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    Special Live Webcast—Exonerate LaRouche on March 21, 2019



    This Thursday LaRouchePAC is holding a special edition of our weekly live-audience webcast—The Fireside Chat—featuring former political prisoner with Lyndon LaRouche, and author our exoneration petition, Dennis Small (EIR, Ibero-American Desk).

    We’re inviting supporters of LaRouche’s exoneration to join this live dialogue, as we discuss how to expand this campaign. 

    March 21, 2019 – 9pm Eastern, 6pm Pacific

    Moderator – Dennis Speed (LaRouchePAC Manhattan Project)
    Guests – Dennis Small (EIR, Ibero-American Desk)

    Conference call dial-in number: 641-715-3580
    Access code: 536662#

    To ask a question, dial *6 during the call to enter the queue

    We also broadcast a live stream over YouTube at

    In a 2000 pamphlet entitled, “He’s a Bad Guy But I Can’t Say Why,” Lyndon LaRouche spoke of the  reasons for the legal atrocity conducted against him: “The oligarchs’ rule is to weed out potentially troublesome persons of republican impulse at all levels. . . So, in 1973, Wall Street’s Justice Department lackeys said, ‘Kill him!’ When I began to play a marginal role internationally and then run for President, the oligarchy reacted, by judging me to be potentially even more dangerous than in 1973. By 1982, my influence internationally had reached the level at which the oligarchs decided to eradicate me and everyone associated with me. They did so because they were frightened, because they fear that someone might do as I was committed to doing, utilize the impending global crisis to bring back the American system and its legacy.” In the same pamphlet, LaRouche noted that the ability of unique leaders, like him, to mobilize youth to change systemic wrongs, made these leaders unique targets for oligarchical rage.

    As former Attorney General Ramsey Clark said, the LaRouche case constitutes ‘a broader range of deliberate cunning and systemic misconduct over a longer period of time, using the power of the federal government’s resources than any other prosecution by the US government in my time or to my knowledge.’ Nothing like the combined deployment of the media in defamation campaigns and the full scope coordinated legal assault composed of federal and state criminal frameups, civil suits, and ultimately, the government instigated bankruptcy of the publishers of LaRouche’s ideas, had ever happened before. It was meant to demonstrate for all of history what happens to a genius whose mission is to upend a system treating human beings as so many cattle and replace it with a revolutionary new culture recognizing individual human beings as made in the image of the creator—someone who was demonstrating considerable success in this mission. This atrocity is now mirrored in the coup against Donald Trump. Americans rising up to study and act upon LaRouche’s ideas and building a political movement to exonerate him is the bold and necessary step which the present historical situation demands.

    As with Joan of Arc or Sir Thomas More, LaRouche’s ideas, corresponding to the long arc of justice, will prevail if we choose to make it so.

    Ben Deniston (LaRouchePAC)

    LaRouche PAC

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    Recognizing Bogus Research & Dissecting the Stats





    With so many experts on firearms-related topics — Diane Feinstein, Hillary Clinton, news reporters on CNN — we’re bombarded daily with “facts” we know aren’t quite right. Sometimes, these so-called facts are even absurd, but are nonchalantly paraded around by the media to support their gun control agenda. How do we, the responsible gun owners, prove the falsehood? Recognizing the difference between fact and fiction is one of the most important skills in the Second Amendment advocate’s arsenal.

    Of course, recognizing the falsehood and explaining why something is false are two different skills. Both of them, however, require that we know the real facts. If we can fight the lies with facts based upon reliable, explainable research, we win. Raw, simple truths without skewed numbers, tossed out data, or deleted parts of an interview, cannot be denied.

    When it comes to this kind of honest data, some of the most reliable, unbiased facts are researched and provided to us by Dr. John Lott Jr., founder and president of the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC).

    Lott is an economist, author, and a world-recognized expert on guns and crime. He’s a Fox News columnist. Among economists, business and law professors his research is currently the 25th most downloaded in the world. He has authored articles and numerous books, including More Guns, Less Crime and recently, The War on Guns.

    RECOIL: Can you tell us a little bit about the CPRC?
    John Lott: The Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) is a nonprofit corporation. We do not accept donations from gun or ammunition makers or organizations, such as the NRA or any other organizations involved in the gun control debate on either side of the issue. Our goal is to provide an objective and accurate scientific evaluation of both the costs and benefits of gun ownership as well as policing activities.

    The CPRC conducts academic quality research on the relationship between laws regulating the ownership or use of guns, crime, and public safety; educates the public, including journalists and politicians, on the results of our research; and supports other organizations, projects, and initiatives in conducting and publishing similar research by providing direct financial support, sharing data, and providing technical assistance.

    What are some of the biggest lies the media tells us about guns?
    JL: Well, there’s a big debate coming up about the concealed carry reciprocity bill that has been introduced in Congress. Claims have been made by the Violence Policy Center and the New York Times that over the last 10 years, there were over 900 homicides committed by concealed carry permit holders. If you review the data, the largest single category of these deaths are suicides, but even then, the numbers are just completely bogus. Forty percent of the cases are supposedly from Michigan, and 79 of them were manslaughter and 300 were suicides.

    If you review the data, cases that are being reported as gun violence, so-called “bad” cases, are actually justifiable shootings, what we would call “good” cases. These good cases are counted as bad.

    Another problem is that they counted pending cases, rather than actual convictions. If a case is pending or just a news story, it may be a justifiable homicide, and any charges are quickly dropped. What we found is that these arrests, even if the shooting was justifiable, are still getting reported and included in their numbers as homicides. One justifiable shooting could result in four different charges that are later dropped, but that shooting, a good case, gets counted as four bad cases (homicides) in their numbers.

    Back to the suicides. The suicides are a huge part of the bogus data. Each year, the Michigan State Police compares numbers with the Department of Health. They compare the number of concealed carry permit holders with those who commit suicide and match the two lists up together. Most suicides are committed at home and without guns. Why count those suicides committed in the person’s home as gun violence? You don’t need a concealed carry permit to kill yourself in your home with a gun.

    If you compare the suicide rate for permit holders in Michigan to the rate that everybody in Michigan commits suicide, permit holders commit suicide at just 40 percent the rate of the general adult population. In other words, the general population is much more likely to commit suicide than permit holders are.

    Even if the numbers were even remotely accurate, and they’re not, you have over 16,000,000 permit holders in the U.S. right now, so try to look at the rate which suicide would occur.

    The New York Times keeps bringing this up all the time, even though their conclusion is bogus.

    What are some of the differences between solid research versus skewed statistics?
    JL: In The War on Guns, I go into this in detail. There are so many false claims that are out there. People conducting the bogus research will try to look at data a lot of different ways before they report it. They toss out the studies that don’t support the conclusions they want to reach, and they use studies with requirements that purposefully falsify the data. For example, if you are conducting non-biased, objective research, and you have people flip a coin 20 times, you will likely get data that shows an even number of heads versus tails, so 10 heads and 10 tails. But if you want a biased study, you might collect your data after telling subjects that they can only pick five heads, and then claim that the coin isn’t fair.

    Another indicator of biased research is studies where data has just been thrown out and disregarded. A researcher better have a damn good reason for why they’re throwing out data. We find that people reporting false statistics won’t use all the years or all the states where the data is available. Instead, they’ll ignore certain years or they will just look at D.C. or another location. Whenever a study does not include all the available data, data that includes all the years for which it is available and for all the places it is available, you should be on alert.

    What about the statistics of gun violence in America versus other parts of the world?
    JL: One of the worst comparisons that people make involves using cross-sectional data. Look at the United Kingdom. People report the low homicide rate, strict gun control laws, and relatively few guns and reach the conclusion that the UK must have a low homicide rate because of the strict gun control. The problem is that the UK had an even lower homicide rate before they ever passed their strict gun control laws. There are lots of reasons why crime rates or homicide rates vary across places that have nothing to do with gun control.

    The UK has always had an amazingly low firearm homicide rate. London, a city of over 8-million people, would have only two gun homicides a year before they had any gun control. It is important to look at how crime rates change before and after laws occur and also, compare how the numbers change relative to other places that are not changing their laws over a period of time.

    The CPRC website reports that “Every place that has been banned guns (either all guns or all handguns) has seen murder rates go up. You cannot point to one place where murder rates have fallen, whether it’s Chicago or D.C. or even island nations such as England, Jamaica, or Ireland.” Have any gun control laws that you have studied produced a beneficial effect for society?
    JL: No. To explain the data that gets reported but says otherwise, we need to address what is called panel data. Panel data means you need to have changes in laws in multiple places over the period of time that you’re studying. If only a state law is changed, the data from the change in state law can be misleading. You need a national change in laws that will affect every state to conduct solid research, and even then, it can be difficult to reach a conclusion on what effect a law has had on the crime rates.

    Let’s use the United States Supreme Court case of Miranda v. Arizona as an example. After that decision came out in 1966, requiring law enforcement officers to advise suspects of their right to remain silent, there was an increase in crime. Some people reported that the increase in crime was due to the fact that the Miranda decision made it harder to produce evidence in court.

    Is it possible that it had an impact? Sure, but you will never prove it because there were three other United States Supreme Court decisions around the same time that also dealt with crime. We don’t know which one had the effect. Was it all four, or one or two or three of them? On top of it, there were so many other things changing nationally during the 1960s that make it even more difficult to reach a conclusion on why the crime rates increased during that time period.

    Is there any research or topics that you think readers should know about — maybe something that hasn’t gotten much attention?
    JL: I recently published an article about the supposed biases in police shootings. This paper was the product of research conducted with Carlisle E. Moody, published July 21, 2017, called “Do White Police Officers Unfairly Target Black Suspects?”

    We collected data for three years on all the police shootings. We gathered a lot of information about the person who was shot, such as their age, race, gender, and things like the time of day, where the shooting occurred, whether the person shot was armed or not and if so, what they were armed with, and whether the person shot was involved in commission of a crime or was suicidal.

    This is data that is missed by the CDC and the FBI. We found that the FBI missed 1,333 cases and the CDC missed 741 cases entirely. Our study found no difference in the rate that black or white officers shot black people. There was no statistically significant difference and nothing to indicate racism by white officers. This research is the largest study done on the individual level by far. The paper is available at

    I also continue to promote the work we’ve done in the past that indicated that when more concealed carry permit holders are in an area, we see a big drop in firearm-related crime, and we also see the deaths of police officers go down.


    Thankfully for gun owners, Dr. Lott has dedicated his career to seeking out the truth, and providing us with the factual ammunition we need to combat the lies. His book, The War on Guns, provides a much more in-depth look at the lies and the facts. As the book explains, data that a lot of gun owners might expect to be factual, such as the FBI database, can be incredibly dishonest. The CPRC website,, provides us with very useful data and the full text of many articles. To support the effort to find the truth, donations can be made to the CPRC on their website as well.


    Alex Kincaid is a former elected district attorney and current firearms law attorney with over 20 years experience. She’s an active proponent of the Second Amendment, a legal analyst, and author. Alex hosts an online show highlighting current firearms law-related news called The AK Show.

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    EXCLUSIVE: Imprisoned Abortionist Gosnell Has Doubts About Spread Of Democrats’ Third-Trimester Abortion Laws


    William Davis | Contributor


    Convicted abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell appears worried that more states are not considering late-term abortion laws like those passed in New York and introduced in Virginia, in an email obtained by The Daily Caller.

    Gosnell expresses his “doubts” in the email sent from prison that “rural conservative” Pennsylvania would consider laws legalizing abortion up until birth. The piece of communication was part of correspondence between Gosnell and film producers of the movie “Gosnell,” and its veracity was verified by the Caller. (RELATED: ‘Gosnell’ Is A Sobering Depiction Of Evil Hidden In Plain Sight)

    Screenshot Via The Daily Caller

    Gosnell was convicted of first degree murder in 2013 after killing infants that survived his failed abortions, as well as involuntary manslaughter after a woman died in his care. (RELATED: ‘House Of Horrors’ Abortion Clinic Site To Be Auctioned Off In 2019)

    Following his conviction, Gosnell claimed that his murderous practices would be “vindicated.”

    “It helps that I very strongly believe myself to be innocent of the heinous crimes of which I am accused,” Gosnell said at the time. “I sort of understand the circumstances and I continue to feel optimistic of the eventual outcome … the vindication of what I’ve done, why I’ve done it and how — [it] will all become accepted within my lifetime. It’s out of sight and out of my control. But I feel strongly that that will occur.”

    Now, a few years later, the state of New York has passed a law that allows doctors to perform abortions up until the infant’s due date, and similar laws have been considered in several other states.

    Earlier this year, when Democratic Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam suggested that babies in the dilation stage would be subject to a discussion between the doctor and the mother, some saw the comments as a fulfillment of Gosnell’s prophecy. (RELATED: Gov Northam: ‘I Don’t Have Any Regrets’ About Infanticide Comments)

    Is Gosnell close to being vindicated?

    Phelim McAleer, who along with Ann McElhinney wrote and produced the film “Gosnell,” based on the true story, questions if Gosnell would be convicted today.

    “Ralph Northam put Gosnell into a grey area,” McAleer said. “Ralph Northam showed it was OK for a baby to die after a botched abortion.”

    While Northam’s comments don’t go as far as Gosnell’s actions did, McAleer fears his comments could create reasonable doubt in the mind of a jury if a similar case popped up today.

    “Previously, it had been accepted that a baby that survived an abortion could not be killed either by action or inaction,” McAleer said. “Northam’s comments would put doubt in the mind of a jury, the New York law puts doubt in the mind of a jury.”

    Follow William Davis on Twitter

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    California County OKs 400K-Acre Wildlife Corridor



    By Stephen Frank,  California Political News and Views

    On the basis of saving the forest (instead of cleaning the forest, Ventura County is taking 400,000 acres of land out of service to the public.  Oh, they will also “save” the animals—as if the deer and rats can read and know to stay within the protected acreage.

    “A Southern California county put the finishing touches on a first-of-its-kind wildlife corridor Tuesday that will protect important pathways for animals to pass between critical habitats and into Los Padres National Forest.

    The wildlife corridor in Ventura County covers 400,000 acres and includes more than 150,000 acres of private land. Sections stretch from the Pacific Coast into the mountains.

    The main aim is to provide restrictions on development to provide adequate pathways for wildlife to pass through rural and semirural parts of Ventura County.

    This is not about saving the forests—it is about using excuses to steal private property.  Of course, there will be no property tax paid on the 150,000 acres stolen—so how will the County make up for that short fall?  Higher taxes.


    Related article: Board of Supervisors Push through Wildlife Corridor in Major Blow to Property Owners

    Stephen Frank: Is the the publisher and editor of the California Political News and Views.  Mr. Frank speaks all over California and appears as a guest on several radio shows each week. He has also served as a guest host on radio talk shows and is a full time political consultant.

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    Camarillo | District Based Elections Public Hearing #2

    Camarillo, California – The Camarillo City Council will determine line drawing criteria to establish City Council district boundaries at their public hearing of March 27, which is the second public hearing for the composition of the City’s voting districts.

    The first public hearing, held on February 27, 2019, introduced the public engagement process and began the discussion regarding criteria for the selection of districts. National Demographics Corporation, the consultant team hired by the City, provided an introduction to the topic and explained the purpose of the public hearing. No decisions were made at the February 27 public hearing.

    On March 27, 2019, the City Council will convene the second public hearing in this redistricting process. The purpose of this second public hearing is to allow for continued public engagement and discussion regarding criteria for the selection of districts. The City Council will hold a public hearing; receive and consider public comment regarding the composition of the City Council voting districts, including whether or not to have a Mayor elected at large; allow for further discussion by the City Council; and, ultimately the City Council will consider approval of a Resolution setting forth the criteria for the drawing of district boundaries and the desired number of districts.

    The public hearing will be held on March 27, 2019, beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the Camarillo City Hall Council Chambers located at 601 Carmen Drive in Camarillo

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    Pay attention, Class! The books ARE salacious!

     By Ginny Bryce

    Recently, the Conejo Valley Unified School District (CVUSD) board approved a new book selection and opt-out policy. They called it “Selection and Evaluation of Instructional Materials.”

    The book policy that was initially passed by the previous board “ensured that parents knew what books their kids were reading in school, and let them know they had the right to opt-out of those books if they chose. But the new Board majority does not like that policy and is moving to get it reversed.”

    Conejo Valley Unified School District in Thousand Oaks is facing a revolt of parents who do not want their children to be forced to read books that sexually exploit their children.

    The purpose of school is to educate our children, and this education also comes from books that are required or assigned.  What does the school district want to teach these children?

    What lessons for life are learned by our children in reading “The Bluest Eye” by Toni Morrison and Snow Falling on Cedars by David Guterson?

    Would you want your child or grandchild to learn how to rape their child when they get older? (The Bluest Eye),

    Do you want your daughter or granddaughter to think that is what fathers do? (The Bluest Eye)

    How is the information of reading about a girl feeling the private parts of a boy – to help children in the future? (Snow Falling on Cedars)       

    California schools were rated 10th from the bottom among the 50 states and Washington DC in recent rating. Nearly across the board in multiple categories graded by the magazine Education Week, California scored below the national average.

    California ranked 41st in conditions that help children succeed, 39th in school finance, and 30th in achievement. 

    Do you think these books will help the children bring up the averages of California Schools?  IF SO HOW?

    Harvey Weinstein and more than 150 prominent people have been accused in the #MeToo movement against sexual harassment.

    Let’s not train a new generation of #MeToo offenders through these salacious books!

    Ginny Bryce is a longtime Camarillo resident with a keen interest in keeping tabs on and writing about political goings-on, locally and nationally. Ginny is also the Americanism Chair for the Camarillo Republican Women Federated. Click  here   to find a club near you! 

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    UN Summit Seeks “New World Order” to “Transform the Way We Live”


    Under the guise of saving the planet from supposedly dangerous humans, plastics, and free markets, governments and dictators attending the Fourth United Nations Environment Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya, adopted declarations to hijack control of the global economy and “transform the way we live.” Among the key goals of the UN’s “bold blueprint for change,” as the agreement was described, is a “new world order” that makes consumption and production “sustainable.” But in reality, as this magazine has documented extensively, the UN-backed ideology of “sustainable development” has less to do with protecting the environment and more to do with restricting the freedom of human beings. This global “green” new deal makes that clear, too.    

    While UN globalists typically use opaque language to disguise the real agenda, in this case, UN bosses celebrated the emergence of a “new world order” in which the UN’s ideology of “sustainability” will reign supreme. “We are delighted that the world has responded here in Nairobi with firm commitments to build a future where sustainability will be the overarching objective in everything we do,” said UN Environment’s Acting Executive Director Joyce Msuya. “If countries deliver on all that was agreed here and implement the resolutions, we could take a big step towards a new world order where we no longer grow at the expense of nature but instead see people and planet thrive together.”

    The latest conference, held last week under the guidance of the UN, was based on the claim that the planet is in danger due to human activities. In particular, the summit revolved around a new report — conveniently produced by the same UN “environmental” agency hosting the gathering — claiming that environment is doomed unless humanity submits to global controls and regulation. All sorts of discredited hysteria and boogeymen such as predictions of “sea-level rise,” plastic pollution, and “climate crisis” were touted to justify the radical policies being advanced by governments and tyrants at the summit.

    Leaders of the UN conference were hardly shy about revealing the scope of what is being proposed. “The world is at a crossroads but today we have chosen the way forward,” gushed Siim Kiisler, president of the Fourth UN Environment Assembly and the Estonian government’s top environmental official. “We have decided to do things differently. From reducing our dependence on single-use plastics to placing sustainability at the heart of all future development, we will transform the way we live. We have the innovative solutions we need. Now we must adopt the policies that allow us to implement them.” (Emphasis added)

    The controversial ideology of “sustainable development,” which underpins everything the UN Environment Assembly does, claims to be about preserving the planet for future generations. However, critics frequently refer to proponents of this ideology as “watermelons,” because they are “green on the outside, but red on the inside.” And indeed, the 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro made this clear. In fact, it was literally chaired by a Red Chinese Communist. And it took place to promote what the UN and countless officials described as a “green” world order in which central planning and government control of the economy would be crucial.  

    More recently, the UN’s member governments and dictatorships agreed to the Agenda 2030 “Sustainable Development Goals.” Essentially, these goals would re-organize human society, with governments ordered to redistribute wealth within and among nations, indoctrinate all children into the “sustainable development” ideology, seize control of production and consumption, and much more. After the UN scheme was accepted by governments and dictators around the world, the mass-murdering Communist Chinese dictatorship boasted that it played a “crucial role” in creating the UN scheme. Fortunately, despite being signed by Barack Obama, it has never been ratified by the U.S. Senate.

    Heads of state at the latest UN meeting openly demanded a global regulatory regime. Politically toxic French President Emmanuel Macron, a globalist who has virtually no support among his own people, celebrated the exploitation of children as pawns to promote the agenda. “We believe that what we need, given the situation we live in, are real laws, rules that are binding and adopted internationally,” he declared at the UN summit in Nairobi. “Our biosphere faces total devastation. Humanity itself is threatened. We cannot simply respond with some nice-sounding principles without any real impact.” He demanded “faster, more forceful action” to supposedly save the planet from humanity.

    With the American media largely missing in action, the UN body adopted a variety of “declarations” and “resolutions” advancing totalitarian policies and wealth redistribution. For instance, in keeping with the UN Agenda 2030, the UN Environment outfit adopted a “final declaration” demanding that “unsustainable” patterns of “consumption and production” be changed. Of course, governments control production and consumption in totalitarian societies such as Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, and so on — ironically, some of the most poverty-stricken and polluted nations on the planet. In free societies, private-property owners and consumers — free people — make decisions on consumption and production.

    That same UN “declaration” also called for governments to manage the “natural resource base of economic and social development.” In other words, centralized control of natural resources is called for, with private-property owners cut out of the picture. Again, societies based on private property and free markets such as Switzerland, the United States, Japan, and others are among the wealthiest and cleanest, while nations where government controls resources are among the filthiest and most polluted. But according to the UN declaration, said government management and control “are the overarching objectives of, and essential requirements for, sustainable development.”

    In the same UN declaration approved by some 170 governments and dictatorships, the UN called on all governments to develop strategies for controlling and managing resources. “We will improve national resource management strategies with integrated full lifecycle approaches and analysis to achieve resource-efficient and low-carbon economies,” the resolution declared, as if governments were needed or even useful in achieving resource efficiency. In the real world, private economic actors in the market have a vested interest in efficiency, while governments and bureaucracies are unimaginably wasteful. The whole “low-carbon” agenda is based on the demonstrably absurd premise that carbon dioxide — the gas of life — is somehow “pollution.”

    Another one of the key pretexts underpinning the whole UN environmental agenda advanced at the summit was the notion that the world’s oceans are chocking on human waste — especially plastics. But as with so many other environmentalist fear-mongering tactics, the facts show that the scare is largely bogus. In a report for the non-profit Heartland Institute, a coalition of prestigious scientists found that the hysteria, mostly promoted by fringe extremist groups such as Greenpeace, “is largely fabricated, and is based on cherry-picked distortions of the scientific literature.” Indeed, the alleged crisis simply is not real, the scientists found.    

    And yet, despite being based on fraud and baseless fear-mongering, the UN Environment Assembly adopted a resolution demonizing plastics and committed to create a “multi-stakeholder platform within UN Environment to take immediate action towards the long-term elimination of litter and microplastics.” Another resolution adopted by the UN outfit called on governments and dictators to address the alleged problem of marine litter by waging war on plastics that consumers and producers use to do everything from packaging and transporting food to delivering crucial healthcare supplies. Among other demands, the declaration called for “significantly reducing single-use plastic.” As usual, the poor will be the most hard-hit from the UN’s war on markets, low-price goods, and efficiency.

    The UN deal comes shortly after the environmental movement in the United States, which has received funding and support from the Kremlin to undercut U.S. energy production, became a global laughing stock with the “Green New Deal” proposed by Representative Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.). Among other absurdities, the proposal, which has strong support among radical Democrats in Congress, calls for eliminating “farting cows” and air travel within the next decade. Unfortunately, this “green” agenda represents a global movement to expand the size and scope of government, restrict human liberty, undermine Western civilization, and centralize power at the regional and global level. Americans must continue to resist.

    Republished by permission from The New American

    Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, has been at many of the UN climate summits over the last decade. He can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU or on Facebook.

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    UN Agenda 2030: A Recipe for Global Socialism

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    China: Staking Claim in the New World Order

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    UN “Environmental” Schemes Advance World Government

    The Real Agenda Behind UN “Sustainability” Unmasked

    Common Core and UN Agenda 21: Mass Producing Green Global Serfs

    UN Report for Rio+20 Outlines Top-down “Green” World Order

    Lawless “Billionaire Club” Behind Green Scam, Senate Study Finds

    The Real Green in Fedgov’s “Green Energy”

    UN Bosses Secretly Plot Global Govt Through “Green Economy” for Rio+20

    Exposing the Green World Order

    UN Plans $45 Trillion Cost for “Going Green”


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    Veterans Pathway to Citizenship Workshop | March 23, 2019

    Veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces may be eligible for expedited citizenship due to their military service. The CalVet Minority Veterans Division has partnered with El Concilio and Blanchard Community Library to provide free legal assistance to veterans seeking citizenship and/or naturalization services. Additionally, veterans will have the opportunity to learn about state and federal benefits they have earned.


    For more information, [email protected] | 916-651-3054

    Click here to register …

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    Simi Valley | D.N.A. , C.S.I. , and good old fashion detective work nabs a residential burglar!

    Simi Valley Police Department – Incident Press Release


    In October of 2018, a residential burglary occurred in the 2700 block of Woodrow Avenue. The suspect in this case broke into the home while the residents were asleep inside and stole several valuables. While inside the home, the suspect located the keys to the victim’s 2006 Jaguar and stole that as well. During the burglary, the suspect errantly dropped a bandanna inside the victim’s home. 

    The day after the burglary, the victim’s vehicle was recovered in the 5200 block of Los Angeles Avenue. A diligent patrol officer processed the victim’s vehicle for fingerprints. A single fingerprint was recovered from the driver’s side door of the victim’s vehicle. 

    This case was assigned the Simi Valley Police Department’s Property Crimes unit. The assigned Detective submitted the fingerprint for identification and comparison. Additionally, the Detective submitted the discarded bandanna to be processed for D.N.A.. 

    In the beginning of March, 2019, the handling Detective received word from the forensic laboratory that the D.N.A. on the bandanna and the fingerprint recovered from the stolen car were from the same suspect. The suspect was identified as 22-year-old Jonathan Maldonado of Los Angeles. 

    On March 19, 2019, Maldonado was located by the Simi Valley Detective Unit in the City of Santa Monica. He was subsequently arrested and charged with Burglary and Grand Theft Auto. His bail was set at $50,000.

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    Fillmore | Suspect Arrested for Multiple Counts of Attempted Murder

    Esteban Reyes

    Ventura County Sheriff Department – Incident Press Release

    The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office concluded a lengthy investigation into two separate gang related shootings that occurred in the City of Fillmore. The first incident involved a suspect who shot two victims as they sat in a parked vehicle in the 800 block of 3rd Street on 12/17/2017. The second incident involved a suspect who shot a victim in the 800 block of 4th Street on 12/24/2018.

    Through continued collaboration bet

    ween the Fillmore Police Department, Sheriff’s Gang Unit, Sheriff’s Special Crimes Unit and the Sheriff’s Major Crimes Unit, detectives identified Esteban Reyes as the suspect in both crimes. On 03/12/2019, Reyes was arrested for three counts of 664/187 PC – Attempted Murder and 186.22(a) PC- Street Terrorism. Reyes was in Sheriff’s custody for an unrelated case involving criminal threats and brandishing of a weapon at the time of the arrest. Reyes’ bail has been set at $4,120,00.00 and he is scheduled to appear in Ventura County Superior Court today.


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