. Outlawing the descriptions of physical attributes, most notably size and possible deformities, should be included in consent forms.   This protects the privacy of all parties involved and does not allow for bragging privileges on Facebook or Mylife.
    1. Going along with a gag order is a recommendation that if prospective politicians insist on having sex, they video tape these proceedings to make sure #Metoo charges cannot be made at a future time. Going along with this is the requirement that the individual making the tape promises not to view it for recreational purposes or show it to others without the other participants consent.
    1. To safeguard security of these recordings, it should be turned over to a newly created Federal Government Agency of Internal Affairs. Naturally the FBI, CIA, and IRS would be prevented from using this data for blackmail or other sinister purposes. The same criteria would apply for the House Intelligence Committee.   The public  should be confident  that the Committees Chairman  Adam Schiff, with his sterling reputation,  would never leak  or misinterpret sensitive information
    1. As an added layer of security beyond condoms, California intends to put all of its X rated files of citizens under lock and key. This would be overseen by an agency similar to the DMV to insure sound administration.  Citations would be issued by a Special Secrets Police force monitoring sexual infractions.  It is be run by career bureaucrats under the direction of Governor Gavin Newsom.  Examples of their possible investigations include:
    • Going through a stop sign without asking partner in writing first.
    • Caressing sensitive parts without a clearly displayed a permit to touch.
    • Moving too fast violations especially issued for the benefit of women.
    • Reckless endangerment by S & M participants..
    1. If there are too many points on one individual’s record, they can have their dating    privileges revoked. Included would be a provision prohibiting those with multiple infractions from entering bars or clubs selling alcoholic beverages.  San Francisco Senator Scott Weiner is already writing up legislation creating fines for sexual misconduct. Money raised would support a new PC Dating counseling program where sexual deviants would be treated and get the help they so desperately need.

    There can be no statute of limitations for breaking new age #Metoo dating protocol. Even unwelcome kisses and improper embraces at Junior High and above dances can be brought forth for prosecution; regardless of when they took place.  According to California Senator Kamala Harris “One improper advance is one too many.”

    OCTOBER 13, 2016: Vice President Joe Biden campaigns for Nevada Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Catherine Cortez Masto and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at the Culinary Union, Las Vegas, NV *Mastro believes former Nevada state legislator Lucy Flores’ accusation of Biden’s inappropriate kissing.

    Richard Eber studied journalism at the University of Oregon. He writes about politics, culture, education restaurants, and was former city and sports editor of UCSB Daily. Richard is president of Amerasa Rapid Transit, a specialized freight forwarder.

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    Camarillo Rotary Club Replaces Trees Burned in Hill Fire

    Camarillo Grove Park is getting some help from the Camarillo Rotary Club following the devastation caused by last year’s Hill Fire.

    A Rotary Grove is being dedicated as a perpetual activity where the club will plant trees, allowing donors to honor and remember loved ones while helping with fire recovery.

    Club members got the idea for a Rotary Grove when volunteers were called into action sandbagging trails and sites threatened by flooding after the fire.  “Everyone tries to figure out what they can do to make a sustainable difference after a disaster.  While sandbagging was important as an effort to save those trails, a Rotary Grove of trees will be a more long lasting benefit that we can enjoy and feel good about,” says Jay Berger, this year’s Rotary membership chair.

    Last year, Rotary International began a worldwide campaign aimed at protecting the environment and curbing climate change, Berger explained.  The President of Rotary International challenged every Rotary club to make a difference by planting a tree for each of its members, noting “trees remove carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from the air, which slows global warming.”

    The community is invited to participate in the Rotary Grove dedication ceremony which also celebrates Earth Day.  The event will start at noon, Wednesday, April 24 in the picnic area of Camarillo Grove Park north of Highway 101 near the Camarillo Springs exit.  Lunch is $15.  Please RSVP by calling Jay Berger at 805-485-2865.

    Camarillo Grove Park is managed by the Pleasant Valley Recreation & Park District.  Rotary is a worldwide volunteer organization with more than 1.2 million members in 200 countries.  Rotarians provide humanitarian services and build goodwill and peace in communities around the world.  Camarillo Rotary meets every Wednesday at noon.  For more information, see

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    Back by Popular Demand – The Conejo Improv Players

    The Conejo Improv Players will finally put the critics to rest, proving once and for all that what the audience sees is 100% made-up on the spot, during their upcoming shows at Conejo Players Theatre on Saturday, April 20, 2019 at 7:00pm and 9:00pm.

    The Conejo Improv Players presents a hilarious night of improvisational comedy featuring skits, scenes, and music — made up entirely on the spot from audience suggestions. Enjoy an evening of interactive comedy that blends the comedic stylings of WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY? and SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE in a hilarious show you won’t want to miss!

    Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for students, seniors, and members of the military. For more information or to buy tickets, visit The 7:00pm show is rated PG; the 9:00pm show is rated PG-13. 

    Directed by Christopher Carlson
    Produced by Jeremy Zeller

    Full Cast: David White, Scott Shrum, Jonathan Rowsey, Shelby Fry, Allie Leslie, Nolan Monsibay, Kyle Johnson, Kevin Schultz, Shealtiel Dow, Patrick McGrath, Alexandra Mena, Frank Bonoff,
    Cindy Lopez



    Conejo Players Theatre

    351 S. Moorpark Rd.

    Thousand Oaks, CA  91361-1008



    Saturday, April 20, 2019

    7:00pm and 9:00pm


    TICKET PRICES:      $10 for adults or $5 for students / seniors / military


    TO PURCHASE:       Go online to or call the Box Office at 805-495-3715


    The Conejo Improv Players


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    Camarillo | District Based Elections Public Hearing #3

    The Camarillo City Council will discuss draft maps and election sequencing at their public hearing of April 24, 2019, which is the third public hearing for the composition of the City’s voting districts.

    The first public hearing, held on February 27, 2019, introduced the public engagement process and began the discussion regarding criteria for the selection of districts. National Demographics Corporation, the consultant team hired by the City, provided an introduction to the topic and explained the purpose of the public hearing. No decisions were made at the February 27 public hearing.

    On March 27, 2019, the City Council convened the second public hearing in this redistricting process to allow for continued public engagement and discussion regarding criteria for the selection of districts. The City Council received and considered public comment regarding the composition of the City Council voting districts, including whether or not to have a Mayor elected at large; allowed for further discussion by the City Council; and, ultimately the City Council approved a Resolution setting forth the criteria for the drawing of district boundaries.

    At the third public hearing on April 24, 2019, the City Council will discuss draft maps and election sequencing. Twelve maps have been prepared to date, either submitted by members of the public or prepared by the demographer, NDC, after hearing public testimony and receiving direction from the City Council. These maps are posted on the City’s website for public review:

    The public hearing will be held on April 24, 2019, beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the Camarillo City Hall Council Chambers located at 601 Carmen Drive in Camarillo.

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    Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Conejo Valley Hold Summer Camp Open House on Friday, May 3, 2019

    Thousand Oaks, CA – The Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Conejo Valley (BGCCGV) offers a variety of summer camp options to empower and engage youth in their development in a fun and safe atmosphere.

    The community is invited to learn about all the great programs offered by BGCCGV during a free Summer Open House held on Friday, May 3 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Anderson Boys & Girls Club, 1980 E. Avenida de Las Flores in Thousand Oaks.

    Attendees will learn about summer camp offerings including Traditional Day Camp (Grades K-9th); Musical Theatre Camp (Grades 1-9th); Camp-Out Adventures (Grades 3-12th); Travel Camp (Grades 6-11th); STEM Camp (Grades 1-6th); and Archery Camp (Grades 5-8th).

    The Open House will also include carnival games, gaga ball, a prize wheel, STEM activities and Subzero Science Show.  A Hot Dog BBQ will be provided, and subzero ice cream can be purchased after the show for $4.

    For more information, call 805-493-2917 or visit the website at


    About the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Conejo Valley

    The Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Conejo Valley are open before and after school, during lunch, on weekends for sports leagues, throughout the summer for the camp program and all-day during school vacations with tours of the Clubs available upon request.  For more information about supervised youth programs, to donate, volunteer, or register online, please log onto or call 818-706-0905.

    Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Conejo Valley

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    Oxnard Police Chief Scott Whitney visits Oxnard Revival Center | Chief’s Excellence Award for Community Work

    By Adam Lopez
    As a sitting member on Chief Whitney’s Advisory Board and having partnered up with the Oxnard Police Department on many events and outreach programs, one thing is certain, Chief Whitney wholeheartedly believes on strengthening the relationship with the “Faith” community. During our 1st Annual Faith Forum, where over 60 organizations were represented, Chief Whitney poured out his heart and shared the many burdens and challenges he is faced with as he leads this great Police Department. 
    Chief Whitney encouraged all faith leaders to get involved, get engaged, and establish relationships outside of the four walls of the church. And being the great leader that he is, Chief Whitney set the standard, and definitely began leading by example. 
    On Sunday February 24, 2019, Chief Whitney visited Oxnard Revival Center and spoke in front of the English Congregation as well as the Spanish Congregation. Chief Whitney was able to speak on a personal level without an official agenda, meeting, or platform structure. He spoke from the heart and truly connected with everyone in attendance as he inspired, motivated, and encouraged unity and solidarity. Chief Whitney and the Oxnard Police Department have always been great partners and supporters of all our community efforts, and together we have made an impact and have made a difference in the lives of many. 
    Thank you Chief Whitney for being a true leader and for the setting the example of how real relationships are built.
    If any organization or individual has an interest in this initiative, please reach out to me directly so we can discuss further and provide you additional details. 
    In addition, on Thursday April 4, 2019, I had the distinct honor of receiving an award from Chief Whitney during their Annual Employee recognition and Police Officer of the year luncheon. The award was Chief’s Excellence Award and it was given to a number of community residents for various accomplishments and achievements. In my case, Chief gave a recognition for all the community work that was completed during 2018. It was truly a humbling experience, and I genuinely felt honored and extremely grateful. 
    I share this recognition with my ORC family and leaders who have believed and supported our community efforts for the past 5 years. We have come a long way and we have changed many lives. “

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