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    Trump To Move Navy Seal Accused Of War Crimes To Somewhere Less ‘Restrictive’

    Mary Margaret Olohan | Reporter


    President Donald Trump announced Saturday that a Navy Seal being held as he awaits trial for war crimes will be moved to “less restrictive confinement” after pressure from Republicans.

    “In honor of his past service to our Country, Navy Seal #EddieGallagher will soon be moved to less restrictive confinement while he awaits his day in court. Process should move quickly!” Trump tweeted.

    Trump’s words come amid pressure from Republican representatives to grant Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher better treatment. (RELATED: Navy SEAL Faces Court Martial For Allegedly Murdering ISIS Prisoner, Shooting Iraqi Civilians)

    Gallagher is being held for premeditated murder and aggravated assault against an ISIS prisoner and civilians, and spent the past six months on the Naval Consolidated Brig Miramar in California as he awaits his war crimes trial to begin. Reports have recently suggested Gallagher has restricted access to food, his legal team and medical care, according to Fox News.

    Republican Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw and 17 other Republicans brought Gallagher’s treatment to the attention of the secretary of the Navy through a letter.

    “We have received reports that Chief Gallagher’s access to counsel and access to food and medical care may have been restricted,” the letter said. “As a result, we respectfully request that you review the Navy policies governing pretrial confinement for Chief Gallagher and other service members to ensure compliance with the Uniform Code of Military Justice.”

    Republican South Carolina Rep. Ralph Norman, one of those behind the letter, told “Fox and Friends” on Friday that Gallagher’s treatment was beneath the dignity of a Navy Seal, and that “they’ve got him in with rapists, they’ve got him in with pedophiles.”

    “This man spent 20 years of his life, he spent 15 of it as a SEAL, he volunteered to serve this country overseas not once, not twice, but eight times and the least they can do is have him in confinement if they need be and let him have … medical treatment, let him get his proper legal defense team together,” Norman said.


    Follow Mary Margaret on Twitter.

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    Republicans Really Do Love Immigrants


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    Republicans Really Do Love Immigrants

    I was going to write a column today about why President Trump is on his way to re-election by a wide margin. I was ready for liberals to scoff at my prediction. 

    Then, suddenly days ago, Politico- the DC web site devoted to politics- featured a shocking headline, “How Trump is on track for a 2020 landslide.”

    Politico reports despite Trump’s supposedly low approval numbers, if the election were held today, multiple economic models with flawless track records of predicting presidential election results, show Trump would win in a huge landslide.

    Next, out of the blue, former Pennsylvania Governor and former Chairman of the Democrat National Committee Ed Rendell told CNN, “I think all of a sudden, the 2020 election went from a slam dunk for Democrats to something where we’re going to have trouble beating this guy…”

    It’s beginning to dawn on Democrats. President Trump is going to win re-election. But why?

    It can all be summed up by two stark immigration stories- illegal immigration versus Alex Sajdak, a legal immigrant who did it the right way.

    Republicans and conservatives- despite the lies, slander and fake news offered by the liberal media- value and celebrate immigration. But only if it’s done right. Only if the immigrants come here legally, if they work hard to become American citizens, if they come here to work, not seek out welfare. 

    I was honored this past Friday morning to be invited to the U.S. citizenship ceremony for Alex Sajdak, at the Federal Courthouse Building in downtown Las Vegas. It was my first-ever citizenship ceremony. 






    Wayne Allyn Root, a former Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee, is one of the most popular political and media stars in America. His columns and commentaries are read at the biggest political & news web sites in America- including He makes regular appearances at Fox News Channel, and hundreds of radio stations across the country. Wayne is a Capitalist Evangelist, entrepreneur and small businessman, home-school dad, best-selling author, and Tea Party Libertarian conservative.  His web site:


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    Santa Paula | Burglary Suspect Arrested

    Santa Paula Police Department – Incident Press Release

    On Friday, March 22, 2019, the Santa Paula Police Department Detectives Bureau was investigating an attempted vehicle burglary on Coronado Circle and identified Eric Caples as the suspect while reviewing home surveillance footage.

    On Monday, March 25, 2019, the suspect 41 year old Santa Paula resident, Eric Caples was arrested for the incident and violating his terms and conditions of parole. Additionally, Caples was found to be in possession of stolen property, which was returned to the owner. Through the investigation, it was found that Caples is the suspect in two other cases from 2018 where he was identified as a suspect in an unrelated vehicle burglary and a separate case utilizing a stolen access card. All three cases have been filed with the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office. Mr. Caples is a convicted felon and has previously been convicted of burglary.

    If anyone has further information related to any of these cases please contact Sergeant Allen Macias at 805-525-4474 x.220. 

    664/459 PC Attempted Burglary, 496 PC Possession of stolen property, 459 PC Burglary, 484g(a) PC Unlawful use of a credit card, 3056 PC Parole violation.

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    Oxnard| DUI Checkpoint Results

    The Oxnard Police Department Traffic Unit arrested two impaired drivers while conducting a DUI/Driver’s license checkpoint on March 29, 2019.  The checkpoint was conducted at Oxnard Boulevard north of Second Street between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m., resulting in the following:

    • 788 vehicles screened
    • Two DUI-alcohol suspects arrested 
    • Nine drivers cited for operating a vehicle unlicensed or while suspended/revoked
    • 16 citations issued
    • One vehicle towed

    Checkpoints are placed in locations that have the greatest opportunity for achieving drunk and drugged driving deterrence and provide the greatest safety for officers and the public.  

    In recent years, California has seen a disturbing increase in drug-impaired driving crashes.  Oxnard PD supports the new effort from the Office of Traffic Safety that aims to educate all drivers that “DUI Doesn’t Just Mean Booze.”  If you take prescription drugs, particularly those with a driving or operating machinery warning on the label, you might be impaired enough to get a DUI.  Marijuana can also be impairing, especially in combination with alcohol or other drugs, and can result in a DUI.

    Studies of California drivers have shown that 30 percent of drivers in fatal crashes had one or more drugs in their systems. A study of active drivers showed more tested positive for drugs that may impair driving (14 percent) than did for alcohol (7.3 percent).  Of the drugs, marijuana was most prevalent, at 7.4 percent, slightly more than alcohol.

    Oxnard PD offers these reminders to ensure a fun night doesn’t get spoiled with a DUI:

    • Decide before you go out whether you plan to drink or drive. You can’t do both.
    • If you plan to drink, designate a sober driver before going out, or map out another way to get home safely by taking a cab, ride-share services like Uber or Lyft, or using public transportation. You can also look up designated driver services in your area using the National Directory of Designated Driver Services (NDDDS).
    • If you are a designated driver, bars and restaurants statewide have created non-alcoholic specialty drinks (“DDrinks”) for sober drivers:
    • If you happen to see a drunk driver on the road, call 911. Offer a description of the vehicle, location, and direction of travel.
    • See your friend or other patron impaired trying to get behind the wheel? Take the keys or help them make other arrangements to get where they are going safely.

    Drivers caught driving impaired and charged with DUI can expect the impact of a DUI arrest to be approximately $13,500. This includes fines, fees, DUI classes, license suspension, and other expenses not to mention possible jail time.

    The checkpoint was funded by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

    Whether by bike, car, motorcycle, or walking, the Oxnard Police Department encourages everyone to be a part of the solution and ‘Go Safely California.’

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    Washington Redskins Sound Very Open To Drafting A Quarterback


    David Hookstead | Reporter


    The Washington Redskins sound like they’re all in on winning immediately, and that might involve drafting a quarterback.

    Redskins star Alex Smith obliterated his leg this past season against the Houston Texans. It was a horrifying injury, and it’s not likely that he’ll take a single snap in 2019. The team traded for Case Keenum, but they don’t sound like they’ve ruled drafting a different gunslinger. If they do, he’ll be expected to be ready to go immediately. (RELATED: Washington Redskins Don’t Expect Alex Smith To Play In 2019)

    Redskins head coach Jay Gruden recently told the following:

    There is no developmental process here. This is not Triple-A baseball where we’re trying to develop a pitcher here We’re trying to win a game right now. If we feel like we draft a quarterback in the first, second, third or seventh round and he’s going to start Day 1, we expect great things from him and the players will expect great things from him.

    I’m not sure I totally agree with this “win immediately” mindset the Redskins apparently have. Do they really think Case Keenum is going to lead them to a Super Bowl?

    Keenum is a competent quarterback, but he’s not Alex Smith. If Washington was smart, they’d draft a quarterback in the first round with the understanding it might take a year or two to get him ready.

    If they do draft a quarterback and thrust him in before he’s ready, then they can expect potentially disastrous results.

    There’s nothing more mind-boggling than when NFL teams rush themselves into decisions instead of playing the long game, and that’s exactly what it sounds like the Redskins are doing.

    The reality of the situation is that Smith might never play again, and Keenum is not a long term solution. They should draft and develop. I don’t know why Gruden is so set against that mentality.

    As always, the NFL never stops entertaining us all, especially when coaches are making bizarre decisions.

    Follow David Hookstead on Twitter

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    Exhibition by Artist Matthew Stork: In Flight


    April 4th, 2019
    6pm-9pm  |  STUDIO D @ SBCAST
    513 Garden Street, Santa Barbara

    EXHIBIT ‘in flight’

    Santa Barbara Calif. – March 25, 2019 Release: For Immediate Release
    A new exhibition by artist Matthew Stork: In Flight, exploring the metaphor of flying through mixed media and augmented reality.

    “Concepts of Animism and Semiotics influence my mixed-media work combining drawing, painting and found objects including discarded technology and natural-world objects. These works create emotions, thoughts, questions and answers experienced within the viewers mind.

    Alternately, Augmented Reality allows, the works to be experienced not just internally but also externally. Other viewers can see, interact, and share, transforming the static form into a virtual kinetic form.”

    open i art space | STUDIO D @ SBCAST 
    513 Garden Street, Santa Barbara
    April 4th, 2019
    Gatherings outside for chats, drinks and food with Nimita’s Cuisine.


    Open i Art Space

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    The Long March Through the Institutions | The Left’s Revolution By Other Means

    Sunday May 5, 10AM at the Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel

    An American Freedom Alliance one-day conference

    Tickets available here

    You’ve no doubt noticed that, somehow, over the years, the Left has infiltrated and undermined every single one of our civic institutions, including academia, entertainment, media and religious institutions among others.  Well, this is hardly coincidence, and in fact has been a very coherent and deliberate undertaking crafted about 100 years ago.  When the “workers of the world” didn’t “unite” to throw off their chains, despite the exhortation by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, another plan was devised, and this has been called the “Long March Through the Institutions.”  Join us May 5th as we explore the philosophy, strategy, tactics, planning and consequences of this “Revolution by other means” and learn how all of it, ALL of it, fits together.  Which, of course, helps in strategizing about how to preserve all that they’re seeking to undermine.

    You will not want to miss this eye-opener of a conference.

    Speakers include:
    David Horowitz – -David Horowitz Freedom Center, author of numerous books including, most recently, DARK AGENDA: The War to Destroy Christian America
    Trevor Loudon – author, fimmaker, The Enemies Within
    Michael Walsh – author, The Devil’s Pleasure Palace: The Cult of Critical Theory and the Subversion of the West
    Jim Simpson – author, The Red Green Axis
    Lance Izumi – Koret Senior Fellow at Pacific Research Institute, author, The Corrupt Classroom
    Larry Sand – President, California Teachers’ Empowerment Network
    Rebecca Friedrichs – activist, author, Standing Up to Goliath
    Pete Peterson – Dean, Pepperdine School of Public Policy
    William Voegeli – Claremont Institute
    Barak Lurie – author, Atheism Kills
    Bill Whittle – commentator, director, author 
    Mike Gonzalez – Senior Fellow at the Heritage Foundation
    Lloyd Billingsley – Policy Fellow at the Independent Institute, author, Hollywood Party:  How  Communism Seduced the American Film Industry in the 30s and 40s
    Peter Wood – President, National Association of Scholars

    *And others being added every day

    Tickets are available here

    Sponsorship opportunities available:
    Speaker Sponsorship: $2,000 –  includes two tickets to the conference
    Session Sponsorship: $8,000 – includes four tickets to the conference 
    Golden Sponsorship: $10,000 – includes four tickets to the conference, and membership in our Freedom Circle
    Platinum Sponsorship: $25,000 – includes ten tickets to the conference and membership in our Freedom Circle

    Sponsors at any of these levels will also be honored with your name on all our materials, invitation for two to the VIP dinner May 4th,  and VIP seating at the conference.

    For more information, contact Karen Siegemund at [email protected]

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    Dick’s Sporting Goods Lost Millions Over Anti-Gun Policies – Here’s How Much The Backlash Cost


    Molly Prince | Politics Reporter

    Dick’s Sporting Goods took a loss of an estimated $150 million in sales last year after the company heavily restricted firearm purchases and began advocating for gun control.

    The company made various policy changes after a school shooting in Parkland, Florida, left 17 dead. It announced it would no longer sell modern sporting rifles or high-capacity magazines and increased the purchase age for all firearms to 21.

    Dick’s also hired anti-gun lobbyists to promote gun restriction legislation, despite saying it still supports the Second Amendment.

    “The system does not work,” said Edward Stack, Dick’s CEO. “It’s important that when you know there’s something that’s not working, and it’s to the detriment of the public, you have to stand up.” (RELATED: Conservative Shareholder Grills CEO Of Dick’s Sporting Goods For Pushing Anti-Gun Propaganda)

    The anti-gun shift made massive waves when it was first announced in February 2018 and Stack was accused of violating fiduciary duties by knowingly and purposely giving up money. Some gun manufacturers cut ties with Dick’s and the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) expelled the company from its membership. The loss of customers was also almost immediately felt.

    Hunting rifles on the stand of the store. Sales, Dreamstime

    Sales are so anemic and relations with gun manufacturers such as Mossberg so poor right now that you’ve even indicated Dick’s might get out the gun business entirely,” David Almasi, a vice president at the National Center for Public Policy Research, said in June on a shareholder’s call. “Meanwhile, Sportsman’s Warehouse reports that their gun sales and net sales were up 15 percent during the first quarter. That company credits consumer backlash against companies such as Dick’s as partially responsible for its success.”

    However, Stack also received praise from anti-gun activists, and a “buycott” was even launched to reward Dick’s with purchase power. The loss in gun sales ultimately outweighed the gain from the buycott, which eventually ran out of steam. Regardless, Stack revealed that the $150 million loss was worth it, according to a Bloomberg report published on Friday.

    “Love is fleeting,” Stack said. “Hate is forever.”


    Follow Molly on Twitter

    Send tips to [email protected]

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    Finally, a presidential EMP order that may save American lives

    The Commission to Assess the Threat from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack, also known as the Congressional EMP Commission, has warned for nearly 20 years that a nuclear EMP attack, or natural EMP from a solar superstorm, could destroy our electronic civilization and kill millions.

    “During the Cold War, the U.S. was primarily concerned about an EMP attack generated by a high-altitude nuclear weapon as a tactic by which the Soviet Union could suppress the U.S. national command authority and the ability to respond to a nuclear attack — and thus negate the deterrence value of assured nuclear retaliation,” the commission wrote in July 2017 in its report, “Assessing the Threat from EMP Attack.”   

    It continued: “Within the last decade, newly-armed adversaries, including North Korea, have been developing the ability and threatening to carry out an EMP attack against the United States. Such an attack would give countries that have only a small number of nuclear weapons the ability to cause widespread, long-lasting damage to critical national infrastructures, to the United States itself as a viable country, and to the survival of a majority of its population.”

    Read the rest of the article/op-ed on The Hill

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    The College Cheating Scandal Becomes Personal



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    The College Cheating Scandal Becomes Personal

    It’s been quite a week. I’ve found myself smack dab in the middle of the biggest news headlines.I was the first in the nation to recommend President Trump declare a National Security Emergency and grab funds from the military budget. I made sure my Review Journal newspaper column was handed directly to the President at Maralago. After the President issues a veto, my dream will be on the verge of becoming a reality. 

    Second, I wrote a RJ column only weeks ago calling Democrats “border crisis deniers.” I made sure to send that column off to the Trump White House. I advised it was time to fight fire with fire. Democrats call us “climate change deniers.” It’s high time to brand them as “border crisis deniers.” I was honored to see President Trump tweet out my exact words a few days ago. He branded Democrats as “border deniers.” 

    Third, I wrote a column here a week ago called “JEXIT,” imploring Jews to make an exodus from a Democrat Party filled with Jew haters. My column and my brand name “JEXIT” were quoted in media across the country over the past few days.






    Wayne Allyn Root, a former Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee, is one of the most popular political and media stars in America. His columns and commentaries are read at the biggest political & news web sites in America- including He makes regular appearances at Fox News Channel, and hundreds of radio stations across the country. Wayne is a Capitalist Evangelist, entrepreneur and small businessman, home-school dad, best-selling author, and Tea Party Libertarian conservative.  His web site:



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