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    Immigration System at ‘Breaking Point,’ Homeland Security Official Says


    By Richard Gonzales

    Immigration authorities are expressing alarm about the growing number of migrants crossing the southern border.

    Federal agents apprehended more than 4,000 migrants crossing the border on each of two days this week — the highest daily total recorded in 15 years, a senior official with Customs and Border Protection said Wednesday.

    “The breaking point has arrived,” CBP Commissioner Kevin McAleenan said in El Paso, Texas.

    “CBP is facing an unprecedented humanitarian and border security crisis all along our Southwest border — and nowhere has that crisis manifested more acutely than here in El Paso,” McAleenan said.


    Read the rest of the story on KQED

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    Delaware Joins States Pushing For A Popular Vote


    Whitney Tipton | Contributor


    Delaware became the 13th state Thursday to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC), a group of states whose objective is to elect the next U.S. president by popular vote.

    Delaware Gov. John Carney signed the legislation, making Delaware the 14th jurisdiction — 13 states plus the District of Columbia — enacting similar legislation, The Associated Press reported. The bill faced heavy Republican opposition.

    The NPVIC is an agreement between states to pool their electoral votes and voting results together into one aggregate pot. States that formally joined the compact represent 184 electoral votes. The compact could become official when that number hits 270, or enough votes to elect the president of the United States. (RELATED: Natelson: Why A National Popular Vote Is Unconstitutional)

    The NPVIC does not abolish the Electoral College, which requires amending the Constitution. Rather, by binding electors to vote for candidates achieving a plurality outside their own state, it achieves the results of a popular vote.

    Colorado had previously been the latest state to join March 15, reported the AP.

    The NPVIC has been pursuing its objective since shortly after then-Democratic candidate Al Gore’s loss to President George W. Bush in 2000, according to the AP. Legislation has also been introduced in NevadaOregon and Maine.

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    Death Penalty Exhausted Appeals – Part 1


    By Michele Hanisee


    This first of a series of blogs focuses on the murderers on California’s death row who have exhausted all appeals. The last impediment to executions is a federal stay that is now being challenged by several elected District Attorneys and victims. When that stay is lifted, at least 24 death row inmates will be eligible for execution with only the governor to prevent those executions from happening. Newsom’s blocking the execution of these vicious murderers is in direct violation of the will of California voters, who three times in the past seven years have made clear they support the death penalty.

    Mitchell Sims

    Sims was sentenced to death in California in 1987 for murdering John Harrigan. Sims told Glendale police after his arrest that “I had to kill that boy” and “He would have identified me.”

    The murder of John Harrigan was at the tail end of a murder spree by Sims, who was upset at his employer, Domino’s Pizza in South Carolina. After vowing revenge, Sims robbed the Domino’s Pizza parlor where he worked, in Hanahan, South Carolina. Sims tied up his coworker, Chris Zerr, and shot him in the head. Sims also tied up manager Gary Melke and shot him four times in the head and neck. Melke managed to free his hands and, bleeding profusely from his wounds, walked three blocks to the local police station. After spitting broken teeth and bone fragments out of his mouth, Melke told paramedic, George Pledger, that his coworker Mitch Sims shot him. When Pledger assured Melke they would get him to the hospital and save his life, Melke said, “I feel like I’m going to die.” Melke did die after surgery. Zerr was found dead in a pool of blood on the floor of the Domino’s next to the emptied safe.

    Sims and his girlfriend, Ruby Padgett, fled to Glendale, California, where they rented a motel room. After casing the local Domino’s Pizza and buying a rope and knife at a local store, they ordered a pizza to be delivered to the motel room. When driver John Harrigan delivered the pizza, Sims and Padgett were waiting with a gun and a knife. The couple hogtied Harrigan with his wrist and feet behind his back, they stuffed a washcloth in his mouth, put a pillowcase over his head and then tied a rope tightly around Harrigan’s neck. They then placed Harrigan face down into a bathtub full of water. Coroner testimony at trial established Harrigan died of ligature strangulation, although drowning could not be ruled out as a contributing cause based on presence of frothy pulmonary edema in his trachea and bronchi.

    Sims then drove to Domino’s in Harrigan’s truck, dressed in Harrigan’s uniform and ordered employees employee Kory Spiroff and Edmund Sicam into a back office where he robbed them, taking the cash the bank deposit bag, and Spiroff’s watches. When they said that Harrigan would returning soon, Sims chuckled, said “I don’t think so” and pulled off the sweater he had been wearing over Harrigan’s Domino’s uniform. After emptying the parlor’s cash drawers, he ordered Spiroff and Sicam into the walk-in cooler. There, Sims bound their arms behind their backs with one end of a rope, looped the rope over the top of a tall storage rack and pulled the rope tight before tying the other end around their necks. Spiroff and Sicam had to stand on their tiptoes to avoid being strangled. Sims closed the cooler door, shut off all the lights to the business and left the men to a slow and terrifying death. Fortunately, Glendale police officers responding to a call from another employee of a possible burglary discovered the two and freed them just as they were beginning to lose consciousness.

    Sims and Padgett were apprehended in a Las Vegas motel with the gun, the knife, Spiroff’s watch and the bank deposit bag from the Glendale Domino’s. The motel room phone book was open to the Yellow Page ads for local Domino’s Pizza parlors.

    Gavin Newsom has decided this brutal and vicious killer, whose guilt is unquestioned and who has exhausted all legal grounds for appeal, should not be executed.

    Ricky Sanders

    On December 14, 1980, nine employees and two customers were inside Bob’s Big Boys on La Cienega when it closed. When an employee unlocked the front door to let the customer out, Sanders and a crime partner, armed with shotguns, forced their way into the restaurant.

    After emptying the safe, the eleven victims were forced into the freezer, where Sanders said, “I want watches, wallets and jewelry.” The manager gathered items from everyone in the freezer in a bucket, which he handed to Sanders defendant. No one resisted the gunmen. Some of the people in the freezer cried and pleaded, “Please don’t hurt us”; others prayed out loud.

    Sanders and his crime partner ordered everyone to “(t)urn around and face the wall” and then to kneel. One of them said, “You’re going to get it first.” Sanders and the other gunman fired into the backs of the terrified victims. When one victim stood up and pleaded, “Don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me,” she was ordered to turn around. When she complied, she was shot and fell to the floor. After the firing stopped, Sanders asked his crime partner, “How many rounds do you have?” and was told “None.” The gunmen closed the freezer door.

    In the aftermath of the execution-style shooting, David Burrell, Dita Agtani, and Ahmad Mushuk were dead. Cesario Luna was gravely wounded and died several months later of complications from a bullet wound to the brain. Tami Rogoway had shotgun injuries to her back and spine, resulting in numbness on her right side and periodic inability to walk. Evelyn Jackson suffered cranial injury, resulting in permanent impairment of brain function. Dionne Irvin received a gunshot wound to the arm. Three others were physically unharmed, but one developed psychological problems requiring extensive treatment.

    There is no doubt about Sanders guilt. He and his partner attempted to kill eleven people by shooting them multiple times with shotguns; only four died despite their murderous efforts. The only reason this brutal killer will not receive the death penalty the jury imposed, a verdict and penalty upheld by the courts, is because Gavin Newsom has decided he should not be executed.

    Read our other recent articles regarding the death Penalty. (1) Newsom Supports Killers, Rapists And Torturers Over Victims And Their Survivors, (2) Governor Newsom’s moratorium on the death penalty, (3) Another Demonstration Of Why The Majority Of Californians Distrust Government and (4) DA’s Association Statement on Death Penalty Moratorium

    Michele Hanisee is President of the Association of Los Angeles Deputy District Attorneys, the collective bargaining agent representing nearly 1,000 Deputy District Attorneys who work for the County of Los Angeles.
    If you have friends who would like to receive future ADDA blogs or our popular Monday Morning Memo, please click here.

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    California Police Shoot Man Dead Who Entered Church Of Scientology With Sword


    Chaos erupted in a California Church of Scientology when police officers shot a man who entered wielding a sword, and also suffered injuries themselves.

    Two police officers suffered wounds Wednesday in the course of confronting a man wearing a hoodie and wielding a “very large sword” who entered the Church of Scientology in Inglewood. One officer sustained a gunshot to the thumb and another sustained either a gunshot or sword wound to the arm, according to Los Angeles Times.

    The shooting occurred around 3:30 p.m. Police shot the sword-wielding man in the head. He was hospitalized and died shortly thereafter. The two wounded police officers, both in their late 20s, were also hospitalized but in good condition.

    The Church of Scientology thanked the police in a statement for their “rapid response in protecting our parishioners and staff members.”

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    Suppressing Discussion Doesn’t Solve the Problem. It is the Problem



    by Thomas L. Knapp

    Everywhere one looks these days, the world seems to be moving away from debate on contentious subjects and toward demands that those who have unpopular opinions — or even just ask impertinent questions — be forcibly silenced.

    “You will never hear me mention his name,”  prime minister Jacinda Ardern said of Brenton Tarrant, the sole suspect in two deadly attacks on mosques in Christchurch. “He may have sought notoriety but here in New Zealand we will give him nothing — not even his name.”

    That’s fine as a personal decision, I guess, but not as a top-down decision for her fellow New Zealanders. Even as Ardern spoke,  police working for her government  were arresting at least two people for sharing the shooter’s live-streamed video of the attacks on social media.

    Across the Tasman Sea, Australian prime minister Scott Morrison is calling on the governments of G20 countries to implement measures “including appropriate filtering, detecting and removing of content by actors who encourage, normalise, recruit, facilitate or commit terrorist and violent atrocities.”

    Let’s be clear about what Morrison, other “world leaders,” and significant segments of activist communities and even the general public, are demanding (and to a frightful degree already implementing): Internet censorship.

    This isn’t really a new development. The mosque attacks are merely the latest incident weaponized by politicians and activists in service to a long-running campaign against public discussion and debate that requires them to make arguments and persuade instead of just bark orders and compel.

    The fictional “memory hole” of the IngSoc regime in George Orwell’s 1984 stood for more than half a century as an oft-cited and wisely acknowledged warning. Now that hole is opening up beneath us for real and threatening to suck us down into a new Dark Age of “thoughtcrime” and “unpersons.”

    The threat is content-independent. Renaming climate change skeptics “deniers” and demanding “investigations” of them, or pressuring media to ban discussions of policy on vaccines, is just as evil as suing Alex Jones for promulgating bizarre theories about the Sandy Hook massacre.

    The only appropriate response to “bad” speech — that is, speech one disagrees with — is “better” speech.

    Attempting to shut down your opponents’ ability to participate in an argument isn’t itself a winning argument. Forbidding your opponents to speak to a problem doesn’t solve that problem.

    In fact, those tactics are tantamount to admitting that your arguments are less persuasive and that your solutions can’t withstand scrutiny.

    Freedom of thought and expression are primary, foundational rights. They make it possible for us to hash out issues and solve problems peaceably instead of by force. Any attempt to suppress them is itself a call for totalitarianism and the alternative to those liberties is social and political death.

    Photo Credit Avens O’Brien

    Thomas L. Knapp (Twitter: @thomaslknapp) is director and senior news analyst at the William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism ( He lives and works in north central Florida.


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    Narcotics for Sale in Santa Paula Arrest for Alleged Sale of Club Drugs

    Ventura County Sheriff Department – Incident Press Release

    Suspect: Daniel Fernandez

    On March 27, 2019, Detectives from the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Unit concluded a narcotics sales investigation into Daniel Fernandez of Santa Paula who was involved in the sales of narcotics to residents of Ventura County.        

    On March 27, 2019, Narcotics Detectives and a patrol deputy from the Headquarters Station contacted Fernandez as he exited the 126 freeway at Wells Road in the City of Ventura.  Detectives detained Fernandez and searched his person and vehicle pursuant to a signed search warrant.  Fernandez was found in possession of cocaine and a digital scale.  Fernandez was arrested and transported to the Headquarters Station for processing.

    Following Fernandez’ arrest, Narcotics Detectives served a search warrant at his residence located in the 200 Block of Beckwith Road in Santa Paula. Detectives found additional cocaine, other narcotics, and paraphernalia indicative of narcotic sales.  In all, detectives seized 104 grams of cocaine, 20 grams of “Molly” or a variation of MDMA, 281 grams of psilocybin mushrooms, a significant quantity of Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), over 1500 Alprazolam/Hydrocodone pills and money believed to be derived from drug sales.

    LSD and Molly are illegally obtained synthetic hallucinogenic drugs.  LSD and Molly are illegal and dangerous “club drugs” that are abused for their stimulant and hallucinogenic properties. Psilocybin or “Magic Mushrooms” are dried or fresh hallucinogenic mushrooms.  The compounds found in these mushrooms are a similar structure to lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), and are abused for their hallucinogenic and euphoric effects.


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    Oxnard Man Arrested for Alleged Attempted Kidnapping

    Oxnard Police Department – Incident Press Release

    Cesar Fausto

    On March 28, 2019, at approximately 8:17am, Oxnard Police Officers responded to a call of an adult male subject disturbing in front of Sierra Linda Elementary School on Ironbark Drive, in Oxnard.  When officers arrived, school staff had detained 47 year-old Cesar Fausto a short distance away from the school campus. 

    The investigation revealed that Fausto walked into the parking lot of the school and briefly contacted a male student walking to school.  A school staff member saw Fausto approach the student and reach out to him with his hand as he walk alongside him.  The student immediately ran from Fausto toward the school office. Fausto left the parking lot on foot but was later detained by school staff until police officers arrived.

    It was learned that Fausto asked the student if he would take a walk with him but the student quickly ran away before anything happened.  Fausto was arrested and booked at the Ventura County Jail for attempted kidnapping and causing a disturbance on school grounds.

    Anyone with information regarding this case or other criminal activity is encouraged to contact the Oxnard Police Department at (805) 385-7600, or online via the Oxnard Police Department’s website:, and clicking on Report Suspicious Activity.  You can remain anonymous if you choose to do so. You can also remain anonymous by calling the Ventura County Crime Stoppers at (800) 222-8477. You can also visit this site: to submit a tip via text or email.

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    Oxnard | DUI/Driver’s License Checkpoint Planned this Friday March 29th

    The Oxnard Police Department will be conducting a DUI/Driver’s License Checkpoint on Friday, March 29, 2019, at an undisclosed location within the city limits between the hours of 8:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.  

    DUI Checkpoints are placed in locations based on collision statistics and frequency of DUI arrests. Officers will be looking for signs of alcohol and/or drug impairment, with officers checking drivers for proper licensing.

    The Oxnard Police Department reminds drivers that “DUI Doesn’t Just Mean Booze.” If you take prescription drugs, particularly those with a driving or operating machinery warning on the label, you might be impaired enough to get a DUI. Marijuana can also be impairing, especially in combination with alcohol or other drugs, and can result in a DUI.

    Oxnard Police Department offers these reminders to ensure you have a safe night of fun that doesn’t involve a DUI:

    • Always use a designated sober driver – a friend who is not drinking, ride-share, cab or public transportation – to get home.
    • See someone who is clearly impaired try and drive? Take the keys and help them make other arrangements to find a sober way home.
    • Report drunk drivers – Call 911.
    • Hosting a party? Offer nonalcoholic drinks. Monitor who are drinking and how they are getting home.

    Getting home safely is cheap, but getting a DUI is not! Drivers caught driving impaired and charged with DUI can expect the impact of a DUI arrest to be upwards of $13,500. This includes fines, fees, DUI classes, license suspension, and other expenses not to mention possible jail time.

    Funding for this checkpoint is provided to the Oxnard Police Department by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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    CFROG Blatantly Misrepresents USGS Findings in Oxnard

    Last week, activists posted “Breaking News!” regarding “evidence of groundwater well contamination by oil operations” in the Oxnard Oil Field. Citing a “landmark study” completed by experts with the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the activists with Citizens for Responsible Oil and Gas (CFROG) claimed thermogenic gases had contaminated nearby water wells, and oil operations were to blame.

    However, that’s actually not at all what the USGS scientists found. As Celia Z. Rosecrans, the USGS study author, stated in the report: “The results of our sampling found we had no evidence or no detections of petroleum hydrocarbons, inorganic constituents, or isotopes that indicate that we had oil field water mixing with the groundwater overlying the oil field.”

    Furthermore, while the USGS did report that thermogenic gases had been detected in deep water wells, their study did not conclude that oil field activity was the cause. Rosecrans explained that detections of naturally-occurring thermogenic gases in deep groundwater could have resulted from natural vertical migration through the geologic formation, or through wells.

    Experts have noted that the USGS sampled groundwater at 1,500 feet below the surface, just above hydrocarbon-bearing formations that exist at 2,000 feet below the surface. Given this small separation difference of only 500 feet, experts say it should be no surprise for naturally-occuring thermogenic gases to be found in deep groundwater wells in the Oxnard coastal plain.

    Finally, CFROG’s claim of “contamination” is also at odds with the facts. The low level of dissolved gases found in groundwater samples does not exceed any drinking water standards established by California regulatory authorities.

    Given these facts, CFROG either fundamentally lacks the expertise to comment on the study, or the group is blatantly misrepresenting USGS findings to smear oil operations and alarm the public.

    While it’s unclear how much CFROG actually understands about these issues, one thing is certain: energy policy in Ventura County should be based on facts and science, not twisted misinformation pushed by activist groups.



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    Ventura | Suspect opens Victim’s Car Door Attempts to Rob Him

    Ventura Police Department – Incident Press Release

    On March 27th at 5:14 PM,   the Ventura Police Command Center received a call of an attempted robbery that had just occurred in the 6400 block of Ventura Blvd. As officers arrived, they spoke to the victim, who told them he was driving west on Ventura Bvdl. when the suspect jumped out in front of him. To avoid running over the suspect, the victim stopped his vehicle. Once the vehicle was stopped the suspect walked up to the driver’s door, punched the window and opened the driver’s door.

    The suspect demanded money from the victim and attempted to physically take money and the victim’s wallet out his pockets. When the victim resisted the suspect punched the victim in the face twice. The victim was eventually able to push the suspect way, and was able to drive away.

    Suspect’s Description: Hispanic Male, 25 years old, wearing a white t-shirt and dark pants

    The victim sustained minor injuries as a result of the incident and did not want medical attention. This is an ongoing investigation, and anyone with information about the incident is asked to call the Ventura Police department at 805-339-4488.

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