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    Saint Patrick -“found Ireland all heathen and left it all Christian”

    The Later Eastern Han Dynasty extended sections of the Great Wall of China along its Mongolian borderaround 220 AD.
    This made it harder for the Huns to attack into China, so they turned westward, attacking and displacing tribes throughout Central Asia.
    These tribes migrated further west, overrunning the western borders of the Roman Empire:
    • Visigoths,
    • Ostrogoths,
    • Franks,
    • Anglos,
    • Saxons,
    • Alemanni,
    • Thuringians,
    • Rugians,
    • Jutes,
    • Picts,
    • Burgundians,
    • Lombards,
    • Alans, and
    • Vandals.
    Rome had to withdraw its Legionsfrom other areas of the Empire, such as Britain, in order to place them along the Roman border.
    This left Britain, which had been a Roman territory since the time of Julius Caesar, unprotected.
    Marauding bands and lawless mobs raided Britain’s unprotected Roman settlements, and carried away thousands to sell into slavery in Ireland.
    Ireland was ruled by the bloodthirsty, superstitious pagan Druids.
    Thomas Cahill wrote in How the Irish Saved Civilization(Random House, 1995):
    “Romans, in their first encounters with these exposed, insane warriors, were shocked and frightened … They were howling and, it seemed, possessed by demons, so outrageous was their strength … featuring all the terrors of hell itself.”
    The Druids, from whom Halloween originated, believed that the trees and hills were inhabited by good and evil spirits which had to be appeased.
    Cahill continued::
    “(Druids) sacrificed prisoners of war to the war gods and newborns to the harvest gods.
    Believing that the human head was the seat of the soul, the displayed proudly the heads of their enemies in their temples and on their palisades; they even hung them from their belts as ornaments, used them as footballs in victory celebrations, and were fond of employing skull tops as ceremonial drinking bowls.
    They also sculpted heads – both shrunken, decapitated heads.”
    Patrick’s British name at birth was Sucat, but his Latin name was “Patricius,”meaning “Nobleman.”
    Around 405 A.D., at the age of 16 years old, while working of his father’s farm near the sea, 50 currachs (longboats) filled with raiders weaved their way toward the shore.
    Mary Cagney, author of the article “Patrick The Saint” (Christian History, Issue 60), wrote:
    “With no Roman army to protect them (Roman legions had long since deserted Britain to protect Rome from barbarian invasions), Patricius and his town were unprepared for attack.
    The Irish warriors, wearing helmets and armed with spears, descended on the pebble beach.
    The braying war horns struck terror into Patricius’ heart, and he started to run toward town.
    The warriors quickly demolished the village, and as Patricius darted among the burning houses and screaming women, he was caught. The barbarians dragged him aboard a boat bound for the east coast of Ireland.”
    For six years Patrick herded animals for a Druid chieftain. He later wrote in his life’s story, called The Confession of Saint Patrick:
    “But after I came to Ireland — every day I had to tend sheep, and many times a day I prayed — the love of God and His fear came to me more and more, and my faith was strengthened.
    And my spirit was moved so that in a single day I would say as many as a hundred prayers, and almost as many in the night, and this even when I was staying in the woods and on the mountains; and I used to get up for prayer before daylight, through snow, through frost, through rain …
    … There the Lord opened the sense of my unbelief that I might at last remember my sins and be converted with all my heart to the Lord my God who … comforted me as would a father his son.”
    Then Patrick had a dream, as he wrote:
    “One night I heard in my sleep a voice saying to me: `It is well that you fast, soon you will go to your own country.’
    And again … a voice saying to me: `See, your ship is ready.’ And it was not near, but at a distance of perhaps two hundred miles … Then I took to flight … I went in the strength of God who directed my way … until I came to that ship.”
    Patrick eventually made his way back to Britain and was reunited with what was left of his family.
    Then, when he was about 40 years old, he had another dream calling him back to Ireland as a missionary.
    In his Confession, Patrick wrote:
    “In the depth of the night, I saw a man named Victoricus coming as if from Ireland, with innumerable letters, and he gave me one and while I was reading I thought I heard the voice of those near the western sea call out:
    ‘Please, holy boy, come and walk among us again.’
    Their cry pierced my very heart, and I could read no more, and so I awoke.”
    Patrick returned to Ireland.
    He confronted the Druids,converted chieftains, and used the three-leaf clover to teach the Trinity.
    The Druids tried to ambush and kill P atrick nearly a dozen times:
    “Daily I expect murder, fraud or captivity, but I fear none of these things because of the promises of Heaven …
    The merciful God often freed me from slavery and from twelve dangers in which my life was at stake-not to mention numerous plots …
    God is my witness, who knows all things even before they come to pass, as He used to forewarn even me … of many things by a divine message …
    … I came to the people of Ireland to preach the Gospel, and to suffer insult from the unbelievers …
    I am prepared to give even my life without hesitation and most gladly for His name, and it is there that I wish to spend it until I die.”
    Encyclopedia Britannica stated that Patrickchallenged: “royal authority by lighting the Paschal fire on the hill Slane on the night of Easter Eve. It chanced to be the occasion of a pagan festival at Tara, during which no fire might be kindled until the royal fire had been lit.”
    As Patrick’s fire on the hill of Slane illuminated the countryside, King Loigaire (King Leary) is said to have exclaimed:
    “If we do not extinguish this flame it will sweep over all Ireland.”
    Mary Cagney, in “Patrick the Saint” (Christianity Today,Issue 60), wrote:
    “Predictably, Patrick faced the most opposition from the Druids, who practiced magic … and advised Irish kings.
    Biographies of the saint are replete with stories of Druids who ‘wished to kill holy Patrick’ …
    One biographer from the late 600’s, Muirchu’, described Patrick challenging Druids to contests at Tara …
    … The custom was that whoever lit a fire before the king on that night of the year (Easter’s eve) would be put to death.
    Patrick lit the paschal fire before the king on the hill of Slane.
    The people saw Patrick’s fire throughout the plain, and the king ordered 27 chariots to go and seize Patrick …
    Seeing that the impious heathen were about to attack him, Patrick rose and said clearly and loudly,
    ‘May God come up to scatter his enemies, and may those who hate him flee from his face.’
    By this disaster, caused by Patrick’s curse in the king’s presence because of the king’s order, seven times seven men fell … And the king driven by fear, came and bent his knees before the holy man.'”
    Many miraculous acts were attributed to Patrick.
    The Life and Acts of Saint Patrick was compiled by a 12th century Cistercian Monk of Furnes named Jocelin.
    A popular translation of was done by Edmund L. Swift, Esq., Dublin, in 1809, with elucidations of David Rothe, Bishop of Ossory.
    The Life and Acts of Saint Patrick contains chapters such as:
    • Chapter 68: Of his Journey, & of his manifold Miracles;
    • Chapter 69: the Sick Man cured;
    • Chapter 71 The Dead are raised up; the King & the People are converted;
    • Chapter 78: Nineteen Men are raised by Saint Patrick from the Dead;
    • Chapter 80: The King Echu is raised from Death;
    • Chapter 81: A Man of Gigantic Stature is revived from Death;
    • Chapter 82: Of Another Man who was Buried & Raised Again;
    • Chapter 83: Of the Boy who was torn in pieces by Swine & restored unto Life;
    • Chapter 145: Of a Woman who was raised from Death;
    • Chapter 146: The Testimony of One who was revived from Death;
    • Chapter 172: He banisheth the Demons forth of the Island;
    • Chapter 178: The Soul of a Certain Sinner is by Saint Patrick freed from Demons;
    • Chapter 186: Of the Sick whom he healed, & the Dead whom he raised; & of his Disciples who recorded his Acts.
    In his thirty years of ministry, Saint Patrick is credited with baptizing 120,000 people and founding 300 churches.
    Patrick struggled with an inferiority complex.
    In his Confession, Patrick wrote:
    “I had long had it in mind to write, but up to now I have hesitated. I was afraid lest I should fall under the judgment of men’s tongues because I am not as well read as others….
    As a youth, nay, almost as a boy not able to speak, I was taken captive … Hence to-day I blush and fear exceedingly to reveal my lack of education; for I am unable to tell my story to those versed in the art of concise writing — in such a way, I mean, as my spirit and mind long to do, and so that the sense of my words expresses what I feel.”
    In his letter to Coroticus, he wrote:
    “I, Patrick, a sinner, very badly educated.”
    Coroticus was a tyrant king in Britain who carried off some of Patrick’s converts into slavery.
    “Ravenous wolves have gulped down the Lord’s own flock which was flourishing in Ireland, and the whole church cries out and laments for its sons and daughters.”
    Patrick was the first Christian to speak out strongly against slavery, having himself been a victim.
    Patrick is considered one of the first “abolitionists,” as condemned the deeds of Coroticus, calling them “wicked, so horrible, so unutterable,” and exhorted him to “repent and free the converts.”
    When the Irish converted to Christianity, they abandoned their pagan Druid laws, which Patrick replaced with Bible-based Latin-Irish laws.
    Leslie Hardinge wrote in The Celtic Church in Britain (Random House, 1995):
    “Wherever Patrick went and established a church, he left an old Celtic law book, Liber ex Lege Moisi (Book of the Law of Moses) along with the books of the Gospel.”
    This became called the “Senchus Mor” or “Code of Patrick.”
    On MARCH 17, around 461 AD, Saint Patrick died.
    Following Saint Patrick’s examplewere many courageous Irish missionaries.
    St. Brigid of Kildare (451-525) founded monasteries across Ireland.
    Irish missionaries, such as Columba (521-597) and Columbanus (543-615), sailed back to Britain and Europe, where they evangelized the heathen hordes which had overrun the Roman Empire.
    Irish missionary, St. Brendan (484-577), sailed west and it thought to have discovered North America.
    The Code of Patrick was taken by missionaries to Britain where it laid the foundation for English Common Law, later codified by Alfred the Great (847-899).
    As American law is based on English Common Law,one is struck with the thought that Saint Patrick may have even influenced the legal system in the United States.
    Patrick’s influence was profound that over 1500 years later, there is still a date on the calendar to remember him.
    The World Book Encyclopedia (Chicago, IL: Field Enterprises, Inc., 1957, p. 6142) stated of Saint Patrick:
    “He found Ireland all heathen and left it all Christian.”
    In 597, St. Augustine of Canterbury arrived in England and baptized King Ethelberht and thousands of his subjects.
    Bishops of the Celtic Christian tradition did not submit till the Synod of Whitby Abbey in 664, where King Oswy of Northumbria agreed to come under the authority of the Roman Catholic Church.
    At this time, Patrick was bestowed the title of Saint.
    When the Reformation came to England with Henry VIII, Ireland remained Catholic.
    It was not until after the Battle of Kinsale, 1601, that the British began transplanting 200,000 Presbyterian Lowland Scots into Northern Ireland, creating a Scots-Irish population.
    When England’s King Charles I tried to force these Presbyterians to comply with the Church of England in the 1630s, many fled to the colonies in America.
    In 1641, an Irish Rebellion began the Irish Confederate War, after which thousands more fled to America.
    Oliver Cromwell invaded in the 1650s, causing more Irish Catholics to flee, with some 300,000 being sold into slavery in the English colonies and in the Caribbean.
    A Scottish famine in the 1690s brought thousands more Scots to Ireland, followed by another wave of Scots-Irish sailing to America.
    In 1703, Queen Anne’s Test Act required all office-holders to subscribe to Anglican doctrine, and stripped other faiths of the right to worship, preach, or preform marriages.
    It is estimated that in the 1700s, a half million Irish and Scots-Irish came to America.
    Another enormous wave of immigration occurred as a result of the Great Irish Potato Famine, 1845-1849.
    Millions of Irish died in Ireland and millions immigrated, causing the Catholic population in America to increase to 20 percent.
    33 million Americans have Irish ancestry, composing about 11 percent of the U.S. population, second only to those with German ancestry, 15 percent.
    Twenty-two U.S. Presidents have some Irish ancestry.
    Communities across America have Saint Patrick’s Day Parades.
    In his Confession, Saint Patrick wrote:
    “Patrick the sinner, an unlearned man to be sure.
    None should ever say that it was my ignorance that accomplished any small thing, it was the gift of God.”
    American Minute is a registered trademark of William J. Federer. Permission is granted to forward, reprint, or duplicate, with acknowledgment.


    Schedule Bill Federer for informative interviews & captivating PowerPoint presentations: 314-502-8924 [email protected]

    Why Do Americans Eat Corned Beef On St. Patrick’s Day?


    Evie Fordham | Politics and Health Care Reporter


    Corned beef is a St. Patrick’s Day meal staple in the U.S., but how did this holiday tradition begin?

    Irish immigrants began eating the salty beef dish while celebrating their nationality on St. Patrick’s Day in the 1800s, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Beef was a luxury their ancestors in Ireland were likely unable to afford — Irish farmers exported beef to England but ate pork, which was cheaper, in their own homes.


    No, corned beef does not contain corn. The “corns” that give the dish its name are large grains of rock salt, which were used to cure the product so it would last longer. (RELATED: Here’s How America Transformed St. Patrick’s Day From A Solemn Liturgical Feast To A Day Of Beer Guzzling And Parades)

    Irish immigrants made parades and meals of corned beef and cooked cabbage new traditions to celebrate their Old World roots. More than 1 million Irish immigrants arrived in the U.S. in the 19th century and settled in cities like Boston and New York City.

    More than 35 million Americans claim Irish heritage, according to Forbes. That’s nearly 12 percent of the U.S. population.

    These Irish Americans were also responsible for transforming St. Patrick’s Day into the celebration of booze, leprechauns and all things green that it is in 2019. The holiday was popularized back in Ireland by a 17th-century Franciscan priest, who encouraged Irish Catholics to observe St. Patrick’s Day as a feast day. Irish Americans traded the hearty bacon they would eat on St. Patrick’s Day for beef in the New World.


    Follow Evie on Twitter @eviefordham.

    Send tips to [email protected].

    Thousand Oaks | Passenger Dies when Vehicle Collides with Tree

    Ventura County Sheriff Department – Incident Press Release

    On March 16, 2019, at about 11:54 pm, the Thousand Oaks Police Department and the Ventura County Fire Department responded to a single vehicle traffic collision at Erbes Rd. and Westland Ave. The driver suffered serious injuries and was transported by ambulance to a local hospital.

    The passenger suffered major injuries and was also transported by ambulance to a local hospital where she succumbed to her injuries and was pronounced deceased.

    The driver was traveling north on Erbes Rd. approaching Westland Ave. when his vehicle collided with a tree and then overturned. The identity of the passenger is pending notification of next of kin by the Ventura County Medical Examiner’s Office.

    The collision is still under investigation by the Thousand Oaks Police Traffic Bureau. Anyone

    who might have witnessed the collision is asked to contact Sr. Deputy Dan Ambarian at (805) 494-8245.

    On March 16, 2019, at about 11:54 pm, the Thousand Oaks Police Department and the Ventura County Fire Department responded to a single vehicle traffic collision at Erbes Rd. and Westland Ave. The driver suffered serious injuries and was transported by ambulance to a local hospital.

    The passenger suffered major injuries and was also transported by ambulance to a local hospital where she succumbed to her injuries and was pronounced deceased.

    The driver was traveling north on Erbes Rd. approaching Westland Ave. when his vehicle collided with a tree and then overturned. The identity of the passenger is pending notification of next of kin by the Ventura County Medical Examiner’s Office.

    The collision is still under investigation by the Thousand Oaks Police Traffic Bureau. Anyone

    who might have witnessed the collision is asked to contact Sr. Deputy Dan Ambarian at (805) 494-8245.

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    14 Year Old Skateboarder Victim of Hit and Run

    Ventura Police Department – Incident Press Release

    On March 16th at 10:16 PM, the Ventura Police Command Center received a 911 call of a hit and run injury traffic collision between a vehicle and skateboarder in the 10900 block of Darling Rd. The first arriving officers found the skateboarder, a 14-year-old male, suffering from moderate non-life threatening injuries. The juvenile was treated at the scene by Ventura City Fire personnel and then transported to VCMC by AMR ambulance for treatment of his injuries. At last report, the juvenile was in stable condition.

    The preliminary investigation revealed that the skateboarder, who was not wearing a protective helmet, was riding on his skateboard westbound in the roadway on Darling Rd., when he was struck by a vehicle that appears to have been traveling eastbound on Darling Rd. After the collision, the vehicle continued and did not stop to render aid to the skateboarder.

    At this time, there is no suspect vehicle description. There was physical evidence found at the scene, which could assist investigators.

    This is an active investigation and officers are still trying to determine exactly what occurred. There is no additional information at this time. Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact the Ventura Police Department at 339-4451.

    An anonymous tip can be made by calling Crime Stoppers at (800) 222-TIPS.

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    ‘Hands Off Venezuela’ Protesters Say They Would Trade Trump For Socialist Dictator Maduro

    Stephanie Hamill | Video Columnist


    Hundreds of protesters descended on D.C. at Lafayette Square near the White House on Saturday to show their support for Venezuela’s embattled socialist dictator Nicolas Maduro.

    The “Hands Off Venezuela” protesters are not only against any sort of intervention in Venezuela, but many actually believe Maduro is a good leader.

    So much so, some even admitted they would trade President Donald Trump for Maduro when asked by The Daily Caller.

    It’s no secret that Madruo’s regime is repressive, violent and corrupt. It’s shocking to hear that some Americans seriously support him staying in power. (RELATED: Trump Not Ruling Out Military Intervention in Venezuela)

    The group’s website accuses the Trump administration of attempting to “engineer a coup” and “create a war in Venezuela,” despite the fact that most Latin American countries are backing the opposition leader Juan Guaido.

    The “Hands Off Venezuela!” protests have been happening in cities across the country, including in New York City and Los Angeles.


    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of The Daily Caller.

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    Spring Medicinal Plant Workshop on Saturday, April 6, 2019

    There must be a reason why Ojai herbalist and native plant guide Lanny Kaufer has been inviting Professor James Adams of USC School of Pharmacy to Ojai again and again for the past seven years, filling the events each time. Could it be that Dr. Adams has a unique perspective on plant medicine that is resonating with people eager to explore natural alternatives to pain management and other troubling conditions? You can find out for yourself when Professor Adams and plant educator Enrique Villaseñor return on Saturday, April 6, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for a Spring Medicinal Plant Workshop focused on Dr. Adams’ groundbreaking pharmacological studies on natural pain management using medicinal native plants.

    The plant identification session will take place on the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy’s Ventura River Preserve where Kaufer and Dr. Adams will identify a wide variety of useful plants. The afternoon hands-on preparation session will be held at a community kitchen in Ojai. Dr. Adams will demonstrate how to prepare medicinal products from seasonal native plant material such as California Sagebrush, Sacred Datura, and Black Sage. Villaseñor will give instruction on preparing healing foods and drinks from Prickly Pear Cactus pads. Participants will go home with a jar of liniment they prepared themselves. After the workshop, they will receive a complete list of all plants that are identified and/or utilized as well as recipes, journal articles, and other info.

    The cost of the workshop is $75 which includes all materials. For more information or to register, visit, email [email protected] or call 805-646-6281. Registrants will receive an email during the week prior with all necessary information including directions, what to bring, etc.

    Professor James Adams of USC School of Pharmacy


    Dr. Adams brings to Ojai a wealth of scientific knowledge and field experience as well as a singular perspective on herbal medicine. As he tells it, “My family came to Virginia in 1635 and has always survived by using American Indian healing. On the frontier, there were no doctors. American Indian healing was better than European medicine anyway. I continue this tradition.”

    Dr. Adams is the co-author — with the late Chumash healer Cecilia Garcia — of the groundbreaking book, Healing with Medicinal Plants of the West: Cultural and Scientific Basis for Their Use. The revised 3rd edition will be available for purchase and signing at the workshop. As an Associate Professor of Pharmacology at the prestigious University of Southern California, Dr. Adams has been teaching pharmacy students, medical students, doctors and other healthcare professionals for over 25 years while researching the natural pharmaceutical compounds in native plants. He has over 200 publications.

    Running parallel with his academic career, Dr. Adams has worked with the Chumash people since 1998 and studied Chumash healing with Cecilia Garcia for almost 15 years. In addition to their book, they wrote 30 journal articles together. Jim is now the carrier of the healing knowledge passed to him by his teacher. “Humans have used plant medicines ever since humans came into existence, about 200,000 years ago,” Dr. Adams explains in his book. “That means that our ancestors experienced an intense natural selection. Those who responded to plant medicines survived and passed their genes on. We are the products of this natural selection. Our bodies are designed to respond to plant medicines.”

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    Lazer Broadcasting Presents a Fresh, Flirty, and Dynamic New Morning Show on their Flagship “RADIO LAZER” Network

    It’s a whole new morning for “Radio Lazer” listeners in 21 markets as Lazer Broadcasting debuts a heartwarming, fun, and sometimes crazy morning show, “Tus Mañanas Lazer con La Tequi y Don Hercu” Monday-Saturday from 5am-10am.

    “Tus Mañanas Lazer con La Tequi y Don Hercu” debuted on Monday, March 4th and has been an instant hit with Tequi’s energetic laugh and Don Hercu’s ever so witty jokes.

    Yolanda “La Tequi” Velázquez began as an inspired singer with the passion of contributing her time helping non-profit organizations. Fifteen years ago, she fell in love with radio and has since taken her passion for service on-air along with her sidekick, “Don Hercu.” Elias Conde who is the voice of Don Hercu began his on-air career in 1987 in the Bay Area of San Francisco, California.

    La Tequi and Don Hercu have entertained radio listeners for a combined 40 years and have been a team for the past 6 years. Before their transition to the morning show, they could be heard middays on Radio Lazer’s Sacramento station KGRB 94.3 FM. The transition from midday to the morning show has been a dream come true for the dynamic duo. “Now that we are Tus Mañanas Lazer, our greatest desire is to entertain, inform, and create awareness”, states La Tequi and Don Hercu.

    Jesus Garcia, Lazer Broadcasting’s Corporate Director of Programming acknowledges the work of Sacramento General Manager, Gerardo Martinez in assisting with this transition from the local midday program to the network morning show, “The refreshing content and spontaneous energy that Tequi & Don Hercu bring into the studio every morning is a heartfelt gift for our listeners. Their passion is best experienced by hearing Tequi belt out her infamous Grito Mexicano. We’re fortunate at Lazer Broadcasting to have such a wealth of genuine talent and a management philosophy that supports the growth of our people.” 

    About Lazer Broadcasting Corporation:

    Lazer Broadcasting Corporation owns and operates 42 radio stations across 17 markets in California and 1 in Nevada, with its top-rated “Radio Lazer” (Regional Mexican) and “La Mejor” (Spanish Adult Hits) networks, “La Mexicana” (Traditional) and “Latino” (Adult Pop Hits). Lazer Broadcasting is one of the largest privately-held, minority-owned radio groups in the country.


    For further information:

    [email protected]


    Radio Lazer Broadcasting

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    U.S. Attorney’s Office Brings Federal Charges


    By Michele Hanisee

    In the past election cycle, we commented on candidates running for district attorney whose campaign promises involved ignoring criminal statutes they disagreed with and minimizing punishment of those who violate the law.   Fortunately, in California, those efforts were soundly rejected by voters

    Not so in Philadelphia. In 2018, a defense attorney was elected District Attorney promising to protect criminals at the expense of victims.  Not surprisingly, that has led to results like a recent case where a gunman who shot and nearly killed a store owner, Mike Poeng, was given a plea bargain of 3 ½-10 years of imprisonment.  To add insult to injury, the Philadelphia district attorneys office illegally failed to notify the victim of the plea deal.

    The US Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania has stepped in to seek justice, filing federal charges against the defendant.  The US Attorney did not stop there.  Instead, in a stinging four-page statement delivered at a news conference, the US Attorney said, “The District Attorney calls himself ‘a public defender with power.’  That is not his job.  He’s not supposed to be a public defender, advocating for defendants.  He’s supposed to be a prosecutor, advocating for victims and protecting the community.  I can assure you this:  the prosecutors of my Office, working with our federal and state law enforcement partners, as well as with the Philadelphia police, will do everything in our power to keep the City safe.”

    The transcript of the US Attorney’s remarks speaks for itself, read it for yourself here.


    Michele Hanisee is President of the Association of Deputy District Attorneys, the collective bargaining agent representing nearly 1,000 Deputy District Attorneys who work for the County of Los Angeles. To contact a Board member, click here.


    If you have friends who would like to receive future ADDA blogs or our popular Monday Morning Memo, please click here.

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    Ventura Fire Fighters Stamp Out Garage Blaze

    On March 16th at 3:09 PM Ventura City Fire Department responded to a report of smoke and fire inside a residence on the east end of Ventura on Poinsettia Gardens Drive. 

    Upon arrival firefighters discovered fire burning in an attached garage and extending into void spaces in the wall and ceiling of the residence.  After removing portions of interior walls and roof, firefighters were able to extinguish the blaze.  The fire was determined to be completely out approximately 30 minutes after fire crews arrived.  Two adults were displaced form the home as a result of the fire. The cause of the fire remains under investigation. 

    No injuries were reported.

    Garage Fire, Photo Credit, Ventura City Fire

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    Chelsea Manning: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished Again



    by Thomas L.  Knapp

    One of the 21st century’s greatest heroines is behind bars again, held in contempt by federal judge Claude M. Hilton for refusing to help prosecutors trump up charges against the journalists who published information she paid dearly for giving them.

    Chelsea Manning spent more than six years in prison —  854 days of it in pretrial confinement, violating the military’s “speedy trial” maximum of 120 days — for the fake “crime” of showing the American people evidence of actual crimes committed in our name by the US government.

    President Barack Obama commuted her sentence three days before he left the White House. That, however, turned out not to be the end of her mistreatment at official hands.

    Manning, who testified about  her interactions with WikiLeaks during her illegal 2013 court-martial, refuses to do so again before a grand jury targeting WikiLeaks and its founder/leader, Julian Assange, for their work in bringing hidden truth to light. Under Hilton’s order, she may be held for up to 18 months, or until the grand jury’s term ends, or until she gives in. Her history says she won’t do that.

    Grand juries usually function in harness to the wishes of prosecutors. A defense lawyer famously told the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle in 1979 that “the district attorney could get the grand jury to indict a ham sandwich if he wanted to.”

    But in actuality, grand juries enjoy sweeping powers to look beyond what prosecutors show them. Should that ham sandwich — or that prosecutor — happen to attract their negative notice, they can indict the sandwich, or the prosecutor, whether the prosecutor likes it or not.

    Federal prosecutors and judges are weaponizing the grand jury system to attack freedom of the press and freedom of information in support of a fortunately dying ethic of government secrecy. This particular grand jury should punish that behavior instead of rewarding it.

    The grand jury should indict federal prosecutors Tracy Doherty-McCormick (who represented the government at the contempt hearing) and Gordon D. Kromberg (who requested the Manning subpoena) as well as their bosses for, among other crimes, conspiracy against rights (US Code 18, Section 241) and deprivation of rights under color of law (US Code 19, Section 242).

    In the meantime, those who value truth, justice, and the American way owe Chelsea Manning a massive debt. One way to partially repay that debt is to contribute to her legal fund at I hope you’ll join me in doing so.


    Thomas L. Knapp (Twitter: @thomaslknapp) is director and senior news analyst at the William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism ( He lives and works in north central Florida.


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