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    Santa Paula City Council: Finance and Sewage

    By Sheryl Hamlin

    Two important items on the March 20, 2019 Santa Paula City Council Meeting were 1) the mid-year financial report and 2) the new contract for the sewage collection. The sewage will be covered in a second report.

    Mid-Year Financial Report

    The Assistant Finance Director Anthony Rainey presented the mid-year financial report saying that members of his profession were called “bean counters”, but he can attest that it is really jelly beans, where each color of bean represents a different city fund.

    Reporting Date Unclear

    The staff report says the General Fund balance is as of March 10, 2019, which is 8 months and 10 days into the FY 18/19 fiscal year. The Measure T data is from January 2019. Licensing and Permits reflect data through February 2019. Such chronological inconsistency makes extrapolation to the year-end forecast impossible because of the differenc dates. Note that no attempt was made to extrapolate a year-end estimate in the staff report, rather a percentage “complete” was reported.

    For example, the General Fund expenditures are reported as $8,754,843.34. Since we were told this data is as of March 10, let’s call this an eight month accumulation of expenses. To make an estimated annualized value the calculation would be:

    ($8,754,843.34 / 8) X 12 = $13,132,265 for an estimated year end value.

    The budgeted expenses for the General Fund were $13,211,605.00 per the staff report. The difference between the estimated year end and budget General Fund expenses is $79,340, which means expenses were slightly less than budgeted. The staff report says that there are 33.73% remaining to be spent in the General Fund Expenses, but without knowing over what period, the value of 33.73% is unclear.

    The General Fund revenues are reported at $8,638,013.46. Dividing by 8 and multiplying by 12 as we did above yields $12,957,702 which is significantly less than the Adopted Budget of $13,389,018.00. This is a $431,998 difference. Presumably this is because the inter-departmental transfers to the General Fund from the Enterprise Funds have not yet been completely posted. The staff report said that $496,477 has not yet been posted.

    Differences between Previously Approved Budget

    This chart shows the difference between the staff report of March 20, 2019 and the previously adopted budget.

    Differences between staff report and approved budget

    This difference was not explained and should have been highlighted. It is potentially due from the fire annexation. Because the first year is a partial year, the payment to county fire will be made manually. In subsequent years, the AB8 TRA report will be modified. If this is the cause of the extra expense, then there should have been a corresponding property tax revenue from which to pay VCFPD. Note that the approved budget showed net property tax revenue after the VCFPD split and zero payment to VCFPD. See pie chart from the FY 18/19 budget meeting.

    Staff Text Cannot be Substantiated from the Report

    There are no individual line items to substantiate the following paragraph.

    Source: Staff Report

    Staff Discussion

    Council Member Araiza said he understood the report based on years of working with the fire budget. Council Member Juarez said it was unfortunate that Measure T monies had been consumed so quickly. Council Member Crosswhite suggested we return to the estimated year-end format from previous years.

    City Manager Rock said that he understood the report from years of experience, but perhaps the council should have a study session to design a perfect report.

    To watch the video click here.

    For more information on author click sherylhamlin dot com

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    Immediate Action Needed! Call the Capitol to protect Proposition 13!

    ACTION ALERT: We need every HJTA member to oppose the newest attack on Proposition 13, Assembly Constitutional Amendment 1. This measure would make it easier to raise property tax bills by lowering the two-thirds vote for approval of local bonds and parcel taxes to just 55 percent to fund an unlimited number of infrastructure projects including affordable housing.

    WHEN TO TAKE ACTION: NOW! ACA 1 will be heard in the Assembly Local Government Committee Wednesday afternoon. Please call the legislators listed below and ask them to protect Proposition 13 by voting NO on ACA 1. If you live in the Sacramento area, feel free to come to the Capitol and voice your opposition to ACA 1 in person. The hearing is in Rm. 447 at 1:30 p.m.


    • Lowering the two-thirds vote for bonds and parcel taxes makes it easier to approve debt that is included “below the line” on property tax bills and is not included in Prop 13’s one percent cap. This can add hundreds of dollars a year to residential and commercial property tax bills, and last for decades.
    • Parcel taxes are very regressive in that all property owners pay the same amount, regardless of the size of the home or business. Also, numerous parcel taxes have been approved since 2010 with a two-thirds vote. There’s no need to lower the threshold.
    • While everybody gets to vote on local bonds and parcel taxes, only property owners pay them. We need to protect the 54 percent of Californians who own homes and continue to demand a supermajority threshold to authorize debt.
    • California needs more affordable housing. But adding hundreds of dollars a year to property tax bills, when California has the 15th highest per capita state and local property tax burden in the nation, will not make either home ownership or apartment rentals more affordable.

    Call the following Members of the Local Government Committee, especially if you live in the areas they represent, and urge them to oppose ACA 1:

    Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (Napa, Davis, Woodland, West Sacramento) Ms. Aguiar-Curry is the Chair of the Local Government Committee and the author of ACA 1: 916-319-2004

    Richard Bloom (Agoura Hills, Beverly Hills, Malibu, West Hollywood, Santa Monica): 916-319-2050

    Tasha Boerner Horvath (Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, Vista, Carlsbad, and Encinitas): 916-319-2076

    James Ramos (Highland, Loma Linda, Rancho Cucamonga, Redlands, and San Bernardino): 916-319-2040

    Luz Rivas (Pacoima, Arleta, San Fernando): 916-319-2039

    Robert Rivas (Hollister, Gilroy, Salinas, Soledad): 916-319-2030

    To find the names and contact information for your representatives in Sacramento, go to

    Defeating ACA 1 is a top priority for your Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. In addition to urging HJTA members to call their representatives in the Assembly, we are also collecting signatures on petitions urging Assembly Members to vote NO on ACA 1. You can help by downloading and printing petitions and giving them to friends and neighbors to sign. Here’s the link where you can find a printable petition.

    Thank you for your help, and for strengthening the voice of taxpayers in California. We greatly appreciate you.


    HJTA1Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association — California’s largest grass-roots taxpayer organization dedicated to the protection of Proposition 13 and the advancement of taxpayers’ rights.

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    Sex Registrant Compliance Sweep | City and County Areas of Moorpark


    On Saturday, March 23, 2019, Sheriff’s detectives conducted compliance checks at the residences of thirty-nine (39) registered sex offenders throughout the Moorpark area. The compliance checks were funded through the Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement (SAFE / ELEAS) program.

    Thirty-seven (37) of the sex registrants were confirmed to be in compliance with their registration requirements. Two (2) registrants were not  contacted  because  they  were  not  home  or  had moved. Sheriff’s detectives will follow-up to determine if the remaining registrants not  contacted are out-of-compliance.

    The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office aggressively pursues prosecution of those sex registrants who fail to comply with their registration requirements. Detectives will be conducting similar sweeps on an ongoing basis, to verify registered sex offenders are living at their reported residences and in compliance with any probation or parole terms.

    Residents of Ventura County can visit the Megan’s Law website ( to familiarize themselves with the sex registrants in their community.

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    Ventura ranks in Top 10 of Healthy Counties in the United States


    Ventura County ranked seventh in the nation for overall healthy areas to live from the County Health Rankings and Roadmaps. The project is a collaborative effort by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute.  

    The University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute’s mission is to work “across the full spectrum of factors that contribute to health.” From the group’s website on their partner: “The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) is the nation’s largest philanthropy dedicated solely to health.”

    The group uses various markers to determine where to rank a county when it comes to the health of their populations.  From their website: “The annual County Health Rankings measure vital health factors, including high school graduation rates, obesity, smoking, unemployment, access to healthy foods, the quality of air and water, income inequality, and teen births in nearly every county in America. The annual Rankings provide a revealing snapshot of how health is influenced by where we live, learn, work and play.”

    Below is Ventura County’s health profile:

    *This data can be found on: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. County Health Rankings & Roadmaps 2019.

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    ‘No Exoneration!’ Is The New Rallying Cry. It’s True — But It’s Not The Whole Truth


    Virginia Kruta, Associated Editor 


    Media pundits and Democrats alike took up their new rallying cry — “no exoneration!” — with gusto as the “Russian collusion” narrative languished. But, while true, it is not the whole truth.

    After months of pushing the narrative that President Donald Trump was probably guilty of collusion and obstruction of justice, Trump’s critics were forced to pivot with the Sunday release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s summary conclusions(RELATED: Justice Department Delivers Mueller Conclusions To Congress — No Collusion)

    Attorney General William Barr, in his memo summarizing Mueller’s conclusions, may have given them all the ammunition they needed in just one sentence. While noting that the report does not provide evidence that Trump or any member of his family or campaign committed any crime with regard to collusion or obstruction of justice, “it also does not exonerate him.”

    And so “no exoneration” became the new talking point.




    Former Republican New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who has spent a fair amount of time as a prosecutor himself, noted the nuance of the legal term “exonerate.”

    “On the charge of obstruction of justice, Bob Mueller’s report ‘does not conclude that the President committed a crime,’” Christie tweeted. “That’s an important finding because that is what prosecutors do—they prosecute, they do not exonerate. Why? Because we all enjoy the presumption of innocence.”


    So the special counsel’s report, while making it clear that Mueller’s team found no evidence of any crime with regard to either collusion or obstruction of justice, did not exonerate the president because that’s not what it was supposed to do. (RELATED: Media Pummeled As Mueller Report Deals Death Blow To Russian Collusion Narrative)

    Mueller was charged with investigating possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russian operatives — and if he found evidence of such ties, prosecuting those involved. He was not charged with exonerating anyone, because, just like any other American, the president was to be presumed innocent until proven guilty.

    What Mueller also did not do was find evidence of any guilt — which means that legally speaking, the “exoneration” was already baked into the cake before the investigation even began.


    Follow Virginia on Twitter

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    Roughly 20 Illegal Immigrants Jump Out Of A Truck After Police Chase Them Down


    Nick Sherman | Contributor


    Around 20 people jumped out of a crowded pickup truck after Texas police pulled it over roughly 70 miles north of the Texas-Mexico border.

    Brooks County Sheriff’s Department deputies were conducting a traffic stop on the white Ford truck, but then found that the license plates showed that the truck had been reported stolen, according to a post the local law enforcement group shared Friday on its Facebook page.

    The stop happened near the town of Encino, in Brooks County, Texas.

    Once found out, the truck drove into oncoming traffic to escape the police. After crossing the highway, the driver pulled over, allowing more than 20 migrants to burst out from multiple parts of the car, running in all directions. (RELATED: 10 Illegal Immigrants Arrested After Jumping Out Of Car During Traffic Stop)

    The original video is below:


    And here is a slightly edited version from The Daily Caller:


    Brooks County has been a hotbed of migrant deaths for a long time. The area had 50 to 60 deaths in 2013, as reported by The New York Post. And more than 500 migrants have been found dead in Brooks County since 2009, according to The New York Times.

    Don White, a Sheriff’s deputy in Brooks County, told The New York Times that “Brooks County is a choke point.

    The article claims that many migrants pay coyotes —otherwise known as human traffickers specialized in smuggling people over the U.S.-Mexico border — to drop people off near checkpoints like the ones in Brooks County, so they can walk and sneak past the checkpoints on foot.


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    Make America Greater: Approve the PCCS! Oppose Claim of Human Caused Climate Change



    John Droz

    America absolutely needs outside expert review of climate claims used to oppose fossil fuels

    Should the United States conduct a full, independent, expert scientific investigation into models and studies that say we face serious risks of manmade climate change and extreme weather disasters?

    As incredible as it may seem, US government climate science has never been subjected to any such examination. Instead, it has been conducted by government agencies and assorted climate, environmental, history, psychology and other “experts” paid by the same government agencies – to the tune of literally billions of dollars per year.

    Moreover, all that time, effort and money has been spent on studies that claim carbon dioxide and other “greenhouse gases” are causing unprecedented climate and weather cataclysms, requiring the immediate and total elimination of fossil fuels that supply 82% of all US energy. Virtually none of it has been spent on studies of the powerful natural forces that have driven global warming and cooling, other climate changes and innumerable extreme weather events throughout Earth and human history.

    Replacing all that energy – under the Green New Deal we hear so much about lately, or some similar schemes – would cost this country up to $93 trillion by 2030! That’s $65,000 per family per year!

    Even worse, those same agencies and government contractors have actively prevented any independent review of their work. They have intimidated, silenced and vilified anyone who attempted to question or examine their data, computer models, assumptions, algorithms and conclusions.

    They are adamantly opposed to any such review now. So are some 97% of all Democrats, environmentalists and “mainstream” news media.

    You have to wonder: If their work is as solid, above-board and honest as they claim – wouldn’t they be delighted to defend it in public, and prove their detractors wrong?

    Since they so totally opposed to any independent review – what are they trying to hide?

    President Trump’s proposed investigation would be conducted by a brand new Presidential Committee on Climate Science (PCCS), led by physicist and presidential advisor Dr. Will Happer. It would be carried out by climate scientists and experts who did not participate in the original (alarmist) studies.

    A decision about launching the PCCS will be made very soon. Support for the PCCS is urgently needed.

    Many who oppose the PCCS claim human responsibility for climate change and extreme weather has already been resolved scientifically. That is simply not so. A genuine scientific assessment has four necessary components. It must be comprehensive, objective, transparent and empirical.

    There has never been a true scientific assessment of global warming claims, anywhere on the planet.

    In fact, even repeatedly referenced reports by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have faced no such review – and would fail at least three of those four criteria! That is largely because the IPCC computer models and claims of climate disasters are supported by virtually no real-world evidence.

    PCCS opponents also say President Trump is acting irrationally on global warming. In reality, he is taking a far more scientific position than his critics are. Skepticism is the primary pillar of Real Science. So being labeled a “skeptic” is high praise to real scientists.

    If it’s Real Science, questions, skepticism and constant reexamination are essential. Consensus is out.

    If it’s consensus – and questions and skepticism are prohibited – it’s not Real Science.

    PCCS opponents are telling us we have to accept their “consensus science” without question. Eliminate the fossil fuels that make our factories, healthcare, jobs, heating, lighting, food, internet and living standards possible. And put the federal government in control of all future energy and personal choices.

    Certainly, the “science” that supposedly supports those demands should be examined carefully and scientifically before we rush to judgment on 82% of our energy. PCCS opponents don’t think so. They want a rush to judgment.

    The bottom line is very simple. President Trump should be applauded for proposing the PCCS, and for being open-minded enough to reconsider global warming claims – before he or we accept them as gospel.

    Americans need to support him against the very vocal (and self-interested) people and organizations that oppose the PCCS.

    We need to take immediate action to support President Trump on this vitally important initiative.

    Use the above link. Send him a quick note. Real, evidence-based climate science demands that we have this PCCS review. So does the future of our country and our children. 

    John Droz, Jr. is a physicist and director of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED), which promotes energy policies and programs that are technically, economically and environmentally sound.


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    California Leaders Applaud Launch of CalOZ | Opportunity Zones (OZs) in California

    SACRAMENTO, CA — Today, top state and local leaders celebrated the launch of CalOZ, a new group dedicated to supporting the success of Opportunity Zones in California. The announcement follows a series of encouraging developments in the growth of Opportunity Zones (OZs) in California.

    “Our state must embrace new strategies to rebuild an upward economy that works for all Californians,” said

    Kunal Merchant, President and Co- Founder of CalOZ. “Opportunity zones offer an important new tool, not only to promote economic mobility and the green economy in areas of our state that need it most, but also   to re-evaluate and re-imagine how business, government, and community work together to foster a more competitive, equitable and sustainable economy in California.”

    “Stockton is ready for opportunity zone investment,” said Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs. “Our community has no shortage of potential – from emerging startups, to our community led initiatives, to our downtown waterfront, our inland port and our workforce development – the list is long. I welcome CalOZ to the dialogue as our city and state work to set the policies and attract the right investors to realize the full potential of this exciting new program.”

    “Opportunity zones offer an intriguing new pathway for our state to expand our middle class and restore the California Dream for all residents,” said Ashley Swearengin, Central Valley Community Foundation’s CEO and former Mayor of Fresno. “I’m thrilled to see CalOZ showing leadership on this issue and excited to support their work both in the Central Valley and state as a whole.”

    CalOZ’s first priority will be CalOZ for All, an initiative to promote adoption of high-impact state policies regarding opportunity zones, economic mobility, and sustainable growth more broadly. Joining CalOZ will be a range of strategic partners with deep expertise in economic development, public policy, community development, green innovation, and impact investing, including: California Forward, the California Business Roundtable, Central Valley Community Foundation, Bay Area Council, Sacramento Promise Zone, RevOZ Capital, Amalgamated Bank, the Governance Project, Fuse Corps, Accelerator for America, and Nationswell.

    Guided by a “triple bottom line mindset,” CalOZ for All will support policy solutions focused in three areas:

    • COMPETITIVENESS: ensure state policies and incentives governing OZs position California as an attractive destination for OZ Funds and projects within the national
    • EQUITY: establish strong standards, safeguards, and metrics to protect and empower local communities to drive their own positive economic
    • SUSTAINABILITY: Leverage OZs to accelerate California’s transition to a green, clean, and thriving economy for “With more than three million Californians residing in opportunity zones, California can and must seize the  chance to deploy an unprecedented source of private capital into the communities that need it most, “ said Jim Mayer, President and CEO of California Forward. “We’re proud to partner with CalOZ to support state and local action to ensure California emerges as a national leader in this program.”

    “Amalgamated is committed to acting as a force for positive change in the communities in which we operate,” said Keith Mestrich, President and CEO of Amalgamated Bank. “Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing our society, particularly in many California communities designated as qualified opportunity zones. Amalgamated is determined to be a part of the solution, and proud to join with CalOZ in promoting a brighter, cleaner and greener future in California.”

    CalOZ will also focus on building infrastructure and capacity at the local level to support the growth of the nascent OZ marketplace, including a potential OZ Fellowship program developed in collaboration with Accelerator for America and FUSE Corps to recruit, train and deploy talented professionals within OZ communities to facilitate investments that build wealth, economic mobility, and the green economy.

    “We are committed to attracting investment that supports community and investor goals,” said Tyrone Roderick Williams, Director of the Sacramento Promise Zone at the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency. “The cross sector partnerships created by the Sacramento Promise Zone provide the perfect platform for attracting and leveraging Opportunity Zone investments. We are working closely with the city and state on these issues, and having CalOZ as a partner will be a great asset as well.”

    CalOZ’s formation arrives at a critical juncture in the development of the Opportunity Zone marketplace in California. As home to over 10% of the nation’s 8,700 Qualified Opportunity Zones, the Golden State is primed to be a leader, or laggard, in the emerging OZ marketplace. Top state leaders, including Governor Gavin Newsom and Treasurer Fiona Ma, have expressed support for Opportunity Zone investment as a new economic development tool to further goals for housing, sustainability, and economic and community development.

    CalOZ was co-founded by Kunal Merchant, Managing Director of Lotus Advisory, and David Smith, CEO of X Sector Labs. Merchant and Smith have extensive backgrounds in public-private partnerships, economic and community development, sustainability, civic innovation, and public policy.

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    Another Carjacking in Ventura | Vagrant Suspect

    Ventura Police Department – Incident Press Release

    On March 25th at 1:41 PM. the Ventura Police Department Command Center received a 911 call from a victim reporting that his vehicle had just been stolen. The victim said his vehicle was left unattended while it was being worked on at a business in the 100 block of Ventura Ave., when the suspect, later identified as Brandon Chamberlain, Vagrant,  got into the vehicle and fled.

    A short time late, an officer responding to the call saw the vehicle as it was traveling northbound on Highway 101 and followed it onto Highway 33. Once additional officers arrived, a traffic stop was initiated. Chamberlain exited at Shell Rd. and was taken into custody without incident.

    While officers were following Chamberlain, he threw a knife out of the vehicle. The knife was later recovered by officers.

    The vehicle was released back to the victim.

    A review of the Ventura County Superior Court website shows that Chamberlain has prior convictions for stolen vehicle, evading arrest and driving under the influence. He is also a post release offender out of Kern County.

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    Former Treasurer of Ventura Police Community Foundation Sentenced to 365 Days Jail

    VENTURA, California –District Attorney Gregory D. Totten announced today that Gale Hartman (DOB 03/14/1938), was sentenced after pleading no contest to four felony counts of grand theft. Judge Bruce Young sentenced Hartman to 365 days in the Ventura County jail, with 60 months formal probation, and ordered him to pay $119,660 in victim restitution.

    Hartman, while Treasurer of the Ventura Police Community Foundation and a civilian employee of the Ventura Police Department, stole approximately $119,660 from the Foundation by making systematic cash withdrawals over four years, using the Foundation’s debit card.

    This fraud was discovered by the Ventura Police Department and submitted for investigation to the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office, Bureau of Investigation.


    The Ventura County District Attorney’s Office is the public prosecutor for the county’s 850,000 residents. The office employs approximately 280 employees including attorneys, investigators, victim advocates, and other professional support staff who strive to seek justice, ensure public safety, and protect the rights of crime victims.

    Follow the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office on Twitter @VenturaDAOffice

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