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    Eber: Give universal suffrage to Chickens



    Richard Eber, California Political News and Views

    A crisis is brewing in Washington D.C.  There is a possibility that the Supreme Court will allow Donald Trump to build his wall with Mexico and drastically reduce the number of undocumented aliens crossing our borders.

    It is feared that over time, this will reduce the inventory of potential Democratic voters for upcoming elections.  In addition there is concern that if Hispanics become prosperous because of less completion from inexpensive labor sources, they will not automatically vote from Progressive candidates put forth by the Democratic National Committee (DNC)

    These liberals have concluded the cause of keeping Donald Trump from being elected to a second term is so important that no chances can be taken in making sure he is defeated. Increasing the pool of eligible voters is a top priority.

    The thought of giving sheep the opportunity to cast their ballots has been seriously considered. One positive aspect is these animals are such excellent followers.  They would not blink with the national debt falling off the fiscal cliff.  However there is a problem of not having a high enough of a lamb population in the USA to influence close elections.

    Apparently there is too much product being imported from New Zealand.  Unfortunately, frozen meat cannot be converted, even if cooked rare into naturalized citizens in order to be eligible to vote.

    Goats are not dependable enough and mules are too stubborn so Democratic strategists have come up with the idea of granting universal suffrage to chickens in order to defeat the President. Support has quickly come from Congressional leaders including Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.  Just think of the possibilities? With Chicken Little on your side, negative advertising would work every time.

    A bill was just introduced in the Senate by Kamala Harris (D -California) to offer voting rights to at least 800 million of these birds.  Critics contend Harris is little better than poultry because she is constantly having her feathers ruffled, easily goes off “half cocked” and has been known to  be running around like a chicken with its head cut off with many of her views.

    Favorable backing of chicken suffrage has come quickly from the animal rights groups.  PETA   in particular, has long been in opposition of the poor conditions these birds have been forced to endure during their brief lifetimes. A spokesperson for the organization said “The intelligence, kindness, and sensitivity of chicken can play an important role in the American political system.  Once they can vote, we can work to eliminate the genocidal conditions they have had to endure over the years.”

    Those in the DNC have a different view of molding the chicken vote to help create the Progressive Society they dream of.  Party leaders hope to have farmers grant them proxies to control the votes of their flocks.  These rights would be grandfathered in such a way that they would have the proxies of at least 100 generations of these birds. The DNC believes this stipulation in the legislation would enable them to overcome the problem of “counting your chickens before they are hatched” as happened in 2016.

    With this in mind Democrats plan on creating new Poultry Rights legislation.  With Nancy Pelosi in charge, it is believed new laws could be passed denying farmers from slaughtering chickens within 90 days of a presidential election.  During this time every bird could appeal their death sentences in Federal Court.  Should chickens not have access to an attorney, the government would provide a public defender to represent them.

    If any chicken is incarcerated, they would need to be humanly treated and be given at least 2 meters per bird of grazing space. In addition these fryers would be given the option of munching on organic or glutton free products made from scratch.  Bird rights advocates contend that when their case is on appeal, chickens planning  on flying the coup, much like illegal aliens, should be freed without  bail for at least six months or until their case can be heard

    Jury trials are being planned to see if chickens should be set free or sent to the gallows to become McNuggets.  In a case just unsealed we see a transcript of a therapy session of chicken trying to avoid the death penalty

    Psychiatrist: What seems to be your problem?

    Patient: I think I’m a chicken.

    Psychiatrist: How long has this condition been going on?

    Patient: Well, ever since I came out of my shell.

    Psychiatrist:  Are you afraid?

    Patient: Of course, I’m chicken!

    Democrats explain that giving chicken suffrage will have a positive effect on American Society. It will take away from the racist notion of voters being stupid and “bird brained”.  Also civil rights advocates point out there is great diversity with this new voting block as chickens are equally representing by dark meat (thighs-drumsticks versus breasts and wings.) As a bonus, the feet are shipped to China.

    Strangely enough President Trump, who prides himself in being the Rooster and Chief, sees that if Chickens are given the right to vote, it may be possible to have Hillary Clinton as an opponent once again.  Bill has already cut a deal with fellow Arkansas poultry power Tyson. It stipulates that as long as Hillary does not place Colonial Sanders in her “Basket of Deplorables.”, they will support her candidacy.

    Republicans are crying “foul” in trying to deter their Democratic foes to engage in blatant vote harvesting utilizing chickens.  They want to limit the number of birds eligible to vote by instituting mandatory birth control, even if such tactics are disliked by their base.

    GOP leaders also oppose the attempts of Democrats to keep roosters from being able to cast ballots on Election Day. Progressives are concerned with work habits of these male birds of getting up at the crack of dawn to do their jobs.  Such strong work ethic they believe will make these roosters become the conservative Republicans of tomorrow.

    The GOP in California has no way of attracting chickens or anyone else to their flock of supporters.  The State Party is on life support while remaining legislators have little hope of stemming the flight of whatever votes they might have controlled in the past.

    Democrats intend on successfully gaining the chicken vote at all costs.   Along with the ballot harvesting they accomplished in Orange County in 2018 to elect new House members and legislators, they likely cannot be stopped in creating their ultimate Marxist utopia in California.

    While hanging out at their country clubs to commensurate their fall from power, Republicans will likely is replaced by a new Green PETA Party of vegetarians who hope to reduce Greenhouse Gases by banning cows from residing in the Golden State.

    If this takes place, it might be time for us to leave California in order to join our Longhorn friends in Texas.

    Richard Eber studied journalism at the University of Oregon. He writes about politics, culture, education restaurants, and was former city and sports editor of UCSB Daily. Richard is president of Amerasa Rapid Transit, a specialized freight forwarder.

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    CAHP Credit Union Establishes Memorial Fund for CHP Officer John Tanner


    Antelope Valley, CA — On March 15, 2019, Officer John Tanner passed away after a courageous battle with cancer. Officer Tanner was only recently diagnosed with an inoperable tumor on his spinal cord, which had limited all movement and feeling in his legs and restricted sensation and mobility in his upper body and arms. He was in the process of undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatment prior to his passing.

    Officer Tanner was a husband and a loving father of two boys. He and his wife, Jessie, are also expecting their first daughter later this year.

    He was highly respected and was held with the utmost esteem by his peers at Antelope Valley CHP. 

    His spirit was indomitable.  Officer Tanner was positive, strong-willed, and motivated to fight every day.  He exemplified courageousness, wanting very much to be an example to his children. He was battling not only for himself, but for the public he served, his coworkers, and especially his family.

    “The loss of Officer Tanner brings sadness to everyone. We are honored to have seen the same heroism that he exhibited on the field every day,” said Brad Houle, CAHP Credit Union President. “He will be greatly missed by his wife, children, family, peers and the community he gave his life to protect. His family will be in our thoughts and prayers.”

     The CAHP Credit Union has established a memorial fund in honor of Officer Tanner. One-hundred percent of all donations received will go directly to Officer Tanner’s wife and children.  The CAHP Credit Union is covering all processing fees and administrative responsibilities. 

    Donations can be made on the CAHP Credit Union website ( or mailed to:

    Officer Johnathan Tanner Memorial Fund

    CAHP Credit Union

    P.O. Box 276507

    Sacramento, CA 95827-6507


    CAHP Credit Union has a membership of over 18,000 and is dedicated to matching the integrity, judgement and courtesy displayed by our peace officer members every day, in providing financial services whenever and wherever they need access to CAHP Credit Union.

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    The Left’s Revolution by Other Means: AFA’s Upcoming Conference


    The Long March Through the Institutions

    ·         AFA’s March Book Discussion Group

    ·  Save the Date!

    AFA’s YouTube Channel

    We’ve been building our YouTube library – have you checked it out yet?  Take a look now right here

    Keep Up With Us

    The Long March Through the Institutions

    The Left’s Revolution By Other Means

    May 5, 10AM at the Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel

    An American Freedom Alliance all-day conference

    Tickets available here

    You’ve no doubt noticed that, somehow, over the years, the Left has infiltrated and undermined every single one of our civic institutions, including academia, entertainment, media and religious institutions among others.  Well, this is hardly coincidence, and in fact has been a very coherent and deliberate undertaking crafted about 100 years ago.  When the “workers of the world” didn’t “unite” to throw off their chains, despite the exhortation by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, another plan was devised, and this has been called the “Long March Through the Institutions.”  Join us May 5th as we explore the philosophy, strategy, tactics, planning and consequences of this “Revolution by other means” and learn how all of it, ALL of it, fits together.  Which, of course, helps in strategizing about how to preserve all that they’re seeking to undermine.

    You will not want to miss this eye-opener of a conference.

    Speakers include:
    David Horowitz
    Trevor Loudon
    Michael Walsh
    Larry Sand
    Pete Peterson
    William Voegeli
    Barak Lurie
    Bill Whittle
    and others being added every day

    Tickets are available here

    Sponsorship opportunities available:
    Speaker Sponsorship: $2,000 –  includes two tickets to the conference
    Session Sponsorship: $8,000 – includes four tickets to the conference 
    Golden Sponsorship: $10,000 – includes four tickets to the conference, and membership in our Freedom Circle
    Platinum Sponsorship: $25,000 – includes ten tickets to the conference and membership in our Freedom Circle

    Sponsors at any of these levels will also be honored with your name on all our materials, invitation for two to the VIP dinner May 4th,  and VIP seating at the conference.

    For more information, contact Karen Siegemund at [email protected]


    AFA’s March Book Discussion Group

    March 27th, 7PM at the Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel

    This month’s AFA book selection is Michael Walsh’s The Devil’s Pleasure Palace:  The Cult of Critical Theory and the Subversion of the West.
    It’s a truly remarkable work, one that I’m taking two passes through myself and I know that subsequent reads will reveal even more. 
    We chose it for its depth, and also because this is the topic of our upcoming conference at which Michael Walsh, the author, will be a speaker.  So it’s a great lead into the topic.
    Personally, I found it’s changed my perspective on so many things, even beyond the issue of the cultural subversion…. but I leave all that to our conversation on March 27th.

    For more information, you can watch his talk at the Institute of World Politics here or listen to his interview with Dennis Prager here.  
    In addition, Victor Davis Hanson discussed the book in the latter portion of this essay 

    We’ll get together at the bar area of the Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel on Wednesday, March 27th at 7 PM but I hope we’ll be able to move to a different area.  And even if you haven’t had the chance to read or finish the book, join us anyway for what is sure to be a fun and informative evening!

    We hope to see you there!

    Save the Date!

    The title isn’t firm yet, but the date and topic are, and we are thrilled to announce our October conference:


    Global Freedom Movements

    October 5 and 6 
    a two-day conference

    Yes, the news is full of a lot of lunacy these days.  But what is also apparent is a wind – a STRONG wind – of freedom gusting across the globe.  Brazil’s new President Bolsonaro; Austria’s new Chancellor Sebastian Kurz; increasing countries in Europe standing for their own sovereignty including of course the Brexit movement; France’s “Yellow Vest” uprisings – these are just a few examples of freedom movements arising around the world.  
    Join us for this extraordinary two-day conference where we bring together many of the key players from all over to hear the stories of  the battles they’re waging, the successes and challenges they’re facing, and what we can do to empower these freedom fighters.

    The first conference, of course, tees up the second: there’s no doubt that much of what these freedom fighters are battling are the results of the Left’s too-successful Long March. 

    You won’t want to miss it. 

    More information and links for reservations and sponsorship opportunities coming soon. But for now, be sure to save the date.  

    Become a Member of AFA and be part of this exceptional community

    The American Freedom Alliance is on the front lines of the battle against those who seek to destroy our culture and our freedoms.  We give voice to those who speak the truth, even in the face of the relentless efforts to silence them, and silence us.  We host conferences and lectures to educate on issues that others labor tirelessly to quash.  Because of our being on the SPLC “Hate List” – it would be funny if it weren’t so serious – a number of avenues of fundraising are denied us, so we are dependent on requests like these to keep our doors open, our website up, our events realized.  So please, we urge you – give once, give monthly, but please give.  Every dollar counts.  

    American Freedom Alliance

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    Ventura | Armed Robbery Suspect Gets Cuffed

    Ventura Police Department – Incident Press Release

    Over the past several weeks, Detectives with the Special Enforcement Team and Major Crimes were able to identify Jonathan Sabalza as the suspect in the listed armed robberies.

    Arrest was made in the 6300 block of Whipoorwill Street on 3/18/19 at 6:00 AM.

    The robberies occurred:

    #1) Chevron, 3477 Telegraph (occurred on 1/30/19 @ 12:30 AM)
    #2) Circle K, 3506 E. Main Street (occurred on 3/3/19 @ 4:25 AM)

    On 3/18/19, at approximately 0600 hours, Ventura Police Major Crimes, Special Enforcement Team and Street Crimes Unit Detectives, along with patrol and K9, located Sabalza hiding in an apartment in the 6300 block of Whippoorwil Street in Ventura. After a brief standoff, the suspect came out of the apartment and was arrested. During a subsequent search, the handgun used in both robberies was located.

    No one was injured as a result of this incident.

    A review of the Ventura County Superior Court website shows that Sabalza has two open cases from 2018 for charges of felony evading an officer, hit and run, possession of a controlled substance, and a prior conviction in 2017 for resisting arrest.

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    Ventura City Fire Puts Out Blaze at Single Family Resident


    On March 17th at 7:37 PM a 911 call was received at the Fire Communication Center to report a structure fire at a residence in the 200 block of Dayloma Ave.  Fire personnel arrived on scene within minutes of the initial call and found the residents who stated that a bedroom was on fire.  Fire personnel ensured that all occupants were out of the residence and began an aggressive fire attack and search for additional victims.  The seat of the fire was located near an electrical outlet in a rear bedroom. The fire consumed a 4×4 section of an interior wall and some personal items near the outlet.  Firefighters knocked down and extinguished the fire within 12 minutes of initial 911 call. A primary search of the residence confirmed that there were no additional victims in the residence, however, one resident did sustain a minor medical emergency while evacuating the residence.  Fire department paramedics treated and released the patient and no other injuries were reported. 

    Firefighters coordinated with Ventura Building and Safety to determine the final disposition of the home and Red Cross provided temporary housing to the residents.  The estimated damage to the structure was approximately five thousand dollars and personal losses were estimated to be two thousand. The final cause of the fire remains under investigation.

    The Ventura City Fire Department would like to remind the public to ensure that all residences businesses have working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and have an evacuation plan. 

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    Port Hueneme | Vehicle hit with Bullets – 6 Year Old Passenger Inside

    Port Hueneme Police Department – Incident Press Release

    On Sunday, March 17, 2019 at 9:48 PM, Officers from the Port Hueneme Police Department responded to several calls of shots fired in the area of the 2500 Block of Rudder Avenue, Port Hueneme.

    When the Officers arrived in the area the victim, a 26-year-old resident of Port Hueneme flagged down an Officer near Hemlock Street and Tiller Avenue.  The victim told the Officer he was driving south on Rudder Avenue with his 6-year-old son, who was seated in the back of his vehicle.  The victim heard several gun shots and realized his vehicle had been hit by bullets.  The victim quickly accelerated and left the area while calling the police.

    The victim’s vehicle was hit four times with two of the bullets traveling through the front passenger window.  One of the rounds went through the right rear window and one other hit the rear passenger door.  Both the victim and his son were uninjured, but were almost hit by the bullets.

    The Officers located a parked vehicle in the 2500 block of Rudder Avenue which also had been hit by one bullet.

    The suspects were described only as two males with dark hoodies. 

    The investigation is ongoing and anyone with information or questions about this incident can contact Detective Mike Hamrick at the Port Hueneme Police Department (805) 986-6541 or email at [email protected]

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    Shooting in Oxnard – Victim in Stable Condition

    Oxnard Police Department – Incident Press Release

    On March 18, 2019, at about 4:21 AM, Oxnard officers responded to a shooting victim at the intersection of Gibralter Street and Camino Del Sol.  Upon arrival officers located an adult male suffering from a non-life-threatening gunshot wound.  The victim was transported to a local hospital by a private party and he is listed in stable condition.  There is no suspect description available and the investigation is ongoing.

    Anyone with information regarding this case or other criminal activity is encouraged to contact the Oxnard Police Department at (805) 385-7600, or online via the Oxnard Police Department’s website:, and clicking on Report Suspicious Activity.  You can remain anonymous if you choose to do so.  You can also remain anonymous by calling the Ventura County Crime Stoppers at (800) 222-8477. You can also visit this site: to submit a tip via text or email.

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    Victim Drowns off Ventura Shoreline

    On March 17 at 10:18 AM, the Ventura Police Dept Communication Center received a 911 call of a reported victim in distress in the ocean out if front of the 600 Block Harbor Blvd.  Upon further investigation, it was discovered that the victim in distress was a drowning victim. The 911 call was transferred to the Fire Communication Center and a full ocean rescue response was generated. Upon arrival of the first fire resource, it was determined that rescue swimmers were needed to reach the victim who was located approximately 100’ from the shore. Upon reaching the victim, rescue swimmers determined that the victim was deceased. Rescue swimmers recovered the body and with the assistance of the Ventura Harbor Patrol the victim was transported to the Ventura Harbor Patrol Office. Investigators from the Ventura Police.

    Department and the Ventura County Sheriff Department took over the investigation. The cause of the emergency is still under investigation.

    The Ventura City Fire Department would like to remind the public to always swim near an open lifeguard tower, never swim alone and stay vigilant on ocean/beach conditions.

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    March Madness Bracket Released, Duke Gets Top Seed


    David Hookstead | Reporter


    The March Madness bracket was released Sunday, and Duke took the top-overall seed in the tournament.

    The Blue Devils are the number one seed in the East Region, and the Michigan State Spartans take the number two seed. (RELATED: Duke Star Zion Williamson Suffers Sprained Knee In Loss To North Carolina)

    Virginia took the top seed in the South Region after an incredibly successful year for the Cavaliers. The other top teams in the region are Wisconsin, Kansas State, Purdue and Tennessee.

    It think it’s safe to say the South Region is absolutely loaded with talent. All of those top teams are capable of making a run.

    As a Badger fan, we didn’t get an easy road at all.

    As for the Midwest Region, North Carolina takes the top seed. The other top teams in the region are Auburn, Kansas, Kentucky and Houston.

    In the West Region, Gonzaga took the top spot. The other top teams in the region are Marquette, Florida State, Texas Tech, and Michigan.

    A very strong region by every metric.

    You can see the entire bracket below.

    Sound off in the comments with who you’re taking.


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    Cypress Place Promotes Seniors Living Their Best Lives At The 11TH Annual Health And Wealth Expo

    VENTURA, CA – Cypress Place senior living community is pleased to announce the 11th annual Health and Wealth Expo. The annual event promotes the active and engaging lifestyle of Ventura County seniors. This year’s event features 35 local vendors as well as local author, Fawn Parish as keynote speaker.

    The Health and Wealth Expo is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, April 10, at Cypress Place, located at 1200 Cypress Point Lane in Ventura. The event is free and open to the public.

    Over the last 11 years, the expo has featured speakers with incredible stories that inspire seniors across the area. This year’s event will be no different, as local author Fawn Parish presents her book, “Living a Life that Outlives You.”  Parish is the author of eight books that aim to inspire.  She is also a documentary filmmaker and storyteller whose work has been seen in many countries around the world.  Parish will share practical, do-it-right-now ideas on how to find purpose in your life, no matter you

    In addition to enjoying Parish’s uplifting presentation, attendees can get their blood pressure checked, receive glucose screenings, along with balance and hearing tests. Wealth management and veteran benefit consultants will also be on hand to answer any questions. A free healthy gourmet lunch will also be provided.

    Raffle prizes will be given away throughout the event, including one grand prize: a 50’’ HD flat screen TV. Free shuttle parking will also be available at Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura located at 5654 Ralston Street in Ventura.

    Corporate sponsors for the event are Mission Home Health, Meditech Health Services, Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Association, Buena Vista Hospice and UCLA Health. 

    For more information or to RSVP, please call 805-416-8793 or visit the Cypress Place website at

    About Cypress Place

    Cypress Place is located at 1200 Cypress Point Lane in Ventura, CA. As Ventura’s premier senior living community, Cypress Place offers residents a variety of amenities, activities and residential living options. In addition to maintenance-free independent living apartments, residents have access to graduating levels of care, including assisted living and memory care. For more information, call 805-293-4708 or visit

    Cypress Place

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