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    CVS is now selling CBD products in California


    By  | [email protected] | Bay Area News Group


    Select CVS locations in California and seven other states are now selling hemp-derived CBD products.

    The national drugstore chain will be marketing the topical cannabidiol products as “an alternative source of relief,” CVS said in a statement to NBC News. The chain also will be partnering with another company to test and verify the quality of the CBD topicals sold in 800 drugstores at this point.

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    Pesticide approval process in Ventura and Santa Barbara may have violated state law, UCLA report finds


    Ventura, CA: California’s County Agricultural Commissioners failed to comply with state law requiring them to not issue permits for hazardous pesticide use without first considering whether safe alternatives exist or whether there is potential for harmful interactions with other pesticides used at the same time. That’s the explosive conclusion of a new report by UCLA researchers released yesterday entitled Governance on the Ground: Evaluating the Role of County Agricultural Commissioners in Reducing Toxic Exposures

    In fact, the report found that none of the 24 California counties studied – including Ventura and Santa Barbara – was in compliance, indicating an absence of oversight of a key set of state laws governing pesticide use.

    The report has touched a nerve among community members alarmed at continued use of the organophosphate pesticide chlorpyrifos, linked to irreversible brain damage in young children. The UCLA team studied the process for granting permits to use chlorpyrifos in 13 agricultural counties – including Santa Barbara County – and found no evidence that safer alternatives were considered. In every case, agricultural commissioners ceded their oversight role to private Pest Control Advisors hired by growers, and took no steps to ensure compliance with the law. The report cites a failure of the California Department of Pesticide Regulation to conduct complete assessments during pesticide registration thus undermining existing laws and failing to support County Agriculture Commissioners to be accountable to protect public health. In fact, the report states that when safer, feasible and effective alternatives exist, the state should not register the pesticide.

    “Until the state withdraws the registration for chlorpyrifos, we’ve called on the new Ventura County Ag Commissioner to require growers to use safer alternatives before approving chlorpyrifos use” said Olga Medina, a farmworker advocate and member of VC CAPS. “We hope he will correct the behavior of the last Commissioner. Our babies’ brains are at stake.”

    Ventura County Coalition Advocating for Pesticide Safety

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    White House Reacts To Mueller Report Release


    Saagar Enjeti | White House Correspondent 


    The White House will defer the review of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report to Attorney General Bill Barr, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a Friday afternoon statement.

    “The next steps are up to Attorney General Barr, and we look forward to the process taking its course. The White House has not received or been briefed on the Special Counsel’s report,” Sanders said minutes after Barr revealed that he had received the report. (RELATED: The Mueller Investigation Is Over) 

    Mueller delivered his final report to Barr after 675 extraordinary days of appointment, during which he sought to review any potential contact between Russia and the Trump 2016 campaign. The investigation became a sprawling review and led to the indictment of many of those in Trump’s orbit. It dominated headlines in the first two years of Trump’s presidency and became a major foil for the president who decried it as a “WITCH HUNT” throughout the process.

    Mueller’s appointment came in May 2017 after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed him. Rosenstein appointed Mueller after a period of turmoil during which Trump fired former FBI Director James Comey, prompting questions of whether he did so to curtail the Russia investigation.

    Barr will now review Mueller’s report and told lawmakers Friday afternoon that he hopes to share the top findings of the report with them as soon as this weekend. Barr’s letter noted that at no point did the Department of Justice curtail any of Mueller’s activities.

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    Jackie Rose selected to run County’s Animal Services Department

    VENTURA, Calif. – Jackie Rose has been selected as the new director of the Animal Services Department. The appointment was made by County Executive Officer Mike Powers following a search which included strong internal and external candidates. Rose will be relocating from the state of Washington to assume her duties.

    Rose has 12 years of executive experience in animal services. She served as the Executive Director for the Addison County Humane Society in Middlebury, Vermont; the Executive Director for the Dutchess County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Hyde Park, New York; and for the last three and a half years, she has been the Director of Animal Services for Multnomah County Animal Service in Portland, Oregon.

    “Jackie has extensive experience with nonprofit organizations and government administration and management,” said Powers. “She is very well-versed in shelter operation, veterinary services, humane animal control activities, donor development and strategic program development. Her passion for animals will be a good fit for our shelters’ no-kill mission.”

    Rose will oversee the County’s two animal shelters – one in Camarillo and one in Simi Valley – that care for more than 10,000 animals every year. The department also provides public education, animal cruelty investigations, immunizations and other activities for animals and their owners. Animal Services is staffed by more than 75 County employees and a large and passionate volunteer organization.

    “I have a deep and committed desire to ensure all animals receive the highest quality care and life-saving services at all times,” said Rose. “I am devoted to progressive, customer-oriented programming to provide forever homes for the animals receiving shelter services and the well-being of all animals.”

    Rose, 57, is a Certified Animal Welfare Administrator and holds two advanced degrees. She will be relocating to Ventura County as soon as possible from her home in Stevenson, Washington and will start her new position at a salary of $175,681.

    Jackie Rose with Jackson River

    Jackie Rose seleccionada para dirigir el Departamento de Servicio para Animales del Condado

    VENTURA, Calif. – Jackie Rose ha sido seleccionada como la nueva directora del Departamento de Servicios para Animales. El nombramiento se hizo por el Funcionario Ejecutivo del Condado Mike Powers después de una búsqueda que incluyó fuertes candidatos tanto internos como externos. Rose se mudará del estado de Washington para asumir sus funciones.

    Rose tiene 12 años de experiencia ejecutiva en servicios para animales. Trabajaba como la Directora Ejecutiva para la Humane Society del Condado de Addison en Middlebury, Vermont; Directora Ejecutiva para la Sociedad Protectora de Animales del Condado de Dutchess en Hyde Park, Nueva York; y por los últimos tres años y medio, ella ha sido la Directora de Servicios para Animales para el Servicio para Animales del Condado de Multnomah en Portland, Oregón.

    “Jackie tiene amplia experiencia con las organizaciones no lucrativas y administración pública,” dijo Powers. “Está bien versada en la gestión de refugios para animales, servicios veterinarios, actividades compasivas para el control de animales, reclutamiento de donantes y la elaboración estratégica de programas. Su pasión por los animales encaja bien con la misión de “no matar” que tienen nuestros refugios para animales.   

    Rose va a dirigir los dos refugios para animales del Condado – uno en Camarillo y el otro en Simi Valley – que cuidan a más que 10,000 animales cada año. El departamento también brinda educación pública, investigaciones de crueldad contra animales, inmunizaciones y otras actividades para animales y sus dueños. El Departamento de Servicios para Animales tiene un personal de 75 empleados del Condado un una organización grande y muy apasionada de voluntarios.

    “Tengo un profundo y comprometido deseo de asegurar que todos los animales reciban la mejor calidad de atención y servicios de salvamento en todo momento”, dijo Rose. “Estoy dedicada a la programación progresiva y orientada al cliente para proporcionar hogares a los animales siempre que reciben servicios de refugio y al bienestar de todos los animales”.

    Rose, de 57 años, es una Administradora Certificada del Bienestar de los Animales y tiene dos títulos avanzados. Ella se mudará al Condado de Ventura lo más pronto posible de su casa en Stevenson, Washington y empezará su nuevo puesto con un salario anual de $175,681.

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    Special Counsel Delivers Mueller Report to Attorney General Barr


    Special counsel Robert Mueller on Friday delivered his report on possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 presidential election to Attorney General William Barr, the Justice Department said.

    The report will now be reviewed by Barr, who has previously stated he will write his own account communicating Mueller’s findings to Congress and the American public. Barr said he could release his account to Congress as soon as this weekend. “I am reviewing the report and anticipate that I may be in a position to advise you of the special counsel’s principal conclusions as soon as this weekend,” Barr said in his letter the top Republicans and Democrats on the House and Senate Judiciary committees.

    “The White House has not received or been briefed on the Special Counsel’s report,” noted Sanders.


    Read the rest of the story on Bretibart News

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    CAL FIRE Local 2881 Releases Statement Regarding Governor Newsom’s Signing of Proclamation of Emergency

    CAL FIRE Local 2881 released a statement this morning regarding Governor Newsom’s signing of a Proclamation of Emergency regarding wildfires.

    “The fires of the past three years have upended and destroyed entire communities, the worst I have seen in my twenty-five year career,” said Tim Edwards, President of CAL Fire Local 2881.  “While it is difficult for all of us, including the Governor, we support the Governor’s action to protect Californians’ lives and homes. Fuels management is important and these types of projects the Governor is proposing can save lives and make a difference.” 

    ‘’These circumstances are unusual, unpredictable, unseen in our lifetime, and courageous decisions that sometimes go against the political winds need to be made,” Edwards said.  “Our commitment to public safety, health and the environment does not wane.”

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    Mark Levin Explains What ‘The Greatest Threat To This Country Is’


    Phillip Stucky | Contributor


    Conservative commentator Mark Levin visited Sean Hannity’s show on Thursday evening to discuss the possibility of 16-year-olds voting and adding justices to the Supreme Court.



    “The greatest threat to our constitution and economic system isn’t any foreign power, it’s the Democratic Party,” Levin reacted. “It’s the leftists in the Democratic Party because they use our liberty in our Constitution to destroy our liberty and our Constitution.”

    Levin first attacked the “court-packing” advocated by many on the left, which would increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court. “They want to pack the Supreme Court,” he said. “Why? Because they want to fix the outcome! They want to fix the outcome of elections, they want to fix the outcome of court decisions, this is very good banana republic of the Democratic Party.”

    The firebrand host then decided to excoriate House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s plan to reduce the voting age to 16. “They want to lower the voting age to 16, why not lower it to 12? Or 14? Or 15? How stupid is that? They raised the age for booze, they raised the age for tobacco at 21, but at 16 you’re going to help pick our president? Why are they doing that? Because they indoctrinate all these kids in high school and so forth and they know how they are going to vote.” (RELATED: Poll: Only 17 Percent Support Lowering The Federal Voting Age To 18)

    Pelosi advocated lowering the voting age to 16 at her weekly press conference Thursday.

    “I myself, personally, I’m not speaking for my caucus, I myself have always been for lowering the voting age to 16,” Pelosi said. “I think it’s really important to capture kids when they’re in high school when they’re interested in all of this, when they’re learning about government to be able to vote.”

    Five candidates in the 2020 Democratic Primary advocated for increasing the number of seats on the Supreme Court in an effort to “depoliticize” the justice approval process.

    President Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign was quick to shut down the movement, asserting to The Daily Caller News Foundation that “this is just what the Democrats always do. When they lose, they try to change the rules. This is no different from when they attack the Electoral College every time they lose the White House. Now it’s court-packing. They want to change our institutions to fit their own political desires.”

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    Oxnard’s Second Homicide of the Year

    Oxnard Police Department – Incident Press Release

    On March 21, 2019 at approximately 10:34 p.m., patrol officers from the Oxnard Police Department along with Emergency Medical Services responded to the 900 block of Spruce Street regarding a gunshot victim.  When the patrol officers arrived, they located the victim lying on a driveway suffering from a gunshot injury.  Despite the efforts of the responding patrol officers and emergency medical workers, the victim was declared deceased at the scene.

    Investigators are encouraging anyone who may have video recorded or photographed all or part of the incident, to upload your media directly to the investigators via the following link: All submissions are immediately logged into the Oxnard Police Department’s digital evidence system.  Contact information is not stored by Axon and community members can remain anonymous, choosing to upload their files without providing contact information. 

    The City of Oxnard offers a reward of $10,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of individuals responsible for committing homicides within the City.

    Investigators are asking the public to come forward if anyone has witnessed this incident. The public is asked to contact Detective Jose Velazquez (805) 385-7760.

    Anyone with information regarding this case or other criminal activity is encouraged to contact the Oxnard Police Department at (805) 385-7600, or online via the Oxnard Police Department’s website:, and clicking on Report Suspicious Activity.  You can remain anonymous if you choose to do so. You can also remain anonymous by calling the Ventura County Crime Stoppers at (800) 222-8477. You can also visit this site: to submit a tip via text or email.

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    Oxnard Bicyclist Struck and Killed in Tragic Accident

    Oxnard Police Department – Incident Press Release

    On March 21, 2019, at approximately 10:10 p.m., officers from the Oxnard Police Department and EMS personnel responded to a traffic collision involving a vehicle and bicyclist which occurred on Saviers Road south of Iris Street.  The bicyclist, an unidentified Hispanic male in his mid-20s, sustained serious injuries and was immediately transported to the Ventura County Medical Center.  The bicyclist was provided advanced medical treatment however succumbed to his injuries.  The driver of the 2007 Kia Rio identified as Jesus Magana, an 18-year-old Oxnard resident, remained at the scene and cooperated with the investigation.  Magana did not sustain any injuries as a result of the collision.  

    Based on the preliminary investigation, traffic investigators determined Magana was driving his Kia Rio southbound on Saviers Road when the bicyclist suddenly rode into the path of the vehicle.  Magana was unable to avoid the collision and his vehicle collided with the bicyclist.        

    The collision is still under investigation. Anyone who has information regarding this collision or the identity of the bicyclist is urged to contact Senior Officer Paul Knapp at (805) 385-7750 or via email at [email protected]

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    Simi Valley | T-Mobile Robbed

    Simi Valley Police Department – Incident Press Release

    On 3/21/19, at around 7:08 PM, the Simi Valley Police Department was contacted by an employee of “T-Mobile”, 2272 Tapo St. Simi Valley. The employee stated that the business had just been robbed and the suspects had stolen several iPhones. The suspects, a hispanic male and a black female were last seen fleeing in a black Ford Fiesta. As SVPD units searched the area, the vehicle was spotted eastbound on SR 118. When sufficient police units arrived to assist, a traffic stop was initiated on the Ford Fiesta in the area of San Fernando Mission Blvd. and Balboa Blvd, Granada Hills. Both suspects were detained and the missing property was recovered. 

    The investigation revealed that both suspects entered the business and demanded the iphones, with the Hispanic male stating he had a handgun. He then forced the “T-Mobile” employee to the back room where the iphones were taken. After placing the iphones in a duffel bag, both suspects fled the scene in the Black Ford Fiesta. The suspects were identified as Martin Sandoval ( 9/25/89) and Ravensky Butler (3/30/92), both of Los Angeles. Both suspects were booked at the Ventura County Jail for 211 PC, Robbery and 207 PC, Kidnapping. 

    The Simi Valley Police Department would like to remind the public that if you are ever the victim of a robbery, COMPLY. Give up your money or your merchandise—don’t risk being seriously injured or worse! Property can be replaced. 

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